Sir, Could You Get Off of Me (edited)

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I was mentally flipping my lid as I made my way to his classroom. For some reason, he made me nervous. Mel was still mad at me from the little scene this morning. She had been sending me death glares all day muttering profanities left and right at me. I told her it was her fault for laughing at me.

After the scene before school had started, I had avoided any opportunity with Mr. Young the rest of the day, successfully I might add. Mel had agreed to move from the front row so we sat in the back row. I had my eyes cast to my desk tracing a design in the wood. For some reason, I felt his stare as he walked into the room as goosebumps rose on my arms and neck. I heard his musical voice say, "Okay class, are you ready for the seating chart?"

There were several groans throughout the room and one of the slutty girls ask in an attempted flirty voice, "Mrrr. Youngggg. Come on, you know that's not funnnn. You look like a fun guy."

A snort escaped my lips before I knew it. All eyes turned to me. 'Oh poop' I thought as I met Mr. Young's powerful gaze. He stood at the front of the room standing at the desk directly in front of his desk. He was wearing a giant smirk, "Why Miss Stone, do you find the idea of me being a fun teacher funny? Well, you can move up here so I can show you how fun this class. Everyone else can stay where they are seated at the moment."

I looked at him outraged and replied, "That's not fair. Why do I have to move?"

He replied raising an eyebrow, "Because I said so."

I made a huffing noise as I made my way to the front putting my stuff down with a little bit too much zest. I gave him a pointed look before looking at my new desk wood's design. The rest of the class went by quickly. He handed out outlines for the year and explained the main stuff we were going to do. It didn't sound like it was going to be awful hard.

The rest of the week mirrored this similar pattern. I struggled through the day to make it to literature, only to struggle in class because of my growing feelings for my TEACHER. I know it is crazy, but his sarcastic remarks, adorable expressions, and passion for literature were driving me crazy. I didn't know how I would survive this school year with this weighing pressure to be near him increasing daily.

Helping him after class didn't help my current situation. He seems to have an excuse to brush my hand or touch the small of my back as he passes by me. Innocent touches that were lighting a fire deep inside me. It was starting to burn me entirely. I don't know what was happening, but I sure know I needed to find a way to stop it.

Mr. Young's Point of View

Oh, that attitude of hers does something to me. It was hard to focus on anything besides the way Rose was only half paying attention to what I was saying and instead of tracing the wood on her desk endlessly distracted every day. It was like she needed to distract herself from me. I knew the feeling. It is always a tough situation when you find a human mate. A werewolf mate understands the connection and things happen almost instantaneously. With humans, there's a lot of confusion and a need to ease into things. It doesn't help that she is underage and my student.

It was Friday finally and I wanted to be near her, no I needed to be near her. My wolf was screaming by the time the class was over. It took all of my will power and then some to not touch her. I was having a wonderful week ever since I heard my mate, MY MATE say I was drop-dead gorgeous on Tuesday. I all but growled in frustration as these two girls came to ask me questions when everyone but Rose was gone. I answered in a brute sort of manner trying to get rid of them because they were getting on my last nerve.

As soon as they were gone, I closed the door and noticed Rose quietly sorting through books in the back of the classroom. She was lost to the world as she read the back of a book while slowly chewing on her bottom lip. That did me in, I had to touch her somehow. I was starting to feel physical pain from not being with her. I couldn't stop myself as I advanced on her. She looked at me startled and retreated. 'Too bad for her' I thought as her back hit the wall. I pressed my body slowly against her as I placed my hands on her hips and a gasp escaped her beautiful lips. I needed to stop, I knew full well, but the pull was too strong. I needed this and so did she by the looks of it. I couldn't go any further, this was wrong; she isn't ready to know yet. I took a deep inhale of her hair as her wonderful scent eased my pain of separation. I grabbed a piece of her hair and slowly twirled it in my fingers needing to savor every second of this interaction. I let myself relax into her as I finally felt whole since the first time I saw her. She slowly leaned into me, resting her head against my chest as the pull of the mate bond drew her in closer. I let out a hum of happiness from the perfect opportunity.

The moment the hum left my lips, I felt her body stiffen against my body. I knew she had come to her senses so the next words that left her lips did not surprise me, "Sir, could you get off of me?"

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