{5} - Mr Horan is here.

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Hi guys! Check out my friend's - @NicoleChristine94 - story : Just Another Love Song in the external link. Also, she's writing the sequel now. So be sure to check out both of the series :) x

Niall's P.O.V

I hugged the boys each one after another. Zayn hugged me the longest and I saw him teared a little. Well, from the start it was always the two of us.

"Oh come on, man. I'm leaving for work. Why so emotional?" I said playfully as I slapped his shoulder.

"You can't have Nandos there, mate," he stated and my heart sank a little. I'm gonna miss Nandos. My Nandos. My future restaurant. My life. My chicken. My everything.

"Yo guys, Niall and I have to go in already," Josh said as he walked towards us, holding our flight tickets.

"Lads.....I have to go in....." I said as my voice trailed, trying to control the tears from pricking. It felt a sudden pang in the chest when I have to be separated from my mates, my brothers when we were always together all these while.

Zayn hugged me tightly and then followed by the rest of the boys. We had a group hug for about a minute before I really walked off, leaving them waving to my back and Josh.

We have to be away for 6 months. Well, actually 5 months to be exact because I will be rewarded with a month of holiday, which is 1 week respectively. I settled myself on the seat, directly opposite Josh and took out my stored snacks.

It was 5am in London, which should be 9pm in LA. And within this 10 hours of flight, I should be sleeping but I'm playing safe by storing some snacks for myself, so I won't have to get up if I'm hungry.

I was a little sad, leaving the boys behind but on the other hand, I couldn't wait to meet Megan and Amy again. The boys still didn't know about them and I don't plan on telling them any soon. Megan and Amy didn't know that I'm coming back to LA and I wanna surprise them especially because I haven't talk to Amy for two days since I was busy settling things before I went off.

Come to think about me leaving to LA, only means that I'm getting closer to Amy and Megan.


"We're landing in 3," Josh told me after making sure that I was awake. It felt so fast. It felt like I was only asleep for a few minutes but it's been 10 hours, sleeping uncomfortably on the plane.

It was 7am in LA and obviously jet-lag never do wonders. We landed and I unloaded my luggage and bags before proceeding to the prepared van. Josh and I were drove to the same hotel like the boys and I stayed on a few days back. We got each room for ourselves, just next to each other.

I left my bags and luggage right in front of the door before running for the bed. I can't be bothered to look out of the balcony because I have already done that when I came with the boys.

I slid my phone out of my jeans' pocket and looked at the time. It's 15 minutes till 8am. Would it be too early to head over to Amy and Megan's? Yes, I really do miss them but I don't wanna be a douche who knocks on people's door in the morning because I'd be angry too if people disturbed my sleep.

I decided I should have a cold shower to awake myself more before getting ready. By the time I slowly walked to their flat, hopefully they should be awake already.

Megan's P.O.V

I dressed Amy in a white dress with pink lip prints plastered everywhere on the dress. I powdered her face and sprayed some 'Cinderella' perfume (for kids) on her. She giggled when the cold solution touched her arms.

We were getting ready to go to the market and I have promised Amy to let her push the trolley today. She was on a sulky mood because Niall hadn't called her for two days, therefore I had to came up with something to get on her mood back.

I felt bad for Niall. I'm sure that he's a very busy man but Amy still couldn't understand that. She don't understand the fans-celebrity kind of thing. She wanted Niall all the time which I definitely can't fulfill that for her.

When I first had called him, which was a few days after he went back to London, I was totally half-hearted. I didn't want to bother him but Amy was throwing tantrums and I couldn't find anything to calm her down other than letting her hears Niall's voice because playing a One Direction song didn't help. 'Talking-to-Niall' session continues once every day for about 10 minutes. I don't know what Amy and Niall would talk about but I was glad that Niall could make Amy smile.

Which also why I decided I should let him know the truth because I was sure he had known something even before I told him ; Amy's sickness. No Mom would wanna shaved her daughter's hair and called it as fashion. Amy went through a lot of losing her hair and being condemned by her 'friends' in school for not having hair, and I don't wish to add more.

"We're ready," I told Amy as I rubbed her head. I could feel her hair growing even though it was just stubble but I was glad that there are some changes.

"Let's go," Amy said loudly as she galloped to my mattress and took my wallet and phone with her.

I took her tiny hands in mine and walked to the door. I put on her favourite sandal and got out of the house. I was locking the door when I heard Amy gasp. I quickly turned around to see what was wrong with her but her eyes were completely on something else behind me. I turned around but saw no one.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I knelt in front of her, leaving the keys on the door, half-unlocked.

She smiled to me and nodded. It was really weird. Her eyes were exchanging between mine and something behind me. I turned around but Amy quickly tapped my hand before running to the lift.

"Amy!" I called but she ignored. I quickly locked the door and ran to the lift but bumped onto something. Okay, someone.

I looked up to see Amy being engulfed in someone arms. The person looked up from burying his face on Amy's shoulder and smiled to me. I smiled and let out a sigh of relieved.

"Mr Horan is here!" Amy mumbled on Niall's shoulder.

"Care for breakfast?" he asked.

"Sure," I said.

"But we're going for groceries shopping," Amy voiced.

"We can go, afterwards," I told her and she nodded and leaned her head on Niall's shoulder. How on earth could he be here, right in front of me, with my daughter in his arms?

