{31} - Bye bye London!

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Niall's P.O.V

"Could you just move aside and let me bring my daughter out to any nearest clinic?" Megan yelled at me. She stared at me with fury eyes and I realized that her eyes were puffy.

"Momma," Amy cried and I saw how her body actually startled with tears streaming down her face when Megan started yelling. Megan held Amy closer to her and shoved past me.

I caught up with her running steps and held both Megan and Amy in my arms. We were just at the porch and even though I felt the cold breeze caressing my exposed leg and arms through my loose tank top and boxer, I could also feel the heat through the sweater that Amy was wearing.

I heard a light sob coming from Megan and pulled away from the hug. "I need to bring Amy to the clinic. She's been cold since last night," she sobbed. She wasn’t yelling anymore. She was whispering like as though she was tired.

Then the memory of last night came back. Even though I wasn't feeling good from whatever that happened between myself and Megan, I did joined the boys and their girlfriends during the campfire. I also remembered seeing Megan running back into the house. Amy must have caught a cold while we were having too much fun.

"Hold on," I muttered before running back into the house. All the boys and girls were standing in circle, nearby the staircase and their faces were plastered with worried expression. I quickly walked over to them and said frantically, "I need the van's key and pants."

Immediately, the boys ran to their respective rooms and in no time, they came out with something. Liam got the keys while the boys had different types of pants each in their hand. I snatched the joggers that was in Harry's hand and put it on quickly before running out to where Megan and Amy were.

Megan was sitting on the bench at the porch and Amy was on her lap. Megan was crying as she continuously kissed Amy's forehead. I walked to them and gestured Megan to get up. I rushed her towards the van and started the ignition.

* * *

The doctor has made it clear that Amy was fine and it was just a normal fever, but Megan seemed to still be very upset about it. I don't know if she was feeling that way because it was usually how Moms reacts when their children got sick or something else. She didn't let me carry Amy as she kept holding her close to her chest.

Megan was sitting next to me with Amy asleep in her arms while we were waiting for our turn to collect the prescribed medicines. Luckily the clinic wasn't far and there weren’t many people in it.

"You okay?" I asked her softly. She shook her head and I caught a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes. "What's wrong Megan?"

"I'm scared," she stated and more tears streamed down her face.


"I'm scared if Amy's cancer comes back. That's the last thing I want to happen to me and Amy," she confessed and started crying heavily.

I hugged her closer to my side and let her head rest on my shoulder. I wiped her tears with my free hand and kissed her forehead. Seeing her in this vulnerable state only made me want to take care of her. Yes, she rejected me, but too bad, I want to be responsible of her and Amy. We don't have to get married, I just want to be able to take care of her and Amy like they're mine. But who was I kidding? I really want to be part of their family.

I couldn't control Megan's tears anymore. The tears kept coming after I wiped them off. I didn't realize it but I was also tearing at that point of time. For Amy to have her cancer back would be the last thing I wanted, too and now, seeing Megan in this kind of state made my heart clenched.

"Megan," I called. She slowly looked up to me. "It's gonna be alright, I promise," I added.

* * *

The 10 minutes ride back to the beach house has made Megan fell asleep on the passenger seat. And even though she was asleep, she still held on to Amy very securely. I stopped outside of the beach house and all of the boys got out to the front porch.

Slowly, I untangled Megan's arms from Amy's petite body and told Harry to get her. Harry carried Amy in while I got Megan. Harry must have placed Amy in her room because they weren't in the living room. I didn't even put Megan down but just settled myself on the couch, with Megan on my lap.

"I tried to extend your flight until tomorrow but it's not available. The only flight you could catch back to LA will be at 11 tonight," Liam informed me as he sat next to me. I don't know where's the rest of the boys and girls were but I appreciated their absence because I'm so tired to be questioned and all. Heck I even forgot that I got a morning flight to catch up today.

"Thanks Liam," I mouthed to him.

Megan's P.O.V

I woke up and got panicked when Amy wasn't in my arms. I looked around and realized that I was back at the beach house. I got off the couch and ran for the stairs. Where's everyone? Where's Amy? I bumped onto someone who just got out from the kitchen while clumsily running for the stairs.


"Hey Megan, you're awake," he stated.

"Where's Amy?" I shoot him with the question.

"She's upstairs," he said and I quickly ran up the stairs, tripping myself at the very top stairs and fell down on my stomach. I heard Harry gasped and footsteps behind me but I heck care about it. I got up and ran to the room where Amy and I had occupied.

I sighed in relieved when I saw Amy, asleep in bed with the blue dolphin by the side. I walked over and sat down on the floor, just next to the bed. I hugged my legs close to my chest and hid my face. I felt so tired, I felt so weak.

Last night when I had rushed Amy back into the house, I quickly tucked her in bed and covered her with another layer of sweater and then the duvet. I hugged her to sleep and didn't let go. I was tearing the whole night because I was afraid if that very thing I fear of, will happen to me again - the cancer. Amy rarely falls sick since she recovered from her cancer.

