{2} - I Want Mr Horan!

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Niall's P.O.V

"Hello, Mr Horan," the same girl who I had seen earlier, greeted.

"Hello, there," I said as I pulled her closer to my side. She grinned at me and then turned to other girl. Dumb me, I forgot to ask what's her name.

"Momma, it's Mr Horan!" she said to her Mom(?) excitedly.

"Yes, honey. It is," her 'Mom' replied. That 'Mom' of hers couldn't really be her Mom. From her look, she looked even younger than myself - so she can't probably have a daughter as big as this little girl. But when I told her I wanted to see her daughter, I was just playing along with what she said, 'My daughters wants to meet you.'

When I had followed them earlier, I lost track until their flat's level. I don't know what drove me but I wanted to meet this little girl so badly, so I embarrassed myself by knocking on each door on that 18th floor. Luckily it has only 4 doors and I met her Mom at the second door.

I looked down to the little girl who was still grinning while looking up to me. She has the same blue orbs like mine, just that it was even beautiful on her especially with her fair skin. And even without hair, she still looked beautiful. I didn't dare to be so straight-forward and ask 'Are you sick?' Because I think it was obvious. I just wanna entertain her and make her happy.

Her Mom got into the living room with a tray of biscuits and drinks. She was still wearing a pink polo tee with black knee-length skirt, like earlier. "Introduce yourself, baby," she told her daughter.

"I'm Amy," the little girl told me, sheepishly.

"Hey Amy, I'm...." I was being cut-off.

"I know you're Mr Horan!" she said loudly.

"Amy, control your voice," her Mom told her and she just grinned.

"I'll leave you two while I cook something for dinner, okay," her Mom said to Amy before turning to me, "Do you think you would want to stay for dinner?"

I glanced to my watch which stated 5:30 in the evening and I probably can't stay for any longer because I have to meet the boys at the pub. "I'm afraid, not. I have some things to catch on tonight."

She smiled and nodded, and was about to get back to the kitchen but I called her, "Hey, what's your name?"

"I'm Megan," she told me.

Megan's P.O.V

I left Amy and her Mr Horan in the living room while I started on my usual routine which was to cook dinner for Amy. I took out some chicken and sausages and decided to make some soup for Amy.

I heard noises from the living room and immediately assumed Amy rummaging her box of toys to show it off to Niall. Then I heard some laughter and the most heavenly sound that I've always loved: Amy's giggle.

I was almost done completing the soup for Amy when she came into the kitchen, pulling Niall along behind her. "Momma, I'm hungry," she chirped cheerily.

"The soup is gonna be ready soon. Hold on for a while," I told her while stirring the pot of soup.

"Hey," Niall called and Amy and I both turned to him at the same time, "I have to go now."

"No!!" Amy yelled and held one of Niall's hand close to her little chest.

"Amy, Niall has to go. You have spent about an hour playing with Mr Horan," I coaxed.

"One hour is not enough!" she retorted.

"Amy," Niall called her, this time, "I'm sorry but I have to go right now. I will try to drop by and play with you again tomorrow, okay?"

Amy's eyes immediately lit up and she held up her pinky finger, something that I have always hated. "Promise me," she said to Niall and Niall willingly took in her little pinky in his big ones.

"Promise," Niall confirmed.

I instructed Amy to have a quick shower before we could have dinner together while I sent Niall to the door.

"Hey, can I say something?" I asked, awkwardly because I have never been talking to guys this close except for the customers at my workplace.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Well firstly, I just wanna thank you for coming over and entertaining Amy. She haven't laugh and giggle for a very long time. But, I don't quite like you promising something to Amy," I voiced out my opinion.

"Why?" he asked. This time, we were already at door and Niall was facing me as we talked at the corridor.

"Well, Amy is a very demanding girl. If you promised her something, she will remember it forever. I just don't want her to be upset if you didn't turn up tomorrow," I explained.

I studied Niall's face as he stood there in silence while looking down to the ground. From what I was observing, he was thinking about what I had just said (hopefully).

"In that case, I'm sorry," he apologized, "I guess, I'll just make my way now. Thanks for having me over."

He said his bye, and left. Did I offended him, somehow, in any way? Because he just basically apologized and walked away. I didn't want him to be sorry. I was just informing him. But had I use the wrong choice of tone? Was I too harsh?

