Chapter 2: More blood

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We rush to the infirmary and I almost tripped on the stairs while we ran down them, holding my eye patch over my now massively bloody cheek and eye. When we arrived at the infirmary Hana shouts "Hello! We need help!" And a short blue haired girl with glassed pops out from one of the covers and Hana let's go of my arm. The girl runs over to me with a shocked expression "Was ist passiert?!" She says to me and I answer back "mein Auge, seine Blutungen und meine Stiche kam.." the girl then pulls me over to a chair and tells me to see as she begins to scramble for a bandage wrap to cover my eye and stitches "Here they are!" She says after awhile and then she comes back to me. My hand was still over my eye patch but it was being drenched in my blood "Move your hand.." she says with a slight German accent and I do as she tells me to 'I-I feel dizzy.. it's just like that.....time' my vision started to blur and it was all black..

Hana's POV

Yuki closed her eyes and lost her balance, I was in front of her so I caught her when she started to fall over. "Please keep her still for a moment.. now put her on the bed please" the blue haired girl said to me and I lifted up Yuki bridal style to the bed and I could feel something slightly wet fall on my skin. I look at my arm to see drool and blood "Eww" I whisper to myself as I wipe it off and the girl comes over to me "You have to leave, don't worry I'll make sure she's alright. My name is Mal Abendroth, you can just call me Mrs. Mal if you like." She says to me and then smiles and 'I feel like I should leave now' I thought as I walk out the door and back to class, thinking about Yuki..

(A/N translation * Was ist passiert- what happened
** mein Auge, seine Blutungen und meine Stiche kam..- my eye, and my stitches came out..)

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