Gaining An Ally & Having Some Fun

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Friday Night SmackDown

3rd Person POV

Caleb's theme plays as he and Liv make their way down to the ring. Tonight, for the first time ever, it is Roman Reigns and Jey Uso, who are accompanied by Paul Heyman versus Caleb, who is being accompanied by Liv. The two make their entrance and stand in the ring together, waiting for their opponents to make their way to the ring. To mess with the Reigns and Uso, Liv and Caleb start talking to one another, paying little attention to the two Samoans.

Liv: What are we gonna do after the show tonight?

Caleb: I don't know. It all depends on how this match goes.

Liv: It's a handicap tag match. Just keep them from tagging each other in.

Caleb: If all goes according to plan, we shouldn't have to worry. Now, about plans for tonight, we aren't too far away from my place. You wanna stay there for tonight?

Liv: Of course. I'd love to see your place.

Caleb: I gotta warn you about my dog though.

Liv: You have a dog!?

Caleb: You'll get to meet her later.

Liv: You better hurry up and win this match then.

Caleb, chuckling: You know you're the greatest person I know?

Liv: I am?

Caleb: Without a doubt.

Liv: Awwwww, so sweet. What do you want?

Caleb: To hold you and kiss you all night.

Liv: I'll consider it. Handle Jey and Roman, then we'll see if you can handle me.

Caleb: You're lucky you're so amazing, ya tease.

Liv: Looks like it's time for the match to start. I'll be right out here if you need me.

Liv and Caleb share a quick kiss as the ring announcer explains the rules of the match. The ref checks if all three competitors are ready before ringing the bell and starting the match. Jey Uso starts off the match for his team and he and Caleb start to walk towards each other. The two stand face-to-face and Caleb uses this opportunity to get in Jey's head.

Caleb: You're just Roman's tribal bitch.

This gets Jey fired up. Before Jey can do anything, Caleb puts a boot into his midsection and then hits a European uppercut, knocking Jey back towards his corner. Roman tags himself in and steps between the ropes slowly. As he steps through, Caleb taunts him, holding his arms out to his sides and smiling while laughing sinisterly. Reigns charges Winters, who counters with a back body drop before running at the stunned Uso, who is still in the corner, and connects with a Stinger Splash. After bouncing off of Jey, Caleb looks to the opposite corner and sees the Tribal Chief using said corner to support himself as he makes it to his feet. A smile forms on Winters's face before he darts towards Roman and hits him with the Stinger Splash. Caleb bounces between the two, hitting repeated Stinger Splashes on both of them. The rapid splashes are taking a lot out of Jey and Roman as they struggle to hold themselves up, even with the support of the turnbuckles. Caleb connects another splash to Jey, which causes the Uso to fall down and roll out of the ring. Caleb looks dead at Roman and hits him with a final Stinger Splash, which causes Reigns to stumble out of the corner and right into an Assassin's Torch. Caleb goes for the pin, only getting a two count. In a similar fashion to John Cena, Caleb rolls over Roman and stands up, Reigns in a fireman's carry, and he hits another Assassin's Torch. Rolling through once again, Caleb hits a third Assassin's Torch and goes for another pin. This time, the pin is broken up by Jey, who had gotten back up and leaped off the top rope, crashing into Winters and Reigns. Caleb crawls to a corner to stand up while Uso drags Reigns to the corner, steps out of the ring, and tags himself in. He hops over the top rope and charges straight at Winters, hitting him with a leaping forearm. Caleb bounces out of the corner and Jey wastes little time, hitting him with a superkick. The kick only pushes Winters into the ropes, causing Jey to hit another superkick. This kick has the same effect as the first, but Jey knows that Caleb can't handle another kick like that, so he goes for a third superkick. Winters ducks beneath Jey's foot, darts to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, bounces off and hits the Uso with a big boot. Caleb pulls the Samoan back to his feet and hits him with the Darkest Void. Sensing that the end is coming, Roman steps into the ring. The ref tries to stop Reigns, but the Tribal Chief doesn't listen and charges at Winters, going for a Superman Punch. The Universal Champion's fist collides with Winters's face, stunning him. The Chief takes advantage of Caleb's stunned state and bounces off the ropes. The attempt to hit a Spear is countered with a Deep Six from Winters. All of this was just a distraction, as Jey completely stands up and hits Winters with a superkick, knocking him down. Jey climbs up the top rope and jumps off, soaring through the air and hitting the Uso Splash.

