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A/n: The picture I used for this chapter aren't mine. I'll be hiatus since I since my life outside the wattpad is really hectic.

Enjoy reading ❤️❤️❤️



Flashes from the cameras instantly blinded my eyes the moment I got out of my van. I immediately waved at them and smiled. I'm attending the MET GALA 2018 in New York City. It was my second time being invited to this prestigious event. I was wearing a fancy costume that I designed myself and came from 'Lucienne', my clothing business.

Anyway, since I left Japan I haven't been able to come back. When I graduated from college, I only worked for a company for a year as a fashion designer and a part – time runway model before I decided to start my clothing business 'Lucienne'.

Though, until now I'm still working as a runaway model and ambassador of different brands such as, jewelry, cosmetics, electronics, games and fashion (ambassador of luxury brands including Gucci, New Balance and Dior). I gradually reached my dreams that I planned for myself.

"Miss Lucy, a pose for us"

I did what he asked me before I proceeded to the event hall. I'm no longer surprised at what I see unlike the first time I got here. I was overwhelmed that time. I chuckle under my breath, I was naïve that time.

The event all over the world has become a big hit and it even trend #1 on Twitter. Aside from that, in the fashion industry my costume has become a hot topic as well. Some famous designers praised it for being elegant and gorgeous.

"The sales went high within a week" my manager told me when she handed me the report.

I checked the report and my lips twisted into an impish smile "I told you, Lilian," I said to her when I raised my head and met her gaze, "wearing my design will make our sales high"

She rolls her eyes to me which makes me chuckle. My new manager is Lilian Park – Evelyn, she's my cousin. But, she is not considered to belong to the Evelyn family. After All, she was a product of my uncle's lust towards a maid.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not angry with him and I also don't blame him for what happened. Because the culprit here is my uncle.

Anyway, when I first saw Lilian I was amazed at her. Because we look like we are twins though her eyes are deep blue and mine was chocolate brown. Lilian showed me the photo taken yesterday - I was wearing the dress I wore to the Gala.

"I don't know what's going on in your brain right now, Lucy" he said calmly "But, I think you need to choose the ambassador for 'Lucienne'. We can't miss this chance"

I put my elbow on the table and smiled at her "Just chill, Lilian. I'm working on it, okay" she frown "Anyway, how long are we going to stay in New York?"

"Until next week," she said before sighing "You have lots of photo shot that line up and shooting for your commercials"

I nodded before I slouch in my chair "then today?"

"We're free" my eyes shine with pure happiness after hearing what she said "Anyway, I have someone to meet later."

"Someone? Do I know that?" I ask curiously.

"He's my college friend" she blushes which makes me curious even more. I have never seen my cousin act like this. She clear her throat to compost herself "I'll see you tomorrow,"

I open my mouth to speak but she just excuses herself as if she doesn't want to hear what I'm going to say.

I did nothing the whole day, I slept and watched some movies on Netflix. By 8'oclock, I decided to come out of my room and stroll around the area. New York City is always busy. While walking I unexpectedly bumped into the road. It was Natsu Dragneel.

Shock was the only thing I saw in his eyes – I wasn't expecting to see him here but I knew he could see the emotion written in my eyes. I opened my mouth but decided to just shut it up when I saw he was with a woman.

"Natsu," I said smiling, awkwardly.

"Lucy" he smiled towards me "What are you doing here in New York?" he asked. Lucy?

"Work" I shrugged "You?" I looked at the woman with him who was quietly listening to the two of us "Are you with a friend?" I ask him, smiling while my eyes are looking at the girl beside him.

Natsu put his arms around the girl and smile to me "I'm with my fiancée"

My smile gradually faded in my lips as I looked at him confused. I open my mouth to speak but he just smiles at me "Her name is Sakura Yuji" he looks at the girl beside him "Hon, her name is Lucienne Heartfilia. She's my best friend"

Sakura Yuji smiled at me brightly "Nice to meet you Lucy" she said happily "I really want to meet you and be friends with you" she reach for my hand and held it.

