{1} - Hello Mr Horan.

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Megan's P.O.V

I threw in every single food that Amy likes into the trolley and rushed to the cashier. I was 10 minutes late from picking Amy up from her playschool and she wouldn't like me to be late when it comes to fetching her. I wasn't looking where I was going until I knocked someone down, causing him to fell down on his butt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I apologized as I walked to him and bent down to picked him up. He brushed his elbow before turning to look at me.

I was mesmerized when I saw the color of his eyes. It was about the same color as the one I had fallen for. My eyes then lingered to his other features. Why does he look all familiar?

"Ehem, uhm," he let out a cough and I quickly snapped out from my thoughts. I helped him to his feet and he thanked me before walking away.

But I wasn't satisfied. He looked too familiar. I was about to go after him when my phone rang, displaying a photo of Mr Horan that Amy had set on all of my contacts. Mr Horan?! Wasn't that guy that I just knocked down and helped up, Mr Horan? I didn't know he lives in LA.

"Mr Horan!" I yelled and he quickly turned around to my direction and placed his index finger on his lips. I clamped my fingers to my mouth and nodded a little before calling him over.

"Yes, do you need anything?" he asked.

"Yes, I do. You're Mr Horan, am I right?" I asked, for confirmation and when he nodded, I quickly told him about my daughter's obsession on him and would really love to meet him.

"I'm sorry. I would love to meet your daughter but I'm not free right now," was his answer when I offered him to follow me to fetch Amy. What was I even thinking? He's a celebrity and sure he's a busy man and of course he wouldn't have time for this kind of petty matter.

"It's alright then," I told him, regretfully and walked away. My heart sank for Amy. Mr Horan was so near, yet so far from her.

I quickly paid for the items and made my way to Amy's playschool centre which was about 5 minutes away from the market.

Granting Amy's wishes has become one of the thing that I prioritize in life. She was all that I have and only all that I'm ever gonna have. Being young, with a daughter with me wasn't an easy task and I almost gave up. Not until I received another tragic news of my life, which made me realized that no matter how hard it was gonna be, I will be able to do it especially with Amy as my strength.

"Momma! You're late!" I heard Amy yelled from the playground of her playschool. I hadn't realized that I had reached her playschool.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," I apologized as I knelt down in front of her so that we're at the same eye-level, "I went to buy some groceries."

"No!" she screamed and folded her arms, already sulking.

"Oh come on, sweetie," I said, "Look, I've bought your favorite cereal and chocolate milk."

I took out both her cornflakes cereal and chocolate milk, trying to get her attention but in vain. I saw her playschool teacher, Miss Bloom, standing a few inches behind Amy as she witnessed the same thing Amy and I always did whenever it comes to fetching Amy; Coaxing Amy. I offered a smile and she responded with one of her own with a shaking of head for Amy's behavior.

Seeing no response from Amy, I tried my luck again, baiting her with something else, "Let's go home and while I prepare dinner, you can have the tv all to yourself and skip your nap."

Amy responded with nothing but walked away with her fastest speed and I had to quickly keep her cereal and chocolate milk that I had taken out before getting up to chase after her. Also, not forgetting to thank Miss Bloom.

"Amy, wait up!"

Niall's P.O.V

I paid up my snacks and got out from the supermarket before anyone else catches me. When I encountered a girl earlier, and she by chance, had shouted my name, I got panic. I was alone without Paul and none of the boys with me. So I definitely don't wanna get mobbed by a lot of fans, alone.

I was walking by the roadside, already had my beanie and shades up to cover up my identity when Harry called. "Yes, Harreh," I answered the call.

"Where are you, mate?" he asked.

"I'm on my way back to the hotel. Has the meeting started?" I had gone out for a while to find some tidbits and food to munch on since the boys and I were supposed to have a short meeting.

"Oh, the meeting was canceled. We're getting ready to go the pub, tonight," Harry informed, "Meet you there? The usual pub."

"Alright then," I told him and cut off the line. I continued walking until I heard someone talking very loudly on the other side of the roadside.

"Amy, don't be angry please,"

"No! Many friends were teasing me about my head again today. And then my coloring weren't good enough. And then you came late everyday!" A little girl yelled to the person she was talking to, while still walking.

I looked to the person the girl was yelling to and recognized her as the girl who approached me in the supermarket earlier.

"Alright, I'm sorry for being late. I will try not to, okay? And we can practice on your coloring again," the girl said to the little girl who was still stomping her way.

The girl still tried catching on to the little girl and I didn't realize what I was doing but I was actually watching the drama between the big girl and the little girl. Just before a junction, the little girl stopped and turned around to look at the girl whom I met at the supermarket earlier.

The girl went down to her knees so that she could be at the same eye level as the little girl. They started talking softly and I only realized that the little girl was bald when the big girl started stroking her head. I watched in awe as the both girls started hugging and I kept watching them as the little girl demanded to be carried.

That little girl couldn't be any older than 5. And she was bald. I don't know if she was what I was thinking but she was barely 5 and it would be a really poor thing for her. And the girl who approached me, I remembered her saying that her daughter wanted to meet me and she was really obsessed with me. Firstly, the girl couldn't be any older than 20. Secondly, she has a daughter? Could that little girl be her daughter?

