{25} - Dolphin is missing.

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Megan's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of crying. I rubbed my eyes lazily and turned around to find Amy sitting on the other side of bed, crying. I quickly jolted up from the bed and held her close to me. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

"My blue dolphin is missing," Amy told me, sobbing. I looked around the bed and knew that the place wasn't familiar. It was a little bigger than the rooms in our home. This one, the wall is painted blue, with two cupboards on the left and a dresser on the right side. Where were we?

Then I remembered that we weren't in LA. We were with Niall in London and.....beach house. Because I heard the sound of waves. We have reached? When? How did I ended up here without knowing? Amy sobs brought me back from thinking too much.

"Shhhh. We'll go look for your dolphin okay?" I coaxed her. I carried her off the bed and slowly got out of the room to find her blue dolphin because our bags weren't in the room. There's another door opposite the one I exited but I didn't get in. I made my way down the stairs very slowly and quietly while holding Amy tightly. Her legs were wrapped around my waist while her arms were wrapped around my neck.

The living room were quite small with just a 2 sofa and a TV right in front, with a small coffee table by the side. I didn't know where to go because the house was empty. Where was everyone else? I noticed the wall clock near one of the windows that stated 11.

"Where's the dolphin?" Amy asked and sobbed.

"We're searching for it," I said softly to her. I brought her into the kitchen, thinking that a cup of water would help to calm her a little. I settled her on top of the cabinet and went to get a cup of plain water after telling Amy to stay still.

"I don't want water. I want dolphin!" Amy insisted when I came back to her.

"We will find dolphin later. Now you drink some water first," I told her but Amy became naughty and started kicking the cabinet with the back of her leg. "Amy, be quiet!" She ignored me and started crying again. I held her close and bumped her face to my chest so that the sound wouldn't be loud.

"Hey, is she okay?" A voice startled me. I turned around to find Liam, only in a pair of basketball shorts and towel over his shoulder at the entrance of the kitchen. His hair were wet and he was shirtless. I pushed a few strains of my hair back because I know that they were messy from the sleep I had. I blushed a little at the thought of me being unclean, around someone new.

"Oh yeah, yeah, she's fine," I answered Liam.

"Then why is she crying?"

"Oh she's just looking for...." I was cut off.

"I want my dolphin. Have you seen it?" Amy asked Liam.

"Nope I haven't. Where did you put it?" Liam asked Amy and approached us.

"I don't know," Amy answered and cried again. Liam suddenly looked panic, so I assured him that Amy's always behaving like that whenever she's upset. "Have you seen Poppa, Liam?"

"I think he's still sleeping," Liam told her.

"I want to go to Poppa," Amy turned to me with her sad puppy eyes look.

"Just bring her up to Niall. He's in the room opposite yours," Liam told me.

"But he's still sleeping," I said.

"Just wake him up. It's almost noon, anyway." I nodded to Liam and slowly carried Amy out of the kitchen. "Oh anyway," Liam stopped me, "I'm making some toast. Do you want some?"

"It's okay, I'm good," I answered, declining his offer because I didn't want to trouble him.

I walked up the stairs and stopped outside Niall's room. I knocked a few times and when I didn't receive any answers, I just opened the door and stepped in. Leaving the door opened, I walked to the bed. Niall was lying on his stomach and the blanket only covered the bottom part of his body, exposing his bare back.

Amy removed her arms around my neck and jumped off my hips. She crawled to Niall and slowly tapped Niall's shoulder while sobbing. Her cries got louder when Niall didn't woke up, and her cries eventually woke Niall up.

"What's wrong, baby?" Niall asked as soon as he turned her head, and met with crying Amy next to him. He changed his position from lying down to sitting and pulled Amy to his lap. He didn't even look at me, which explained a little that he cares a lot more for Amy.

"My blue dolphin is missing," Amy complained.

"Where did you put it?" Niall asked her while wiping Amy's cheeks with his big thumb.

"I don't know. I woke up and the dolphin is not there," Amy explained. I wasn't even sure if Amy had slept with the dolphin last night.

"Oh no. I forgot to get the dolphin when I put you in bed last night," Niall suddenly said out loud and carried Amy out of the bed. I blushed a little when I saw that Niall was only in a pair of boxer as he walked to the closet and bent down to what I recognized, our bags. He unzipped Amy's bag and took out the blue dolphin. "Here. It's not missing darling," he told Amy, smiling and kissed her forehead.

Amy snatched the blue dolphin and wiped her own face with it. She demanded Niall to put her down before taking off running out of the room. Niall had a confused look on his face, so I told him, "She's embarrassed at the thought of the blue dolphin was missing."

"Oh," Niall replied and then reached for a tank top in his bag. I wanted to ask him what time did we reach last night and how as I in bed. But I totally forgot that he was acting cold towards me yesterday until I felt a little awkwardness standing alone in the room with him. I wanted to walk away when he called me, "Megan..."


"Erm, have you eaten anything for breakfast?" he asked.

