{14} - Sorry for the trouble.

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* Sorry for taking some time to put up this chapter. I was waiting for the story to get on 600 reads, and it finally did. Thank you everyone who have been supporting IWTBMH from the start. I hope I haven't disappoint anyone and hopefully I won't.

Anyway, if you're a fan of Emblem 3, do check my friend's story and support her. The story's at external link. Other than that, here you go - Chapter 14.



Megan's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling really tired and weak. I didn't have the energy to even move my arms and legs. I turned to my right and smiled weakly as I saw Amy sleeping with her mouth slightly open and light snore. In her arms, held the little blue dolphin that she brought home from the carnival with Niall the other day.

I moved myself closer to Amy and just stared at her calm beautiful face. I pulled my blanket tighter and......wait. Blanket? I looked at the piece of cloth that I was holding on and realized that it was actually a baseball jacket. Yeah, baseball jacket is trending even though you don't play one. But I don't play baseball and I don't even afford to have a baseball jacket. So, where does this one comes from?

With the remaining strength I had, I pushed myself off the bed and slowly got up. I shivered as my leg came in contact with the cold concrete floor. I started feeling myself and only realized why was I feeling dead tired and weak. I was having fever.

Then I got a little panic because Amy was sleeping next to me and I didn't want her to get sick from sleeping the night with me. I stretched my arms and felt Amy's forehead. Nope, it wasn't warm nor hot. It was normal. Pheww.

I glanced to the wall clock that says 9 in the morning. Oh gosh! I was late for work. Amy's late for school. I wanted to start rushing when my legs suddenly turned jelly and I fell down to the cold floor, making a loud thump.

I groaned in pain when I felt the stinging pain from my shoulder. I had fell down, sideways, hitting my left shoulder first in the process. I remained on the floor, still gripping on my shoulder with hope that it would stop the pain. I kept groaning silently because I didn't want to wake Amy up. Yes, she was late for school but I didn't want her to wake up and felt panic and not know what to do if I remained on the floor, in pain.

Another panic rushed through me when I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked up immediately and met with a sleepy blue orbs. Niall.

"Niall, how are you here?" I choked out through the pain.

"It doesn't matter. Why are you on the floor?" Niall asked and from his voice, I could tell that he was panic. It's the day of being panic, isn't it?

"I...I...I," I choked again and Niall 'shhhh'-ed me. He wrapped his arms neatly and securely around my back and under my thighs before carrying me up to my mattress.

"Where's the pain?" he asked. I touched my shoulder, signalling him that it was there. He touched my shoulder and I shivered, not from the temperature but from our skins contact. He massaged my shoulder and I instantaneously relaxed even though the pain was still there.

"Is it still painful?" he asked and I just nodded. "Come on, we need to get yourself check. Put on something that can warm you up."

He helped me up and put on the baseball jacket for me. Does the jacket belongs to him? I let him slot my arms in and zipped the jacket up. "Put on long pants," he instructed.

I slowly made my way to my wardrobe and took out a long sweatpants. I felt a little embarrassed because all along I was only in a pair of really short shorts and a tank top. I quickly slid my legs into the pants while Niall was trying to wake Amy up.

"She's late for school, Niall," I told him softly.

"Let her skip for today. We have to get you to the doctor first," Niall replied sternly while carrying a sleeping Amy. "Ready?"

I nodded and slowly walked out of the room. Niall put on some geek specs and a pair of hood before we head out. He hailed a taxi and three of us loaded in. Niall had asked the driver to get us to the nearest clinic. I rested my head back all the time until we reached the clinic.

Amy was still asleep and though he had to balanced with Amy's weight in his left arms, Niall still helped me with the registration and went to consult the doctor with me.

"Her shoulder's fine. There's no crack or anything serious. It should be okay in a few days. Just take care of her fever and have much rest. Other than that, your wife should be alright."

I blushed when the doctor thought Niall was my husband, while Niall on the other hand still had his serious face on as he listened to what the doctor was saying. We got out of the doctor's room and waited in another area to collect the prescribed medicines.

