{26} - You're in love.

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* Sorry if this is a little boring. I am kind off not in a mood to write but I haven't update this for a few days so I decided I should just put up something. Anyway, there will be a Harry Styles fanfic coming up soon in June. Yayy! Who's excited? LOL, I bet only my bestfriend would be. The banner at the side is done by her :) *

Niall's P.O.V

"What do you think you're doing?" I yelled to Louis as soon as Amy and Megan began to walk away.

"What? I'm just playing with Amy," Louis told me, defending himself.

"On the stairs? Seriously? What if Amy slipped on the stairs when she was running? Why don't you think like an adult sometimes Lou?" I asked, shooting him with a lot of possible questions that occurred in my mind.

"What is wrong with you? Amy was the one who wanted to play..." Louis spoke up but I cut him off immediately.

"I didn't say you're not allowed to play with her. But the point is, do you have to play on the stairs? Don't you know how dangerous is that for Amy? What....."

"Stop it guys!" That was Liam. He was standing at the end of the stairs, while Harry and Zayn were behind him. "We have a guest don't we? We have Amy and Megan with us and the two of you are yelling to each other like you have lost your carrots and Nandos."

That managed to put a smile on Louis' face and caused Harry and Zayn to erupt into laughter. I wanted to laugh too, but I controlled them. I walked down the stairs and shoved past Liam, Zayn and Harry and out to the main door, where Amy and Megan had exited.

I saw them holding hands, by the shore and Amy was splashing a little bit of the sea water to Megan. I walked to them and called them as soon as I was nearer.

"Poppa!" Amy exclaimed and ran to me. She pulled me by the hand to where Megan was standing, hugging the blue dolphin and asked, "Poppa, when can we play in the water?"

"Not today, love," I told her, "Maybe tomorrow."

"Hmmphh," Amy sighed, "Momma said the same thing too."

I looked over to Megan who gave me an apologetic smile and look. What was wrong with her? I returned her smile and then told them that we shouldn't be at the beach because the sun was scorching hot. Amy protested at first, but Megan coaxed her a little. We took a seat under the shades, by the tree and enjoyed the scenery of the beach.

"Poppa," Amy called.

I looked at her and smiled, "Yes darling?"

"I'm hungry. I haven't had the pancakes," she told me. I watched her face as she looks like she was begging for the pancakes. But there was no way I am getting back in the house to have the breakfast. Don't get me wrong. Obviously I still love Louis and the boys but *coughs* I still do have my ego and not just get in there, and dig into the breakfast they made.

"Do you want to go out today? We can have some pancakes on the way out," I suggested and I saw Megan giving me a frowned look but I kinda ignored her as I talked to Amy.

"Erm, will Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam follow?" she asked me.

"Nope they won't. It's just 3 of us. Just like back in LA," I told her and smiled. Amy started tapping her chin, as though she was thinking hard and finally answered.

"Okay. Let's go," Amy said and got up. She was walking ahead of Megan and I when Megan asked me.

"Why can't we just have breakfast or what you called brunch, with them inside?"

I was a little surprised by her question. Because I thought she could have possibly fall for one of the guys inside and that she was reluctant to go out with me anymore. But we almost kissed yesterday... Oh God, please don't let her fall for any of the guys.

* * *

Megan's P.O.V

The day was well spent, even though at first I was a little upset when Niall didn't want to answer my question about why couldn't we just have breakfast with the boys. Niall only get into the house to get his wallet and the mini bus' keys. I didn't know that he could drive.

He brought us to eat pancakes at one of the hotels for our super late breakfast. I told him that it is not necessary to get pancakes for us because Amy was just trying to be pampered when she said she wanted it. But Niall, obviously, ignored me again and ordered two pieces of buttermilk pancakes with chocolate ice-cream for Amy. Sometimes, he's just a bit too much pampering Amy.

We spent the day shopping some things for Amy. We went into this swimwear shop to look for one for Amy, and that's when I realized that I didn't have my purse with me.

