{4} - I miss Mr Horan!

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Niall's P.O.V

Back in London, it feels weird that I didn't feel like I'm home. I probably just missed my family and friends in Ireland. But I can't deny that I'm also missing Amy.

It felt even weirder because I've only met Amy twice in LA and I felt so close to her. She haven't call me, and I was dumb enough to not ask Megan for her number. It's gonna be a back-to-work day tomorrow, and I really hoped that Amy would call some time tonight.

There was a knock at the door and I got up lazily to get the boys. We planned to have a movie night, tonight before work starts tomorrow, and they chose my place instead of one of theirs. I opened the door, revealing the boys, each with their girlfriend. Well, except for Harry of course.

"Hey lads, and ladies," I greeted.

"Hello, Nialler," Danielle greeted back and ruffled my hair slightly. I tilted my head away from her touch, only to met with Liam's, Louis' and Zayn's. They and their girlfriend each ruffled my hair before shamelessly took a seat on my sofa. I pouted, when they're all done with my hair-ruffling session.

"Don't bully my Nialler, guys," Harry said and gave me a sideways hug, "And girls."

"Sorry, Nialler," they all said at the same time, but not sounding sorry at all.

I ignored all of them and Harry and I settled ourselves on the floor, since all of the spaces on the sofa were occupied. The guys went to pick a movie while I was about to relax myself when the doorbell rang. I groaned in frustration.

"Oh here it comes, I ordered pizza for dinner," Liam said and I sprinted to the door. Sure enough, the delivery man was there with 3 boxes of pizza. Are you kidding me? How on earth could that even be enough for all of us? 

I thanked the man and was about to close the door when the man said, "It's $27.95."

I was dumb-founded for a moment, because Liam always pays in advance whenever we make a delivery. I left the door open and get back inside to find the boys AND girls, laughing at me. Urgh! They planned it. Why are they so naughty, today?

I took a $30 bill and paid for the pizzas, telling the delivery man to keep the change and slammed the door because I was too embarrassed. I then slammed the boxes of pizza on the table and pouted. None of them bothered me. Harry just told me to 'calm yo ass down' and pulled me down next to him. They have decided on watching Monte Carlo. Wait?! Seriously? Ahh, must be the girls' choices.

The movie was only about 15 minutes when Eleanor started calling me. I ignored her, and took another slice of pizza.

"Nialler! Your phone is ringing!" El half-yelled. I groaned again and expertly caught my phone that El threw. Who could it be, I thought, annoyingly because everything felt so annoying today.

"Ello," I greeted.

"Hey, Niall," and I very much recognized that voice.

"Hey," I said and got up from the floor and into my room. Not forgetting to close the door behind me.

"It's Megan," she said on the other line and I can't help to think that her voice sounded a little upset.

"I recognize your voice," I said and chuckled a little, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. But, do you mind doing me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I'll pass the phone to Amy and can you please talk to her for a while. Just let her hears your voice. She's beginning to throw tantrums since the day you left. And with the fact that it's Monday today, she was supposed to have school but her teacher called me to fetch her because she wasn't socializing and her tantrums was disturbing her classmates," Megan explained, on the other line.

"Pass her the phone," I instructed right away. I felt bad for because of me, Amy didn't behave good, and I wished I could change it all for her and especially for Megan.

'I don't want phone!'



I heard Amy's little screaming through the phone. Was it that bad? I called out for Megan and told her to put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, Amy! Mr Horan here," I said, once I was sure that the speaker was on.

It went silent for a while before I heard some ruffling and then Amy's voice, "Ello."

"Hello Amy. Have you been naughty?" I asked playfully.

"I miss Mr Horan," she replied in a sulky voice. I felt really bad. Was I giving hope to a child?

"I miss you too," I said, in all honesty, "You can call me every time you misses me."

"Do you have Skype?" Amy asked, "I created an account but never have friends to talk to."

"Yes, I do," I answered, "What's your username? I'll add you in."

"I think I have forgotten what is it. I'll ask Momma later," she said.

"Oh yeah, speaking about your Momma, she says you have been naughty...." and I was cut-off.

"Because I want Mr Horan!" she yelled from the other side of phone. I remained silent as I heard Megan's voice, saying some things to Amy. "Momma told me to say sorry. Sorry."

