{35} - Interview.

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Niall's P.O.V

"Aww this shucks," Louis complained.

"Come on Lou, it's our first interview in LA since forever," Liam said, coaxing Louis.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Louis replied and waved Liam off.

We were currently at my place, waiting for dinner to be ready by Megan and Eleanor. All of us were sprawled lazily on the sofa except for Harry who was busy entertaining Amy cooking some plastic fruits, animals and even her Barbie dolls.

"Guys, do you think I should introduce Amy and Megan during the interview?" I asked. I have 'kept' them hidden for a few weeks and soon, I would be back in London and definitely bring them along. Sooner or later, everyone would find out about it.

"It's a live interview! But if you're ready, then why not?" Zayn said, "But what about the management?"

"Management don't manage our personal life so they've got no say," Louis said, smirking and I smirked along.

* * *

"Megan, I have to tell you something," I told her once the boys and Eleanor have left and we were already in our room.

"I have to tell you something too," Megan said and I felt my heart beat faster. What did she wanna tell me? Will she say that this marriage isn't working well? No, it can't be because our relationship was getting better since the other night.

"Well, you wanna say first?" I asked, giving her the chance although honestly, I was curious as to what she wanna tell me.

"Erm, I thought you were right that I need to focus more on home," she started and then paused which made feel even impatient. "I've quit my job yesterday."

"What?" I asked a little too loudly. "Is that it?"

"Erm yeah. You didn't want me to?" she asked me back hesitantly.

"No no, I didn't mean it that way. I mean....I thought you would wanna say something else and you got me scared for a moment," I told her.

"What do you think I was gonna say?" she asked and it sounded challenging.

"Well I don't know," I lied, "But what I'm gonna say now is....thank you." I walked towards the bed where Megan was sitting down and hugged her. "Yes I meant it, thank you. Thank you for taking what I said into your consideration."

Megan struggled a bit before I finally let her go. Although we were fine, sometimes I could feel that Megan was still uncomfortable with the hugs and kisses that I gave her.

"You said you wanna tell me something?" Megan asked, reminding me.

"Oh yeah. You know about how the boys and I have an interview this coming Monday right?" Megan nodded and I continued, "I was thinking if it's time for me to introduce you and Amy to the public as my family."

Megan's eyes widened a little before she shook her head vigorously. "I'm scared," she told me, "What if yours fans can't accept me and Amy and then hurt us?"

"They won't, alright," I assured her. I took her hands in mine and gave it a squeeze. Her hands were cold and I immediately regret telling her about it. Megan never looked this scared before. "I just want them to know that I am married to the most beautiful woman in this world and have a very gorgeous daughter. Whether they can accept it or not, it's up to them. I'm yours, not theirs. And they can't hurt you for as long as you're mine."

My words managed to calm Megan down a little and I rubbed her back numerous times, trying to give some comfort. "I think we should go to sleep now. You've been busy the whole day, preparing and cooking something for us. You need your rest already," I told her. She indeed need some rest to calm herself down.

Megan nodded and slipped herself under the covers. I did the same after switching off the lights. I pulled Megan close to my chest and buried my face in her hair. I rested my hands on her stomach and instantly felt her relaxed against me.

For as long as she's my wife, I wouldn't care what others have to say. No one would dare to hurt her, not even myself. Because even just by holding her close to sleep, I know I loved her more than myself.

Interview day...

"I'm nervous," Megan complained. She was dressed in a purple long-sleeved knee length dress while I had a matching purple polo-T. Amy was dressed in a white sundress with small patches of purple flowers. It was the theme Amy chose when I asked for her opinion on what color should we put on, on the interview day.

"Everything is gonna be alright okay? Don't worry about it. We have the boys and Eleanor behind our back and also our little Mrs Horan warrior over there," I said and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear before pointing to Amy who was watching Harry being make-up carefully.

"I....I'm just scared," Megan complained again.

"Look," I called politely and lifted her chin up, "There's nothing that you should be worried about. I will never ever leave you and Amy unattended. I'm gonna take care of you and Amy so you have nothing to worry about."

"The fans..." she started again but I cut her off.

"We're not gonna listen to whatever they're gonna say about our marriage aren't we? Now come on, let's get a picture together since we're all in purple today." I changed the topic and then called Amy over. "Come let's get a picture," I told her and Amy happily climbed to my lap.

I held Megan by the shoulder close to mine while Amy rested the back of her head on my chest. I changed to the front camera of my iPhone and after making sure all of us was smiling, I captured our very first family photo after the wedding day.

"Alright boys, you guys will be live in a minute. Get ready," one of the backstage crew guys told me and the boys.

"I'll fetch you from the backstage later." I kissed Megan and Amy once on the forehead and then joined the boys’ right behind the stage.

"Ready mate?" Zayn asked and tapped my shoulder several times.

"Yeah," I answered simply.

"So now we welcome none other than One Direction!" I heard a woman's voice before the boys and I were being pushed out to the stage. There were not much girls but their screaming were very loud. Usually live interview would only let a small amount of fans in while the others won't give up and waited outside of the studio. Those girls outside would probably watch the interview through the 32 inch screen at the reception.

"Hello girls," Zayn said to the mic to the crowd. Most of them echoed his hello before the host, Maria, led us to the center of the studio where couches and coffee tables were placed. I took a seat on the second couch, nearest to the exit so that I could fetch Megan and Amy with no trouble.

"Alright these girls never stopped being crazy for you guys I see," Maria joked.

"Yeah they have been really crazy and supportive and directioners," Liam called, "We love you!"

The crowd went screaming again just this time at a higher pitch and then Maria told them to calm down. "Alright so what are you guys currently doing here in LA?"