Amy's doctor has informed that the cancer hasn't fully gone but it can't came back now be now. Not after 6 months since I regarded her as my healthy girl again. Not after she can finally put on hair clips. No!

This morning when she stirred in my arms, nope she didn't. She was shivering tremendously. I scooped her in my arms and quickly got ready to bring her to the nearest clinic. I was aware that I wasn't in LA but I know that I could find a way to any nearest clinic or hospital.

While searching for some information regarding the hospitals or clinics, Liam went into the kitchen and saw me. I went there because the connection of my iPhone were that bad in the room. Liam then got out of the kitchen. I didn't know what he was doing but I quickly left the kitchen and to the main door after I found a clinic nearby.

And that's when Niall came.

"Megan," I heard his voice. I looked up and met his beautiful blue orbs. It looks like Daniel's, but I haven't seen his in a long time which made their eyes incomparable. Niall's hand reached my face and he used both of his thumbs to rub my cheeks. I did not realize that I was tearing. I was too tired to even think. "It's gonna be okay," he added.

I wish. I wish it was gonna be okay. But with Amy's state right now, I know nothing will be okay. I shook my head and tears streamed down my face, again. I wish I didn't have to cry and showed Niall that I was weak, but I couldn't help it. Niall pulled me closer to his body and I leaned my face against his chest. I heard the rhythm to his heart and it was calming for me. I thought if I could listen to his heart beating a little bit longer, I would definitely fall asleep.

"Momma," I heard Amy's little voice. I quickly moved away from Niall and got onto the bed. Amy was awake. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead several times. The temperature from her body has gotten better.

"We'll get you to eat something and then you gotta eat the medicines okay?" I coaxed Amy. She usually hates to eat anything especially the medicines whenever she's sick.

"I have already given her the medicines," Niall stated. I turned around and looked at him. "She woke up just now and Harry made porridge for her. I gave her the medicine right before she fell asleep again."

I looked at him in bewilder. "What time is it now?" I asked him.

"It's 4 in the afternoon," he answered, "You were asleep since we were on our way back."

My mouth turned to the shape of O as I looked at him. Did I pass out or something? "Erm, I was tired," I told him sheepishly.

"It’s fine, I understand. But you need to get something to eat or you'll get weak," he said and then added, "Cos we're going back to LA tonight."

"Oh ya! I forgot that we're going back," I said and clamped my hand to my mouth.

"I forgot about it too. But it's okay. Liam has rescheduled our flight. The boys and their girlfriends will send us to the airport tonight. Also, Louis' girlfriend helped to pack your bag and Amy's because she said you looked so tired. Therefore right now, there's nothing much to worry except for you to get something to eat and for Amy to get her second round of medicines," Niall rambled.

Right after he ended his 'speech', my stomach growled shamelessly, causing him to chuckle and Amy smiled a little. I shot Niall a glare and smiled to Amy before scooping her up and got down to the kitchen.

* * *

We were now on our way to the airport. In the van, I got to know Liam's, Louis' and Zayn's girlfriend a little. All three of them have their own career. Liam's one is a dancer, Louis' one is a model while Zayn's one was in the same industry as themselves; a singer.

At one point of time, I felt really embarrassed about how I was not as successful as these girls. But then, Amy started complaining that her body is aching and she was feeling cold, and the thought of being envious went all gone. I have no time to think about anything else than to think about Amy's health.

We reached the airport after dropping Perrie and Danielle off at their apartment. Eleanor stayed with us because she said she would be going back to Louis' apartment.

The condition of the airport was surprising. There were a lot of girls (screaming) at the entrance and everywhere. I saw a handwritten poster which said, 'Harry, Marry me,' and I immediately knew that it's the boy's fans.

My hands quickly wrapped Amy's petite torso a little tightly. She was sitting on my lap all along. Whenever she's sick, she would want to be extra pampered and I always give it to her. Liam couldn't drive properly because there were girls all around the van, following. Some even were knocking so hardly on the glass window. Amy weakly but quickly turns her so that she could wrap her arms around my neck. I could sense that she was scared. At the same time, I could feel another arm wrapped around my shoulder.


"Liam, do you think you can drop us off at the back of the airport instead?" he asked as he tightens his arm around me and the other around Amy.

"Yes we can. But look at the state of these girls around us. I can't possibly knock them down, mate," Liam replied.

"And they would probably follow us to the back. So there's not much difference whether we're dropping here or the back," Louis said. Niall sighed loudly and then the van came to a stop.

"We have to get down," Liam said and I got a panic attack. How on earth do we got off the van with many many girls around us? As though hearing my thoughts, Niall voiced out.

"Don't worry too much okay? Just carry Amy and Zayn and Harry will help us with our bags. Stay by me until we're in. Okay?"

