Who are you?

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It was quiet in the Redfield house for once, nothing was stirring. It was 6 am to be exact, and the kids were all dead asleep. Even little Domi who always was awake and ready for Leon to come get him at 5 am. Chris woke up looking over at the clock and he hummed. He looked over seeing his omega asleep with his arms crossed over one another and the pillow folded above them. Leon had his head rested on the pillow and Chris looked down his neck and spin dipping under the covers deliciously. Only the white sheets covering Leon's ass. Chris always rejoiced when he woke up first, because Leon liked to sleep naked. He is someone who gets very hot all the time, especially during sleep. So Leon always slipped off everything, even his boxers. Chris damn sure didn't complain. Chris had an idea come to mind. Him and his little omega had to sneak in sex, because now with three children? Well it was hard to get the deed done sometimes or even finish but right now... being this early and no signs of the kids waking up anytime soon. Oh the alpha had time. Chris moved slowly so as to not wake Leon just yet and he straddled over the little omega, and ran a finger down Leon's bare spine. Chris kissed softly the prominent mating mark on Leon's neck and as he did he gently pulled the blanket away displaying Leon's perfect ass. Chris always told him it looked like a perfect peach which always flustered the omega. Chris kissed down Leon's back and he was kissing and slightly sucking on the way down. Once he reached Leon's ass Chris bit one of his but cheeks and he sucked leaving a cute little hickey there. Chris had both his hands on Leon's ass and god was he gonna lose it. Chris leaned down kissing the other cheek before he spread Leon open and he licked the rim before sticking his tongue inside Leon.

"Mn.." Leon made a noise but he didn't wake up. Not yet anyways. Chris started working his tongue in like no other, swirling it and diving as deep as he could, making sure not to miss giving any pleasure to the omega. Chris felt as Leon's hips trembled and he grabbed them pulling Leon deeper onto his tongue.

"Ah... hnn...!" Leon was feeling weird, but couldn't understand why. He was half asleep and he truly felt like he was dreaming; but he quickly realized he was wrong. Chris felt Leon turning to the side and Chris helped him roll over, but his eyes were not open but Leon's face was flushed and he was panting a bit. Chris leaned up, sticking his fingers in his mouth and he sucked them, lathering them up well. Since he already used his tongue to loosen Leon up a bit he started with two fingers and he shoved them in deep. Leon's legs tightened around Chris a little and Chris started pumping his fingers in and out while Leon was being driven crazy. "Ngh... ha... mmph..." Leon moaned pitfully as the fingers worked him open and when Chris added a third finger, Leon tossed his head back and whined and his eyes shot open.

The omega looked down and was panting. "C-Chris?! What are you-"

"O-oh... oh fuck..." Leon arched his back and Chris leaned down kissing lips deeply and Leon bit Chris's lip when he hit dead into his sweet spot and he let out a howl. "S... shit... Chris..."

Chris hummed and he licked the blood and kissed Leon's neck sucking and biting, leaving hickeys all over. Chris slyly slid out his fingers, and his cock was aching to be in Leon's warm and inviting heat and the slick he was producing was driving the alpha crazy. Leon felt as he was pulled down the bed and he felt Chris's cock nudging his hole and the alpha brushed his thumb against Leon's bottom lip leaving it here. Chris and Leon locked eyes and Chris leaned down whispering close to Leon. "Oh little dove... you drive me crazy. I'm going to fuck you until you can't even walk straight~"

Leon felt that go straight to his cock and suddenly the omega felt the alpha bury himself in him to the hilt.

"Oh god... Chris... w..wai-" Leon whined as Chris started with a brutal pace fucking the little omega deep and ripping whines and moans from him. Leon tightened around him when Chris hit his prostate again.

"Such a greedy little slut..." Chris smirked as he fucked him harder. "Look at how well you're taking my cock little dove." Chris said with his huge hand pressed against Leon's neck.

"I- I'm not... ahn...!"

"No?" Chris said grunting and he grabbed Leon by the hips lifting him up with brute force and Leon screamed and tossed his head back as the new position allowed Chris's cock to reach Leon's womb. "Your body seems to be more truthful. C'mon move your hips baby." Leon moaned in his ear and he panted. "Such a good little cock warmer~" Chris praised.

"C...Christopher... p... please... d.. Don't stop..."

Chris could feel the slick from Leon's hole dripping onto his leg. He knew just by that alone, that Leon was getting close. Leon was bouncing up and down Chris cock hitting his prostate deliciously and when he leaned back a bit alpha wrapped his lips around one of Leon's nipples sucking hard. Leon's body tightened up and he felt his body trembled and his vision was whiting as he was so close. Leon clung to Chris and he whined. "Chris...! Fuck... Chris... I'm so close...! I-"

Chris shushed his omega sweetly kissing him deeply and Leon was losing it. "I know..." He whispered. "...cum for me little dove."

Fuck was that all Leon needed, the omega cried out loudly as he came and splurts of cum got on him and Chris. Chris thrusted deep a few more times before coming deep in Leon's womb and his knot swelling in the omega. Not daring to come out.

