{21} - We're family.

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While you're enjoying I Want To Be Mrs Horan, also check out my other completed Liam Fanfic - Fall For You :) x

Niall's P.O.V

I got out of the originally my bedroom and wailed a good night to the boys before getting into the guest room. I didn't have to worry about not having my clothes because I had stored some in the guestroom itself.

I got into the room to immediately be pinned to the wall by Zayn, Harry and Liam. Louis quickly closed the door and locked them before the boys released me.

"What the hell guys?" I asked, pretending to be angry.

"When did you freaking got her pregnant?" Louis whispered-yelled.

"Who pregnant?" I asked while frowning.

"Come on Niall. Who else?" Harry's turn. I frowned and walked to the single bed and sat down.

"What are they talking about?" I asked Liam who were just standing right next to me.

"They're talking about Megan and Amy," he answered.

"What's up with them?"

"Well you freaking brought home two people. A lady and a kid and that kid looks exactly like you so it must be freaking yours. Plus, she calls you 'Poppa'," Louis half yelled by pulling his cheeks down with his fingers.

"But it's not mine," I stated.

"How can she not be yours. Oh my goodness," Harry said loudly, sounded frustrated too.

"Alright guys, listen to what he wanna say," Zayn voiced. Louis quickly took a seat in front of me, on the floor and the rest followed. They were like kids whom listened to their teachers, story-telling.

I told them about how I met Megan and Amy while we were in LA a few months back and when I was assigned to work on with a few composers there, it just brought Amy, Megan and I closer. I told them a little bit about Megan and their life and also how Amy decided to call me Poppa.

"I knew something was going on," Liam said, suddenly. I looked at him and he continued, "Before we get back to London, you said you need to go out looking for some Coach bag for Demi when I remembered you telling me that you have ordered them online."

I felt like slapping myself across forehead for being that stupid. How could I forgot that I had told Liam that? No. How could I even lie to Liam. I mean, if I were to lie to Louis or Harry, probably I won't get caught. Liam is smart. I was and am still just dumb.

"Well I realized something was going on too," Harry said next. I frowned and Louis did the same. "Well a few days after we came back here, you received a phone call while we were watching the movie. You got into the room and only came out an hour later. I went to the kitchen in between that one hour to get a drink and I heard your convo a little."

"You were eavesdropping?" I raised my voice. I wasn't angry. Obviously, I can't be angry at these lovely boys. I was trying to cover my stupidity.

"I wasn't. I overheard a little," Harry defended himself. We stayed in silence for a few second before Zayn spoke up.

"Well actually I knew it too. Perrie showed me a picture on twitter. You were at the beach with them. And then, Josh told me that you went back to the hotel quite late everytime and you're never around every weekend. He suspected that you're seeing someone."

"Oh," I said, amazingly. These boys knew. They probably didn't know what I was feeling for Megan but they knew that Megan and Amy has been existing in my life.

"Why do you guys know at least something? Why didn't I know anything?" Louis started rambling and I just smiled a little. "So, why are they here? That little girl is very cute."

"Oh nothing. I just brought them over so I can introduce you guys to them. They're like my family in LA since I have no one there," I told them and this time, smiled wider. The thought of really having Megan and Amy like my family, made my heart beat faster.

"Do you like her?" Zayn asked.

"Of course, I like them both very much. We're like family," I answered in the matter-of-fact.

"Well, Megan looks hot. I can try my luck," Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"You're leaving her alone," I said sternly while pointing to his nose.

"We'll see..." Harry stated, still with that cheeky smile on.

"Harreh," I admonished. He got up from the floor and sat next to me. He slung one arm over my shoulder and said teasingly.

"Someone is in love."

"What are you talking about, now?" I asked while looking at him with an annoying eyes. I hate that Harry always wanted to try his luck on girls but I didn't really mind, but now that girl that he was talking about, was Megan and I definitely mind that.

"Come on Nialler, we can all see the way you looked at her. You love her, don't you?" Zayn asked in a teasing voice too. I could feel my cheeks rose but controlled them anyway.

"Whatever you say guys. Now on a serious note, we need to plan something for them. I doubt they have been for a holiday so I wanted them to feel like one, here. We only have a week."

We all went silent and started thinking. My eyelids were getting really heavy but since I have the boys here with me, and they acted as a strength, I fought my sleepiness. Furthermore, we're planning something good for Amy and Megan.

"What about our beach house?" Liam suggested.

Louis smacked Liam on the thigh and exclaimed, "Hey that was my idea! Yeah, what about the beach house? We can't stay there for a week since we have work but we could at least ask for a few days off."

"Yeah, that's a good plan," Zayn agreed.

"Well then, the beach house it is!" I said, enthusiastically. "When can we leave?"

"I can call the management to let them know tomorrow morning and we can leave in the evening? A few hours drive to the beach house, so we'll probably reach there at night, and start a fresh the next day," Liam said, sorting out the plans. That's why he's the Daddy. ;)

"Oh my god, oh my god! I would need to pack my clothes. Gahhh! We need to leave tomorrow morning to get our clothes," Louis said dramatically.

"Well that's for tomorrow. I'm sleepy right now." Zayn yawned.

