{32} - Be my parents.

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Here's another chapter of I Want To Be Mrs Horan. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story. Anyway, I have a new story, Harry Styles Fan Fiction called House of Love (check external link). Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. It would mean a lot to me.

- Ree.

Megan's P.O.V

3 days after we landed in LA, I received a surprise delivery from the One Direction boys. They sent a Barbie nursing set for Amy and 3 in 1 hair dryer, hair curler and hair straightener for me. They slipped a note, apologizing for not being able to get Amy and me anything during our stay in London and to make it up to it, they decided to deliver them. In their package, there was also a letter in an envelope included.

I wanted to read them when I heard Amy started coughing. Yeap, 3 days after we landed in LA, Amy was still not well. She kept coughing and her fever temperature was never constant. I brought her for a check-up the next day after we landed and the doctor said it was just a normal fever. The good news was Amy's cancer had totally gone.

I haven't brought her for any check-up since 4 months ago and now that I came for it, I received this good news. But though, I still have to worry about Amy's condition whose sickness is not decreasing. I have not been to work since we came back and Amy hasn’t been going to school. I was by her all the time, in case she needed to use the bathroom or wants anything to eat.

"Momma, momma," I heard Amy called. I quickly got into the room, leaving the package that I had just gotten in the living room. I entered her room and saw her sitting on the bed. I went to her and in the matter of seconds, she spilled out all the chicken porridge that I had forced her to eat during breakfast, on me and the floor. I rubbed Amy's back and massage the back of her neck a little, trying to make her vomiting process easier. Once I was sure she had nothing to spill out anymore, I carried her out to the kitchen.

"I'll shower you and then we get change," I told her as I turned on the shower, letting it pour to Amy. It took me just 10 minutes to get Amy cleaned and changed into a new pair of pyjamas. Then, I settled her on the mattress in my room before getting myself changed. "You'll wait in the living room okay? There's a package from Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry. Just call me if you need me. I'm just gonna clean up the mess in your room," I told her before sitting her down on the sofa.

"Momma," Amy called when I already wanted to leave to her room. I turned around and she continued, "Sorry for vomiting on you."

"It’s fine sweetie," I said and walked over to her, planting a kiss on her warm forehead. I cleaned up her mess and it took me quite some time because I was doing work very slowly. I felt a little tired, knowing that I haven't had any good sleep because I had to take care of Amy. Once I was done, I relaxed myself on Amy's bed. But then I remembered I haven't given Amy any food and her medicine.

"Do you like what the boys gave you?" I asked while walking to the kitchen, to wash the pail and mop.

"I like it. And there's a letter for you. I read it but I don't understand what it is saying," Amy told me. "Come Momma, tell me what the letter says," Amy demanded. I walked over to her and picked her up, along with the letter.

"You need to eat this first," I instructed her as I placed her down on the dining table. I made some vegetable soup for Amy because she was having trouble swallowing food. She obeyed me and slowly started to sip on the soup.

I took a seat opposite Amy and opened up the letter curiously. What was it that the boys wanted to say in the letter? Or maybe, the letter was from Niall instead of the boys? I took a deep breath and then started to read the lines.

Hey Megan,

I know it has only been a few days since we met but you must know that I am not kidding when I say I already miss you and Amy. Well, but that is not the point in my letter.

Megan, I'm sure you are aware of Niall's feelings towards you. Firstly, I need you to know that I am not intending to interfere in your personal life. I just thought I need to help a friend out and that I need to help Niall out.

Niall is not the type of person who falls in and out of love so easily. Sure he does have crushes but he doesn’t really take them seriously. That was why the boys and I went confused when he brought you and Amy to see us.

To put this a little easier, when he brought you and Amy to see us the other day, we know that he was being serious with you and Amy. And when he confessed to you that night, he took a lot of courage before fully being ready to say the words to you. I don't know what he said to you because he does not want to tell me. He just cried. He never cried for girls.

Since he came back from the very first time he met you, which was a few months ago, the boys and I realized that he has changed a little. Changed in a way that he was now much mature and not as playful as the other time. Which is good. It just shows me and the boys that Niall want to start and take things seriously.

Niall didn't have to tell us that he is in love, Megan. We can all see it in his eyes, the way he speak to you, the way he entertained Amy. Niall never acted that way before, Megan. He changed a lot since he knew you and Amy. And he changed for the better.

Please know that this letter is not in a form of bribery for you to return Niall his love for you. I just want you to think about it again. I know you didn't ask Niall to do anything for you and Amy. But what he is doing is the same as what you are doing for Amy. Niall told me that you love Amy so much that you are willing to do everything for her. It's the same for him. Put yourself in his shoes. All he is doing right now is for the people that he loves, which is you and Amy.

