{13} - Momma is sick.

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That really cute banner on the side made by @WeOnLikeDonkeyKong. Also, check out her 1D Fanfics :) x

Niall's P.O.V

I landed safely in LA and found a taxi at the back lane of the airport. I was alone and Josh wasn't with me because he decided not to get back to London and spent his break in LA itself. I didn't use the front exit because I didn't wanna get mobbed alone. Especially because it was still early night, at 8.

We were given a week break but I had only spent three days in London because I wanted to spent the remaining days with Amy and Megan. The boys were curious about it and Zayn even feigned hurting that I didn't wanna spend more time with them. I lied to them, saying that I didn't wanna things to get chaotic and rushing if I didn't prepare myself when work starts again. Though I had to agree that it wasn't the best reason or lie.

I told the taxi driver the address to my hotel and relaxed back. I really think the management should get me and Josh a flat or an apartment instead of renting hotels room for the whole of 6 months.

I switched on my phone and leave it on my lap while I rested my head back. I was tired. I hate jet-lags and if the driver didn't reach my hotel any sooner, I would have fallen asleep right there and then.

I felt my phone vibrated and look at it. I had a few missed calls from Demi and the boys. Also, a few text messages. I thought the calls can wait, so I opened up the text messages and it all came from Megan.

From: Megan/Amy

Call me

That was it. Two words. Call me. No punctuation or smileys. Why did she want me to call her? Is there something wrong? I was extremely tired but I quickly dialed Megan's number and waited for a good 30 seconds before I heard Amy's voice on the other line.


"Hello, Amy," I said.

"Mr Horan, Momma don't wanna wake up. I'm hungry."

Panic rushed through me. What happened to Megan? Could she be just too tired that she's sleeping heavily? I couldn't possibly ask Amy because she wouldn't know how and what to explain.

"I'm coming over. Wait for me," I told Amy, seriously and cut off the line before informing the taxi driver to bring me to Megan's flat. I was tired, therefore I was feeling restless, cranky and most of all, I was really panic of whatever that was happening to Megan.

I reached Megan's flat 3 minutes after I told the driver to sped up. I tossed him enough cash and told him to keep the change while I quickly unloaded my things from the car's boot and carried them along to Megan's flat.

I knocked lightly but eagerly on her main door and waited patiently. I heard some footsteps and the door knob but no one opens the door. I knocked again and this time, harder.

"Who is outside?" I heard Amy's voice, asking.

"Amy, it's Mr Horan," I replied quickly. Just imagine if it wasn't me who knocked on the door and Amy just blurt a question like that.

"I cannot reach the door. Momma locked it already," Amy yelled from inside. I leaned my forehead against the door, thinking of ways she should open the door. If she couldn't reach the knob, then there's no way for her to unlock the door.

I could have just break the door open but Amy's just right behind the door and I might hurt her someway if I were to do it. Also, I wouldn't want Megan getting mad at me for breaking her door. Or worst even if her neighbors thought I was a robber or something like that.

"Mr Horan..." I heard Amy called softly while knocking the door from the inside.

"Yes, love?"

"The key is below," she said and I immediately looked down to find a key in between my shoes. I smiled. Amy's such a smart kid. She must have slipped it under the door. I wasted no time picking up the key and unlocked the door.

I entered the house and bent down to give Amy a quick hug and kissed her on the cheek before closing the door. Her face was sulky.

"I'm hungry," she complaint, "Momma don't wanna wake up. She kept telling me to kiss her."

"Let's go check on Momma, first," I told Amy and she held my hand while leading me to Megan's bedroom. I didn't had time to looked around her room but the mattress she was lying on. It wasn't even a bed. Was her life this poor?

I walked over to Megan and knelt down next to her while Amy knelt on the other side. She was in a pale pink tank top and a pair of shorts. I have never seen her in this kind of outfit which reveals more of her body, but it didn't matter. I touched her arm lightly and flinched at the temperature. It was really hot. No, it wasn't warm. It was really really hot.

"Megan...Megan," I called for her and tapped her cheeks lightly. I would have to make sure that she was asleep and not fainted.

"Hmmm," she answered.

"Megan, you're burning," I told her as I sigh in relief. She was conscious.

