Confessing, Confirming, and the Beach

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Saturday morning

3rd Person POV

Gionna wakes up in Caleb's arms, her back pressed against his chest. She looks back behind her and sees Caleb, who looks like he's been awake for a good minute. She snuggles up closer to him, trying to get as comfortable and as close to him as possible.

Gionna: Good morning.

Caleb: Mornin'.

Gionna: How'd you sleep?

Caleb: At first, not the best.

Gionna: What changed it?

Caleb: Got a midnight visit from you.

Gionna: I made you sleep better?

Caleb: You definitely made me less cold. How'd you sleep?

Gionna: Good. But something kept poking me.

Caleb blushes a little and starts getting embarrassed.

Gionna: Oh that's what was poking me. (Pulls her arm out from in between her hip and the couch and has the remote in her hand) Ah hah! The remote was poking me.

Caleb: I was wondering where it went. I hate watching the news and I didn't see it anywhere.

Gionna: Well it was under my butt.

Caleb: That explains why I didn't find it.

Gionna: Why?

Caleb: Because I wasn't lookin' at your ass.

Gionna, turning over a little to show more of her butt to Caleb: What? You don't like lookin' at my butt?

Caleb, laughing: You're such a tease.

Gionna: No I'm not. Now, answer the question. (Wiggles hips around) Do you like lookin' at my butt, yes or no?

Caleb: I'm not answering that.

Gionna: I think you are.

Caleb: I think I'm not.

Gionna: Fine. (Turns around and gets down on her knees on the floor, her head kinda level with Caleb's and resting on her hands) Then answer these questions. Would you kiss me again?

Caleb: Yes.

Gionna: What did you tell Heyman when he came to you with my idea?

Caleb: The romantic storyline was your idea?

Gionna: Answer the question.

Caleb: Yes. I told Paul that I'd do it.

Gionna: Would you go out with me?

Caleb: Yes.

Gionna: Did you carry me from the car to the room last night?

Caleb: Yes.

Gionna: Do you like my ring attire?

Caleb: Yes.

Gionna: Do you like my ass?

Caleb, rolling his eyes: Yes.

Gionna: Now we get to move on to the most serious question: do you like me?

Caleb: Yes, I do Gionna. I've only spent one night with you since I've come back and it was the greatest night of my life.

Gionna: Awwwwwww. I like you too. I can honestly say yesterday was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Caleb: So I guess there's only one question left to ask: Gionna Daddio, will you be my girlfriend?

Gionna: Only if you will be my boyfriend.

Caleb: Then you got yourself a deal.

The two seal their new relationship with a kiss.

Gionna starts uncontrollably giggling. Caleb gives her a confused and questioning look.

Gionna: My boyfriend told me he likes my ass before he told me he likes me.

Caleb: Actually you asked me if I'd date you first and I said yes. You were so focused on me liking your ass that you didn't pay attention to how I answered. So, let's go on a date. Nothing fancy.

Gionna: We are in Florida. The beach is right there.

Caleb: I like where your head's at, Gi. Did you bring any type of swim wear?

Gionna: Of course. You can't go to Florida without planning on swimming. Or at least going to the beach.

Caleb: I agree.

Gionna: Is everything you wear black?

Caleb: If I can help it, yes.

Gionna: Why?

Caleb: Black is the best color. It's the most dominant and it looks cool.

Gionna: Try not to get too excited when you see my swimsuit.

Caleb: The things that your swimsuit could possibly show off have already either been pushed up against my face or against my crotch.

Gionna, blushing: I didn't realize I pushed your face into my chest. I'm sorry. And about that second thing-

Caleb: You put your butt against my crotch last night, moved your hips a little bit, and then fell asleep.

Gionna: You were awake when I did that?

Caleb: Yup. Both times.

Gionna: I was just trying to see if you enjoyed touching my butt yesterday.

Caleb: I never said I was complaining.

Gionna: Just go get changed.

Caleb: Pick what room you wanna change in.

Gionna: I'll take the bathroom.

Caleb: I'll change in the bedroom then.

With that, the two grab their swimsuits and go into the rooms they decided to change in.


The two come out of their "changing" rooms wearing normal clothes over their swimsuits. Caleb has on a black t-shirt and black swim trunks on while live has black Adidas sweatpants and a black zip-up sweatshirt, both with white stripes going down the sides.

Caleb: Ready to go?

Gionna: Yep. Let's go.

Timeskip to the beach

After finding a private place to park, Caleb stops the car and the two change into their swimsuits.

Gionna: Do you want to stay in the car while I change or do you want to get out?

Caleb: I want you to have your privacy. Plus I think it'd be better if you surprised me.

Gionna: Oooooh good idea.

Caleb: I'll go stand guard outside the car while you change.

Caleb gets out of the car and stands next to the door. He stands there for a few a minute or two when the passenger door opens and Gionna climbs out wrapped in a towel.

Gionna: Ready for the surprise?

Caleb: You bet.

Gionna: Take off the shirt and I'll drop the towel.

Caleb reaches over head and takes his shirt off. Before now, the most recent time Gionna has seen Caleb shirtless was at NXT Take Over: Atlanta where he defeated the Undisputed Era in a handicapped match by himself. Only during that match, shirtless Caleb was also wearing the infamous crimson mask after he was hit in the head with the NXT Championship. Now there is no blood. Just Caleb and his toned body on display before her.

Caleb: You're turn.

