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      I was standing in the doorway of Jisung's hospital room, watching as the WayV and NCT Tokyo members spent sometime with him.

    How long has it been since the car accident? It seems like such a long time ago. The support and comforting messages that we've received from fans have been coming in every single hour. Letters, posts on Twitter, Instagram, video recordings of messages that have been sent in, they had even gone as far as renting out billboards to wish Jisung-i's recovery. 

     Suddenly, Mark came up behind me. 

  "Do you think they could head over and wait in the other room for a sec? Someone has asked me if they can see Jisung-i," He said. 

    "Who?" I asked, looking confused. Apart from us and Jisung's parents, who would ask to see him. 

    "I'll tell you in a minute," Mark shushed me as he walked towards the others and whispered something. 

    They all looked confused but nodded anyway, quietly standing and making their way out of the room. 

  "Haechan, can you hold the door open please?" Mark asked, heading out, "I'll be right back. 

       Still confused, I stood holding the door open as if I was ushering in some invisible person. 

    Soon, Mark appeared again, this time, he was pushing a little girl in a wheel chair. 

        "Hyung, who's -" I began but he cut me off with a look. 

     Mark wheeled the girl over next to the bed and placed a bag gently in front of her before he stood back to watch. I quietly shut the door and approached them, curious about what on earth was going on.

     "Hi! My name is Hee-jin," The girl said brightly, looking at Jisung. 

  I looked at Mark, utterly lost. He just smiled before gesturing that I should just watch. 

     "Mark oppa said that we were in the same accident together. I've got a broken leg now, but the doctors fixed it for me! They're very good at fixing things," The little girl continued. 

    My hear skipped a beat. That girl was also hit by the lorry? She must have been in one of the other two cars then!

     "It was my birthday yesterday and my parents brought me this huge cake! It was chocolate with cream and strawberries on top, which is my absolute favourite! They also gave me this picture book," The girl proceeded to get a book out of her bag and began to show it to him as if he was awake.

    "This one is a picture of a family that went to visit a zoo! My favourite animal is the tiger! What's yours? There's a picture of a tiger in the book, see," The girl flicked through the book. 

     This girl is an angel. I stood next to Mark as we watched her describe the pictures in her book to Jisung, showing him as if he was awake, asking him questions as if he could answer her. She wasn't phased by anything at all. 

     "I met her yesterday in the waiting room," Mark hyung whispered, "a bright little girl. We met again earlier and she asked if she could come and see 'my family who is ill too'. I asked her parents if that was alright, explaining that Jisung-i got hit by the same lorry. She said she wanted to come and make him feel better by cheering him up."

    "Did you explain to her that he can't wake up?" I whispered back, continuing to watch the girl as she brought out another one of her presents to 'show' Jisung. 

     "Yeah," Mark said, "she still insisted and said that he can still hear her even if he can't see or speak."

      "She's a smart girl for her age," I said. Hyung nodded, agreeing with me. 

   "What's your favourite colour? Mine is blue, like the sky! I'm going to draw you a picture," The little girl went and began to draw on her new drawing pad, using all the crayons in the box. 

    For the first time in six or seven days, I began to smile. I couldn't help it. The little girl had such a happy, sunny and bubbly personality. I hope she doesn't grow out of it. 

      "I'm going to draw a microphone and, and, a-and a piano! Mark oppa said that you're a singer!" The little girl continued to draw. 

     There was a small ping. I looked at Mark as he fished his phone out of his pocket. 

  "It's Taeyong hyung. He changed his mind, everyone is here," Mark said. 

       "All the members are here?!" I looked at him with wide eyes. All 24 members were now in the waiting room? Did they shut down the whole room for them?

     "I'll draw you a cake as well. It'll have to be chocolate because I don't know what your favourite cake is. Do you like chocolate cake? I'll add strawberries and cherries too!" The little girl said. 

     "I'm going to go see them," Mark whispered. 

   "I'll come with you," I said. 

      "If it's to give Jisung and the girl space, how about just stand outside the door, just in case anything happens," Mark instructed. 

     I hesitated, but nodded. 

  Shutting the door quietly behind me, I watched Mark head down the corridor towards the waiting room. 

     I sighed, fiddling with the cuffs of my sleeves. Our manager said that one of us should go live and update fans personally about the situation, but, no one wanted to do that, not just yet.

    Minutes went by as I just stood there and waited. I could hear Hee-jin faintly chatting away inside the room.

    My mind started to go elsewhere, thinking about how I used to be in NCT Dream and how Jisung looked like an absolute baby that time. 

