5 - Safe and Sound

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Jeno woke up with an aching pain in his shoulder, and made out a little groan. He then felt the bed shift in weight and he felt someone leaning over him, but he was too sore and drained to even open his eyes.

"You feel okay baby?"

Jeno could only let out a low hum as he knew it was Jaemin, and slowly felt an arm wrap itself around his tiny waist, lifting him carefully onto someone's broad chest. He was still lying on his side, he was just buried in someone's chest and large arms. Jeno then let out a sigh of relief and shoved his face deeper into the vanilla scent.

He felt large hands caress his soft hair and rubbing his exposed back. He didn't have a shirt on and he just realized, and felt he cold prick at his skin. Those warm hands sent goosebumps down his back, and made him feel so relaxed.

He felt Jaemin kiss him at the top of his head and his exhaling a long sigh.

Jeno then felt himself get dizzy and sleepy all over again,

And fell asleep.


Jeno woke up once again, but this time with no warmth. No body hugging his own. No vanilla scent. All that was beside him was an empty space where Jaemin once lied.

Jeno slowly sat up using his left arm, because his right arm was in so much pain, and got out of bed. He then skipped putting on a shirt and walked out of the room, as it was pretty warm in the halls.

He walked down, tired and only in his pajama pants. He had a bed head, his lips created a natural small pout, and his eyes were still halfway closed into little tired looking crescent shapes.

He crossed his arms and covered his chest as he went into the living room, and there he saw 3 people that he's never seen before.
One of them, with dark black hair and a bunny looking smile, noticed Jeno, and continued to smile.

"Aw~ whose this?" He asked, and Jeno could only rub his eyes as he could barely see because of the light. Then he continued to yawn.

"Aw~~~ Hes so cute~" the same one that cooed him not even 5 seconds ago started back up once again, and walked over to where he was standing. The others followed, curiously.

The one with the black hair crouched down infront of Jeno and proceeded to pinch his soft cheeks, Jeno wanted to giggle, and so he smiled.

"Oh my god- I wanna take you home with me." The man pouted and faked distressed in agony.

"Doyoung, don't scare the poor boy." Another one said with big brown eyes sharp features, he was handsome.

"What's your name?" Doyoung ignored the other brown headed male, and asked questions.

"Jeno, Lee Jeno." Jeno said slowly, but it came out babyish.

"Awww~ Does Jaemin know your here?" Doyoung asked.

"Yes, he took me in." Jeno said cautiously.

"Oh, hm, I've never seen Jaemin to be the type to take little ones in." Doyoung said confused, but then carefully holds Jenos hand.

"What happened to your shoulder kid?" The tall male that talked awhile ago asked again, and his voice was really husky sounding.

"Oh..I got shot." Jeno said and they all gasped as their eyes got big.

"By who?" He asked again.

"Lucas don't be so persistent." The male beside him said and he was tall too, he looked foreign though.

"I'm not being persistent, Johnny." Lucas said exaggerating his name.

"Mhm, whatever you say." Johnny said.

"Are you guys bad guys?" Jeno suddenly asked in the middle of their little argument and they all looked at Jeno like he was cute but crazy.

"No no no, their Jaemins bodyguards and I'm his spy, but don't tell anyone shhh." Doyoung said in a funny voice and Jeno gave a little giggle.

Jeno thought Doyoung was funny, and handsome, like Jaemin. Jeno wondered if they knew who the guys that shot him were.

"Do you know the guys who shot me?" Jeno whispered.

"What did they look like kid?" Lucas asked.

"They were big and tall! And they wore clown mask!" Jeno screamed whispered and Doyoung looked a little taken back. Jeno then waited for an answer and Lucas bent down too and pulled Jeno over.

"Don't talk about the men with the clown mask Jeno, at least not near Jaemin. You really wanna know?" Lucas whispered and Jeno instantly nodded, he was curious now.

"They call themselves K.K.S Society. It stands for KISS, Kill, Stay, doesn't make any sense right?" Lucas said and Jeno nodded.

"You wanna know a little secret Jeno?" Lucas asked with a serious face.

"Lucas, be careful he's just a kid-" Doyoung started.

"I can handle it." Jeno cut him off and gave a small smile, but put his attention right back onto Lucas.

"Just 3 years ago, they wiped out all of Jaemins men. One by one. They almost wiped out Jaemin if it hadn't been for Taeyong." Lucas said and Doyoung looked down, so did Johnny.

"Where is Taeyong now?" Jeno asked slowly.

"Dead." Johnny said flatly.

Jeno was bewildered. He was motioning this information all in his head, and it still couldn't get through.

They then all snapped their heads back when they heard footsteps.

"Jaemins back, we're dead."

Doyoung just smiled and gave a little laugh at Lucas' statement. Then he took out a shirt and handed it to Jeno behind his back as he faced to cover Jeno.

"Put it on" Doyoung mouthed and turned the other way, and so did the others as they put their hands behind their backs. Jeno smiled and then put the shirt on, careful to not hurt his shoulder.

"What's going on?"

He then heard Jaemins voice and smiled. He peeked through between Doyoungs and Johnnys elbows.

"Oh, we just found a little surprise, you could say." Doyoung said with a smile, and proceeds to move out and so did Johnny, revealing Jeno.

"Jeno?" Jaemin asked confused.

"Jaemin!" Jeno smiles and runs over to Jaemin. Jaemin instantly scoops him up in his arms and holds him away, his back facing the others. Although he could hear Doyoungs little cooes.

"Jeno, your suppose to be resting." Jaemin says strictly.

"I know, but they're really nice, Doyoungs funny!" Jeno smiled and gave a small squeak.

Jaemin sighed in irritation and put Jeno back on the ground as he faced his men.

"Doyoung? What did u do to him, brain wash?" Jaemin asked unamused.

"What! No do course not! What can I say, little kids love me!" Doyoung said and then puts out his arms for Jeno, and Jeno instantly tries and runs to them, but was held back by a certain jealous brown haired mafia.

"Awww don't be a balloon popper Jaemin!" Lucas exaggerated.

"Y'all have people to watch and missions to plan out, go." Jaemin said and they walked out, but not without Jeno and Doyoung waving bye to each-other and smiling.

Jaemin then scooped Jeno up bridal style and walked to his room.

"Why couldn't I go? I wanna go on missions and watch people! Like Doyoung!" Jeno said and started wiggling in Jaemins grip.

"Stop wiggling will you? Gosh, since when do little kids like Doyoung?" Jaemin said, and Jeno could see the fumes coming out from his ears.

"Why wouldn't they?" Jeno asked confused. Doyoung seemed like a nice person.

"He- well- I just don't like you running around with people you just met Jeno." Jaemin said and sighed in frustration.

"Oh." Jeno said and that's all he could say before he entered the vanilla scented room, and felt sleepy.

He didn't realize how sleepy he was until that soft pillow and blankets hit his skin, and he passed out entering dream land.

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