Chapter 1: Old days have big affects for everyone

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Yuki's POV

Everyday is so boring, teachers talk about stupid things, Girls try to get all the guys while dressing up in extremely short skirts. 'Revenge.. Revenge... Revenge..' Is all I thought about when I was in the middle of lunch when suddenly a girl appeared in front of my desk with blonde hair, green eyes and the slight blue/purple summer uniform, I look up at her 'Revenge.. Revenge... Kill..' Is what went through my head as she began to talk to me "Hello my name is Hana Nozumi, your Yuroni Yuki right? Mind if I ask you a question but first let's go somewhere private.." she says the last part quietly and I stare at her with my regular blank stare and she tries pulls my right arm but then she realizes something.. I don't have a right arm, not anymore at least, she looks at me with a slight worried expression as she reaches for my other arm and pulls me along with her. As she did I whimpered when her grip tighten around one of my stitches and, even though it was a long time ago, it still hurt from her grip on me.

-little time skip, now on rooftop-

We got to the top of the stairs and when the doors open I realized we were on the rooftop and as I ran to over the fence around the perimeter of the roof of the school I could hear Hana walk around "So my question was, what happened to your eye?" She says behind me and suddenly I feel her grip on me again. "Are you every going to talk, smart one? Come on, cat got your tongue?! F☆cking talk!" She screams into my ear and I flinch as I turn my head around and she has one arm around me and the other climbing my cheek to my eye patch and I scream "Stop it!"
I step on her foot causing her to scream in pain and lose her grip around me and fall back, allowing me to break free. "Oww! You didn't have to do that! You talked finally, though.. So that doesn't mean you death cause you can hear me, right?" She was looking at me when she said this and I give her a hard stare that made her turn her head away from view "Can you hear me? I just want to know what happened to.. you-" she stops halfway and I stare at her, confused, until then I felt a warm liquid drip down my arm and cheek. "Yuki!! Your bleeding!" She says loudly yet kindly as I look at my arm..'D@mmit.. stitches got pulled out, again' the blood drips straight down my arm and I put my hand up to my cheek to feel my slight warm flesh to be covered in a sticky, slightly black and red liquid stain on my fingers "Nien... nien, nein nein! Wann kann es jemals aufhören, warum muss es sein .. mein Auge?" I say in German and Hana looks at me like I was an alien " Bringen Sie mich in die Krankenstation.." she looks at me again and I shout at her "TAKE ME TO THE INFIRMARY!"

(A/N how is it so far? Here are the translations for everyone * No no no no! When can it ever stop, why must it be .. my eye?*
And the other one is **Take me to infirmary**)

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