You don't have to marry him to show that you appreciate his kindness. But think about Amy. She loves Niall a lot, just as much as she loves you because she treated Niall like her own Poppa. Give her the chance to really have Niall as her own Poppa. I just want you to think about it.

I hope I did not offend you with anything in this letter. Please just know that my intention is clean and I just want to help a friend. Anyway, I hope you and Amy like the package the boys and I had gotten for you.

Till we meet again,


I was emotionless throughout the whole letter until I saw an ugly drawing of a carrot next to Louis' name. I chuckled and then Amy asked me, "What is in the letter?"

Yes, what was in the letter? It's about Niall. I haven't seen him since the day he dropped us off. He didn't call. He didn't visit. He didn't even know that Amy was sick. If he really does loves me and Amy, why was he disappearing himself from us?

I understood perfectly what Louis was stating in the letter, but the thing was this wasn’t about Louis. This was about Amy, myself and Niall. Should I accept Niall to make Amy happy to finally have a real Poppa of her own and at the same time, return the happiness for Niall? Like, hitting two birds with one stone?

"It's nothing love, Louis said he misses us," I answered Amy.

* * *

It was 2 in the morning when I heard Amy started calling my name. I entered her room to find her whimpering and tearing. I quickly ran to her side and immediately felt her temperature become slightly higher through our touching skin. I scooped her and held her close to my chest. I covered her with her blanket and tightened my arms around her, hoping to reduce the heat from her body.

In no time, she started crying heavily and complaining about how some parts of her body are in pain, so as her head. I knew she was feeling giddy from the heat of her body. I brought her to the kitchen, forcing the medicine, only to make her cry louder.

"Poppa!" Amy called, "I want Poppa!"

She sobbed to my chest, and I held her head there. I haven't call Niall since we came back from London and Niall never came looking for me or Amy. Maybe he hated me now for rejecting his love. But now, it's not about me or him or anyone else.

It's about my one and only Amy.

Niall's P.O.V

I thought I had just departure to my wonderland when my phone started blasting, dying for an answer. Lazily I reached across the bed for my phone on the nightstand. Without looking at who the damn caller was, I answered the phone, "L-lo!"

"Niall? It's me," the caller said. I knew perfectly whose voice does that belongs to even though I couldn't really hear her because of the sound of someone wailing. And my mind goes to Amy.

"Megan, what's wrong?" I asked, panic. By then, I have already got off the bed and starting pacing.

"Amy is not well and then she's in pain now. Could you come over? She wants you," Megan explained while at the same time I heard her calming Amy down.

"I'll be there," I stated and cut off the line. I pulled on a sweatpants and a checkered outerwear. I always sleep with boxers and a tank top on whenever I'm in the hotel so right now, I only needed an outerwear to go through the cold night to Megan's place.

I took whatever I need and then ran out of my hotel room. I got out to the streets and it was surprisingly empty. Where are all the vehicles on earth? I thought of running back to the reception and get the guy there to get me a cab but it would only take up a lot more of time. That was why I decided I should just run to Megan's place.

I reached her place in no time because nothing came in my way while I ran my way through. I knocked several times on Megan's door and waited impatiently for it to be open. From the outside, I could hear the sound of Amy crying. I knocked a little louder and waited for a minute or two before the door opened, revealing the crying Amy and a very messy looking Megan.

"Poppa," Amy cried and I quickly took her away from Megan's arms. I entered the house and made my way straight to her room and to her bed. Amy had her head leaned against my shoulder and her arms around my neck, and still crying.

"Shhhh," I cooed her, "I'm here. Look, Poppa's here."

Megan entered the room, looking very stressful and worried. She took the space next to mine and started stroking Amy's hair.

"How long have she been sick?" I asked Megan. Amy has quietened down a little, and was just sobbing on my shoulder. Even through the thick clothes she was wearing, I could feel the high temperature of her body.

"Since we came back from London," Megan whispered. I knew Amy was sick when we were coming back from London but her condition wasn't so bad, back then. Now that Megan just told me that Amy haven't recover since then, I felt like scolding her and yell at her. Why hadn't she told me earlier?

I grabbed Megan by the wrist and walked towards the door. As much as I was angry at Megan for not telling me, I knew it wasn't the right time for me to let her know. Not in front of Amy and especially not when Amy needed some professional treatment.

"Where are we going?" Megan asked me as I pulled her out of her flat.

"The hospital," I said, coldly.