Chris and Leon were both panting and he kissed Leon again, tangling his fingers in the omega's hair. "You did so good, baby."

The omega chuckled. "Me? What about you? That-"

"Was it amazing?"

"Hell yeah, why don't you wake me up like that more often??" Leon complained.

"Well because usually we-"

Domi was heard through the baby monitor hollering.

"Well because of that." He laughed.


Leon picked up the baby monitor and he pressed the small button talking into it. "Dominique, shush shush... calm down. Mommy is coming okay? I'll be right there, little one."

Chris's knot went down after 5 minutes and Leon slid off just throwing on a robe. "Mm... Mommy duty calls but.." The omega kissed his alpha deeply. "Thanks for the breakfast~" He winked before walking out the room to get Domi. When Domi saw Leon he perked up and screamed happily. "MAMAAAA!!!!!"

Leon laughed and picked him up. "My my you're so happy this morning. That's rare." Leon said, laying Domi on his changing station and changing his diaper. He also took the chance while Domi was calm to put him on a long sleeve white shirt, blue jean overalls, and white socks. Domi was playing with the package of baby wipes as Leon did his hair, Domi had curly long hair that touched his shoulders and the fact he was letting Leon brush it out was a miracle within itself honestly. Leon pulled it back into a ponytail. Once Leon was done he put Domi down who ran off to look for Chris.

"Sergio! Claudio!" Leon yelled. "C'mon! Time to get up!"

Leon ran to wake them both up. "Up, up. Go brush your teeth and come back and get ready for school."

Leon rushed to the bathroom to shower real quick, and Chris was making breakfast down stairs. Simple meal; eggs, bacon, one waffle, and some fruits. While he did that, Dominique giggled as he pulled the shower curtain to the side a little and Leon slashed him with a little water playfully. "Peek-a-boo." Leon said.

Domi closed the curtain back and did it again. "Peek-a-boo~"

Leon repeated. They did it a few more times before Domi got bored and Leon was wrapped up with his shower anyway.

Sergio was in the mirror doing his tie just like Chris had taught him, Sergio saw his little brother through his mirror.

"What's wrong?" He asked Claudio and he looked down laughing.

"It's not funny!" Claudio pouted.

"How did you do that?" Sergio said walking over unknotting the tie, and doing it correctly. He also helped Claudio tuck his shirt properly.

"There." He smiled. "Looks better now."

"Thanks Se." Claudio said softly.

"Sergio! Claudio! Breakfast!" Chris yelled up the stairs.


Everyone scarfed down their food and they rushed out the house. Leon and Chris kissed. Leon was dropping off Claudio and Sergio at school before work and Dominique was going with Chris since he was on paperwork all day.

"Love you, see you later!" Leon yelled before leaving off first.

Chris waved goodbye and got in the Jeep heading to work.


Domi yelled at him.


"We work?" The little one questioned.

Chris laughed. "More like Daddy gets tortured with work and you will be loved on by Auntie Jill."

When Chris arrived Jill met him in the garage and once parked. Jill literally did not care about Chris. "Where is my baby? You better have brought him!" She complained.

Chris got out, opening the driver seat back door. "He's here, don't worry."

"Jiji!" Domi beamed as he saw her and Jill unstrapped him and she squealed, picking Dominique up and smothering him with kisses. Domi automatically as he always did laid on Jill's breast and sucked on his pacifier content as can be.


Leon got the boys dropped off at school. He kissed them both good bye and waved smiling. Leon headed to work, he and Chris worked diligently. Leon looked at the clock and it was 2:30 pm. He still had a little bit of time before having to go pick up the boys. For the last 30 minutes the teachers let the students play outside. Sergio was playing with his brother and he threw the red ball a little too far.

"Stay there! I'll get it."

Sergio ran over to the ball but before he could grab it someone picked it up for him. He looked up at the woman.

"You should be more careful, this could have rolled into the street." She warned and she kneeled down. The woman tucked away some loose hair strands of Sergio's. "Cute kid. You look just like him, you know."

Sergio looked at her confused. "My Mommy says I shouldn't talk to strangers.."

She laughed. "Sounds like something your mother would say. He's right. Don't." She patted his head before giving him the ball and the woman started to walk away before Sergio stopped her speaking up.

"You know my Mom?"

She smiled at him. "Let's just say I'm a long time friend. Goodbye, Sergio. See you around."

And with that she was gone.


She hummed as she walked across the building to the man. The male was puffing on a cigarette in much better shape than what he was a few years ago again.

"You're back quick senorita, did you get your answers?"

She hummed. "Mm.. some of them. The little one seems pretty normal to me. I don't understand his interest. But maybe he knows something I don't."

"Maybe." He stood up. "You're not going to hurt that child are you Ada?"

Ada looked dead into his eyes. "No Luis, I may do things most don't understand. But children, I wouldn't dare to hurt them. Especially not his. But others would."

To Be Continued...

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