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        I really want to know what time it is. It must be morning, because Taeyong hyung is awake and moving around the room, unless of course, he's sleepwalking. That thought amused me. 

     Then. Boredom. It's so quiet. The heart monitor and the clock is going to drive me insane! I wish hyung would switch on the TV, the there would be something to listen to, or switch on some music. 

      "Good morning, sir. Here's your breakfast." A nurse just came in. 

   "Oh! Thank you. I was going to go get it myself." Taeyong sounds surprised. Maybe he was lost in thought. Or he could still be half asleep. 

     "Has Mr Park been on a diet or something?" I could hear that the nurse was right next to the bed.

     "Well, we're all on special diets, but we eat a lot. Why?" Hyung sounds confused. There was a scraping noise. It's probably the cutlery on the plate. 

    "Maybe he has been on a diet without the company realising." The nurse was fiddling with something. "I've just replaced the IV, so I'll be back again later to check on it."

     "Thank you." Hyung said. 

    I felt guilty. Again. When I wake up, hyungs are definitely going to watch every mouthful of food I take. Min-jun is definitely going to tell them that I haven't got much of an appetite.

       Suddenly the news began playing, hyung must have wanted to watch what was going on. 

   "Late last night, NCT Tokyo returned to Korea, getting on the first flight they could find. And this morning, WayV members Ten, Xiaojun and Winwin also returned from their vacation in China. Footage shows the entourage of cars from both last night and this morning, leaving Incheon Airport -"

     Hyung's phone began ringing loudly. Picking it up, he left the room. 

 'At least he left the TV on," I thought. 

   After the reporter finished the news about me, it went into other, more boring news, business, the economy. I wish hyung left it on a more interesting and entertaining channel. Maybe a comedy or reality show. 

    I can remember the times that me and the others would watch movies on the TV, we would pile up the pillows and have lots of blankets. 

    Hyung has been gone for a while. I wonder what's taking him so long. Maybe he's waiting for someone. Or getting more food. He probably didn't eat much yesterday. 

    Hyung always put the other members first and foremost. He made sure they we were eating well, looking after our health, making sure we were safe. He was the best leader ever. Plus, it must be stressful being the leader of a group of over 30 members. 

     I have a vague idea what it's like, being the temporary leader of Dream. 

 I can hear the door opening again. Hyungs back with someone else? 

     'Who's here?'

  Whoever it was burst into tear and grabbed my hand. 

      "My darling little boy." 

   My stomach dropped. My heart was in my throat. Mum? Does that mean, dad is here too? And my older brother? 

    I could start crying. I haven't seen them in a long time. But they can't be here, not like this. Not seeing me like this. They shouldn't be here. 

     'Mum! Dad! Hyung! I miss you and love you, but please... you have to leave...'

  "Jisung-i. Promise us you'll get better, okay? When you wake up, we'll throw you a big party." My older brother. I've missed him so much. 

     "He can hear us, right?" My dad. 

     "Yes, sir." Taeyong hyung said. 

   Of course I can hear them. Why wouldn't I be able to hear them? I'm not deaf!

      'Mum, don't cry, I'm still alive, I'm not dead. Don't worry, I'll wake up soon.'

     I could feel someone's hand in my hair. It's probably mum. She always liked to do that, rubbing my head. 

     "I'll give you all some space." I could hear footsteps as Taeyong gently left the room.

   My family began talking to me, as if they were having a conversation with me. They were telling me about what they were doing lately, how Christmas was like and how they missed me. They were asking me if I liked the birthday video and cards that they sent me along with the cake. 

      'Of course I did!' 

   My brother began telling me about he and his friends do everyday. My dad's telling me about his job. My mum is asking me questions like, do I eat well, am I keeping healthy, am I getting enough sleep. All the kind of questions a mother would ask their child if they haven't seen them for a long time. 

     They stayed with me for a while. It felt nice. How I wish I could wake up and see them, but I can't. My body is insisting that I need more rest. 

    Taeyong hyung's back again. He must have entered quietly because I didn't realise he was back till my dad began thanking him for everything. 

      It must be time for them to go. 

   'Please come back soon and visit!' I pleaded in my mind. Even though it hurts me to hear them so miserable, I enjoyed having my family here, talking to me. 

    "Will you be back tomorrow?" Taeyong hyung was asking.

   "We wouldn't want to be in the way of anything -" My dad began to say. 

        'Rubbish! Your just trying to be polite.' I pouted. 

    "He's your son, you're family. I think Jisung-i would appreciate it is you came regularly." Thank you hyung!

     "Thank you for looking after my son!" I can almost picture my mum wrapping hyung in a surprise hug.

     "It's part of my role as leader and friend. Just give me a call whenever you're about to visit so that I can clear the other members out of the room."

     Soon, they left, and I thought hyung and I were going to be alone again when the door opened again. 

     "How is he?" Mark hyung! You're back. Are the others with you?

  "Much the same as he was yesterday." 

       "You should return to the dorms, hyung, and freshen up. You look awful." Jeno hyung! Wait. Are all the original Dream members here?!

    I could hear Taeyong sighing before he agreed. "I'll bring the some others back with me later." 

     I could hear chairs being pulled up next to the bed. What followed was like comfortable silence. Both my hands were being held by goodness knows who. 

     "Jisung-i. It's been a long time, right?" Jaemin was whispering.

  "He's very pale." I heard Chenle whisper. 

      "Did he look like this when you saw him yesterday?" Does Renjun think I'd have enough time to heal from yesterday. I was laughing inwardly. 

     "How can this happen to our maknae?" Jeno sounds so sad. 

   Right now, I want to wake up, but the struggle inside me is way too strong right now. THis may be the only chance I get for a long time to spend time, even if I wasn't awake, with the former Dreamies. 

   Silence followed. I didn't mind. They were here. That's all that matters right now. 


In the next chapter I'm thinking of either doing it in Mark's point of view, or in third-person POV.

Thanks for reading!

Clara x

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