"Well as we all already know that we are working on an acoustic album and Niall is working with Josh and Corey here for the music, we're just here to record our voices before we can finally draft our very first acoustic album," Louis said loudly to the crowd and they cheered again.

"That's awesome news. So we're thinking if maybe you could sing a bit or two lines of one of the new songs?" Maria requested.

"Yeah sure," Zayn replied and we discussed for a second then decided.

"Girl what would you do?

Would you wanna stay

If I were to say

I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss
I wanna be first yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah
Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss"

The crowd clapped for us and cheered again. "Awesome! I think we all can't wait for the album to be out," Maria said and then continued, "Oh and as we are all excited for their new album, new songs, new tours, I heard our Irish little man over there has got some new news?"

"Yeah I do," I confirmed. The crowd cheered but it wasn't as loud anymore.

"So what is it?" Maria asked.

"Well I think I ought to bring the news out," I said and got up from the couch.

"Oh oh where is he going?" I heard Maria asked.

"Fetching the news," Zayn replied her.

I went backstage and saw Megan and Amy taking pictures using my phone that I had left with them. "Megan," I called softly and I watched how her smile turned to a very nervous one. Megan walked over with Amy and I quickly carried Amy in my arms while lacing Megan's fingers with mine. I gave her a gentle squeeze before leading them out to the live interview stage.

The crowd was silent. Way too silent that I could drop one of my polo-tee buttons and it would sound like a bomb had exploded. I took a seat again on the same spot with Amy on my lap and Megan on my right. Amy was quiet too. I guess she was just as nervous as her mom. Megan remained her head as low as possible especially when she realized that nobody was reacting to her presence.

I let out a cough to get Maria's attention who was staring at Megan. "Oh oh so I see Niall is back with the news. Who are these?"

"Well truth to be told is that I decided to let the public knows about this now because I don't want people to be sending hate to my wife and daughter," I started and Maria cut me off.

"Wait did you say wife and daughter?" Maria asked, shocked.

"Yes, I said that," I confirmed, "Megan and I have been together since forever even before I joined the X-Factor. If people have been wondering why I don’t have any girlfriend like Zayn, Louis and Liam is because I already have Megan and Amy, she is our daughter. She was born a few months before I joined the X-Factor. Nope I didn't want to leave from taking the responsibility but Megan was an understanding girlfriend and she knows it from the start that singing was my passion. I sacrificed them for my passion and now that I've gotten what I wanted, I am not leaving my family behind."

Megan had a stagnant of tears in her eyes when I looked at her after telling the crowd. Yes, it was all a lie that I had discussed with Megan and she agreed to it. It was the only way, anyway. I kissed Megan's forehead and I heard Maria gushed.

"Okay that is a very emotional moment and such a big sacrifice isn't it?" Maria said loudly but had gotten no response from the crowds. "Well Megan right? Tell us a bit about how you and Niall met?" Maria carried on.

Slowly, Megan opened up her mouth and started talking, "Erm I...I met him at the supermarket while I went to shop for some groceries."

I smiled and then looked at her. Because she still remembered the first time that we met and that, wasn’t a lie.

* * *

"See, it wasn't so bad was it?" I asked Megan and kissed her forehead once we were done with the interview and already at the backstage.

"I'm glad it's over," she said and sighed.

"I'm glad I have finally told them I'm married to you," I whispered and leaned forward when I heard another voice.

"Oh come on we all have to leave now before all the other fans managed to pass through the security," Louis exclaimed. I linked my arms with Megan's and then followed Louis out to where our van was. We were piling inside when we heard the screaming girls running towards our van.

Zayn quickly closed the back door once all of us were safely inside. "You okay?" I asked Megan who were next to me, looking nervous as ever with the screaming girls who were banging the van's windows. But she nodded. Then I turned to Amy who was in front with Harry, "Amy, are you okay?"

"Yes Poppa," she answered simply and watched as many girls were now surrounding the van we're in.

"Drive Liam," I yelled from the back.

"I will but I can't possibly knock all of them down," Liam scolded me. I rolled my eyes and pulled Megan closer to me.

Megan's P.O.V

Niall pulled me closer and at that point of time I wanted nothing more than to hug Amy and be safe in Niall's arms. But I saw how Amy was safely hugged by Harry. There were so many girls. Even more than those I had seen in the studio. It was like the other time when we were at the airport, coming back to LA. Just this time, these girls were…harsh.

"Bitch you don't even deserve Niall!"

"Niall is too young to have a daughter like that girl!"

I heard some of them say and I closed my eyes tightly. They can insult me all they want but not Amy. Not my daughter!

"Niall was supposed to have his freedom,"

"Yeah, not get married to some bitch!"

My eyes were tightly shut but I knew that tears were streaming down my cheeks. Those girls may be rude but they were true at the same time. I definitely don't deserve Niall because Niall is such a kind young man and he should be living his life. Not stuck with me and hold on the responsibility as Amy's Poppa too.

I felt the van started moving fast and the girls' voices were fading. Then someone tilted my head and within seconds, I felt soft warm lips on my cold and shivering ones. I knew it was Niall's but I didn't kiss him back. I haven't kissed him anywhere else other than his forehead and cheeks sometimes.

After what seemed like hours, Niall removed his lips from mine and wiped my wet cheeks. Slowly, I opened my eyes and met his gaze.

"Please don't listen to those girls," he whispered.

There you go. I am so sorry I updated this late. I felt like I haven’t update anything in forever but I’ve been sick since Sunday night and I still am now but I wouldn’t want to leave you guys with nothing for long.

Please also check out my Harry Styles Fan Fiction – House of Love. I would probably change to a new story if House of Love doesn’t work.


-          Ree

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