Ref: One. Two. Thr-

The ref's count is interrupted by Winters, who gets his shoulder up just in time. Jey goes back up to the top rope and hits another Uso Splash before tagging in the now standing Reigns. Roman enters the ring as Winters makes his way to his feet. As soon as Winters makes it to his feet, he is met with not one, not two, but three Superman Punches. Reigns hits the Spear, but he isn't finished yet. He wants to make an example out of Caleb. He picks up Winters and whips him as hard as he can into the opposite turnbuckle. Caleb bounces off right into another Spear. Reigns still isn't done. He signals for another one and charges straight at Winters and connects with a third one. Reigns goes for the pin.

Ref: One. Two. Thre-

The ref's count is broken up again, but not by Winters kicking out or Liv interfering. It was interrupted by Paul Heyman grabbing Roman's ankle and pulling him off of Caleb. Roman stands up and stares at Heyman with a look of shock and anger on his face. Heyman distracts the ref while Liv slides into the ring and helps Caleb to his feet. Caleb stands behind Roman and spins him around to where they are face-to-face. Before Roman has a chance to attack, he is hoisted up into the air and hit with a Jackhammer. Jey goes to the top rope to try to save his cousin, but Caleb knocks his legs out from underneath him, causing the Uso to sit on the top rope. Reigns gets to his feet and goes to hit Caleb with a Superman Punch aimed at the back of his head. This doesn't go as well as Roman had planned as Paul Heyman tells Caleb to watch his back. Caleb dodges to the side and Roman connects with Jey instead of Winters, knocking the Uso down to the mat. Roman stands still for a moment shocked at what he'd done before he turns around and is met with a Juggernaut Charge. Winters knows he has Reigns beat and calls for the Winter's End, pounding his forearms and fists against the mat. Reigns stands up. Caleb goes for the Winter's End. Reigns pushes him off, but Winters is still on his feet. Roman charges. Caleb grabs Roman like he is going for a sidewalk slam but uses the Universal Champ's momentum to follow through with the carry and set him up for the Cemetery Bloom. Roman once again fights out, climbing out of Winters's grasp and going over his shoulder. Reigns runs and leans backwards until he gets to the ropes, bouncing off and charging towards Caleb. Winters pops Reigns up and hits him with the Winter's End. He covers the Universal Champion and gets the three count and the "W". Liv slides back into the ring and wraps her arms around Caleb's neck as she hugs him, a large smile on her face before she leans back and kisses him. As they pull back from the kiss, Paul Heyman climbs up the steps, through the ropes, and into the ring. He approaches the couple and applauds the two, congratulating Winters on his victory and Morgan on supporting and aiding him in his win. Paul reaches his hand out and shakes Liv's hand first before shaking Caleb's. Instead of letting go of Caleb, Paul grasps Winters's right wrist and raises his arm in victory. The three celebrate in the ring with Paul holding one of Caleb's hands in the air while Liv holds herself close to Caleb, her arm wrapped around his back. While holding his arm in victory and pointing at Liv and Caleb, Paul Heyman starts shouting into the WWE Universe and into the camera.

Paul: These two are the future of this company! They will be your champions! Just you wait! They will put SmackDown back on the map! All hail King Winters and his Queen, Liv Morgan!!

Caleb's other arm is up in the air as well, although his careful when he lowers both of his arms, especially his left, as to not hit the gorgeous Problem Child, his left arm now resting on Liv's left shoulder as he holds her close and kisses the top of her head. While the couple celebrate together, Paul continues to shout the fans, both those in attendance and at home.

Paul: The King is mightier than the Chief! Long live the royalty of SmackDown! All hail Liv Morgan and Caleb Winters!!!

Paul's shouts have led to the fans chanting "all hail!" Heyman smiles at his work as he and the newly crowned "royalty of SmackDown" leave the ring and head backstage.


The three continue to walk through the backstage area to Gionna and Caleb's locker room. Once they got there, Paul decided to have a talk to the couple about their storyline.

Paul: As tonight may have proven, I will now be advocating for both of you. I will be joining you for your matches and promos from now on.

Caleb: Sounds good.

Paul: That's all I really had to say. See you two next week. Have a good night.

Gionna: You too, Paul.

Caleb: You too.