"Don't worry about it. I'll cover everything up," Niall told me. I felt bad that it was always him who would be paying for us, but Niall would definitely ignore me again if I were to bring that matter up.

We spent about an hour in the shop. Niall got Amy two set of swimwear for kids and a floater with the shape of a duck. Amy was super excited about using the items and kept ranting to Niall about it. At one point of time, Niall offered me if I wanted any bikini set or anything but I declined it politely. There's no way in anywhere that I would be wearing bikini in front of the boys.

By 8 at night, we were still outside, wandering about the street shops as Niall picked some food for dinner. We planned to head home straight but as we drove back home, Amy spotted a small carnival going on and pleaded for us to stop by just for her to get one ride. Niall agreed and we stopped by. He paid for the pony ride like Amy requested and brought me to sit over a bench nearby.

"Can I ask you something?" I started.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why did you yell at Louis just now?"

I heard him sigh even though the music at the carnival was quite loud before saying, "It's nothing."

"Please tell me," I begged a little.

"Well I just told him not to play with Amy on the stairs," he said.

"That's all?"

"Yeah," he lied. I knew he was lying, and he's not gonna tell me the truth. I got up from the bench and walked towards the pony rides. Amy waved at me when she saw me and I smiled as I watched her filled with happiness.

"I yelled at him for a reason, Megan," I heard Niall said as soon as he stepped next to me. "I just didn't want Amy to get hurt the next time if they were to play on the stairs. It's dangerous."

I didn't reply him but I wasn't practically ignoring him either. I nodded a little. He wanted to speak again when Amy came running to us. She hugged my knees tightly before giggling. I carried her up and she told me how fun was the ride and how there was a little boy who was scared to ride the ponies. I started walking away, leaving Niall behind but I knew he was following closely.

"Momma, I want cotton candy," Amy said to me, pointing to a rainbow color cotton candy at one of the stall.

"Ask Poppa," I told her.

"Poppa, can I have cotton candy?"

"Yes baby," Niall said and took her from me. He walked to the stall and bought a pack for Amy.

"Only one?" I heard Amy asked.

"How many do you want, love?" Niall asked her back.

"I want one. Then what about Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam?"

I saw him sigh again before paying for a few extra packs of cotton candy, which I supposed meant for the boys before walking back to our vehicle,

Niall's P.O.V

The ride back was filled with silence. Amy was quiet too. Probably tired from being out the whole day. Megan, she was probably mad at me for yelling at Louis. She must have fallen for him. I must let her know before she got her heart broken because Louis has Eleanor. I also can't help but felt extremely disappointed. I thought I was already a step closer when we almost kissed each other yesterday, but I was wrong.

Maybe, I shouldn't even have brought Megan and Amy over.

"Eh they are outside," Amy commented, pointing towards the porch of the beach house. The boys were all sitting at the bench there.

We got out of the mini bus and Amy quickly went to them. I saw Harry hugged Amy tightly and asked her, "Where have you been?"

"A lot of places. I eat pancakes with ice cream. And then Poppa bought me a duck float. Then we go to the carnival and I got on the pony ride. We bought cotton candy too," Amy told him, one by one. She then went to distribute the cotton candies that were in the bag she was holding.

"Alright Amy, come. You need to bathe," Megan called her. Amy said her 'bye-bye' and followed Megan, leaving me and the boys at the porch before wishing us 'goodnights'.

It was then filled with silent and it was awkward for me as well. "Goodnight," I muttered but I heard Louis' voice.

"Wait, Niall."

I turned around, watching as Louis stood up and walked towards me. He stood a few inches away from me and then I heard Zayn said, "Maybe we should get in."

The boys left me and Louis at the porch. Louis did nothing but just looked at me in the eyes. If he wants to get mad, just because I had admonished him about not playing with Amy on the stairs, then.....

"You're in love."

Wait, what? "What?" I said this time out loud.

"You're in love," he repeated before shoving past me to the door.

"What do you mean I'm in love?"

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