{27} - Are you sure?

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Niall's P.O.V

"What do you mean I'm in love?"

Louis stopped in his track, turned around and walked back to me. He placed his hand on my back and pushed a little towards the bench. He gestured me to sit down before occupying the empty space next to me. He looked at me and just looking without saying anything.

"What is it, Lou?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"I said," he paused, "You're in love."

"And what do you mean by that?"

Louis laughed which made me annoyed a little bit more. "Look Nialler," he started, "You, of all people will never scold me..."

"But you gotta understand that I scolded you for a reason," I cut him off, "It is really dangerous for Amy to be playing on the stairs."

"Yeah, yeah I know and I'm sorry. You know me.....I'm just with a mind of kids like Amy sometimes, so I'm really sorry about it," Louis said, apologizing.

Yeah, we all know Louis can act like a 5 year old even though he's the oldest. I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder to pull him for a friendly hug. We hugged each other for a few seconds before we heard the main door cracked open and I looked up to find Harry, Liam and Zayn at the door.

"I want to join the hug," Zayn said childishly and pouted. I chuckled and opened up my arms, calling him in. Soon, all 5 of us were engulfed in group hug and I received little kisses from Louis, on the cheek.

"I love you guys so much," Liam stated as he ruffled Louis and I's hair.

"Aww I love you too," Louis replied him. I didn't. Not that I don't love them. But I was thinking of that word 'love'. Louis said, I was in love. What do he meant by that, he didn't explain.

"Wait wait wait," I said, cutting all the bromance moment. "Louis, you said I'm in love. What do you mean?"

The boys started exchanging looks between each other before erupted into laughter. Oh my god, what is so funny?

"Don't you get it still?" Louis questioned me.

"Duhh, obviously I don't, which is why I'm asking you," I responded and rolled my eyes.

Zayn placed his arm over my shoulder, getting my attention. "Nialler, we can see clearly in your eyes and by your actions that you're in love."

"You're definitely in love with Megan, Nialler," Harry stated. I just looked down on the floor and clasp my fist together.

"What's wrong Niall?" Liam asked and knelt down in front of me.

I know I was in love with Megan. Now that I heard someone stating it for me, I realized that I actually do love Megan more than a friend and that I really wanted to be the 'Poppa' in her family.

I looked up and finally met Liam's gaze and the other boys'. "I know it guys. I've known it quite some time back. I'm just afraid if it's too fast and I'm not sure about her feelings for me. I just....don't know what to do."

"Ah, no wonder you haven't had girlfriends," Harry mocked but I know he was just joking. But his words made Zayn and Liam to give him a death glare. "I'm sorry, I'm just kidding," he apologized and looked away from Zayn's and Liam's eyes.

I didn't blame him though. His words were true anyway. I haven't had girlfriend for a long time because I wasn't so good with words. I will just gonna make a fool out of myself if I were to ask a girl out for a date or anything like that.

"Erm, have you hugged or kissed her or anything?" Harry asked.

"I've hugged her several times, and kissed her on the cheeks and forehead," I told him.

"Erm....lips?" Louis asked.

"Almost," I stated sheepishly. "Yesterday."

"Yesterday?!" The boys all asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I don't know who leaned in first but we almost kissed, and then you guys came back from getting your clothes," I explained.

"Oh man! We should have taken our own sweet time," Louis said regretfully.

"Whatever it is, we trust that, you will make the right choice," Liam said.

"I don't even know what is the right choice, Liam," I replied stupidly.

"Tell her. Just be honest to her. You won't know if she's feeling the same thing for you," Zayn said next. "Niall, she's a mature young lady. You told us how Amy meant the world to her. She may be feeling the same thing but not showing it because she thought Amy is enough of her," Zayn added.

"Just confess it to her, Niall. You have us behind your back," Liam told me and patted me on the shoulder.

"Are you guys sure that this will work?" I asked.

"Well you won't know if you don't try," Harry replied and gave me a warm smile.

* * *

"I'm so sorry guys. It's kind of a last minute and Paul only called me this morning," Liam apologized for the umpteenth time that morning.

It was 7 in the morning and all of us were up, all dressed nicely. All because half an hour ago, Liam came budging in our room, telling us that we have an interview at 10am. Seeing that the beach house was quite far away, we needed much more time to travel and we don't know the condition of the road.

"It's okay, Liam," I told him, "I'm just gonna go up and let Megan know."

I walked up the stairs and lightly knocked on Megan's room. It took about a minute or two before Megan finally opened the door.

"Sorry, I just got out of the shower. Are we going anywhere since you're all dressed up," Megan said. Her hair was still wet and her face was 'naked'.

"Oh nope. Erm, the boys and I kinda have a last minute interview. Would you be okay being left alone with Amy for a few hours?" I asked hesitantly. I was definitely reluctant to leave them but as I peeked into the room and saw that Amy was still sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake her up.

"Yes, it's fine," she said, smiling to me and at the same time using the towel that was in her hand to wiped the water dripping from the end of her hair.

"If you're good, we're leaving now," I told her.

"Oh sure. I'll just send you guys to the front porch then," Megan offered.

As we walked down the stairs, I told her, "If Amy gets bored or anything, in the drawer just right next to the TV, there's a few collections of movie cartoons. Or if she wants to YouTube or anything, I have left my laptop in my room. I'll text you the password."

"Niall, I'm sure we're gonna be just fine," she assured me and I nodded. "Good morning boys," Megan greeted the boys shyly. I realized how she was always being shy around the boys.

"Morning Megan," the boys muttered sleepily.