Once Paul leaves, the two change into their normal clothes. Gionna goes to the bathroom to change while Caleb stays in the main locker room. The reason they do things this way, as Caleb put it, is if some perv were to barge in, they wouldn't see Gionna changing. Instead they'd see Caleb, who is just putting on a hoodie, standing there looking at them with a pissed off face. Although she found his reasoning rather funny, Gionna knew that her man is just looking out for her and keeping her safe as usual, and for that, she couldn't thank him enough. They've only been dating for a little over a month, but she's known him for years and is really comfortable around. So comfortable, she thinks she's ready to say the big "L". Although some may say it's too early, she knows how she feels. She loves him and she has for a long time now. It's just taken her awhile to realize that's what she was feeling. Her anxieties have been keeping her from saying it but little does she know, he feels the exact same way. The only reason he hasn't said it yet is because he's never found the right moment to do so. He's not the type of guy to plan things like this. He'd actually prefer it if it just came out naturally, without any specific thing causing him to say it.

Caleb, to himself: I love you, Gi. One day I'll be able to tell you that.

Gionna actually heard him through the bathroom door and smiles to herself as tears of joy threaten to fall from her eyes.

Gionna, whispering to the point it's barely audible: I love you too, Caleb.

Soon the two are both dressed and head off to Caleb's house. They rode together to the arena but Caleb left with his brother, who came to the arena to pick him up, to go back to his house and get the vehicle he and Gionna would be leaving the arena in. That vehicle is Caleb's truck: a white '07 Dodge Ram 1500 with black wheels. When Gionna gets up to the truck, Caleb starts laughing as she is a bit small compared to the truck. Rather than just sit there and laugh at her, Caleb walks over to her, opens her door and gives her his so he can help her into the cab of the truck. After opening the back door behind Gionna and loading their bags up, Caleb shuts the door and goes to his door, gets in, and starts the large truck up. He lets the engine run for a minute before actually pulling out of the arena, which confused Gionna a little.

Gionna: Why didn't you just go after cranking the truck up?

Caleb: A: because I was in park. And b: this baby is old. You gotta let her warm up first.

Gionna: Oh ok. Does she have a name?

Caleb: Yes, she does.

Gionna: Well, what's her name?

Caleb: Her name is Betty White.

Gionna, laughing: Are you for real?

Caleb, smiling: Yes I am.

Gionna: Let me guess, you're gonna have a whole garage filled with different things each named after the Golden Girls?

Caleb: That's not a bad idea, actually. Thanks for the idea babe.

Gionna: I was kidding.

Caleb: I know. It's still a good idea.

Gionna: How long is the drive to your house?

Caleb: Not too long. You can go ahead and go to sleep if that's what you're askin'.

Gionna: Ok babe. Thank you. Wake me up when we get there.

Caleb: I will. Sweet dreams.

Gionna goes to sleep as Caleb continues to drive to his house. While driving, he puts his hand in Gionna's thigh. During her sleep, Gionna moves his arm to where her head is leaning onto his shoulder and his arm is around her. In the front of Caleb's truck, there are actually three seats. All you have to do is push the top half of the middle seat, which is laying down on the actual seat part in the middle, up. Knowing how close Gionna likes to be to him, Caleb made it to where she can seat in the middle seat. When she decided to go to sleep, Gionna slid over to the middle seat so she could use Caleb as a pillow. Caleb kisses the top of her forehead as he drives. Caleb decides to listen to some music quietly as to not wake up his cute, sleeping girlfriend. He chooses to play two songs.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As both songs play, he sings along quietly. When the "Diary of Jane" plays, Caleb gets an idea.

Caleb: If I ever have to make some kinda return, I should use one of their songs or somethin'. Them or Marylin Manson.

After a good forty-five minute drive, he pulls into his driveway, shuts Betty White off, and looks down at the still sleeping Gionna.

Caleb: You're so cute, I love you so much. Now, how am I gonna wake your fine ass up? (To Gionna quietly while gently shaking her) Gi. Gi. Get up. We're here.

Gionna: *groan* Five more minutes.

Caleb: Gi, you gotta get up now.

Gionna: No.

Caleb, putting on a serious face: Now, Gi.

Gionna just groans in response.

Caleb: Fine. I'm leavin' you in the truck.

Caleb opens the back door and grabs their bags. The sound of him closing both his door and the back door causes Gionna to wonder if he's actually going to leave her in there, so she opens the door and sees him walk towards her.

Gionna, sleepily: Wait. Can you come help me?

Caleb: Of course, Gi. (Opens the door and grabs her in a bridal carry) Come here, baby. I gotcha.

