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      I could hear lots of crying. Did something happen? D-did my bodyguard die? Did someone else get injured? Did someone else die?!

     "He almost died, hyung! In fact he did die and the doctors had to revive him! I-I can't... h-he--" I felt ill. That was Haechan hyung's voice. 

     "I know, I know, but he's back know, see, he's breathing." Taeyong hyung's voice sounds really hoarse. 

     "B-but -" Haechan hyung can't even speak because of how much he's crying.

  Wait. Did I nearly die?! Oh no. The young Dream members were here earlier. They probably witnessed it all! Why did they have to be here?!

   I could hear the pain in all their voices. At that moment I wanted to wake up, I wanted to show them that I was alive and that I wasn't going anywhere. I wanted to see all their faces and see them smile. I wanted to comfort them all, to never make them sad like this ever again. 

      But of course, I couldn't, I didn't have the power to wake myself up. All I could do was listen.

  I just want everything to end, I can't do this anymore. I'm hurting everyone around me, my friends, my family, everyone. 

    I could hear people getting up and leaving shutting the door quietly behind them. I thought everyone had left until I heard someone take a seat near me and grasp my hand. 

     "I'm so sorry, Jisung-i, for everything." Mark hyung? 

  "I'm so sorry that we had to leave you all alone in Dream, I'm so sorry that we've barely made time to see each other, I'm so sorry we missed your birthday, twice. I'm so, so sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me the most... I just... I'm so sorry." I felt like my heart could stop beating again, but willed myself not to, otherwise it will scare them all again. 

      "I'm s-supposed to be your hyung, I'm supposed to look after you. And I failed miserably." Mark hyung sounded choked. "I should be lying on this bed, not you."

     'Please don't say that! Don't jinx yourself!' I was pleading. 

  "I met a little girl in the waiting room earlier. She was in one of the cars that got hit by the same lorry. She's got a broken leg. It's her birthday today."

     'She was in the same accident as me? It's her birthday?'

   "Her parents were there celebrating her birthday, and it reminded me of the time we surprised you on your birthday. Do you remember that? Back when we were SM Rookies? I felt really bad for making you cry with that prank."

     'Of course I can remember that. It's a very clear memory.'

  "The little girl came over to me and gave me a handkerchief. She was a very bright little girl for someone who nearly died."

        'Wonder what kind of birthday cake she got?'

  "Jisung-i, Min-jun told me everything."

      'Oh no. No, no, no, no! Hyung I can explain everything!'

     "Jisung-i, you could have called us and told us. Told us that you missed us so much and that you wanted to see us. Why did you shoulder it on your own? If you told us how much you needed us at any moment we would have come immediately. We live in the same building, for goodness sake! Even if we are in different dorms!"

      I couldn't think. He wasn't supposed to know any of this. I-I can't --

  "I didn't know you were hurting this much. You shouldn't have suffered on your own! You should have called us, thrown a tantrum about how we weren't there for your birthday! How we never saw each other last year for Christmas. You should have screamed at us, made us feel guilty, anything! Your still a child, Jisung-i!" 

       Hyung sounds so broken. I began to fight with myself, wanting to wake up.

   "WayV and NCT Tokyo are coming to visit you tomorrow. Taeyong's going to keep the younger ones back in the dorm. I should have told him to keep them at the dorm today. I thought of doing that but changed my mind and that was a stupid mistake. And because of my stupid mistake, they're traumatised."

     'Hyung, it's not your fault. It's mine for ending up here in the first place. I should have gone back with them instead of staying a bit longer at Music Bank.'

     Hyung had stopped talking and instead, he was just gripping my hand, sobbing as quietly as he could. He whispered sometimes, or stroked my hair. Eventually he grew quiet, and a steady breathing filled the room, along with the usual ticking of the clock and the heart monitor. 

     'Has hyung fallen asleep?' 

 Minutes went by before I heard the door open and someone came in.

  "Hyung? Visiting hours about to end soon." 

  "Shh, he's asleep."

  "Think we should just leave a note and leave?"

  "I'll feel really guilty if we wake him up."

  "What if waking him will wake Jisung-i at the same time?"

  "Don't be ridiculous!"

  "I was only joking!"

  "So, are we going to wake him up?"

   "I'm awake now thanks to you lot. You're not very good at whispering." I could almost wake myself up now from laughing. Mark hyung sounds grumpy about being woken up. 

      "Sorry hyung. We're just about to head back. Taeyong hyung's already got the younger ones in the cars." Sadness took over me again. They're leaving. 

     "Okay, I'll call if there's an update." 

   So it's Mark hyung's turn to stay the night. I mentally smiled. 


Next chapter will be in Haechan's POV, and in might be the second last chapter, I'm not sure. 

I have to possible endings for this:

> A happy ending

> An angst, sad ending

Personally I'd rather do the happy ending. However, I could put both up, do the happy ending and then post the alternative ending as well. To be honest, the reason why I want to use the happy ending is because of a song I want to use for it. I would have to think of a song for the sad ending if I was to put it up as well.

Thanks for reading, see you all in the next chapter!!!

Clara x

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