I smile to her and lightly patted her head which caught her off – guard "Nice to see you, Sakura"

They invited me for coffee so we could talk more. Even though I didn't want to, I just agreed. They told me how they met, how their relationship started and Natsu told me how he proposed to her. Hearing everything coming from his mouth was enough to make my heart bleed.

"When will your wedding be?" I asked them, smiling.

"A year from now," Natsu answer me "Though, I really want to marry her right away"

Sakura left our table for a moment because someone called her on the phone. No one spoke to the two of us so I reached out his hand and squeezed it gently. I saw him look at our hands before he looked up at my face.

A smile to him, I'm really happy that he found his new source of happiness "I'm really happy for both of you" I say sincerely.

Natsu stares at my face for a couple of minutes before he smiles towards me "I'm happy with all of your achievements too, Lucy" he said which makes my heart beat fast.

I wanted to apologize to him but I just held myself because I didn't think it was necessary. He is happy now. He found his new source of happiness.

"I hope I'm invited to your wedding" I say playfully before I let go of his hand, again.

Natsu chuckle "Of course, you are invited" he says before he wink at me "I'll send you the invitation once it's done"

I grinned at him "Be happy, Natsu"

Natsu nodded his head with a smile on his lips "I will, Lucy"

Later, his fiancée arrived. As I watched the two of them I knew they loved each other. Love and joy were obvious in Natsu's eyes as he looked at the woman.

I felt a pain in my heart but it was only for a moment because suddenly someone grabbed my head. When I looked up my mouth parted, slightly.

I saw the shock in Natsu's eyes "L-Lucy?" he said confused.

Lilian frowned at him before looking at me, "I'm her cousin, Lilian Park," she said.

"Cousin?" Natsu asked in astonishment when he looked at me.

Hesitantly I looked up and I smiled at him "Yes," I took a deep breath "And she's my manager. Lilian, his Natsu Dragneel my best friend and his fiancée Sakura Yuji"

"Fiancee, huh?" Lilian pauses for a moment. Lilian open her mouth to speak but I just hold her hand to stop her "What?" she frown

"What are you doing here? You said, you have a date" I ask, completely trying to stop her for whatever she wants to say.

"I saw you from outside" she shrugged "I thought you needed me" she said and then wink at me.

I roll my eyes "Just go and be with your date, Lilian" I say "We have lots of things to do after this night so savor it" I say, smiling sarcastically. When my cousin left us, I apologize to them for the trouble "Sorry about it"

Natsu blinks his eyes "Well, I was... wow... your cousin is like your twin, Lucy" he said disbelief is really visible on his face right now.

I laugh and then immediately change our topic. We stayed there for another thirty minutes before we decided to go, since it was already late.

Sakura hug me tightly "I'm really happy to meet you, Lucy"

I patted her back "Same," I said and broke our hug. My mouth formed a small 'o' when an idea flashes on my mind "Well, for the gift on your wedding. Can you give me your size? I want to make your wedding gown..." I cover my mouth "Oh... wait... you probably have your own designer"

They look on each other before Sakura chuckle to me "Actually, I'm having hard time to choose my wedding gown," she smile at me shyly "Then I'll look forward on your design, Lucy"

I smile brightly. I look at Natsu's face and he smiles at me as he mouthed his thanks to me. They said goodbye and I just watched them walk away to me.

I stayed in that position for a few minutes before I went home. I immediately went to my room and picked up the letter I had not given him.


The moment I heard your confession to me. My heart was about to explode, because I never knew that someone was capable of loving me. I was really happy but at the same time, my heart was torn into pieces. Because I was torn between my dreams and you.

I should have understood. I should have insisted on being with you. There are so many 'ifs' running through my mind but I know nothing could make any difference.