"Good morning Megan," Liam greeted her properly, "I'm sorry we kinda have to leave you and Amy. But I promise that the boys will come back with lunch for you."

Megan just chuckled and smiled to him. We made our way out to the mini bus and Megan just stood by the door at the porch. She waved the boys goodbye and right before I went to our vehicle, I gave her a small hug and pecked her cheek.

I know I'm gonna have to confess to her soon.

* * *

By 9:50am, we were all ready touched up by the make-up artist and should be out in a few minutes. It will only be a half an hour interview and Harry, by chance had seen what the list of topics the interviewer would be asking, on his clipboard.

1. How is One Direction doing?

2. What about the album making? A song or two.

3. Questions from fans.

4. Relationships (prioritize Niall Horan)

I was so nervous that I just wanted to leave the backstage and get back in the vehicle and drive back to the beach house. What am I supposed to say if they were to ask me about Amy and Megan?

"It's okay, mate. Let us take care of it," Harry told me. I looked at him and wonder what he could do. He told me and the rest of the boys that we should delay the time by giving the interviewer long answers for the first two questions. I just agreed with them and Zayn gave me a bro hug to calm my nervousness down.

"Alright so we all know who we have with us today. Let's welcome One Direction," the interviewer yelled followed by screaming of fans. We all went out and shamelessly stood at the front of the studio and waved to the fans. We just wanted to delay some time. It only lasted for a minute or two before the interviewer ushered us to the big red couch in the middle of the studio.

"So boys, how are you guys feeling today?" The interviewer, with a big geek specs, red t-shirt and a purple shawl wrapped around his neck, asked. I glanced down at the name tag he was wearing which stated Mark.

"We're good, good as ever. You know, what do I say, we're amazayn," Zayn answered and chuckled when some fans echoed his 'amazayn'.

"Yeah I can see that. So what are you guys up to currently?" Mark asked and I knew he's already starting on the first thing on his list.

"Well currently we're in the making of album...." Liam started but Louis cut him off immediately.

"No no no no no no no! We're currently on a short getaway, but still somewhere around London. You know, just taking a break for a while."

"Oh yeah, I see. I heard from Paul that you guys had to travel back from wherever you are. We're so sorry about it but I hope you guys don't mind."

"Of course we don't. I'm still quite sleepy actually but anything for you lovely fans," Harry said and blew a kiss to the fans, causing them to squeal and some in tears. I smiled warmly at them. Without them, we won't even be here.

"Alright, so like Liam was saying, you guys are in the midst of an album?"

"Oh yeah, we're now working on an acoustic album. After Up All Night, this will be our second album," Liam said, answering the question before going into detail, "The album will be consisting of 12 songs and they will all be in an acoustic version. 10 of them will be new songs that we're working on and 2 of them will be an acoustic version of What Makes You Beautiful and Gotta Be You."

I glanced down at my watch and realized that we still had about 15 minutes left before we say goodbye and get lost from this place.

"So are all the 10 songs written by you guys or composed by others?"

"Oh most of them are written by ourselves and the music is from Corey, our acoustic composer, Josh and Niall himself," Liam explained and the studio applaud for me. I smiled widely at all of them before I saw the cameraman giving some signals to I'm not sure who.

"Well I see our Niall Horan is too quiet today," Mark remarked. Oh my, please don't target me.

"You know why? Like we have said, we had to travel back here and the journey is about 3 hours and Niall is a little bit not in the mood because we haven't had breakfast," Louis said. He was sitting next to me and then patted my head, "It's okay Nialler, we'll go to Nandos later okay?"

The fans squealed a little more and what they called 'Nouis' bromance and I just chuckled as Louis leaned his head against my shoulder.

"So Niall is that why you were in LA? Doing music for the album?" Mark asked. I nodded and he continued, "So how is it going?"

"It's been good. We had almost half of the album done actually. It's just a little bit sad to be away from the boys because you know we're always together but we're doing it for you lovely directioners," I said and then blew a kiss to the fans. More squealing.

"Well it's good to hear that you boys are up to something good for these girls," Mark stated. I knew it should be the question time next and probably after one question, we can go because the time is up. But I was totally wrong.

"But Niall, in LA, where you're supposed to be working for the album, some sources spotted you with two girls. One about your age and another very young girl. Who are they?"

I should have known that they would do anything to get the news whatever it is. I can lie. I must lie about it. I was about to open my mouth when I noticed the cameraman was giving another signal and then the next minute, the screen behind us flashed a picture of Amy, Megan and I. Whereby I was carrying Megan in bridal style and Amy in front of us.

"Oh, they're my family actually," I answered simply causing Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis to turn to me with eyes wide. I had to tell the truth anyway since they have gotten some pictures of Amy, Megan and I together.

"What do you mean they're your family? We also heard that the little girl called you Papa. So is that just a rumor or you might want to explain."

"It's not a rumor. The little girl is mine and yes she called me Poppa," I said and just in time, the 'the end' music played at the background. The studio was too silent as they heard my answer. And I was relieved that time was up.

"Alright, that is all with One Direction today. We will look forward to their upcoming album then," Mark said, wrapping up the whole interview. We waved goodbye to the fans before running backstage.

"Mate, what are you doing? Why did you say that?" Liam asked, panic.

"I know what I'm doing," I told him calmly.

"Are you even sure about it? You know there are gonna be....."

I didn't let Liam finish and said, "I am very sure about it mate."

* I estimated about 40 chapters for this story but I still have a lot more to write. I just wanna know if you readers would prefer me to write longer for each chapter and rush it a bit with '* * *' or would you be fine with me updating at my normal pace and length? I need to know, please (: *

Vote if you think I deserve it :) x

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