4 - Careful

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"Mr.Na, we have radio status on K.K.S Sights." A man yells and Jeno instantly jolts up from his sleep. He slowly then hears the sound of several feet rushing around and yelling at each-other. Jeno is confused and slowly sits up, and realizes he is in the room he woke up in yesterday. He then slowly remembers what happened yesterday and his cheeks and ears turned red from embarrassment.

He quickly shakes his head to get rid of all the bad thoughts and gets out of bed. He slowly walked towards the bedroom door and opens it, and all he sees is men and woman running around with cables around their ears, and them talking into it. He sees men's faces of destress and he is confused. He keep hearing the words "K.K.S Sights", he wonders what it means.

He quickly gets the chance and bolts out and into the crowd of rushing people, it was all suffocating him. He quickly walked to where they were going, and couldn't see hardly anything as he was shorter than them. He was being pushed around here and there, but he didn't mind as he's always been pushed around. Then he finds a familiar face, and instantly recognizes it as Jaemins. He quickly tries to get there but then he sees that he's on a call, and holding a gun. Gun. Jeno sees the metal weapon in his hand, and he had his finger on the trigger even though it was aiming downward. It sent shivers up Jenos spine.

Jeno then lost sight of him as he was pushed towards a hallway, which was even more crowded. He then saw a door, wide open and pushed his way to it. He was then aggressively pushed in by the crowd and he landed on the ground, and he quickly got up and shut the door, blocking out the other people. He then caught his breath and turned on the lights, and turned around.

He gasped.

There was so many weapons. From swords to deadly guns, and there was even medicines to kill people with and deadly gas or poisons.

Jeno then saw suits, black suits that looked like spy gear or some sort. He touched it and it was like touching hardcore rubber. He then looked at a gun and picked it up. He didn't know if it was loaded or not, but it sure was pretty heavy. He put it down as he then heard voices. Voices talking.

He slowly entered another room attacked to the one he was in, and his mouth went wide open as he saw all of the surveillance cameras.

Jeno realized nobody was here, the chairs were empty and it was not being watched. He shrugged and decided he would. He then sat in a chair and watched the surveillance footage. He saw the hallway he was in and the room to his bedroom door. He then saw another room, that was full of people yelling at each-other and talking. He then looked for Jaemin but couldn't find him, he saw him just 5 minutes ago, where did he go?

Jeno then heard a gun fire, and jumped at the sudden sound. It was so close to him.

As if it was in the other room he was just in.

He heard people screaming, and then their screaming being muffled as if a door has been closed.

It was the door he entered from.

He quickly but quietly crouched under the tables of the surveillance cameras and put his hand over his mouth. He had a bad feeling. He felt like he was gonna be sick.

Then his whole body froze when he saw footsteps enter the room he was in. It was large men. And they were carrying guns. Weapons.

Jeno panicked. What was he going to do if he got caught? What would he do? He can't die, not yet, he's to young. His time had been to short. He pleaded in silence.

"Look at them, running, not even knowing we're here. What a bunch of idiots." One of them said.

"We should just kill em now, and Na with them." The other said.

Na? Jaemin? He's gonna kill Jaemin? He can't, he can't kill Jaemin. He can't kill the one that made him feel this way, he couldn't kill the one that saved him. He can't.

Jeno had the urge to do something right then and there. He slowly looked around, not making a sound, and saw a cord. A cord that was labeled 'power off'. If he could turn off the power, maybe he could escape, and tell Jaemin that they were here and planning to kill everyone.

As silently as he could, he crawled his way over and reached for the cable. He then grabbed hold of it and pulled as hard he could, and with one pull he unplugged it and all the lights suddenly went out.

"What happened?!" One yelled.

"I think they found us!" The other yelled back.

Jeno quickly ran out from under the table and to the door, but he couldn't see. He couldn't see.

"I heard someone! Get em!" One yelled and Jeno panicked. He panicked as he ran and put his hands out to guide him.

But he wasn't quick.

Because then the lights turned back on and he was standing infront of a large man. Carrying a gun. He had swift black hair that lay in a perfect place, and a clown mask on.

Then the man raised an eyebrow as he saw Jeno.

"A kid?" He said unamused.

Jeno gulped and was frozen in his spot.

Then the man started laughing out loud and the other 2 did too.

Jeno was taken back but just stayed where he was. He was so scared.

"Look at him! It's a kid! Hah! He looks like he just seen a person die or somethin'!" He howled.

Then he felt a hand grab onto his shoulder and make him face another one with blonde hair and a different mask on.

