Going On UpUpDownDown

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A few days since last chapter, UUDD studios

3rd Person POV

Austin: Welcome to UpUpDownDown, I am your host Austin Creed! Today we have Daddy aka Young Saliva!

A/N: Replace the background with the UUDD background.

Austin: Today, we also have a new person joining the show. He's someone I've gamed with since the indies. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, for the first time ever, Caleb Winters!

Caleb walks over to Austin and shakes his hand before sitting down himself.

Caleb: Nice to see ya again, Austin.

Austin: Always a pleasure. As you may know, everyone who comes on here chooses their own nickname. So, what would you like your name to be?

Caleb: These nicknames gotta be kinda personal, right?

Austin: They can be. They don't have to be.

Caleb: I'm gonna use my ring name I used to use for awhile: King Winters.

Austin: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, all hail King Winters! Now, the game we shall play is one that I picked in honor of King Winters joining us. The game...we shall play...is...(wiggles his eyebrows) Rainbow 6 Siege!!

Caleb: I think you got the wrong Winters brother for this game. My brother is the one that plays this game.

Austin,: Who do you think told me to make you play it?

Caleb, looking at the camera: I'm gonna get you back for this, little bro.

They all share a laugh before Gionna addresses a concern of hers.

Gionna: I'm not sure how to play it.

Caleb: You'll pick it up, babe.

Austin: Babe huh?

Caleb: Yeah. Why?

Austin: There were rumors going around RAW. I decided to bring you guys on here and see if the rumors are true.

Caleb: Since around the night I got to see her again, we started dating.

Austin: So you two knew each other before that night on SmackDown.

Gionna: He was the first person I met when I came to the Performance Center. He held the door open for me while he and his buddy were carrying something that looked heavy.

Caleb: It was *dolphin noise* heavy. We aren't allowed to cuss on here, are we?

Austin, laughing: We just bleep it out with dolphin noises.

Caleb: You're gonna need a lot more dolphins.

Gionna: Anyway, he would occasionally show up at Full Sail and he became one of my closest friends. Flash forward several years and here we are, dating and winning the Mixed Match Challenge.

Austin: That's a nice story you two have together. Do you guys want to start off playing against each other or do you want to wait until the end to do that?

Caleb: She's the boss lady, ask her. She makes most of our decisions.

Austin: And what do you do?

Caleb: I just sit here and look pretty (smiles widely and gives a thumbs up to the camera).

Austin: So Young Saliva, what would you rather d-

Gionna: You're goin' down babe.

Austin: Versus it is. The map is House, you two go ahead and choose your operators. Winters, you're defending and Young Saliva, you're attacking.

Caleb smirks as he chooses his operator. Gionna chooses hers, but isn't exactly sure what the operator does.

Austin: Starting with Daddy, which operator did you choose?

Gionna: I chose Ash.

Austin: Why?

Gionna: I remember that I walked in on his highness over there playing this game and he said she's the leader of Rainbow or something.

Austin: She is. Now, King Winters, who did you pick?

Caleb: None other than the all powerful, lord Tachanka.

Austin, laughing: So why did you pick Tachanka?

Caleb: Like me, he is a king. Since his rework, he's got those bouncy fire grenades and he carries that LMG around everywhere now. But if I'm gonna use a Young Saliva description, then I choose him because the man is THICC!!

Austin and Caleb laugh hard while Gionna looks a little offended.

Gionna, making a pouty face and puppy dog eyes: What about me?

Caleb: You're thicc too, babe.

Austin laughs uncomfortably which causes the other two to laugh hard.

Gionna and Caleb start focusing on the game as she controls Ash, making her walk towards a barricaded door.

Gionna: How do I do a breach?

Caleb: Here, since you're my girl, I'll be nice and exit the house. That way you can find me.

Caleb maneuvers Tachanka to where he is now standing in front of the garage door. Gionna moves Ash towards where Tachanka is, but Caleb fires Tachanka's LMG before she can get to him, killing Ash and resulting in Caleb's victory.

Caleb: All hail lord Tachanka.

Austin: Now it's me versus you, Winters.

Caleb: Bring it, Creed.

The two decide to stay at House, this time Caleb is the attacker. As the two play, Gionna decides to ask the two some questions.

Gionna: So, you two are both from Georgia?

Both: Yep.

Austin: I'm from Columbus.

Caleb: And I'm from McDonough.

Gionna: Did you two know each other when you two were growing up?

Caleb: Nope. Columbus is almost in 'Bama. McDonough is near Atlanta.

Gionna: So you're a city boy?

Caleb: There were several farms closer to my house than the city.

Gionna: Oh yeah. That's right. I've got a few more questions I'd like to ask you guys.

Caleb: Fire away.

Gionna: I'm going to ask you both a question and you're both gonna answer as fast as you can with the first answer that comes to your mind. Ready?

Both: Yep.

The whole time they are talking, they have chosen their operators. Due to an argument they had last time they played the game together, Caleb plays Recruit while Austin plays Mute. The argument was this: Caleb said he could beat Austin as Recruit, no matter who Austin played as.

Gionna: Where is a great place to get breakfast food?

Both: Waffle House.

Gionna: Is it "you all" or "y'all"?

Both: "Y'all".

Gionna: Pepsi or Coke?

Both: Coke.

Gionna: What type of tea is the best?

Both: Sweet tea.

Gionna: Do people from the northern states make sweet tea correctly?

Both: No.

Gionna: WWF or WCW?

The two guys have different answers, but answer at the same time.

Both: WCW.

The two look at each other before laughing and getting back to their game.

Gionna, after laughing: Who are you babe?

Caleb: I'm Recruit.

Gionna: And Austin is...?

Austin: I'm Mute.

Caleb: Good choice of a defender, but you're still going down.

Gionna: Why are you two taking this game so seriously?

Caleb: Because it'll settle an argument and prove that I was right.

Austin: You can't beat me as Recruit.

Caleb positions Recruit to where Mute is in his sights and fires on him a couple of times and the game comes to an end.

Austin: What!?

Caleb, standing straight up with his arms in the air, raised in victory: All hail King Winters!!!

Austin: But how?

Caleb: The super shorty kicks ass. More importantly, I was right. Now you have to say it.

Gionna: Say what?

Austin: A deal's a deal. Long live King Winters.

Gionna: That's what this video was all about? Proving who was right so Austin had to say "long live King Winters"?

Caleb: Actually, if I lost, I had to make him King Creed and I'd never be able to have the title "king" again until I beat him as Recruit.

Austin: And this video didn't have anything to do with our friendly bet. It was about your hashtag from the end of your stream. I figured it was only right for me to give you two your first episode on the internet together.

Gionna: I still have one question about you two and growing up in the South. When you're referring to several people, what do you say? "All of you"?

Caleb: What? No. It's "all y'all".

Gionna, giggling: It's what?

Caleb: "All y'all". If you're talking to a certain number of people, it's "y'all". If you're talking about a large group of people, it's "all y'all".

Gionna: Why don't you just say "you all" instead of y'all?

Caleb: Because "you all" feels disgusting to say. "Y'all" is a key part of the Southern language.

Austin: With that lesson in Southern English, it's time for us to end the video here. Thank you guys so much for watching UpUpDownDown! Please, give a hand for our new R6S champion, King Winters and his queen, Daddy aka Young Saliva!

End of chapter

A/N: Finally got another Liv Morgan chapter out for y'all. I know it's shorter than normal and probably isn't too good, but I have two other stories I'm writing along with this one, so if you do not like it, sorry. Anyway, thank y'all so much for reading and I'll see y'all next time. Edit: I changed Caleb's answer to the WWF/WCW question.

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