{12} - Mr Horan talking session.

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Niall's P.O.V

I was finally back in my very own flat, with the boys with me. I have another two days before going back to LA, which means, getting back to work but it doesn't matter because I'll get to see Amy and Megan again. I've missed them, yeah even though the last time I met them was less than 48 hours ago.

Harry popped in The Avengers while Liam and Zayn prepared some food. Louis and I both sprawled on the sofa, with our phones in hand. Louis should probably be texting El. I mean, who else? While, I was on a conversation with Demi. I would have totally forgotten about the bag that Demi had me bought for her from LA, until she texted me.

We planned on meeting up for dinner tomorrow, and for me to pass her the bag. I used to have a crush on Demi but I realized that it was really hard to be in a relationship with someone who's in the same music industry as myself. Gossips and paps will be everywhere around us, even if we're out for a friendly date. But it doesn't mean that if I were to date someone who isn't a celebrity, life would be easier. Everything is risky.

"Alright, keep the phones," Liam instructed as he came out of the kitchen with a tray of pizza. Zayn, on the other hand was holding on two bowls of popcorn. He placed them on the table and settled himself on the floor, in between my legs. Liam and Harry took a seat on the other sofa before we all started concentrating on the movie, while reaching for some food at some point of time.

Nope wait! Correction. I had a few slices of pizza on my lap and one of the bowl of popcorns were safe in my arms - which means I didn't have to reach for any food ;)

It was only a quarter of the movie gone when my phone started ringing. All eyes were glaring to me, because I hadn't silent my phone.

"Ops, sorry sorry," I said while reaching for my phone in my back pocket. I took it out and scanned the screen. The moment I saw the name, I quickly placed my food aside and got off the sofa, hitting Zayn on the shoulder with my leg while doing that. I heard Zayn groaned but ignored him.

I rushed into my room and shut the door, but opened it less than a second later to mouthed at the boys, "Don't touch my food," and shut it back before answering the call.

"Hello Mr Horan," Amy's little voice reached my ear.

"Hello, sweetheart. How was your day?" I asked as I glanced to the wall clock in my room. It was 10 in the night. Megan would probably have asked Amy to have lunch first before allowing her to call me, as it should roughly be 2pm in LA.

"Good," she answered cheerily, "Momma and I baked animal cookies."

"How did you bake them?" I asked.

"Momma helped me. We put in flour, butter, sugar and milk and then we mixed them. It became dough and then Momma rolled out and I cut them with animal shape cutter. We have cat shape, rabbit, giraffe and monkey," Amy explained, one by one.

I took a seat on my bed and carry-on listening to Amy who told me about her process of baking the cookies. "How's the taste?" I asked, after she finally done with all of her explanations of the processes.

"It's nice. I like the chocolate chip but Momma said I cannot have too many on the cookie," she replied and complaint at the same time.

"Amy, you've talked too long," I heard Megan's voice in the background. I smiled as I heard her voice talking to Amy who bargained to talk to me for another 5 minutes.

"Two more minutes," Megan said sternly.

"Momma said I have 2 more minutes. What did you eat today?" Amy said, quickly.

"Oh. I just had pizza and some popcorns for movie," I answered her.

"Pizza? Oooh. I think I never ate pizza before," Amy said softly and I heard Megan's voice in the background again.

"That's enough Amy. Said, bye-bye."

"Hey Amy, can you pass the phone to your Momma?" I asked Amy politely. She answered an 'OK' before I heard some ruffling in the background and then, Megan's voice.


"Hey, Megan," I greeted.

"Yeah, hey Niall," she greeted back, "Sorry, Amy kept pestering me to call you for her."

"Nah, it's okay. I don't mind. Hearing her voice actually made my day," I commented, sincerely.

"Ask Mr Horan if I can call tomorrow," I heard Amy said. She was probably sitting in front of Megan and listening to everything Megan was saying.

"You heard her?" Megan asked me.

"Yeah. She can call me again tomorrow, of course," I told her.

"Well, okay. And I guess, it should be close to midnight over there. So...have a good night," Megan wished me.

"Thanks. You have a good day."


"Bye," I replied, reluctantly - which I don't know why. I got out of the room and sat back on the same spot I had occupied earlier on the sofa. I dug my my hand into the bowl of popcorn only to felt that it was empty.

"Why is my bowl empty?" I screamed.

"Shut it Niall," Louis said and I made my 'about to cry' face.

"You were so long in the room. Zayn finished them," Liam told me and I glared at the back of Zayn's head. Zayn didn't turn so I grabbed him by the neck and stuffed his head into the empty bowl. He scolded me and picked another empty bowl and put it on the top of my head.

Both of us were soon hitting each other -playfully of course- that we were blocking the tv. Louis hit us with a small pillow and soon enough, we were all engulfed in pillow fighting.

* * *

"This is exactly the bag that I wanted!" Demi squealed and hugged the whole set of the bag.

"Yeah I was kinda worried if I had bought the wrong one," I told her.

"No, this is awesome," she said excitedly and got up from her seat that was opposite mine to hug me.  We were waiting for our orders to arrive. Demi had booked a private space in a restaurant for us to have dinner and for her to receive her bag without any paps finding out and any rumors to occur.

Demi was still examining the bag when our orders arrived. We started digging in, but I stopped at my third spoon because my phone was ringing. I glanced at the caller.

"Excuse me," I said to Demi and got out of the room. I answered the call while walking to the back of the restaurant, somewhere quieter.

"Hey Amy," I greeted, as usual.

"Hello Mr Horan!" she greeted, cheerily too, "What did you do today?"

"I woke up pretty late so I went to order some lunch and watch a football re-play," I told her, though I was unsure if Amy understands when I said about the football re-play.

"Oh. Momma told me to call early because I have school tomorrow and I must sleep early."

"Speaking about tomorrow, I'll be coming back tomorrow. So I can spend some time with you on the next weekend," I informed her.

"Yayy!" she squealed into the phone, "Mr Horan is coming back tomorrow."

"I know," I heard Megan's voice. She must be sitting with Amy all the time when she was talking to me.

"Mr Horan, are you with a friend?" Amy suddenly asked. How did she know?

"How did you know? Yeah, I am with a friend, having dinner."

"Is it the curly hair from the One Direction video?" she asked and I can't help but smiled from ear to ear.

"Nope. He's at home. I'm with another friend," I told her. We carried on talking for a few more minutes until I regretfully told her I have to go because I didn't want to let Demi kept waiting.

I came in and Demi already had her plate, empty. She waited for me to finished up my food, which was pretty fast. We had a small chat before we both went out of the restaurant - heading home.

Sorry for this is a very short chapter :/

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