I quickly lay my back down on the single bed to avoid the boys from taking the only comfortable space to sleep on. Zayn didn't care though. He squeezed himself next to me and rested his right arm around my stomach.

"Awwh, is it the Ziall moment?" Harry teased.

"I want to freaking join them!" I heard Louis said and in matter of seconds, he was on my other side, squeezing himself on the bed and rested his left arm on my chest. I felt suffocated in between Zayn and Louis but I didn't mind because I've missed these boys. I sighed a little but immediately groaned when I felt a body lying across on top of me. It was Harry because it definitely can't be Liam.

"Alright boys, come on. Let Niall rest," Liam instructed.

"But I miss Nialler. I want to sleep with Nialler," Louis whined childishly.

"Let's all 5 of us sleep outside in the living room. Ass you Louis for interrupting our Ziall moment," Zayn said. Louis stuck out his tongue at Zayn.

I chuckled and left them. Grabbing the duvet while Harry picked the pillows. We laid the pillows and blankets on the floor, in front of the tv and settled down there. I slept in the middle with Zayn and Louis on each of my side and Harry and Liam next to Louis and Zayn respectively. The boys had their body curled so that they could at least reached my chest or stomach to hold me.

In a matter of minutes, I heard light snores coming from each of them. I smiled and held each of their hands in my arms before losing myself to sleep. It felt good to be back home, and to be with all of my loved ones.

* * *

I woke up feeling uncomfortable and squeezy. I looked to the left with Louis and Harry still sleeping, hugging each other. I turned to the right to find to be met by Zayn's nose. His arms were around my body and his leg were on top of mine.

I struggled a little to get out of Zayn's grip and off the ground. My body were aching a little and I was feeling sticky from last night, remembering that I didn't get to shower before going to sleep. I walked to my room and silently opened the door to my room.

Megan's P.O.V

I sat on the bed, resting my head back on the bedhead. Amy was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up because she went to bed quite late last night. I dilly-dally picked the clothes that I should wear and settled with a 3/4 skinny pants with a pink oversize t-shirt. I don't usually dress up like that but we're at Niall's place and there are a few of his friends around. Therefore I need to find something that is appropriate.

I was staring into space when the door cracked open slowly and Niall tip-toed in. "Eh why are you awake so early?" he asked when he realized that I was watching him.

"Erm, it's 11 in the morning. I'm usually up by 8," I told him and smiled a little as I watched him scratched his already messy hair.

"Oh. I uhm, just wanna get some clothes then we can have breakfast. Oh but the boys are still sleeping though," he said while walking towards his closet.

"Well I wanted to go out earlier to make breakfast or something but I'm considered a guest so I shall not," I joked, "Plus I don't know what you have in your kitchen."

"Alright, just give me a minute and then we can go make breakfast together," Niall said quickly and disappeared himself into the bathroom.

I waited for a few....... "I'm done!" seconds.

"That's fast, Niall," I commented. He took less than a minute? Are you kidding me?

"Yeah, I'm hungry. Let's go make breakfast," he said while scrubbing his hair/head with a towel. I nodded and followed him out to the kitchen. On the way, I saw the boys sleeping in different ways and direction in the living room. It was weird to be seeing extra boys when all these while it was only me, Niall and Amy.

"Okay so we can make pancakes. I have the pancake mix, and we can make toast too....."

"Do you have cereals?" I cut him off. Amy would prefer cereal but I don't really know because Amy and I never had pancakes for breakfast.

"Oh shit. I don't have cereals. Amy would want cereals right? Oh my, I forgot to ask the boys to buy them," Niall blabbered, getting panic.

"Well, it's okay. Toast would be fine for her," I assured him.

"You sure?" I nodded. We proceed to make some toast and pancakes until the first boy got up.

"You guys making food?" Louis asked as he leaned against the wall, sleepily.

"Yeah. Go wake the rest up. It's past noon already," Niall told him.

"Past noon? Holy shit. We need to get our clothes," Louis yelled and ran back to the living room. I heard some commotions as Louis tried to wake the boys up. I just smiled and ignored, continuing with the pancakes.

"Momma," I heard Amy's sleepy voice. I turned around to find her standing at the doorway of the kitchen with her blue dolphin in her left hand. "Poppa."

"Hey baby, you're awake," Niall said and went to Amy, grabbing her by the waist before planting a kiss on her forehead. Niall became lot more like me when calling and treating Amy. He acted really father-likely towards Amy which I was very grateful for. "Louis must have woken you up with his loud voice right?"

I concentrated on the flipping the pancakes but I assumed she nodded because Niall started scolding Louis playfully. "Look, you've caused her to wake up. She's tired. You need to learn to lower down your voice...." Niall started rambling. I finished the last few pancakes and brought them over to dining table.

I was taking out some juices from the fridge when Amy came next to me and asked for permission, "Momma, can I follow Louis to his house later? He said he needs to take some clothes."

"No Amy, you can't," I answered immediately but I felt another presence next to me.

"Let her be, Megan. Louis would take care of her."

"I know, Niall. I'm just....."

"Trust him like you trust me, Megan. Because we're family."

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