"It's okay sweetie. Have you eaten?"

And the conversation led on. We talked for a few more minutes before I heard Megan telling Amy that it was her lunchtime and she needs to eat something, before promising that she could talk to me again. We cut off the line and I left my room with a big grin on my face. I walked into the living room and all eyes fell on me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that you have been in your room for an hour, and the movie is almost finishing," Harry answered.

"Oh really," I said, in a little surprise tone because it feels like I was only talking to Amy for a few minutes and it made me feels better than I managed to lessen Megan's worry just through a phone call for Amy.

* * * * *

All of the boys sat around the round table, together with the crews and the managements. God knows what else they have in store for One Direction. Currently, we're waiting for Uncle Simon to arrive before they started on the meeting.

The crew and managements were busy with a clipboard each in their hands, while the boys had their phones in their hands. Everyone seems busy, therefore I decided to take out my phone to make it look like I was busy too.

I didn't realize that I had a text message, waiting to be read because this morning we were all rushing to get to Syco. All that I managed to do was put on a pair of fresh clothes and reached out for my phone and wallet. Oh yes, and grabbed a banana from the kitchen's table.

From : Megan/Amy

Thanks for the talk-to-Amy session. It really made her feel better. Anyway, she told me to inform you that her username is MrsHoran2009. Thanks again.

I smiled as I keyed in Amy's username into my Skype.

I wondered to myself if I was treating Amy and Megan a little extra than the rest of the fans, which I do not want. Our fans, they all comes from the same fanbase and I wanna treat them all equally. Well, of course until I found the day that I could marry a directioner. But there was something different with Amy and Megan, and it has got nothing to do with Amy being sick.

Amy's blue eyes attracted me the most. I have the same eye color and now, I finally understood how all these people actually admired my eyes a lot. I only felt like admiring someone's eyes when I saw Amy's. I didn't really get to study Megan's features but I was sure that Megan's eyes wasn't blue. Amy must have had her eyes from her dad.

That's another thing. I never seen any guys at their place, nor I wanna asked Megan about it. She was opened enough to me when she told me about Amy's past sickness, and I do not want to be labelled as a busybody if I were to start asking 'Where's your husband?' 'How old are you?' 'Aren't you too young to have a child?'.

"Good morning boys!"

I looked up from my phone and saw Uncle Simon rushing through the door and took a seat at the other end of the table. Well, it was a round table, so there's not exact end but he was directly opposite me. The boys got up to give him a hug and I followed. We all settled back on our seat and waited patiently as Uncle Si jot down a few things on the sheets of papers the crews and management had with them.

"So, how was LA?" Uncle Si asked as he clasped both of his hand together on the table.

"Fun, cool," Harry answered, not sounding interested at all and we all know because he was sleepy.

"Yeah, but a little bit boring because we're basically just there for some composer's meeting and no meeting of fans or anything like that," Liam answered, properly and I see Louis nodded, agreeing with Liam's statement.

"How about you, Niall?" Uncle Si asked, and looked to my direction and only mine.

"Well, I think it's good. All of thoue meetings are held at either the pub or restaurant. So as long as there's food, I should be fine," I answered, seriously.

"Cool," he stated plainly, "Do you wanna go back there again?"

"What? No. We've been there so many times," Harry said, and his eyes widened.

"Are you Niall?" Uncle Si retorted. Harry shook his head and pouted when Uncle Si rolled his eyes.

"Me? Going back to LA? Why?" I asked, because it just sounded weird. And even though Uncle Si have been with One Direction for some time, does not mean that I am not afraid of him like many of the people out there.

"You know we're making an acoustic album, so we thought, it would be special if you and the other composers could work together to come up with something good. You won't be going alone though. Josh will be with you because the two of you mastered your guitar skills and you both will work together with 5 composers in LA while the boys here will work with another 2," Uncle Si said, his works flowed like water and the boys and I just sat there, exchanging glances between each other.

"Do I have any say?" I asked, softly and politely - not wanting to sound rude at all (remember I'm afraid of him too).

"Nope. You're leaving in a week's time and you will be gone for 6 months," he answered.

"What?! That long?" Louis stood up and banged his fist on the table.

"Our meeting has ended," Uncle Si said and left the room.

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