Caleb closes the truck door before locking it, hitting the lock button twice just to be sure. He sets Gionna down on her feet so he can unlock and open the door. Once he does, he scoops Gionna back up into his arms and carries her through the door. He carries her to the couch where he sets her down and puts their bags in his room before walking to the garage, opening the door and the garage door. He gets into the truck, cranks it up, and parks it in the garage. After shutting off the truck, he gets out and manually closes the garage door before sliding it's lock back into place. He walks back through the door he came and, after closing it, locks the door and walks back towards Gionna. Gionna's hair looks messy and her eyes are half closed, which makes Caleb chuckle to himself a little.

Caleb, whispering: Hey, sleepyhead. You ready for bed?

Gionna just nods like a tired little kid, making Caleb smile.

Caleb: You wanna be carried or do you wanna walk?

Gionna sleepily raises her arms into the air, symbolizing she wants to be picked up.

Caleb, laughing a little to himself: Ok. Come here, little Livvy.

He carries her in a bridal carry again and sets her down on the bed before covering her up with the blankets. Caleb leaves the room temporarily to turn off the lights. When he walks back into the room, he gets ready for bed by taking off his shirt and changing from pants to shorts. Little did he know someone was watching him. Gionna smiles to herself as she sees Caleb take off his shirt and even finds herself biting her bottom lip. Then, she watches him as he reaches to change his pants. As soon as his arms start to push down on the waistband, Gionna feels like she should look away but she just can't bring herself to do it. She watches as he gets undressed and re-dressed, biting her bottom lip as he does. She can't look away as the sight before her is just too damn captivating to ignore. She realizes that he's walking over to the bed after turning off the lights.

Gionna, in her thoughts: That tease is still coming to bed without a shirt? I gotta get back at him or surprise him. Although, that was quite the show I got to see without him knowing. Maybe I should repay him for it? Yeah. He'd like that.

Caleb moves the covers over and climbs into the bed after sitting at the foot of the bed for a few minutes. What he was doing over there Gionna had no clue, but now is her time to repay him. As Caleb shifts closer to her in the bed, Gionna strikes. She rolls over on top of him and starts kissing and sucking on his neck. While she does, she grinds her lower half up against his.

Caleb, heavily breathing: Where'd...this come from? What...did to deserve this?

Gionna sits up, her lower half still moving against his. Her left hand is on his abs to hold her up and she raises her left index finger before gently placing it against his lips.

Gionna, quietly: Shhhhhhhhh. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Gionna pins Caleb's wrists down and slowly and seductively lowers her body down to him before pressing herself against him and kissing him passionately. Caleb moving his lower body to match her pace causes her to moan into the kiss as the two proceed to make out. Gionna's hands move from Caleb's wrists to the sides of her jacket, which she pulls off with ease and throws it to the floor. Then her hands travel to the bottom of her t-shirt. She breaks their kiss and sits up only to pull her shirt off over head before leaning back down to continue to kiss him. Caleb's hands roam about her body, his fingers tracing along her back and her sides, all the way down to her hips. Trying to push him to limit, Gionna stops kissing him and starts kissing his neck again. She keeps kissing his neck before moving back to his lips. Her constant kisses and her lower body continuing to grind against him drives Caleb over the edge and he moves his hands down to her ass and he grabs it before pulling at the waistband of her sweatpants. When Caleb grabbed her ass, Gionna gasped into the kiss and now it's Caleb who is in control of the kiss. He soon breaks their kiss and places kisses along her neck and collarbones. All of this excitement causes Gionna to put her hands behinds Caleb's head. She's loving ever bit of the attention her man is giving her and her body. She moves her left hand away from his head and moves it down to both of their waistbands. Caleb feels her tug at his waistband and is snapped back into reality a little, stopping his kisses and looking into her eyes.

Caleb: Gi...I can't.

Gionna, in a sultry voice: I know, baby. I know. We won't. Just *kisses Caleb passionately* trust me.

Caleb nods.

Caleb: I trust you.

He goes back to kissing Gionna's neck while she keeps her right hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair and, at times, grasping onto it. Her left hand continues to mess with both of their waistbands, mainly teasing Caleb by pulling at his more. That is until Caleb shocks her and pushes the waistband of her pants down. As they make out, the further Gionna's yoga pants and Caleb's shorts are pushed down. Eventually, the fatigue from their long day and Caleb's match starts taking its toll on them. The two start to slow down so they can continue to enjoy each other for the rest of the night, which is exactly what they do.

End of chapter

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. The next few chapters won't exactly happen week to week for reasons explained in the next chapter. More of these chapters will be the couple spending time with one another and going between each other's houses. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and I'll talk to y'all next time.

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