{22} - Where are we going?

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Megan's P.O.V

The boys came in one by one and took the space on each of the empty spaces. Niall was still looking at me and I looked away. Niall was probably right that I should trust Louis and the boys like I trust him. Though I barely knew this boys, I'm sure they're one of the nicest people, like Niall.

But what I was worrying about was that Amy would get too close to these boys. Looked at what happened between Niall and us. Luckily, Niall had job in LA to attend to, making it easier for him to be around us. So, what if suddenly Amy wanted Louis instead of Niall now and when Louis couldn't be around her, she would start on her tantrums?

I really have no problems with Amy meeting new people and people being friendly with her. It makes me happy to know that these people actually welcomed us. I was just afraid with Amy getting too close to these people.

"Come on, let's have breakfast," Niall said and placed his hand on my small back, pushing me slightly towards the dining table. Amy was already on Harry's lap and all of them were actually waiting for Niall and I to get to the table.

I took a seat next to Niall, directly opposite Harry and Amy. I placed a few toasted bread on Amy's plate while the rest of the boys reached for the pancakes with their choice of toppings.

"Why do I get bread and they get that thing?" Amy complained while scrunching up her face.

"Do you want pancakes?" Harry offered.

"Erm, she never had pancakes before. She might or might not like the taste," I said quietly to Harry even though I'm sure the whole table could hear me.

"The pancakes....do they taste like cakes?" Amy asked while looking straight at Harry.

"Yes, a little. It taste really nice," Harry answered her before turning to me, "Can we just let her try? With whipped cream, probably. So that even if it taste awful for her, the whipped cream is there to cover it up."

I nodded a little and Harry started cutting a small slice of pancake and topped it with a little whipped cream. "Why don't you give a try?" Harry said and bring the pancake forward to Amy's mouth. She opened up her mouth and ate the pancake. First chew, second chew, and her eyes lit up.

"It taste good," she said with mouthful, "Like ice-cream."

Everyone around the table started laughing and I just smiled a little. I tend to be very shy around a lot of people. Harry fed Amy more of his pancakes with whipped cream and I thought, Amy was disturbing Harry's breakfast. Which was why I took Amy's plate of toast and replaced it with my plate of pancakes.

"Yay! More pancakes," Amy squealed.

"What about yourself?" The close-to-bald guy asked. I think his name is Liam.

"What about me?" I asked back, confused.

"I mean, you don't want the pancakes?" Liam asked, again.

"Oh no, it's fine," I told him politely. All the boys' eyes were on me and awkwardly, I just picked up a piece of toast and started nibbling it while looking down on my plate. It was a complete silence except for the squirting sound from the whipped cream by Amy, until Niall spoke up.

"Come, we can share my pancakes. Plus, I want some toasts too."

I stopped nibbling and watched as Niall pushed his plate a little to me and reached for a piece of toast from my plate. The boys' eyes were now on Niall and a second later, I felt someone kicked me on the left leg. Hard.

"Ow!" I yelped softly.

"Oh my god. Did I kick your leg, instead? Sorry, I didn't meant to," Zayn apologized. Why did he even kicked in the first place? And like he read my mind, he added, "I was trying to kick Niall's actually."

"Oh," I responded and just looked at Niall who was communicating with Zayn using their eye's signal, which I don't understand.

"Alright, that's enough. Eat up," Liam said and everyone seemed to just shrugged it off and dug into their food. I went back to nibbling my food and watched as Amy smartly cut her own piece of pancake and topped it with some whipped cream before munching on it deliciously.

Niall finished up the toast, leaving me with just another piece before eating the pancakes. He placed two piece of pancakes on my plate and poured a sufficient amount of maple syrup on top of it. I tapped his shoulder and whispered, "I don't want it. You have it."

"Nope, Megan. You have to eat some more. Finish that up," he replied softly but sternly.

"Just finish that up, Megan. It's very rare for Niall to share his food with someone else. Heck, I'll get a smack if I took a little of his food," Louis voiced out and finished up his last piece of pancakes. Niall got up from his seat and stretched his hand to slap Louis' forehead. "Look, this is exactly what I meant," Louis said to me and I just chuckled a little.

"Poppa, why did you beat Louis?" Amy asked. She too, had finished her pancakes.

"Because Louis is naughty," Niall answered simply and rolled his eyes at Louis.

"Can I beat him too if he's naughty?" Amy asked again.

"Of course, baby."

"And if you're naughty," Louis said, turning to Amy, "I will beat you also."

"You cannot beat me!" Amy argue.

"Why not?" Louis retorted.

"Because Momma and Poppa will then beat you up," Amy answered and grinning. I smiled at her because I thought that was a very clever answer. Louis pouted and wanted to voice something else when Liam interrupted.

"Alright guys, that's enough. Go wash up. It's almost 2pm and we're supposed to be on our way by 6."

All the boys got up from their seat and washed off their hands, leaving me and just Amy on the dining table. At the sink, Louis and Niall started splashing water at each other, causing Amy to giggle. They only stopped when Liam stood in between them to stop them. I realized that Liam is the mature one and the boys seemed to listen to Liam, the most.

"Alright, we'll come back in probably an hour," Liam said to Niall. The rest of the boys were heading towards the door when I heard Amy suddenly screamed.

"I want to follow them!" She ran towards the door and hugged Zayn's leg.

"Amy......you..." can't.

"Let her go with them, Megan. It's fine," Niall whispered in my ear.

"Momma, please?" Amy begged while still holding onto Zayn's leg tightly.

"Okay. And don't be naughty," I decided and Amy squealed before jumping a little. Harry picked her up in his arms and they went out.

Niall rested on the couch and I followed him, settling on the couch that was much comfier than the sofa Amy and I had in out flat.

"Where are they going to get some clothes?" I asked, starting the conversation.

"Not just they. We," he replied while resting his head back.

"Where are we going?"

"The beach house," he answered, "I thought it would be boring for you and Amy to just stay at my place and do nothing. So, the boys decided for us to have a short getaway at our beach house."

And they own a beach house while I only have a flat. Am I am just lucky to have met Niall or do I look like I'm using him because of his popularity? Or, was I using Amy so that I could enjoy these luxuries?

Niall P.O.V

Megan went silent after I told her about we going to the beach house. Did she not like a beach house? Or a beach? Can't be. We went for a little picnic the other day. So that couldn't be the reason why. So, why?

Megan got up from the couch and I got a little panicked. Really, did she not like going to the beach house? "Where are you going?" I asked, a little quickly.

"Oh, I'm just gonna wash the dirty plates," she told me and disappeared to the kitchen. I took out my phone immediately to give Liam a call, because I really felt that we should change our plan. Megan don't seemed to like it. But I threw my phone aside when I heard a very loud bump coming from the kitchen. I rushed to the kitchen to find Megan on the floor while rubbing her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, a dumb question, "What happened?" I knelt down next to her and followed her hand as she rubbed her back vigorously while wincing in pain.

"My back hurts," she choked, and tried to catch her breath. I pulled her hand from rubbing her own back and let it squeezed my free hand.

I continued rubbing her back gently until I realized that our position was really closed to each other.

*sorry its a little short.

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