"Oh, not yet. I woke up with Amy crying, asking me for her dolphin and all. So, I haven't get any yet," I told him.

"Okay. I'll just shower for awhile and then we can prepare breakfast or," he stopped, glancing at the clock, "Brunch."

"Oh yeah sure. I haven't shower too actually. I couldn't find my bags," I told him and pointed to my bags. He wasn't giving any sign that he's gonna act cold to me again, so let's not lengthen anything.

* * *

Niall's P.O.V

I carried Amy in my arms with Megan on my left and we make our way down the stairs to the kitchen. The kitchen were filled with noise and I immediately knew that the boys should be up. It's just the matter whether they have taken their shower or not.

We entered the kitchen and Louis was the first one to noticed. "Oh here comes the happy family," Louis mentioned happily. I watched how Megan blushed a little. I wish, I could make her blush but proud at the same time for the same reason of a 'happy family'. I wish I could really make her feel like we're a happy family and not just because Amy wanted us to.

"I want to have pancake again," Amy said. Louis stopped nibbling on a baby carrot and came to me, strectching his arms to get Amy. Amy happily went to Louis and I watched Louis brought Amy to Harry and gave her a few pieces of chocolate chip. Amy threw in one at a time to the batter of pancakes as Harry instructed.

"I think you guys should wait outside," Zayn said, looking at Megan, "The kitchen's quite a mess with boys in it."

Zayn was probably embarrassed when he said that to Megan but the look he gave Megan increases my insecurity and I was really afraid that Megan might have a thing for him. Which was why I placed my hand on Megan's back and slowly pushed her out of the kitchen. We stopped at the living room and settled ourselves on the sofa.

"Let them do the work. All we have to know is that our brunch should be ready soon," I told him Megan, playfully. She chuckled and let her head fell back to the couch. It made me guilty a little because she was acting like as though she was ignoring me. "Erm, are you tired?" I asked her, trying create a conversation.

"Oh, no. Not at all."

Her answer was short. She didn't try to make the conversation alive. She was, definitely mad at me.

"Well Megan," I started, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I know I was being cold to you. I was just tired, really. I'm just....."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I'm just really sorry for acting cold towards you, yesterday," I apologized.

"No, no it's fine. I'm....cool about it," she told me.

"But you were ignoring me?"

"I wasn't," she argued.

"But you answer was short when I asked you if you're tired."

Megan looked at me for a few seconds before she burst out laughing. "You're quite sensitive, aren't you?" she remarked. Yes, probably I was - only to her, for her. "I really wasn't feeling tired. I feel so relaxed over here. Usually it's normal routine like waking Amy up and then send her to school, go to work and the list goes on. You know I haven't really brought Amy out of the country for a holiday or anything and I'm just so happy to see how happy she is and how excited she could be around your friends. I'm happy too," she added, "I really feel I should thank you."

"You don't have to, Megan. I should probably be the one who thank you for coming with me," I said to her and reached for hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. I felt really proud of myself for being able to not just put smile on Amy's face but to be able to make Megan felt as happy.

"You're really kind, Niall. I'm so grateful you let Amy and I in your life," Megan stated and she caught me off-guard when she got closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a gentle squeeze with our cheeks pressing against each other.

"Thank you for letting me in your life," I told her, in the matter of fact as I wrapped one of my arms around her waist, pulling her closer while we're still sitting on the sofa.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh don't take my dolphin!!!" we heard Amy screamed as she ran out of the kitchen, which caused Megan and I to pull away. We looked towards the kitchen and saw Amy running after Louis as they climb up the stairs.

"Be careful Amy!" Megan yelled a little from beside me. The worry on her face was clear. But Amy has reached the top stairs and we couldn't see what Louis was up to. We heard a little more screaming from Amy which caused Megan to walked over to the stairs and wanted to climb up to see what was going on.

Megan's P.O.V

I was about to climbed up the stairs when I saw Louis heading down, with Amy's dolphin in his arms. Amy was just right behind him, ready to chase him down the stairs. I was super worried when I saw Amy running after Louis, up the stairs. She could have just lost her balance and slipped off the stairs.

"Louis!!" Niall yelled from behind me, which caused Louis to stop right dead on the steps. Amy, too, stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at her Poppa.

Niall quickly climbed up the stairs and snatched the blue dolphin from Louis. He climbed a little more and gave the dolphin to Amy before politely asked her to get down to me. "Bring her out to play or something," Niall told me, seriously.

I lead Amy out of the living room. The rest of the boys, had their heads all popped out from the kitchen. As I exited, I heard Niall started yelling at Louis. Yes, he was yelling. I've never heard him yell before. He sounded really angry.

It made me scared a little. It made me feel bad because Louis was getting scolded by Niall because of Amy and I. I tried to eavesdrop whatever Niall was saying but I couldn't because Amy was getting excited as she saw the waves. The last thing I remembered was Liam telling them to stop.

Were they fighting? Because of Amy and I?

Were they?

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