"He does!" He howled and laughed as he pushed Jeno back, and he landed on his bum.

"Awh~ is little boy scared of clowns~" one cooed as he came closer and held the gun up to Jenos chin. Jeno was shaking by now. No, he wasn't scared of clowns, he was scared of weapons. He was scared of dying. Being hit.

"Tell me kid, what's a boy like you doin in a building that belongs to a Mafia huh?" He asked.

Jeno couldn't get a single word out and didn't even try. All he knew is that he didn't wanna die.

"Kids frozen to death. We should just kill him now before he screams." One said and held the gun up. Jeno closed his eyes and waited in fear as he felt the cold metal hit his temple. He pleaded, and pleaded.

Then the lights went out again.

"What the hell was that?" One yelled and Jeno didn't know what came over him as he ran out of the room, but then he heard a gun go off, and he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as he did. But he kept running. He kept running down the hall, he heard screaming, and yelling. His ears were all muffled it seemed like. His shoulder felt numb but on fire, and his mind felt dizzy.

All he knew is that he had to find Jaemin.

It was his luck because right when he turned the corner he bumped into a broad chest and almost fell, but was caught by a firm grip on his back, and looked up to see Jaemins worried face.

"Jeno where-" Then Jaemins face turned to panic as he looked at Jenos shoulder.

Jeno had been shot.

Blood was coming out from his shoulder and Jeno felt so lightweight that his legs gave out and he fell, but the strong grip held him up.

"Jeno it's gonna be okay- just stay awake- stay with me baby." Jaemin said over and over but Jeno couldn't hear a single word. All he heard was yelling and all he felt is his shoulder on fire, and he felt his eyes get heavy. Jaemin must've noticed because he kept shaking Jeno.

Jeno was now being held bridal style and Jaemin was running with him in his arms. He heard more gun shots. So many yells and screams he wanted to do something. But he was so tired. He felt so tired.

"Jeno- Jeno baby look at me." He heard a voice say and he urged his eyes open as he recognized that voice. He opened his eyes to see Jaemins worried face watching him, his eyes moving all over Jeno and Jeno noticed that they were in an ambulance.

When did he get here?

"It's gonna be okay, okay?" Jaemin kept repeating and Jeno wished he could believe it.

But he felt so lightheaded. So tired. His eyes wanted to give out and he felt his shoulder being wrapped with something and then he felt a sharp pain and closed his eyes in pain, he felt soft hands touching his face and caressing his hands. He knew it was Jaemin, his soft touch.

Jeno then let the sleepiness take over, as he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He heard voices distancing, and then he heard nothing at all.





Jeno slowly wakes up to the sound of beeping beside him. His head was pounding and his eyes opened just the slightest to see bright lights.

"He's awake!" He heard a lady yell, but he felt too stiff to even move his head.

Then he heard the scurrying of footsteps coming to his bed.



He recognized that voice right away. He then saw Jaemins face come into vision, and he wanted to smile, as Jaemin looked like a mess. His hair was crazy from being pulled at probably, and his face had emotion mixed all over it.

"Thank god your okay.." Jaemin exhaled in relief and threw his head back and closed his eyes.

Then he looked back at Jeno and held his small hand as he looked at him lovingly.

"What happened?..." Jeno whispered.

"You got shot, in the shoulder. Then you passed out on the way to the hospital." Jaemin said while kissing the back of Jenos hand.

Jeno could only make a "hm" noise back as he felt tired again.


"Hm?" Jeno then looked at Jaemin and he looked stricken.

"Who shot you?" Jaemins voice went 10x deeper and Jeno was a bit tooken back.

"W-well, there were these three guys that were wearing c-clown mask-"

"Dammit!" Jeno then jolted at Jaemins outlast, and sinked back into his bed.

"We have to get out of here." Jaemin said and quickly called someone. Jeno was confused. Jeno was really confused. Who were the people in the clown mask and did Jaemin know them?

"Okay, see you outside." Jaemin ended the call and instantly packed up Jenos old clothes.

"Come on." Jaemin said and carefully picked Jeno up off the hospital bed. Jeno quickly wrapped his hands around Jaemins neck as Jaemin carefully picked him up. He walked out of the room with Jeno in his arms and the doctors quickly moved out of his way as Jaemin was a very fast walker.

Then they both got picked up by a black car and Jeno was sat on Jaemins lap. His shoulder still was aching and he felt Jaemins hand massage around it.

Then they left and Jeno felt sleepy all over again. He slowly lied back into Jaemins broad shoulder, and felt his eyes get droopy.

Then he fell asleep.

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