We get inside the lift and I pressed the button to the ground floor. We were engulfed in awkward silence except that Amy was giggling on her own as she poked Niall's cheeks.

"So," I stated, "How are you here?"

"Oh I have some work to attend. I just arrived a few hours ago and I thought I should meet Amy because I have missed two of our 'talking-session," he answered and kissed Amy's forehead.

My heart sank at that and I looked away immediately, just in case if my eyes decided to pool. Amy never got any love from a guy - like a brother, uncle or even a father and I never thought that Amy would receive one from any guy until I saw it myself how Niall cared for my daughter.

We reached the ground floor and I saw Niall fiddled with something in his front jeans' pocket.

"Amy, come here," I told Amy and held out my hand because I'm pretty sure Niall was having a hard time getting something out of his pocket with Amy in front of him.

"No!" Amy said loudly and tighten her gripped around Niall's neck.

"Just for a while. Niall has to get something," I coaxed and Amy pouted.

"It's okay, I got it," Niall said as he took out a pair of shades and put it on before pulling the hood to his jacket up. I forgot he was a celebrity and he was required to hide his identity some times. I shook my head to Amy who then smiled in victory to me.

"Where to?" I asked, before we started walking.

"I don't know. Somewhere not many people," Niall replied. Obviously he wouldn't want to go to somewhere with many people around. But people should be all around the coffee-shop for breakfast already, especially it was Saturday today.

"Erm, I honestly don't know which coffee shop wouldn't have many people around. I hardly have breakfast outside too," I told him, awkwardly. I have lived in LA for a few years but I wasn't really familiar with the places here.

"Oh, then I can bring you to somewhere I know. Shall we?"

I nodded and we started walking. I wanted to tell Niall to put Amy down. She's a big girl and I don't want him to pamper her too much, for when he's gone again, Amy wouldn't be as cheerful as she was now. But the words didn't come out from my mouth because I was worrying about where Niall would take us to. I brought enough cash just for the groceries shopping and Amy would usually want her cereal and milk only, for her breakfast.

We arrived to a hotel shortly after walking and I was quite panicking because even though my education wasn't high, I knew that things in hotel are expensive. They can even charge a glass of milk for 10 dollars. I didn't wanna break Amy's heart if I were to said that we can't have breakfast here, so I just followed.

Niall talked to the person in the reception area and the next thing I knew, we were led to a private room. "The menu would be here, shortly," Niall said to me while settling Amy on a higher seat so that she can reach the table.

It was a square table and I have Amy sitting on the toddler seat, on my right. There weren't any chair on my left, so Niall would have to sit opposite me. It was really awkward because the room was a really private room with nothing but tables and chairs and a really romantic background music. The walls were in plain bronze in color with paintings hanged on. It would only be suitable for a date.

The door cracked open and a waitress get in with 3 menus, in hand. She placed one each in front of each of us, including Amy. She offered a smile and I saw her checking on Niall for a bit before leaving the room.

Amy started flipping the menu, but she wouldn't understand what was written in it. Niall was doing the same thing while I, on the other hand just stared at Amy, hoping that she wouldn't choose anything expensive.

"Momma! They have chocolate chip cereals. I want it with milk!" Amy said and I gulped down my saliva. How could she read the 'chocolate chip cereals'? I looked to the menu and realized that they had a picture of the chocolate chip cereals, deliciously dipped into a bowl of milk. I looked at the price and gulped down my saliva again.

"You can have that, if you want," Niall told Amy and Amy immediately clapped her hands. I sighed softly. I remained quietly, looking down to my lap, where my wallet and phone was sitting on.

"Decided?" Niall asked and I looked up to find him looking at me.

"Oh, I'm not hungry," I lied.

"Oh come on, just order something light," he told me and I just shook my head and offered a wrecked smile.

I was actually embarrassed. Firstly, I was here in a hotel private room restaurant with not enough cash and secondly, I was dressed inappropriately. Of course Amy have to look good but I was only in a 3 quarter pants and an old t-shirt.

"Megan, is there something wrong?" Niall asked, like he was doubting when I said I wasn't hungry.

"Yes, I'm fine. I don't feel like eating anything, anymore," I lied again but it didn't make it because my stomach growled. It wasn't loud but the too quiet romantic room made it sounded like I had dinosaurs running in my stomach.

Niall chuckled and said, "Come on, let's get you something."

"Momma doesn't like to eat outside. She said, our money is limited," Amy who was silent all along suddenly spoke up.

"Amelia!" I admonished a little too loudly, making her flinched back a little. She looked at me with her sad eyes and I felt guilty rushed through every part of me.

"I'll just get the same as Amy," I told Niall before picking Amy up from her seat. I brought her to the nearest paintings, to entertain her because I didn't want her to start crying. She ignored what I said about the beautiful painting. I didn't realized when Niall had got up from his seat, but he was next to me.

"Mr Horan...." Amy cried and held her hands out to Niall. Niall took her in his arms and started rubbing her back.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling jealous that my daughter would prefer being with someone else instead of me. Did I pamper her too much for her to be like this? Was I wrong to pamper her? I just wanted her to feel that the world is the best place that she have ever been to before heaven.

Niall placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it a little before mouthing, "It's okay."

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