Meeting An Old Friend

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Friday night SmackDown

3rd Person POV

Gionna Daddio sits on a production crate in a hidden backstage area, secluded from everyone, basically bawling her eyes out. She was just told once again that she won't be wrestling tonight and that management has nothing for her. She knows that Paul Heyman is trying to convince the rest of management to give her a push, but at this point she doesn't think it'll ever happen. That is until she hears a familiar voice.

Paul: Liv, there's someone here that I'd like for you to meet.

Gionna looks up to see a tall man dressed in black pants and a black Slipknot t-shirt standing next to Heyman.

Paul: This is Ca-

Gionna: Caleb!

She hops off of the production crate, runs towards the man, leaps up and traps him in a hug. Caleb laughs while hugging her back.

Caleb: Hey Gi. Long time no see.

Gionna after hops down from her hug with Caleb. Her face that was once one of sadness is now full of happiness.

Paul, smiling at the reunion: I'm assuming you are familiar with Mr. Winters and his work.

Gionna: Yes I am. He's an old friend and I was there when he defended the title against Aleister Black and Ricochet.

Caleb: I got two knee injuries and a back injury in that match. Put me on the shelf for a few months.

Gionna: You still won the match.

Caleb: Yep. Still undefeated in WWE.

Paul: I'm glad you two already know who each other are because you two are being placed in the Mixed Match Challenge as a team.

Gionna: Wait. Caleb and I are going to be a team in the Mixed Match Challenge?

Paul: That is correct. If all goes well, you two will get pushes. There's one potential downside. In order to keep the feeling of familiarity, all teams are riding and rooming together.

Gionna: I'm sure Caleb and I will be able to make it work.

Paul: Excellent. You guys are in the first match of the Challenge tonight.

Caleb: I didn't think they televised the MMC on SmackDown.

Paul: Tonight all of the teams from SmackDown will meet in the ring. The teams will be introduced, we'll see how the crowd reacts to each team, and then a huge brawl will start.

Gionna: I can't wait.

Caleb: I can't wait to get back in the ring again.

Gionna: You're debuting on SmackDown tonight?

Caleb: Yep.

Gionna: So you know close to nobody here?

Caleb: I know you, so that's a start. I know Reigns, the Usos, Otis, Ziggler, Miz, and Morrison, so I shouldn't be a total stranger.

Gionna: I'm happy to be the first person you went to see on your first day. As your new tag partner, I'll show you around.

Caleb: Thanks Gi.

Keeping true to her word, Gionna leads Caleb around, introducing him to different people and showing him the layout of arena.


Tom: Welcome back to Friday Night SmackDown ladies and gentlemen. Gathering in the ring are the teams representing SmackDown in the Mixed Match Challenge.

Saxton: I can't wait, Tom! There are so many potential teams!

Tom: That's right, Byron. Let's get a look at these teams.

Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring, microphone in hand as he prepares to introduce the teams.

Shane: It is my honor to introduce to the WWE Universe our SmackDown mixed tag teams. Introducing first: Naomi and Jimmy Uso. (After team 1 climbs inside the ring) Team 2 is Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan. (After the Yes chants quiet down and the two are in the ring) Team 3: Sasha Banks and Roman Reigns. And finally, team 4: Liv Morgan and-

Liv Morgan comes out and interrupts Shane.

Liv: Shane, I'm gonna stop you right there. My partner didn't want anyone to announce that he is here...other than me. So it is my pleasure to introduce my partner, making his SmackDown debut...

The lights go out and a song familiar among the fans who watched NXT plays.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Obviously this song is owned by LINKIN PARK and not me.


Caleb walks out and stands on the ramp with Liv, wearing a jacket similar to Sting's from his days in WCW, black sunglasses, black boots, pants, and a top similar to the ones Undertaker wears. The two stand at the top of the ring, Liv laughing a little before they both get in the ring. The crowd can't believe that Caleb is back and in the Mixed Match Challenge.

Saxton: It's Caleb Winters from NXT!!

Tom: That's right, Saxton. It's the longest reigning NXT Champion.

Shane: Welcome to Team Blue, Caleb. I want all of you to be at your absolute bests if we are going to win this thing.

Sasha: As if our titles didn't make it clear, the Boss and the Tribal Chief are already at our bests.