Gionna drops the towel and reveals her swimsuit to her now boyfriend and tag partner.

A/N: I don't own either of the images. Gionna is wearing this swimsuit minus the socks.


Gionna, nervously: Do you like it?

Caleb tosses his shirt into the car and closes the door before making his way around the front of the car to Gionna, who stares up at him with nervous eyes and biting her bottom lip in anticipation. He leans down, wraps his arms around her back, and pulls her into a passionate kiss.

Caleb: I love it.

Gionna and Caleb grabs their towels, lock the car doors, and hold each other's hands as they walk to a certain section of the beach.

Gionna: This place is surprisingly empty.

Caleb: That's because I rented this part of the beach out. It's a private beach and has walls built around the area I rented out.

Gionna: It's just us?

Caleb: It's just us.

They set their towels down on the sand before running out into the water. Gionna grabs her phone and takes two pictures of her and Caleb with the ocean behind them, one picture of them smiling and another with them kissing each other. After putting her phone with the rest of their stuff, Gionna runs next to Caleb and they start walking into the water. As they get further out, into the deeper waters, Caleb dives into the water like a swimmer. Gionna laughs before she notices something: Caleb hasn't come up yet.

Gionna, turning around looking for him: Caleb? Caleb?! Caleb!!

Caleb, popping up right next to her: Yes, Gi?

Gionna: Don't scare me like that. Where did you learn to dive like that?

Caleb: I used to swim competitively when I was a kid, remember?

Gionna: Oh yeah. I didn't realize you could hold your breath for so long though. You're always full of surprises.

Caleb, walking up really close to Gionna and putting his hands on her hips: I know you've got your surprises too.

Gionna, putting her hands on Caleb's back: I do. Let's head back to our stuff. Maybe I'll show you some of my surprises.

The two walks back to the towels and begin talking about favorite matches and trade some stories.

Gionna with an evil smirk on her face: You wanna try something with me?

Caleb: What am I trying?

She crawls off of her towel in a sensual way before crawling over Caleb and laying down on top of him. She shifts her weight to where she has her lower half pressed against Caleb's lower half.

Gionna: Ever made out on a beach?

Caleb: I don't think so.

Gionna: Lets try it.

Gionna moves her head down and they begin to make out. Caleb places his hands on Gionna's back, pulling her closer to him. Their make out session gets heavier as they start to rub up against each other. Gionna and Caleb's tongues battle for dominance. This continues until Gionna's breathing starts to change. Just from them moving against each other starts to drive Gionna over the edge. She doesn't plan on going over the edge alone, so she grabs his hands and places them on her butt. The feeling of the other rubbing against them drives the two completely over the edge. Realizing that there's nothing to clean themselves up, they stop making out to prevent themselves from climaxing.

Gionna, laying flat on Caleb's chest:Wow...I wasn't expecting that to happen.

Caleb: Me neither. (Looking at the sky) It's getting late. We should head back to the hotel.

Gionna: Yeah. But I don't want to drag sand through the hotel.

Caleb: There's a shower over there. It's got changing rooms built in. Let's use it.

Gionna: Ok. (Once they get to the changing rooms/showers) Only one of them isn't out of order and I really don't want to be left out here by myself while it's getting dark.

Caleb: Hop on.

Gionna hops onto Caleb's back and he carries her back to the rental car. After putting their sandy towels in the bag and sitting on clean towels, the two head back to the hotel. Caleb puts his shoes in the bag and carries it over his shoulder and carries Gionna on his back. Once they get back into the hotel room, Gionna hops down and goes to the bathroom to shower. After several minutes, Caleb hears her call his name.

Gionna: Caleb, you can use the shower now!

Caleb grabs his towel and his change of clothes and walks into the bathroom to see Gionna wrapped in a towel and a towel wrapped around her hair. He stops and looks away.

Gionna, seeing this before smiling: Awww. It's ok baby. You can look at me.

Caleb slowly turns his head towards her to see her goofy grin, which causes him to smile himself. As he walks towards the shower, Gionna goes to leave the bathroom. Once they pass by each other, Gionna swings her hand back and smacks Caleb's butt, which causes him to stop and turn to face her with a look that says "what the fuck just happened". Gionna continues to walk away, looking over her shoulder to flash an evil grin.

Caleb: I'm so gonna get you back for that.

Gionna as she enters the bedroom: I'd like to see you try.

Caleb shakes his head as he steps into the shower and undresses in there, tossing his clothes onto the floor before showering. After his shower he is dressed, Caleb heads back towards the living room to sleep on the couch again when Gionna hops up from the bed and runs towards the doorway to block his path.

Gionna, semi-angrily: Where do you think you're going?

Caleb, confused: To the couch.

Gionna with a serious look: No way. You are sleeping in that bed with me.

Caleb, accepting defeat: Ok.

Gionna, full of happiness and excitement: Yay!!

She jumps up and down a little before skipping over to the bed. Most people would frown down on Gionna's childishness, but not Caleb. He finds her inner child cute as he too can be childish.

Caleb: I'm guessing you want to snuggle and cuddle again?

Gionna with a wide smile: Of course.

With that, the two climb into the bed after turning off the lights, get under the covers, snuggle up next to each other, and kiss each other before telling each other "goodnight" and going to sleep.

End of chapter

A/N: Thank y'all for reading. I don't have much to say except thank you and I will talk to y'all next time. Edit: I changed certain details to fit with the later chapters.

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