I continued watching as the girl struggled to carry her groceries bag, especially with the little girl on her hip. I have no idea what had baited me, but soon I found myself following them silently.

Megan's P.O.V

I took the lift to get to our flat. Amy was almost dropping because I couldn't bare her weight, together with the groceries shopping bag. She had her arms wrapped around my neck and head rested on my shoulder.

We reached the 18th floor of our flat and I dropped down all of my groceries back because I didn't dare to put Amy down. I struggled for the keys from my back pocket before successfully unlocked the door with the other hand, controlling's Amy's weight on my hip. I left the groceries bag at the doorway and get into the flat.

"Do you wanna go into your room, or sofa?" I asked Amy as I tilted my head a little, to look at her.

"Your room," she requested and I nodded. I set her school-bag and water bottle aside and placed her down on my queen size, mattress.

"Do you want to sleep?" I asked her again.

"Yes, I'm tired," she told me and I quickly placed a small pillow in between her arms and stroked her head before kissing it.

I left the door opened and walked out to claimed my groceries bag and to close my main door. We're living in a small and budget flat, so there would be no way for robbery to happen over here because the people who're living here aren't very rich.

I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen to sort the groceries. I placed the raw meats in the freezer and vegetables in the fridge along with Amy's chocolate milks and some sweets. Then proceed to keep her cereals in the cabinet. For other people, those would be other people's food for the entire week but for Amy and I, it's for our whole entire month.

I finished keeping everything in placed and about to start picking ingredients for dinner when I heard a knock on my flat's door. I wiped my hands with clean towels before making my way to the door. Another thing about staying in a budget's flat was there isn't any peep hole for me to see the people who knocked on my door.

I always had an umbrella just behind the door and usually just ajar the door a little. And in case my 'guest' has a bad intention, I would just knock them down with the umbrella and scream. Well, that was my plan but I never really encountered bad people yet and not planning to.

I ajar the door a little and saw a guy wearing brown chinos with a grey jacket. His head was covered with a matching grey beanies and his back was facing me. I waited for him to turn but he didn't so I just stared at him quietly while my hand reached for the umbrella from behind the door.

I guess he was tired of letting his back facing me, so he decided to turn and was about to knock the door again when he realized that the door was already opened and I had my head popped out from the ajar-ed door.

But that wasn't the point, because this guy looks familiar. I couldn't really recognize him because he had his shades on but as I looked at him from head to toe, I knew that this guy must be some rich guy.

"Hey," he said and waved a hand.

"May I help you?" I asked politely while gripping tightly on the umbrella that was hidden behind the door.

"Yeah. I...I would love to meet your daughter," he told me and I was taken aback. Why would he wanna meet Amy? Who was he?

"Why do you need to see her?" I asked in a defensive tone.

"Well you told me she wants to see me?" he responded and I studied his face closely. Probably realized that he was being studied, he took off his shades and I almost screamed in surprised.

"Mr Horan!"

Again, he placed a finger on his lips, similar like what he had done in the supermarket earlier. I nodded and opened the door wide open, "Come in, please."

He did and waited for me to close the door and placed the umbrella back to where it should be.

"Why call me Mr Horan?" he asked as we walked to the living room.

"My daughter said your name is Mr Horan," I answered in bewildered because I don't know if that was his name or not. I didn't have much time going through about celebrities like I once did for Jonas Brothers.

"Well, just call me Niall," he told me and I nodded. I was excited that Mr Horan was actually in my flat and I was much more excited to see Amy's reactions when she sees Mr Horan.

"Have a seat, Niall," I said, awkwardly, "My daughter is asleep. I'll prepare you a drink and then wake her up."

"Nah, it's okay. If she's asleep, I can wait."

"But you said you were busy. And how did you get to my place?" I asked, because it was a little creepy that he suddenly knew where I stayed at.

"I'm not busy anymore. My meeting was canceled and I would really love to meet your daughter, so I kind of followed you," he told me and my senses immediately approved him to be a really nice guy when he said he would love to meet Amy.

"Alright, I'll just prepare you a drink for the moment. Do you need anything to eat? And, your groceries, are they raw - do you need to place them in my freezer first?" I offered.

"Nah, it's fine. They're all just tidbits and snacks," he answered and I just smiled as I made my way to the kitchen to prepare him a drink. It was still a cold weather in February, so I thought, a tea would be a good idea for Niall or Mr Horan.

I took out some of Amy's biscuits to served him when I heard Amy's voice, loud and clear, "Momma, I can't sleep. I'm not tired anymore."

I went out of the kitchen, already getting ready to be by her side to ask what would she want when she was already at the door to my room, looking at Mr Horan with her mouth wide open.

"Amy," I called but she was already running towards Mr Horan who was sitting on the sofa, exchanging glances between Amy and myself.

"Mr Horaaaaaan!" she yelled and finally jumped to Mr Horan's lap.

"Hello, Mr Horan," Amy said as she came in contact with Mr Horan.

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