Daniel: If you two are at your bests, why did Roman have to put Jimmy in a sleeper hold just to beat Jey at Hell In A Cell?

Tensions quickly begin to build up

Roman: That should show you the lengths I'm willing to go to make sure SmackDown reigns supreme at Survivor Series.

The three other teams start arguing and taunting one another. Meanwhile, Caleb leans back against the upper left corner of the ring, Liv sitting on the top rope behind him. She has her legs wrapped around his chest, her thighs resting against his ribs. Caleb leans back and talks to her for a moment before raising his mic up and speaks up.

Caleb: Woah woah woah woah woah. (Everyone turns their attention to him) Is no one going to address that Roman used his name to try to make a point.

The other superstars give him a look of confusion, causing Caleb to elaborate.

Caleb: He said "that should show you the lengths I'm willing to go make sure SmackDown reigns supreme". And no one thought to point that out?

No one says anything, but they have faces that suggest they're thinking. Meanwhile the crowd laughs at what Caleb chose to point out.

Caleb: Ok. As you were.

He lowers his mic and stands how he was earlier. When he leans back, Liv plays around with his hair. He leans his head back and looks at her as she smiles at her weird friend. Her hands are resting on the sides of his face as they smile and start talking to one another without using mics, making sure that no one can hear them.

Caleb: Havin' fun up there?

Liv: Yep. Your hair is really soft. How'd you get it to be so soft?

Caleb: I don't know. Showering?

Liv, laughing: I'm sure that's it.

Caleb lifts his head back up and watches the chaos while Liv continues to run her hands through his hair, tossing it around and combing it with her fingers. Most people would think they were dating because of this, but the truth is that Gionna always did this with his hair any chance she got. At Full Sail, Gionna would have Caleb lay sideways on his back with his head in her lap. Caleb would just play on his phone, watch videos, or play around on Gionna's phone, which he'd obtain after either pretending to steal it, picking it up off of whatever she had it laying on, or when she'd take it out of her pocket to prevent it from digging into the back of his head and into her thigh as he had his head in her lap. All the while, Gionna would just play around with his hair like a cat with yarn. The happy memories are cut short when Shane's voice shouts over the arguing teams.

Shane: Alright, alright, that's enough!! Since you can't stop arguing, let's test who really is the best. Tonight, all four teams will compete in an elimination, fatal four way mixed tag match. And that match starts right now.

Tom: The rules for this match are as follows: all of the teams send one member of their team into the match. All competitors in the ring must be the same gender. If anyone makes the tag, no matter what, the gender of the person made legal all have to enter the ring. This ensures that all men face men and all women face women. If one person from a team is pinned to three or submits, that team is eliminated from the match. There are no disqualifications other than if you hit a superstar of the opposite gender. For example: if Jimmy Uso were to strike Brie Bella, he and Naomi will both be disqualified and eliminated from the match. Other than that, there are no disqualifications or count outs.

As Tom Philips goes over the rules, a referee runs down to the ring and each competitor gets ready to fight. Each team begin arguing, trying to decide who will start off, the males or the females, when Caleb clotheslines Jimmy and Daniel over the top rope. Thinking he has the element of surprise, Reigns goes for a Superman Punch on Winters. Instead of connecting, he is met with a back body drop and goes over the top rope. Winters runs and bounces off the ropes before leaping over them and hitting a tope con giro, flattening everyone outside the ring. Caleb's attack leaves the female superstars to start the match. The ref rings the bell and the match is officially started. Thinking they were the weakest two, the Boss and Naomi team up to try to take out Bella and Morgan. Naomi goes right to work on Brie. Sasha clearly underestimated Liv because she doesn't even get the chance to lay a hand on her. As soon as Sasha is in range, Liv rushes and tackles her before raining lefts and rights down on the Boss. Liv grabs onto Banks's hair and repeated lifts the Boss's head up and slamming it back down into the mat. Trying to prevent serious injury, the ref carefully pries Morgan off of Banks. Sasha uses the corner to stand back up but she isn't up for long. Liv rushes her once, Sasha attempts to counter by using the ropes to hold her up and hit a dropkick but Liv catches her legs and throws them over the top rope. Using her momentum, Banks swings her legs to where she is now sitting on the top rope, the ring to her back. Liv goes to put her in the tree of woe but Sasha elbows Morgan in the face and starts to stand on the top rope. WWE's resident problem child recovers quickly and runs right up behind the Boss, knocking her legs out from underneath her, climbing the turnbuckle, and hitting the Boss with a back suplex off the top rope. Liv rolls over onto her hands and knees, smiles while laughing a little and sticking her tongue out of her mouth, letting it hang over her bottom lip as she pins Sasha.