Niall's P.O.V

I put on my beanie that I had removed in Megan's flat. I had so much fun entertaining Amy. It didn't feel like a help. It didn't feel like a burden either. It was just pure excitement and I was having fun. Amy showed me a lot of her Barbie dolls and the one that made my heart sank was when she took out a bald barbie doll and said, "I want to be pretty like this barbie doll even though she has no hair."

"But don't tell Momma. She didn't know that I am still keeping this barbie doll. She said, I don't have to be like barbie doll because I am prettier than the barbie doll, but I don't believe her," she added.

I was about to comment on something when she just pulled my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, "Let's see what Momma is cooking."

Megan was still cooking when we entered the kitchen and when I announced that I was leaving, Amy's face changed immediately and I want to do nothing more other than hugging her and bring her home with me. But I can't, so I promised her that I will come again the next day to play with her. Megan then instructed her to get a shower and sent me to the door. She voiced out about not liking me promising Amy anything. I was confused at first but she told me that Amy was a demanding girl.

I apologized and walked away. Was it really a wrong thing to do to promise Amy that I will be coming? Though it was a promise that I can't say I will fulfilled, I will try. I just wanted Amy happy.

Megan's P.O.V

I finished washing the last customer's hair and apologized to her for not being able to stay further to blow dry her hair. She was a very friendly regular customer at her age of 40. She thanked me and I took off running out from my workplace to Amy's playschool center.

It was always the same old thing which I can't be tired off. I started work at 8, which made me have to send Amy to school earlier by half an hour, at 7:30 and then ended work at 4 and then ran to fetch Amy in school which actually ended an hour earlier.

I reached Amy's playschool and found her sitting at the usual spot at the playground. Just this time, she didn't have her sulky face but instead, she was smiling.

"Momma!" she yelled when she saw me walking fast towards her. She climbed off the bench she was sitting on and galloped her way, happily towards me and hugged my knees. I wrapped my hand around her head and looked down to her. She looked up to me and grinned.

"Hello there," I said and picked her up in my arms.

"Hello, Momma," she replied.

"Well, you looked happy today," I commented.

"I am," she answered, "I drew a picture of a smiling sun and a rose."

She showed me the piece of paper that I didn't realized she was holding on to. There was a really big picture of a sun at one side of the paper, almost covering half of it. The sun has a pair of eyes and it was smiling. Then just next to it, there was a typical flower children always draw, in a pot.

I looked to Amy who was smiling while I observed her drawing. I took a good look of the picture again and asked, "For me?"

"Nope!" she answered, popping the 'P' and tapped my right cheek. I feigned sulking and pouted. "It's for Mr Horan!" she added, and my heart sank.

I knew Niall wouldn't be coming. I mean, he isn't those normal people who go to works that starts in the morning and ends about 8 hours later. He's a celebrity and he must be very busy. And with the fact that he told me to quieten down for calling out his name out loud, he couldn't be around in the public for a long time or he will be recognized. I knew he couldn't come.

But how do I explain that to Amy? She was smiling and giggling and I didn't want it to vanished off her beautiful face.

"Okay, let's go home," I told her, not knowing how should I respond to her about her Mr Horan.


"Amy, stop it now!" I yelled across the living room. She looked at me while pulling a long face and started crying. Something she always did when she's really upset and disappointed. Just that this time, I didn't bother to go to her and hug her to calm her down.

"I want Mr Horan!" she yelled in sobs before stomping her way into her room and slammed the door. I collapsed to the sofa and soon found myself tearing up as well. I hate yelling to Amy and I didn't know why I yelled to her. I was just frustrated.

It was 9 in the night and Amy hadn't stop rambling about Mr Horan since from the time we got home. By evening when Mr Horan didn't arrive, Amy started throwing temper. I lied to her by saying that Mr Horan was busy and should be coming soon. An hour past and she was getting really impatient and started throwing everything that was within her reach, down to the ground. She even threw down the dinner that I made.

I just wanted the best for Amy. I just wanted to do the thing that I could for her. And all she wanted was, Mr Horan.

I cried harder when I realized how much I needed a man with me, and how much it hurts to be raising Amy alone. Then I heard someone knocked on the door.

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