"Amy....kiss me," Megan mumbled and Amy bent down to kiss her Mom on the forehead.

"Momma kept asking me to kiss her," Amy told me again.

I rubbed her shoulder and said, "Momma is sick. You should kiss her more so that she can recover."

"Then you must kiss Momma too. So that she can recover faster with two people kissing her," Amy said and I just smiled dryly at her. "Kiss Momma," Amy demanded.

Would Megan get mad if I were to really kiss her? But she wouldn't know because she was barely awake. So, I bent down and kissed her on the temple.

"Mr Horan," Amy called. I looked to her and she continued, "I'm hungry. Can you cook?"

I looked to Amy who had her face frowning. I was hungry too but I needed sleep badly. But I must be a very bad Mr Horan to Amy if I didn't let her eat something when she's hungry. But that wasn't the point yet.

I don't know how to cook!

"Erm, do you know where Momma keep the cereals?" I asked Amy, without answering her question.

"I know," she said.

"We can have cereals," I told her.

"But I had cereals this morning," she protested.

"We can have cereals again. And then, we can eat chocolate that I had bought from London," I bargained and I succeeded when Amy nodded vigorously at the word 'chocolate'.

"Let's go," she said excitedly.

"Wait," I said, "I need a towel to put on Momma's forehead. Do you know where she keep the towels?"

"Momma keep towels inside there," Amy answered pointing to a storage drawer. I walked to it and opened up the first two drawers. There were towels neatly folded in the second storage while the first one contains females' undergarments. I quickly closed the first one and took a towel from the second.

I went into the bathroom that was within Megan's room and soaked the towel with water before getting back out and placed it nicely on Megan's forehead.

"Come, lets go get the cereal," I said and lead Amy with my hand to the kitchen. Amy showed me where the bowl and cereals were located at and I poured her some cereals together with some milk.

"Mr Horan, want some?" Amy asked as I sat in front of her on the dining table, watching her eating her cereals sumptuously.

"It's okay. You finish up," I said and smiled to her. She nodded and did as told. Once she was done, she demanded for the chocolates. I gave her a few bars and kept the rest in the fridge. Those chocolates were meant for them anyway.

We watched the tv for a bit before Amy complaint of being sleepy, "I want to sleep."

"Alright, come on. Let's put you in bed," I said and carried her to her room.

"I want to kiss Momma, first," she said and I carried her out and to Megan's room. I placed her next to Megan and wandered around, trying to find a blanket to cover Megan's exposed skin and for her body to produced some heat for herself.

"Amy, where do Momma keep her blanket?" I asked when I couldn't find anything that looks like blanket to cover Megan up.

"Momma don't have blankets. But I have one," she claimed and ran out of the room. She came back, a minute later, with a green blanket draped over her shoulder, the blue dolphin from the carnival in her armpit and two pillows in each of her hand.

I watched as she dropped all of them on the empty space of the mattress and dragged only the blanket to cover her Mom's body. "It's too small, Amy," I said as the blanket only managed to cover Megan's leg.

"But we have no more blankets," Amy informed, sadly.

I sank myself on the empty space of the mattress and pulled Amy to my lap. "It's okay. You go to sleep and use your blanket."

"But Momma will be cold," she protested. I pressed my lips together and thought of ways that I could just put Amy to sleep, because I needed one too.

I took out the jacket I was wearing and covered Megan with it. "There you go, Momma won't be cold. Now, you have to go to sleep."

"Can I sleep with Momma?" Amy asked. I sighed. She would get sick too if she were to sleep with Megan but I was so tired and I didn't know where this selfish side of me came about but I allowed her to.

Amy lay next to Megan and buried her face in Megan's side while her arms gripped on the blue dolphin. I covered Amy with her blanket and placed a kiss on her forehead and wished her goodnight.

"You don't kiss Momma?" she asked as I was about to stepped out of the room. I let out a breath and walked back to placed a kiss on Megan's forehead. It was like an addiction and I bent down again to kiss her on both sides of her cheeks.

"Goodnight, Megan. Goodnight, Amy," I whispered and switched off the lights. I settled myself on the couch and soon, darkness consumed me.

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