Ref: 1. 2. Thr-

Before the ref could finish the count, Roman grabbed Liv's ankle and pulled her off of Sasha and out of the ring.

Liv: What are you doing!? Don't touch me!

Roman, shaking his head a little: Someone needs to teach you a lesson, Morgan.

Before the Tribal Chief can say anymore, he is hit with a Juggernaut Charge, courtesy of the Southern Juggernaut, Caleb Winters.

Caleb: Class dismissed.

Liv gets back into the ring while Caleb gets on the apron. As Liv is stepping through the ropes, Brie is being hit with the Glow Combination when she catches one of Naomi's legs, throws it down and hits Naomi with a knee to the face. After kicking her the leg and getting her down on her knees, Brie does the Yes! Kicks. When she goes for the final kick, Naomi ducks under it causing Brie to stumble right into a Jersey Codebreaker from Liv. Naomi leans on the ropes as she tries to stand up but soon realizes that she left herself vulnerable when Liv runs straight for her, jumps, puts both legs on the middle rope and hits the ObLIVion. Naomi is down as Liv covers her almost getting a three count when she hears the ref stop counting.

Ref: 1. 2. Thre-tag!

Now the men are the legal competitors. Liv shortly finds who made the tag when she looks to her lift to see Sasha on the apron and Roman Reigns standing in the ring.

Liv: What are you doing!?

Roman: Keeping my family in this match. You don't get it, do you Liv? This is my yard. This is MY island. You are in MY ring! I am the Chief and I won't be questioned by some little delinquent! It doesn't matter how many times you dye your hair or change your clothes, you're still the same old screw up from New Jersey!

Roman's words cut Liv deep as she struggles not to break down and cry, ultimately beginning to fail.

Roman: Now get out of MY ri-

Roman is once again interrupted by Caleb, who hits him with the Winter's End.

Caleb: She earned her way here! She deserves to be here too, dip shit! (More to himself and to Liv) Tribal Chief my ass. (Focusing on Liv, getting down on a knee to get level with her and helping her up while whispering) You alright, Gi?

Liv just nods her head, but it doesn't fool Caleb. He can tell something in Liv is broken and has been for some time. All Roman did was bring it to the surface. After helping Liv out of the ring, Caleb goes over to Roman, gets down on his level and starts punching Reigns. While he does, he carefully talks to Roman to make sure no one, not even the cameras can see or hear him.

Caleb, whispering: I heard what you said to Gi. It struck a nerve with her. I know you didn't mean to make her feel bad, but there is definitely a problem that has been buried deep down and what you said brought it back to the surface. Tell Mercedes to watch what she says, if she does say anything, to Gi.

Roman: You got it.

Caleb stops punching Reigns and stands tall in the middle of the ring. That is until Jimmy attempts to sneak up on him and hit him with a leaping clothesline, but his attempt fails as Caleb grabs onto the Uso and hits him with a Darkest Void. While Jimmy lies motionless, Daniel leaps off the top rope to hit a splash onto the fallen twin. Seeing his opportunity, Caleb hits the diving Bryan with a Winter's End. The leader of the Yes! Movement rolls to the ropes while Caleb calls for the Winter's End. Jimmy stands up right into the Winter's End, but manages to push Winters away. Winters turns around to face Jimmy who hits a superkick, which makes Caleb fall back into the ropes, bouncing off of them to be hit with another superkick. Caleb still doesn't go down. Instead, he bounces off the ropes again. Jimmy goes for a third but Caleb ducks under it. Uso turns to face him only to be met with a Southern Superkick. The stunned Uso is then hoisted up onto Caleb's shoulders and is hit with the Assassin's Torch and is pinned to three.

Ring Announcer: Naomi and Jimmy Uso have been eliminated.