I'm really thankful for all the things you have done to me. I may not understand why you chose to stop pursuing your degree, but I hope you won't stop pursuing your dream, because my dream is as important as yours. Please don't stop chasing it just for me.

I want you to know that I love you. I love you. But maybe, it's not yet the time for the two of us. Sorry if I didn't choose you. Sorry if I chose myself over our relationship. Sorry if I have to leave.

If one day you find another love... I hope you become happy because that's really what I want for you.

Be happy, my love.

I'm rotting your happiness.



Tears stream down on my cheeks as I hug the letter "I'm happy for you... Natsu"


I automatically wave my hand the moment I see the flash of the camera. I heard the crowd shouting my name and they were cheering as if seeing me in person was a goal for them. I chuckled and went nearer to my fans.

I saw a guy blushed the moment I stood in front of him, I smiled "Would you mind taking a picture with me?" I ask politely.

"Y-Y-Yes" the guy stuttered while he turned red. I borrowed his phone for a moment and took a picture of us. I saw him talking to me but unfortunately, I wasn't able to understand due to the fans asking for my autograph and my picture.

It took me five minutes before I politely went back to my manager who was patiently waiting for me. Lilian let out a small sigh which made me chuckle. "You don't have to do that, Lucienne," she said calmly "You're not an actress"

I frowned "If you're not an actress you can't give autographs to your fans?" I ask innocently.

She sigh "I'm done talking" she said "Our next destination is the FT Entertainment Inc.,"

"Are we going to attend the board meeting there?" I ask without looking at her because I'm busy waving my hand to the fans.

"Yes, you are one of the highest stock holder on that company" Lilian said in the matter – in – fact tone, "Aside from that, the meeting will determine who will be the next CEO since the current CEO is incompetent" she said enough for me to hear.

My eyes grew wide, my mouth parted and looked at her "You mean to say, I'm one of the candidates?" she nodded as a response "What—" I stop myself from yelling. I clear my throat "Who is capable of managing the FT Entertainment Inc.,"

We immediately got into the van and there Lilian answered my question, "Well, based on my research, it was Makarov Dreyer"

"And the problem is?" I ask with a frown in my face.

"The problem is his share in the company is small. He only owns 10% and you own 60% of it. He can be CEO if his shares are 50% which will never happen because you own it"

I leaned back in my chair and smiled at him "Then I'll just give him the 40% of my shares"

"Bitch, what?" Lilian said with eyes wide open "You'll just give your shares for free? I know you are rich but that's too much. 40% of you shares cost one hundred thousand dollars"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not saying it will be free. Of course, he needs to pay for it," Lilian narrowed her eyes on me "I'm thinking that he might be used for my business."

Lilian shrugged her shoulders and informed me of the rest of my schedule. According to her, I'll be staying here for almost a month. I have lots of endorsement, guest interviews, and photo shoots. Aside from that, the board meeting in FT Entertainment Inc. might take weeks before it finishes.

"When will be the scheduled date for Sakura Yuji?" I ask her without looking at her face.

I heard her sigh "Are you serious about making her wedding gown?" she asked me softly.

"Yes..." I said "This is the only way for me... to accept that Natsu will never be mine"

When I found out he was getting married I stopped working for a month. I couldn't focus even on my business. During those times, I stayed in my room thinking about my decision. And I admit, I did regret it. It was painful. I felt like my heart is being tortured every time I remember his face telling me that he was happy with his fiancée.

But then, Lilian came to my house and told me to pick myself up because no one would do it for me. And I did. I start all over again. I tried to occupy myself in my job and my business.

"You'll meet her this coming Friday," Lilian answered my question with a sigh "Just tell me if you want to change the schedule."

I looked at her and smiled "I can see her and talk to her. Sakura is kind, and I can clearly see why Natsu falls for her"

Lilian pouted her lips "And I can't see why you need to be involved on their wedding"

"Lilian I don't want to answer that question all over again" I said, narrowing my eyes to her. Lilian rolled her eyes on me.