At the hospital...

Megan's P.O.V

I watched as one of the nurses laid Amy down on the hospital bed. It reminds me of the old times when Amy used to have..... Well, but now she don't. She's healthy and she's just having some fever that all normal children would have.

I looked to my left where Niall was standing, also watching what the nurses were doing to Amy. Niall was acting cold. He just put down the phone after I told him about Amy being sick and in no time, I heard him knocking on my door. He cooed Amy down for a while before dragging me out to the hospital. He showed me that he......he hated me.

"Just let her rest for a while. The doctor would be here in any time to check on her again. If her temperature has reduced, she may go home. If not, she might have to stay for a while until she gets better," one the nurse, by the name of Lauren told me and Niall politely. I nodded a little and then saw her checking Niall out a little, before leaving. Was I jealous? No, I couldn’t be.

Niall entered the room where Amy was placed and went to her side while I went to her other side. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked her. Amy just nodded and then rubbed her eyes. "You're feeling sleepy too, right? Go to sleep," Niall instructed.

"When can I go home?" Amy asked, exchanging looks between Niall and myself. Amy never liked hospitals.

"Until you're okay," Niall answered.

"Will they put me inside the big machine again?" Amy asked, ready to tear up. She was referring to the chemotherapy machine.

"No baby. They won't, I promised," I told her and kissed her forehead. I wish I could wash off her mind of the times when she ever entered the chemo machine and then have her head bald. I wish she would stop being fearful of those pasts again. "Come, let’s put you to sleep," I said, trying to distract her from her fearful thoughts.

"Erm, Poppa," she called Niall.

"Yes, baby?"

"Will you come back with me later?" she asked.

"Of course I will. I will be there for you. Forever." Niall whispered the last part which made my heart sank. I turned my face away and closed my eyes because I felt tears pricking.

Niall. He wanted to be there for Amy and maybe myself too. Amy. She wanted Niall to be with her, for her. She wanted Niall as her Poppa. And me, I was stuck between two.

"You will stay with me?"

"Of course I will, baby." I realized that Niall has misunderstood Amy's question. What she meant was stay, as in live with her. Not just stay by her side.

"Amy," I called, "You have asked enough. Come, let's go to sleep." But I got ignored.

"Okay good, Poppa because I am confused. My teacher in school said that our Momma and Poppa are our parents and our parents live with us when we're young. But you don't live with me and Momma," Amy went on.

"Amy, you're too young to understand all that," I told her, trying my luck to get her attention but obviously I did not.

"I thought you both are not my parents because you're not my real Poppa, and I was about to ask you be my parents," and then Niall cut her off.

"How do you intend for us to be your parents?"

I don't get what he was doing. I doubt he doesn't know that Amy was just ranting rubbish. He could choose to just listen instead of throwing Amy with more questions, couldn't he?

"I don't know. Maybe get married. So that I could finally have a Poppa that lives with me and love me and Momma....."

Amy went on and on and I could take no more. I ran out of her room and then found an empty waiting room nearby. I plunged myself inside and started rubbing my face, with tears streaming once I took a seat on the empty chair. I was stuck between repaying the kindness of a gentleman and granting my daughter's wish to have a Poppa as well as my own feelings.

Niall wanted us to be a family. Amy wanted a Poppa.

"Megan," I heard someone called. I looked up and he was there, at the door. Looking at me in the eyes, he stepped forward and knelt down in front of me until we were only inches apart. I know I had to make my decision now.

Gently but firmly, I grabbed Niall's face closer to mine until I could feel his breath on my face.

"Niall, I'm gonna sound like the most selfish woman that you have ever met but no one else could help me in this matter. I want the best for Amy and you know I have to grant everything that she wishes for. She wants a Poppa, Niall and she wants you as her Poppa. I'm sorry I had to make myself look this cheap in your eyes but, please marry me Niall. Please be the Poppa to my daughter. Please, Niall."

Niall's P.O.V

I watched Megan as she said those words between sobs. My hands were overlapping hers, on the side of my face.

I felt hurt, offended and yes I was experiencing heartbreak. Megan only wanted me because Amy wanted me. I wanted Megan to want me because she sees my love for her, not just because of Amy.

Ba wasn't that what I wanted? To marry her and take care of Amy and her? Maybe after we got married, Megan will spare some time in seeing the love I had for her and then eventually love me as well? That could happen, couldn’t it? Yes, maybe that will work.

My hands left hers, only to cup her face closer despite of the very little space between us.

"Megan," I called and wiped her wet cheeks with my thumbs.

"I will marry you.

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