Caleb sees Roman trying to tag in Sasha and knows that Liv isn't emotionally ready to get back in the ring. So he does what any good partner would do: he grabs Roman's leg and pulls him away from Sasha. His effort is in vain when he hears the ref.

Ref: Tag.

Daniel tagged Brie while Caleb was dealing with Roman. Caleb makes his way to his and Liv's corner where she is just standing there, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Caleb, speaking to Liv while he is exiting the ring and Brie and Sasha battle in the ring: Gi, I tried to prevent the tag so you could have more time to get your thoughts in order. I'm sorry. Roman already told Sasha that you aren't feeling quite like yourself. (While Liv is slowly entering the ring) Do I need to tag myself in?

Liv just shakes her head no before pulling herself together and heading towards the chaos. Sasha locks Brie in the Banks Statement. Bella tries to hang on but eventually taps out.

Ring Announcer: Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan have been eliminated.

Without wasting any time, Liv runs at Sasha, hitting her with a Jersey Codebreaker. Sasha leans back against the ropes, stunned by the unexpected offense of Morgan. Liv runs at the Boss once again, hitting the ObLIVion and pinning the Boss. Sasha gets her shoulder up at the last second. The SmackDown Women's Champion makes her way to her feet only to be met with a jumping DDT. Instead of letting go of Banks, Liv rolls through and locks her in a guillotine choke. Sasha continues to try and fight out of it while Roman comes into the ring to break the hold or at least distract the ref. Caleb rushes into the ring to derail Reigns's plan. Roman runs at Caleb, managing to hit a Superman Punch. But when he bounces off the ropes to hit the still standing Caleb with the Spear, he is picked up like he was going to be hit with a powerslam. Only that wasn't what Caleb was going for. Caleb's plan to hit Reigns with the Cemetery Bloom are forces to end when Roman fights out of the powerslam position he was put into. Reigns pushes off Caleb, pushing him forward in the process. Going for another Superman Punch, the Tribal Chief is halted by a Southern Superkick. The stunned Big Dog's head is then driven to the ground with a Darkest Void. Without missing a beat, Caleb calls for and hits Winter's End on Reigns. All the while, Liv still has Sasha locked in the hold until Sasha manages to roll in the opposite direction Liv rolled when she locked the hold in. Now standing with Liv holding onto her head, Sasha punches her way out of Morgan's grasp. The hold took a lot out of Banks but Liv doesn't give her a chance to recover. Throwing right forearms, Liv manages to back the Boss up close to the ropes. Knowing she can't let up, Liv jumps, puts her legs onto the middle rope and hits the ObLIVion once again and goes for the pin.

Ref: 1. 2. 3.

Ring Announcer: Here are your winners, Liv Morgan and Caleb Winters!!!!!

Caleb gets in the ring to celebrate the win with Liv. What he wasn't expecting was for Liv to run and jump onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms wrapping around his neck. Due to her excitement, Liv jumped and landed on Caleb a bit higher than when she normally hugs people. This led to Liv unknowingly pushing Jason's face against her chest while she waves to the fans. The attire Liv is wearing has a hole cut out in the front. When Liv waved to the fans, she moved herself a little higher and placed the hand she wasn't using to wave on the back of Caleb's head, which caused his head to go straight towards the cut out hole in her top. Caleb, unsure of what to do tries to speak to Liv and pat her back to get her attention.

Caleb: G-Gi...I...can't...breathe...

Liv looks down after feeling her back being patted and something moving against her chest and blushes a little before lowering herself down to where she is face-to-face with Caleb. Not sure where to go from there, Liv decides to listen to the fans who are chanting for the two to kiss. Caleb nods his head a little, giving Liv the "ok" to go for the kiss. As Liv leans in, the crowd's chants get louder. Now the WWE Universe has mixed chants of "kiss!" and "yes!". They both close their eyes and then it happens: their lips touch. Going along with the energy from the WWE Universe, the two add more passion to the kiss and begin to make out. Not wanting to drop Liv and feeling her slipping, Caleb puts his hands under her legs and starts holding her up. His hands are close to touching her backside when he hears Liv talk to him between kisses.

Liv, a little out of breath: Higher.

Caleb continues the kiss but Liv can tell he's confused.

Liv: Your hands *kiss* move them higher *kiss*.

