A Place to Call Our Own

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Chris parked his Jeep in the front of their new home and Sergio, who was in the front seat since Leon wasn't with them, looked in awe. Claudio also looked amazed and Domi since he's a toddler wasn't all that amused.

"Who's house is this Daddy?" Claudio asked.

Chris smiled, turning off the engine. "What if I told you guys this is our home?"

"It's our home??" Sergio said excitedly. "I think Mommy would be happy!" He said.

Chris chuckled. "Well good because I want Mommy to be happy and I want you boys to be happy too." The alpha smiled. "Wanna go see the house?"

"Yes!" They both said excitedly. Sergio and Claudio jumped out of the Jeep and ran towards the door and Chris got Domi out of his car seat. Chris heard Sergio yell.

"Hurry Daddy!! Come unlock the door!!"

Chris laughed, slipping the keys from his pockets. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Chris maneuvered Domi to one side of his body and he stuck the key in the hole, unlocking the door and he opened it. Once he did the kids bolted past him into the foyer. Sergio and Claudio gasped, walking past the front door they were greeted by a grand staircase, with black railings, white stairs, a crystal chandelier, and there was a balcony where you could look over and see the foyer.

"Waah so cool!" Sergio ran off to the double glass doors and opened them and he saw a huge back yard and was that a tree house? Sergio giggled running over and he climbed the tree house ladder. "Daddy!! We have a tree house!"

Chris smiled. "We do baby." The alpha put Domi down to let his toddler explore. "And you have a playground too." Chris pointed. Claudio had just made it by Chris. And he slowly limped over with his cane. When Claudio was smaller a tragic accident happened that left him with his leg injured. He needed a cane. It helped release some pressure off his leg and walk a bit better with his limp. Claudio looked a bit sad. He couldn't really do what most kids his age could because of it. Chris could tell what he was thinking and he kneeled down. "Hey Dio... look at me."

Claudio looked at his Dad and he felt as his Dad's big hand pushed some loose strands of his hair back. "You can also play on these things. Don't let this.." Chris tapped the cane. "Limit you. You're just as capable as anyone else. Just take your time yeah? Don't rush it and be careful, okay?"

Claudio nodded. "Okay Daddy.." The little one hugged Chris tightly and kissed his father's cheek.

"Thank you Daddy, you're the best ever."

It was moments like this that melted Chris's heart. If you told him a few years ago he'd have a beautiful mate by his side and three of the most precious and kindest kids you'd ever met... well he would have called you a fucking liar.

The alpha kissed his forehead and he saw him go play. He let the kids play for 30 minutes or so before calling to them.

"Hey kids wanna see the rest of the house? There is so much more to explore."

They nodded and all came in, Claudio bee lined for the kitchen and he was amazed upon seeing it. Marble counters, black cabinets, a huge pantry, 2 ovens, a dishwasher, an island with black bar stools, a wood table, and Claudio opened another door revealing a wine cellar and there was a huge window in front of the kitchen sink were Leon could look out and see the kids play. While Claudio explored the kitchen, Sergio carried little Domi up the stairs with him and Sergio saw a study filled with books. Chris had gotten it because Sergio was their little bookworm, he loved to read. Domi walked past that room completely uninterested but the toddler soon came across a toy room. And Sergio heard Domi squeal and he ran to check on him. Domi had a stuffed animal lion with overalls in his hand. "Ookie!" Domi said excitedly, holding the stuffed animal. "Ion!" He said bouncing up and down happily. Sergio laughed. "It is a lion."

Sergio looked up and Chris heard him shout. "No way a PS5!!!"

Chris laughed and he chuckled. He sent the text before going to head up the stairs himself. Claudio looked at the stairs and Chris ushered him to the right.

"I have a different way up for you. Something way easier." Chris took Claudio to two silver double doors. Claudio teared up a bit.

"Y..You got me an elevator?"

Chris nodded. "I know how hard it was for you getting up the stairs at our old place and how tired you always felt so I figured this was better." Chris pushed the button for him and Claudio smiled so happily as they rode up together.


Leon looked at the text. It was an address and it said it was 15 minutes from Leon's work. Leon put the address into his maps and started driving, with traffic it unfortunately took him a little longer but he pulled up to what looked to be a fucking mansion and it had gates. Chris got the ding on his phone, someone was near the gate and he let Leon in. Leon was shocked when the gates just opened on their own. "Okay... nice." Leon said as he drove in, he saw Chris's jeep in the driveway. Leon parked and turned his car off stepping out and he walked to the front door and knocked gently. Leon didn't receive a response so tried the door knob. Leon opened the door and his eyes widened as he walked inside. "Chris?!" Leon yelled.

Leon saw as his eldest was at the staircase in a heartbeat. "Mommy!!!"

Sergio ran down the stairs and into Leon's arms.

"Mommy!! We have a study! And a game room! And a HUGE back yard and-!

Leon kneeled down and he gently rubbed his chest. "Woah, woah slow down. Take a breath my love. What are you talking about?"

"This is our house!! Daddy got it for us!" Sergio told his mother excitedly. Leon blinked. "W-what?"

Chris was bringing Claudio and Domi down and he smiled at Leon. "Surprise?"

"...is this.. Is this really our..?"

"It's our house. Exactly as you wanted it."

Leon remembers there was one night Chris asked him if he could have his house any way he wanted down to the floor boards what would he pick.

"That's why you asked me... oh Chris... this is..." Leon was at a loss for words. "This is beautiful... I... how did you... how are we... gonna afford this? It's amazing but it has to cost a fortune."

Chris shook his head and he came over kissing Leon.

"Don't worry about that. It's not for you to worry about. I've got it handled. You deserve this. You do so much for me and for the kids." Chris brushed some of Leon's loose strands of hair back. "You love us so unconditionally, you're an amazing mother, and always put our needs before yours. And you've been making it happen all in a 2 bedroom apartment. Never complaining. But baby I wanna give you everything, the world, and I want to start with this."

Leon teared up at his sweet words and he got up on his tippy toes giving Chris a kiss and when he pulled back he looked into Chris's eyes gasping. God did he love this man. "I love you."

Chris smiled. "I love you too baby." Leon was stunned as Chris suddenly lifted him up into his arms bridal style and the omega laughed.

"Hey kids, why don't we show Mommy the house hm?"

"Yeah!!" The kids yelled in unison.

Leon nuzzled into Chris's neck purring a bit and it made his chest swell knowing he made his omega so happy. Yeah... this was the start of something new. A beginning they were more than ready for.

To Be Continued...

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