I nodded and then Zayn opened the door, causing the noise from the screaming girls to be even louder. Amy covered her ears with both her hands and I had to remove them, to let her wrapped them around my neck again so that I could balance her weight.

"VAS HAPENIN!!!" Zayn yelled to the crowd as soon as the door was opened. What was he doing?

"Niall, there's some paps as well," Harry told Niall and suddenly I was suffocating, but I had no time to think of anything when Niall said we had to out.

I stepped off the van, with Amy's face buried into my neck and Niall's arms around me and Amy. I saw how the rest of the boys were signing some things from the fans but I felt like they were also trying to distract the fans from me and Amy. But because Niall was with us, some girls eventually crowded me and Niall.

Niall signed a few posters with his left hand because his right one was wrapped around my shoulder. Some girls were giving me glares while some others were too busy admiring Niall’s face.

I watched how suddenly Niall’s face started to turn pale and droplets started to form on his forehead. I leaned my head closer to look at him, blinking vigorously. What was wrong with him? Then Zayn came next to him and said something to the fans before leading us into the airport.

We found some seats, way on the inside of the airport and then watched how those screaming fans got chased away by many security guards. Everyone sighed as they sat down but I realized that Niall was still looking pale and sweating when it was damn cold in the airport.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He was just next to me and Zayn was next to him.

"He's afraid of crowds," Zayn informed me and I nodded.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked and Niall shook his head a little without looking at me.

"Amy, you sit with Zayn first," I said to Amy but Amy refused.

"I don't want," and then a little tear slipped from the corner of her eyes.

I wiped them off and coaxed her, "Oh look! Poppa is not feeling well. I'm just gonna get Poppa some water to make him better. Can I?"

Amy looked at me for a while and then to Niall before nodding her head. I passed her over to Zayn before digging for Amy's water bottle which left half. Then I opened up my purse and came out with 2 pills of panadols, which I always had wherever I go.

"Niall," I called, "Have these." He looked at me for a while before picking up the pills and swallowed them down with a gulp of Amy's water. "Better?" I asked him and he still shook his head. I knelt down next to him on the seat. My hands reached up to his head and started dancing on it.

"What are you doing?" Niall asked me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm massaging your head. I always did this to Amy when she's headache," I explained before started to massage his head again. Niall closed his eyes and then slowly rested his head against my shoulder while I was still massaging.

While I was concentrating on the massage, a young woman came and approaches where we are. Harry was the first to get up and then give the girl a hug, "Tiffany! It's been a long time."

The boys then one by one got up to give that Tiffany girl, a hug. Except for Niall. He still had his head leaned against my shoulder. "Tiffany," the girl said and put out a hand for me to reach. I took her hand and then said my name, "Megan."

"Ah, Megan. And this little girl must be Amy, right?" she said, turning to Amy. How did she know? Then, I catch a glimpse of the lanyard card that she was wearing. 'Tiffany Cover - Sugarscape'. "Is he alright?" she asked me, referring to Niall.

"You know the fans and how Niall has fear with little space," Harry told her. Tiffany nodded before making some conversation with the boys. I took the chance to wake Niall up whom I thought had fell asleep on my shoulder.

I tapped his cheeks lightly and called his name. "Erm yeah?" he asked, rubbing his eyes sheepishly.

"There's a Tiffany girl," I told him.

"What? What Tiffany girl?" he asked and I pointed towards Tiffany.

"Hey buddy!" Tiffany said and then came closer to give Niall a hug. I suddenly felt a little jealousy forming inside of me. No no no! It was all wrong. I was probably just feeling that because I had rejected Niall with what he claimed, his love for me.

"It's been a long time," Niall stated, similarly to what Harry had, earlier.

"Yeah, and I see how you have grew a family," Tiffany joked and I blushed a little because she was clearly referring to me and Amy.

"You came here for news," Niall said, showing a serious look.

"It's my job," Tiffany stated plainly.

Then we heard the announcer called our flight number and that was the cue for us to leave. I felt a little bit sad leaving because even though I have been around the boys for only awhile, they're like another Niall for me. They're like my brothers and yes, they're like a family. Eleanor gave me a hug and then let go to be crashed by the other 4 boys. Once they let go off me, they ran over to Amy and then took turns giving Amy hugs and kisses.

"You both sure make a great couple," Tiffany remarked, looking at me and Niall. I blushed that I could feel my face turning warm. Niall seemed to ignore her, which I was grateful for.

"Alright boys, Amy has to go too," Niall said. Then the boys came to hug Niall before the announcer called out our flight number for the second time.

"Take care," Louis called out as we walked towards the boarding gate.

I had everything planned in my head. I was gonna fall asleep in the plane, and then woke up to LA again and everything will goes back to square one. I don't have to worry about anything. Not about Niall, his love or anything. Everything's gonna be fine.

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