Caleb, also out of breath: *kiss* You sure *kiss* you want *kiss* my hands *kiss* on your-

Liv: *kiss* Just put your hands on my ass *kiss*.

Caleb does as she says and slides his hands up onto her ass and realizes how much easier it is to hold her up and that he's getting turned on by her. The make out session feels like it's been going on for hours even though it's just been a few seconds. Soon, the two separate and stare into each other's eyes. Liv smiles out of embarrassment. In order to exit the ring, Caleb has to either put her down, hug her close and go between the top and middle ropes, or step over the top rope. Liv makes the decision for him by hopping down and walking towards the ropes. Caleb holds the ropes open for Liv, who steps out onto the apron and stands there. Caleb follows Liv out of the ring and hops down to the floor. He turns to face and catch Liv after she jumps back onto him in the same position they were in inside the ring. With a little help from Liv, Caleb walks backwards up the ramp as they continue to look into each other's eyes and kiss every once and awhile.


Now that the two are backstage and have management all around them, Caleb lets go of Gionna and she hops down off of him.

Vince: What were you two thinking?

Thinking that they are in trouble, the duo look at each other trying to think of an excuse.

Vince: That was great. The fans really enjoyed it and pictures and videos of you two kissing are already all over social media. Great work you two. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you two have been dating for a long time just from the kiss alone.

The two thank Vince for the compliment and go their separate ways to change, shower, and gather their clothes before they meet back up to ride to the hotel together. Before they go their different ways, Gionna slides a slip of paper into Caleb's hand, jumps up, kisses him on the cheek, and walks to the women's locker room. Caleb watches her walk away before reading the paper slip Gionna gave him. The paper had her number on it and said "Here's my new number. Call me". Before he can go to the locker room, he is stopped by Paul Heyman.

Paul: Great job, Caleb. I know you already heard this from Vince, but the fans really love seeing you and Liv together.

Caleb: Thanks Paul. But it wasn't my idea. It was hers. She followed her instincts which told her to listen to the crowd.

Paul: Interesting you'd say that. I already talked to Liv and she said her instincts told her to do more than what she did.

Caleb: Oh. I thought it was a professional conversation, not a personal one.

Paul: I'm your friend before I'm your boss or manager. Don't think of it as Paul Heyman and Caleb Winters talking. Think of it as Paul Heyman and Caleb Van Horn talking. Now, how do you feel about Liv?

Caleb: I think I like her, Paul. I remember when I first met her and watching her matches. I've always liked her on screen personality because it's just like her outside of the ring. Guess I always thought she was cute. She's such an amazing talent and a genuinely good person. I'm surprised she hasn't won a title yet.

Paul: So you've always had a small crush on her?

Caleb: I guess I have.

Paul: I know this isn't a professional conversation, but there is an opportunity for something amazing for you and Liv. I already presented the idea to her and I just need your answer. Would you, Caleb Winters, like to be in a romantic storyline with Liv Morgan?

Caleb: Yes. I'd be glad to do a storyline with her.

Paul, beginning to walk away: Excellent. That's two "yes"s.

Caleb: Wait, she said yes?

Paul: You guys go ahead to the town for next week.

Caleb: What about Live Events?

Paul: You guys get the week off. Just be at the next town by tomorrow. It's a pretty long drive. Don't leave Liv behind. You two are booked in the same room.

Caleb: The same room?

Paul: You'll thank me later.

Paul walks back to the gorilla while Caleb heads back to the locker room.

Meanwhile, in the women's locker room

Gionna walks through the door and hears a few girls snicker and giggle. While she is getting her stuff for her shower, she sees a few of the other girls staring at her. A few of those girls are her long time friend, Ruby Riott, Billie Kay, and Bayley. The three come over to her, sit down around her, and look at her with smiles on their faces.

Gionna: What?

Billie: What do you mean "what"? We wanna know how it was?

Gionna: How what was?

Ruby: Your kiss. How was it?

Gionna: Why do you want to know?

Bayley: Most of these women want to know. Some of them met him when he was in NXT and we haven't seen you act like that with anyone.

Gionna: If you must know, I really enjoyed kissing him.

Billie: Would you do it again?

Gionna blushes but doesn't answer.

Ruby: So that's a yes.