Niall was quiet all along. Was he angry or annoyed that I was actually troubling him to get me to the doctor, and then have to carry a sleeping Amy all the time? His face was emotionless. I tapped his arms lightly and his head whipped to me.

"Pass Amy to me. You've carried her for too long," I spoke up, softly.

"It's fine. If I remember, you're not well," he replied and it took me some time to think if he was joking or not because no expression were written in his face.

"Come on, it's our turn to collect the meds," Niall said and offered a hand to me. I took it, awkwardly and we walked to the counter. He paid for my medicines and didn't let me argue for it. I'm gonna have to return his money anyway. He's not supposed to be paying anything for me or Amy.

"Good morning, Momma," I heard Amy's voice cracked sleepily when we stepped out of the building. Her head was still leaning against Niall's shoulder.

"Good morning, sweetie. Come to me," I said but Niall quickly stopped that from happening by wrapping another arm around Amy.

"Megan, not that I don't want you to hold Amy. But you're sick. You'll be too weak to carry her and I'm sure you wouldn't want her to get sick too," Niall told me, slowly. He was right, but I just didn't want to trouble him. "Come on, let's get home.We can buy some breakfast along the way and then you will need to eat your medicine."

We got into another taxi and headed home. On the way, we ordered some food at a drive-through restaurant and again, Niall paid them all.

Niall's P.O.V

We got into Megan's flat and I pushed my bags aside, making way to the living room. "Why is your bag here?" Megan asked. Her voice was soft but hoarse at the same time.

"I came here straight the moment I landed in LA last night. Amy called me," I told her. I was still tired but it was better since I had sleep earlier, though it was disturbed by a loud thump.

I woke up immediately to that sound and went to check at the main door, just in case someone was trying to break it open. I walked back to the sofa when I was sure that everything was safe. That's when I heard someone groaning from Megan's room. I made my way there and saw Megan squirming on the floor.

"You shouldn't have come, you know. You must be very tired," Megan said. She was right. I was still tired, which explained why I was being serious and quiet all the time. Also because, I haven't had food to fill in my stomach.

"It's okay Megan. Amy asked for help. I can't possibly just leave her alone. How did you get sick suddenly?" I asked.

"Well I think from the rain of yesterday. I brought Amy to the playground and then suddenly it started raining. I didn't have umbrella so I only managed to cover Amy with myself because I didn't want her to get sick," and I cut her off.

"And you ended up being sick."

Megan just looked at me and remained silent. Seriously, she shouldn't act like a superhero to save and be there for Amy all the time.

Megan and Amy sat on the dining table while I poured the chicken porridge that I had bought into 3 different bowls. I have gotten the same thing for the 3 of us because I wanted Megan to have porridge as it should be easier for her to eat them and I didn't know what to get for Amy.

"Amy should want her cereal," Megan said.

"No, I don't want," Amy responded and Megan looked at her daughter in bewildered. Probably because all the time, Amy wants nothing but cereal for her breakfast.

"I gave her cereal last night because she said she's hungry and I can't cook," I informed Megan, sheepishly.


We tucked in to breakfast and then settled ourselves on the sofa as Amy turned the tv to a cartoon channel. Megan was lying her head back while her eyes looked sleepy. The medicine would have a drowsy effect but I didn't know that it would be that fast.

"I don't need to shower?" Amy asked, which made me realized that none of us had cleaned ourselves yet.

"Nope. Today is a no shower day," I told Amy playfully and Amy just grinned at me before turning to her Mom.

"It's no shower-day Momma." But I heard a light snore coming from next to me.

I placed my index finger on my lips, telling Amy to be quiet, "Momma's alseep." Amy followed my actions and put her index finger on the lips as well and nodded.

I lifted Megan up from the sofa carefully to not wake her up but failed when she stirred and opened her eyes. "I'm just transferring you to your room," I told her softly. She just nodded and rubbed her eyes. I placed her down on one side of her mattress.

I caressed her hair back before I heard her muttered, "Sorry for all the trouble today, Niall."

"Shhh, go to sleep," I whispered and bent down, kissing her on the forehead before I heard the light snore again.

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