She sighs, "Lucienne," she said "I hope this is the last time that you will involve yourself with their wedding. Protect yourself too"

THE DAY passed quickly and I just found myself in Natsu's office. I quietly rolled my eyes around, only a typical layout existed in his office.

His secretary said that Natsu was still in the meeting so they asked me if I could wait for them. Since the meeting is important. Not that I have to complain. After all, I came in early.

I looked at the door as it opened and I saw Natsu together with his fiancée enter. I held my breath the moment our eyes met. I bit my lower lips before closing my eyes to calm my heart. I shouldn't feel this way towards him.

Even if I want him. I can't have him anymore. I lost the chance to have him.

I don't know how I managed to stay in one place with them. I can't even remember how I tried to control tears as I listened to their upcoming wedding. I can't remember. It was as if my mind was protecting me from that unwanted memories.

"My secretary will keep in touch with you about this gown, Sakura," I said as soon as we finished finalizing what she wanted.

Natsu frowned but before he said something, I continued "I'm sorry for not being hands-on on your gown. But I promise you that I'll make your gown the best"

Sakura chuckled "It's okay, Lucy" she said softly "I know you have lots of projects too. And thank you for assuring me that my gown will be the best. It's more than enough for me"

I smile at her "Thank you for understanding" I look at him who is now carefully looking at me as if he wants to read my mind. I smile at him widely. "Just trust me, Natsu. I'll make your bride's wedding gown the best"

"I trusted you, Lucy" he said.

His words bring me unexplainable happiness and pain at the same time. It was absurd to feel the same way but maybe I'm on my edge too.

I excuse myself to them. I want to leave the place as soon as possible because I feel like I can't control my emotions any longer. I went straight to the parking lot but I was about to open my car when all of a sudden, someone held my hand preventing me from moving.

I turned my head, my mouth parted when I saw him standing in front of me, "Natsu" I breathe.

"I need to talk to you, Lucy," he said before biting his lower lips as if he couldn't find the right words to say.

I stare at him for about five minutes before I let out a sigh, "I want to say sorry, Natsu," I said softly, which made his eyes grow wider. Right, I should apologize to him for hurting him.


"I'm sorry for not choosing you that day. I'm sorry for choosing my dreams over you. I'm sorry—" Natsu patted my head which made me stop speaking "Natsu..."

Natsu smiled at me sadly "Forgive me if I made you feel like your decision was wrong. I'm sorry because I made you feel like it was wrong to have a dream"

I couldn't repute him. It was unexpected. I never expected him to say this to me.

"Whenever I see news about you. I know that you made the right decision to leave me and pursue your dream. Whenever I saw you in the magazine, I can't help but be proud of you. You almost fulfil your dreams and I almost get the happiness that I was once dreamt together with you"

I smiled at him even though I felt like my heart was being stabbed by thousands of knives.

"See you at my wedding, Lucy," he said, smiling at me.

I smile at him... this is his way... for us to get closure. I really have to say my goodbye to him.

"Good bye, my love" I whispered. I saw him frowned because I'm sure that he didn't hear what I've said.

I smile to him and shook my head "I'll see you in the future, Natsu"

I hope in the future I can look at you without being in pain, Natsu. 

When I got back to my condo, I found Lilian sitting on the couch - my lips twitching along with my sobs. Lilian looked at me looking surprised at my reactions. I did not speak and I just stared at her.

Her ash mauve eyes stared at me as if she was reading my mind. I sob loudly, letting my emotion control me again. She gave me a sad smile before she walked towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my face on her neck – crying all the pain.

"Just cry, Lucienne. I'm here" she said softly "We are here for you"

Don't get me wrong. I am happy for him. I am happy to see him marry the woman he loves. I am happy for all the things that happen to his life.

I'm happy for him but it doesn't mean I wasn't hurt. That I wasn't in pain.

He was the greatest love I never had.

_____________________ End of Chapter #16

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