Gionna's cheeks turn a darker shade of red as the three laugh.

Ruby: Do you know if he feels the same way?

Gionna: No. I don't. It felt like he enjoyed it.

Billie: He must have. He put his hands on your ass.

Gionna, blushing a bit more: Actually that was my idea. He was trying to hold me up and I told him to put his hands there.

Ruby: Liv!

Gionna: What? I got really into it and I knew I was slipping. Plus he didn't seem to hate it after I finally convinced him to do it.

Bayley: Wait, he didn't put his hands on your butt when you told him to?

Gionna: No. I had to tell him to do it twice before he actually did.

Billie: Well he's different from a lot of guys.

Gionna: Have you seen the way he moves in the ring? He's definitely different.

Ruby: I think the Problem Child has a crush.

Gionna, blushing once again: N-no I don't.

Bayley: Yep. She has a crush.

Gionna: Can we please talk about anything else?

Ruby: Relax. I'm sure he's getting questioned by the guys in the locker room too.

In the men's locker room

Caleb changes out of his ring attire and into the clothes he was wearing before. He puts his phone, his keys, and his wallet in pockets before heading for the door. While walking to the the parking area inside the arena, he meets up with two of his friends: the Miz and Dolph Ziggler.

Miz: Nice match, Caleb.

Dolph: Yeah, nice work. My favorite part was your kiss with Liv.

Caleb: And here I was thinking no one cared about the kiss.

Miz: So?

Caleb: Mike, you're married.

Miz: I'm not asking how it was so I can imagine it. I already watched it happen.

Dolph: There's no way you didn't enjoy that.

Caleb: I enjoyed it.

Miz: I think someone is crushing on the Problem Child.

Caleb, who is still talking while pulling his phone out and texting: And?

Dolph: I forgot how hard it is to tease you.

Back in the women's locker room

Gionna is still being asked a bunch of questions when she gets a text.

???: Hey Gi, it's Caleb. I'm in the parking garage rn. You ready to go?

Gionna: I'll be right there.

Gionna, to her friends: Well I gotta go. See ya.

Ruby: You better get going then. Don't want to keep your man waiting.

Back with to the parking garage

Miz: Well the teasing should get easier from here. His girlfriend is behind him.

Caleb turns around to see Gionna wearing a small, black leather jacket, a black tank top, black leggings, her glasses, and black tennis shoes.

Dolph: Awwwwww look, they're matching.

Miz and Dolph: Awwwwwwwwww.

The three guys laugh while Gionna walks over and doesn't look too pleased.

Caleb: You alright, Gi?

Gionna: The girls in the locker room had a field day with our kiss.

Caleb: The only comments I've gotten are from these two. Other than when Otis made kissing sounds when I walked through the door.

Gionna: How'd you get him to stop?

Caleb: Googled a picture of Mandy and showed it to him. Poor bastard got so excited he fell to the floor.

Gionna: Well at least you're having fun. I just want to get out of here.

Caleb: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go. (To Miz and Ziggler) See you two next week.

Ziggler: What about the Live Events?

Caleb: Heyman gave us the week off. We don't work again until next Friday.

Miz: You two take care.

Caleb: Y'all too.

After loading all of Gionna's bag and his own bag, Caleb gets into the driver's seat of the rental car. He looks over and sees an upset Gionna.

Caleb, taking Gionna's hand in his own: Don't let them get to you, Gi. Just smile and go along with it. If it means anything, I really enjoyed our kiss.

Gionna, now smiling and looking at Caleb: I really enjoyed it too. Thanks for letting it happen.

Caleb: Why wouldn't I have? The WWE Universe wanted me to kiss a cute girl. Who am I to say no?

Gionna: You think I'm cute?

Caleb: Yeah, why?

Gionna, smiling and blushing: No reason.

Caleb: Whatever you say, boss lady.

And with that, the two drive to the next town. They mainly spend the time talking about the music they like to listen to and other interests.

Gionna: I haven't really listened to Slipknot.

Caleb: That is changing right now.

Reaching over to his phone, which has the AUX cord plugged into it, Caleb hands his phone to Gionna and tells her to pick a song. Gionna picks a song from their newest album. The song: Nero Forte.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Don't own this song either.

