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{Mark's POV}

      I stare at Jisung's body, lying lifeless there on the hospital bed. He shouldn't be lying there. We were all just sitting there, in silence feeling lost, not knowing what to do, what to say.

     I can remember when I first met him. He was a shy, introverted, really young boy. 

   Taeyong hyung texted just a few minutes ago that he would be returning with the young Dream members. I nearly texted him to say that he shouldn't bring them today and instead bring the WayV members but realised that the younger members needed to see him to make sure he was still alive. 

     Haechan, Jeno were quietly crying, Jaemin close to it. I could see Chenle and Renjun were trying to keep it all together, but seemed to be failing miserably. And me? Looking at the scene in front of me, the first thing that went through my head is that the reunion between the seven of us shouldn't have been like this. 

      I could feel all the emotions build up in me. 

  "Um, excuse me, I need to step outside for a few minutes," I murmured before slipping out of the room. In a daze, I made my way to the waiting area.

   I felt like it was my responsibility to keep Jisung safe, but I failed. I should be lying in that hospital bed, not him. 

   Unable to hold it in anymore, tears began to slip down my cheeks as I softly sobbed into my hands.

    "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!" 

    Looking up I saw a group of people singing happy birthday to a little girl in a wheelchair. It reminded me of when we surprised Jisung for his birthday, when we were still SM Rookies. 

     "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jisung! Happy birthday  to you!" Everyone sang. 

    I began to laugh a bit at the look on Jisung's face. He looked surprised and shocked. 

  Somebody had dimmed the lights and when they were switched back on again, Jisung had gone into a corner, crying.

     "Oh Jisung-i!" 

   He couldn't stop crying and I felt really bad. I immediately wrapped him in a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said, stroking his hair. 

     He managed to blow out the candles before covering his eyes again. 

  The trainer immediately hugged him, apologising for making him cry because of the act he did to help with the surprise. 

    Eventually he managed to calm down and began eating the cake while Jeno began putting bits of frosting and cream on his face. 

     "Oppa, we are you crying?" A little voice asked. 

   Blinking, I looked up to see that the little girl in the wheelchair was right next to me, looking at me with her big eyes.

     "Oh, um I was uh..." I didn't know what to say. How could I explain to a little girl that my friend was in a coma and that I was scared. Scared he wouldn't wake up ever again. 

    "Is your family in the hospital too?" She asked another question. 

  "Uh, yeah, yeah he is," I nodded slowly, that's a good enough way to put it. Jisung was basically family after all. 

     "Are they really ill?" She asked. 

  I almost smiled at her cuteness and curiosity. I nodded. "Yeah, he's really ill. He was in a car accident the other day," I replied. 

     "Me too! I lorry hit the back of out car and now my leg is broken. But the doctors fixed it!" The girl said brightly. 

     My heart quickened. She was hit by the same lorry that hit Jisung-i. She was in one of the other two cars that got hit. 

      "Here, don't cry. I'm sure the doctors will fix your family again!" The girl handed me a handkerchief. 

     "Uh, thanks," I slowly smiled at the little girl. 

  "I've got to go now. Bye!" The girl waved before she wheeled herself back to her family who had watched the whole scene with loving smiles on their faces. 

    "Uh, wait!" I sprang to my feet and walked towards her.

  She looked up at me with curiosity.

      "It's your birthday, right?" I asked, kneeling down next to her. She nodded. 

    I fished out my wallet. "Get yourself something nice for your birthday. Thank you for comforting me," I smiled, handing her some money. 

     She gasped. "Oh!" She looked down at the cash that I just handed her. 

  "Happy birthday!" I rubbed her hair gently before turning and walking away, returning to my seat. 

    "Mummy, daddy, look! He gave me a birthday present!" The little girl told her parents excitedly. 

     "That was kind of him dear, and it was also very kind of you to give him your handkerchief," Her mother kissed the girl's forehead.

    "He was upset because his friend is in the hospital. So I wanted to cheer him up!" The girl said brightly. 

    I watched as the parents wheeled the daughter away, probably back to her room. She was such a bright little girl, even when she just escaped death and her leg was broken, she was happy. 

       "Sweet little girl, isn't she?" 

   Startled, I turned to see Min-jun standing, hands in his pockets. 

      "How long have you been standing there?" I asked, wiping my face quickly with the handkerchief. 

    "Not long," He said, sitting down next to him, "The others are in Jisung's room. Haechan hyung sent me to find you. Are you okay?"

    "Holding up as best I can," I sighed. 

  We sat in silence as I tried to get myself together again. 

     "He misses you," Min-jun suddenly spoke. 

  "What?" I looked at him confused. He was looking at the ceiling. 

     "Jisung-i hyung," He said, "He misses you. A lot. He doesn't show or speak about it much, but, I can tell. He misses the old Dream members."

     I was silent. I couldn't find any words to say. 

 "He's genuine about the fact that he likes and cares for us new ones, but he misses the old group. He stares into space a lot, gazes out of windows. Falls asleep of odd moments, he's tired all the time," Min-jun continued, "he hasn't got much of an appetite either. He tries to keep that fact hidden from the younger ones, so that he doesn't worry them. He forces himself to eat in front of them when I can tell he doesn't want to eat."

    I had began to cry again. I knew Jisung would have a hard time adjusting to the fact that we were no longer in the same group, but I didn't he was taking it this hard. I guess, I'm still adjusting too.

      Min-jun was rubbing my back as I continued to cry. 

  "Jisung cried a lot in his room when he got the birthday wishes from you and the others. He really wanted you there in person for his birthday," Min-jun said quietly. 

     I feel like a terrible hyung, not making time for my dongsaeng's own birthday. 

  I was about to speak up when a buzzer rang out and Jaemin suddenly appeared, running up to the desk. 

    "W-we need a doctor immediately! His heart isn't b-beating!" He gasped out. 

  I jumped to my feet, watching as doctors and nurses took action and ran towards where Jaemin came from. 

     I ran after them, Min-jun at my heels. 

  I was greeted with the sight of Taeyong and Jaehyun trying to comfort and calm the younger ones down. Jeno had his forehead pressed up against the wall, Renjun and Chenle were sitting huddled up on the floor. Rory and Qui looked lost. Turning my attention the door, I could see doctors and nurses working chaotically almost. 

     "W-what happened?" Min-jun asked slowly, looking from on person to another. 

   "He suddenly f-flat-lined," Haechan said, looking blankly ahead of him, "h-he stopped b-breathing, the heart m-monitor was just giving off on s-single noise."

     I stumbled and leaned against the door post. 

 'Please save him,' I silently begged, 'please!' 


Next chapter will probably be Jisung's POV again and then the chapter after will switch to either Haechan's or Jaemin's POV. 

Thanks for reading!

Clara x

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