    "YOU'RE AWAKE! HI!" 

  A squeal from inside startled me out of my thoughts. Wait, did she just say -

     I ran into the room. The girl was talking a hundred miles an hour as she held up her drawings. And Jisung was lying there, eyes open smiling faintly at her as he listened. 

     "Jisung-i..." I whispered, a lump building up in my throat. He was awake. He was actually awake. 

    I immediately pulled my phone out and rang Mark hyung. He picked up after one ring. 

       "Haechan? What's wrong? Did something happen? Do I need to alert the doctors?" Mark sounded panicked. 

     "H-hyung, he's... h-ee's awake," I whispered into the phone. 

   There was silence on the other end before the line went dead. 

       Looking up again, I could see Jisung and the little girl looking at me. 

   The door suddenly burst open and Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle and Taeyong came running in. 

      "Mark oppa, look! See, he's awake now! He just needed cheering up. I showed him my drawing," The little girl beamed, looking proud of herself. 

      Mark looked first at the little girl then at Jisung, who lay there watching us. 

  "Jisung-i?" Mark took a step forward, but then hesitated. 

      "Hyung," Jisung said after a minute. And with that, Mark ran to Jisung's side and engulfed him in a hug. 

    Soon, Mark was crying along with everyone else in the room except for the little girl, who looked confused. 

     "Oppa, don't cry, he's awake now which means he's better! Why are you crying?" The little girl gave Mark's sleeve a small tug. 

      "I'm crying because I'm happy, not sad," Mark breathed out a laugh, ruffling her hair. 

   "I'll tell the others," Taeyong said, smiling, "and call a doctor while I'm at it."

        "Here, you can keep these drawings! They're for you!" Hee-jin held out her drawings to Jisung. 

     He smiled as he took them. "Thank you, very much. And, I really like chocolate cake too," He said. 

     The girl's eyes brightened. 

  "I do hope my daughter isn't causing any trouble," A man and a lady walked in, hand in hand.

      "No, no not at all, in fact," Mark smiled, "she helped wake him up from his coma."

   "Mummy! He likes chocolate cake too! Can we give him a piece of my birthday cake?" The little girl grasped her mum's hand. 

     "Of course we can, as long as it's okay with his friends," Her mom smiled. 

  We all nodded. 

      "Well then, we'll be back in a few minutes with some cake. Now come one, Hee-jin, it's time for your medication. Say goodbye now," Her dad said. 

     "Bye! Get well soon!" The girl waved. 

   We all waved as she was wheeled out of the room. As soon as the door closed, we all engulfed Jisung in a hug. 

     "You're awake, you're awake," Jaemin cried. 

  "That little girl was adorable. Very chatty and bright," Was Jisung's reply. 

       The door burst open again and some more members came in, including a doctor. 

   "Mr Park! How wonderful that you've woken up!" The doctor looked pleased. 

        "Park Jisung never scare us like this ever again!" Jaehyun sounded like a mum scolding their children. 

     "I've already alerted your family, their own their way," Yuta said. 

  "How about we go live and show everyone that Jisung-i is awake?!" Jungwoo suggested. 

     We all turned to look at him. 

  "We'll do it if Jisung want to do it," Mark said firmly, turning to look at his dongsaeng. 

      Jisung smiled and nodded. Taeyong and Johnny helped Jisung into a sitting up position by adjuting the bed. 

  I got my phone out and went to V-live. Switching it on, I waited a few minutes until there was a lot of people watching before I decided to speak. I could see all the comments and I could almost laugh. Half of them were sending get well wishes for Jisung, the other half was scolding me for forcing myself to go live at a time like this. 

     "Hello everyone, there's someone here who wants to say hello," I could barely contain my grin as I walked towards the bed and placed the phone in front of Jisung. 

      "Hello everyone! Thank you for all your get well messages, and - why is my face on a billboard?!" Everyone followed his eyes and saw that there was a billboard on a nearby building with a get well message on it for him. We all burst out laughing. 

     "Everyone, Jisung just woke up and wanted to put all of you at ease by saying hello," Mark said, leaning and the bed so that his face was visible in the camera. 

     The comments flooded with people saying that they're glad that he was awake and that he was getting better. 

      As I held the phone, I looked around at everyone's faces. They were all smiling and laughing, a sight I haven't seen in days. 

     Looking at Jisung, I smiled, he's back, and we're never letting him go. 


Next chapter is the epilogue 😭😭😭

And there's a special surprise in the epilogue!!! 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!

Clara x

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