While listening to the song, she notices that Caleb is able to keep up and sing the words of the song with Corey Taylor. Then it happens. The part of the song where everyone starts head banging in unison plays. Gionna can't help but to start laughing immediately as Caleb head bangs with them, carefully to make sure they don't crash. After the song ends, they take turns playing different songs that they like, singing along, dancing, and occasionally head banging. They enjoy the car ride all the way to the next town. After awhile, Caleb notices that Gionna is starting to drift off. Once they get to the hotel, an employee approaches the car.

Caleb, after unloading the trunk: You mind carrying these for me while I carry her? She had a long day at work today.

Employee: I don't mind. What kind of work do you two do?

Caleb: She and I both work for WWE.

Employee: That's why I recognize you two. You're Caleb Winters and she's Liv Morgan!

Caleb: Shhh. Yes we are. Are all the employees here wrestling fans?

Employee: I like to think I'm the biggest fan here. There are a few others.

Caleb: Well Liv and I will be here for a week. I'm sure I can get some of you guys a few backstage passes.

Employee: That'd be great.

Caleb, grabbing Gionna in a bridal carry, and closing the car door while the employee walks with him: I'll see what I can do.

Once inside, Caleb asks the receptionist for his room and carries Gionna to the elevator. While riding in the elevator with the employee carrying their bags, Caleb takes a picture with the man and gives him $50 for his troubles. As they walk down the hall, Gionna shifts and wakes up a little.

Caleb, whispering: Shhhh. It's alright, Gi. I gotcha.

Gionna shuts her eyes once again as Caleb approaches the door. The employee opens the door for the duo before dropping their bags off in the room and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. Once they and their bags are in the room, Caleb looks around and notices how nice the hotel room is. It was like a really nice apartment. Then he noticed one thing Paul might have meant when he said "you'll thank me later": there's only one bed in the bedroom. Caleb lays Gionna down on the bed before grabbing a water from his bag and sitting down next to the sleeping woman. After sipping some of his water, Caleb moves the covers and tucks Gionna in, walking back to the living room area of the hotel room, turning on the TV and lowering the volume to make sure Gionna stays asleep. Caleb goes back into the bedroom and grabs his water. He looks at the sleeping problem child before taking her glasses off of her face and setting them on the nightstand next to the bed. He also goes towards the end of the bed and takes Gionna's shoes off and puts them up against the wall far enough away from the bed that Gionna won't step on them when she wakes up and gets out of bed. Caleb walks back over to Gionna and smiles to himself before kissing her forehead. As he leans back, he sees Gionna's mouth curve into a small smile.

Caleb, whispering as he walks out of the bedroom: Goodnight Gi.

Gionna, whispering back: Goodnight Caleb.

Caleb stops and stands in the doorway for a minute before smirking and shaking his head. He leaves the room and lays down on the couch, which is surprisingly comfortable. In the middle of the night, Caleb hears something. It's footsteps. It doesn't take much to wake him up as he's a light sleeper. He slowly cracks one eye open and looks where the sound last came from only to see Gionna standing at the end of the couch with a blanket around her shoulders. Gionna then slowly climbs onto the couch with Caleb and snuggles up real close to him, her back against his chest. She turns over before completely laying down and sees that he's partially awake.

Gionna: Sorry. Did I wake you up?

Caleb: Yeah, kinda.

Gionna: I'm so sorry. At least I can make it up to you.

Caleb, with both his eyes shut: Mmhmm how're you gonna do that?

Gionna leans in and presses her lips against Caleb's. At first Caleb is shocked but soon kisses back. The kiss leads to a small make out session. Caleb wraps his arms around Gionna and pulls her closer to him. The two make out for a few minutes before Gionna turns back around and faces the TV.

Caleb, turning Gionna's head to face him and to kiss her: Goodnight Gi.

Gionna, before kissing Caleb: Goodnight Caleb.

The two kiss, snuggle real close under the blanket, Caleb holding Gionna in his arms, and they drift off to sleep.

End of Chapter

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. This is my second WWE story and I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter. I don't have much to say other than thank you and I will talk to all of y'all next time. Edit: I changed the title. Edit 2: I also made several additional changes to this chapter such as Caleb's attire, some of the dialogue, and some of the events. The newest chapter should be out sometime soon.

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