1. Beginning with clash

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A huge building is shown. There was a board written" SS industries". The Top industry of country right now. No one has the power to beat ss industry and grab no.1 position.

Shekhar gadodia: Owner of ss industry. He doesn't live in India. Handle his company from outside the country. He comes India in every four or six month for business purposes. Purely business minded person, have no time for his daughter

Inside the office,
Everyone was seen busy in their work. It's sharp 9:00 a.m. All are present before time as their MD don't listen any excuse if they get late and fire them. So all come before her.

Two girls were working and talking too.
Girl 1: Sheena, yaar I wish she don't come office today.

Sheena (confused): Who?

Girl: arey, that nightmare.

Sheena chuckle and said: Right Mira. Seriously, she is a nightmare. I also want that she won't come today. Atleast we can take a sigh of relief today.

Mira: Hmm (she laughs)

Sheena: What happened? Why are you laughing?

Mira (laugh) Nothing, I was thinking  What will happen to the guy who will marry her?

Sheena also laughs: Right, he must have done some sin in his previous birth that he will marry SG mam.

Both laughs.

Outside the building, a luxurious Black car stops and a man come near the car. He open the door and here come the devil  SG. She comes out of car well dressed in office attire. It was a knee length fresh and high heel shoes.  She looking absolutely stunning and hot but who has the guts to check out her. She entered inside with full attitude and stern look.  A girl was following her or can be said running behind her handling files and telling her about schedule and meetings. She is her p.a. Tina. She was moving towards her cabin but something caught her attention and she stopped near a table where Sheena and Meera were working.

She banged the table loudly and shouted: You don't need to worry about my husband Ms. Sheena and Ms. Meera. You are here to work. Not to do gossip about my life. You know very well I don't bear single mistake. So now, type your resignation letter and come in my cabin within 10 minutes. You both are fired!!!

Meera was about to say something but SG interrupted.

"Shut up!! Just take your resignation letter and get the hell out of my office!!"

Both get startled hearing her shout. Others were sad for them. SG looked around and shouted: Is there any celebrity came that you all are looking at? JUST GET BACK TO YOUR WORK!!!

Everyone getS busy in their work.

SG: ( Swara Gadodia) 24 years, a cruel, selfish, arrogant and ruthless. She lives in India and handle her father's business. Her mother is dead. She is a threat to rival company and for her employees, a worst nightmare as they know that their single mistake and they are gone because SG don't give second chance. If anyone comes in her way or mess with her then she make their life hell even if she has to bear loss.

Swara went inside her cabin and She took her sit. Tina give her a file. She took it and read it.

Swara: Hmm, call Mr. Sharma in my cabin.
Tina nodded and called him.

Mr. Sharma came and she said: (angrily) Mr. Sharma, why we are getting late in starting this project?

Mr. Sharma: Mam, actually that site is own by a NGO and that ngo owner is not ready to sell that land. And...

Swara (shouts): Ohh shut up!! Just don't give your stupid excuse. I want results. You have only 24 hours. Just start the project or you are fired. Now get lost.

Mr. Sharma nodded and left.

She gets frustrated and throws files from the table. Then a knock disturbed her.

Swara: Who the hell is this?

Mira: Mam, can we come inside?( Slowly).

Swara: Yes, come in.

Mira and Sheena come inside and then give the paper to Swara. Swara takes it.
They were about to apologise but Swara said (sternly): Don't even think!! I don't have time to listen your sorry or pleading for next time. So, now get out of my office.

Mira: But mam..

Swara (shouts): GET OUT!!!

Both came out of the cabin.

She leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes to calm herself. Then again a knock appears on the door.

Swara: Come in.

She was Tina. She comes inside and says: Mam, you have a meeting with Arya nd co. It's very important for tender. Meeting will start at 1:00pm.

Swara sees the time. It was already 12:28. p.m.

Swara: Hmm, tell the driver to ready the car. I m coming.

Tina: But mam, driver is not here. He has gone to hospital. He took your permission yesterday only.

Swara: Oh, I forgot. Its ok. I will go myself. You directly meet me at venue.

Tina nodded and went out.

Swara left to meeting. She was getting late. So, she was driving very fast. Suddenly a lady around fifty come in her way. She slightly put the break and the car stops just few inch away from the lady with screeching a kind of wheels but the lady falls due to shock.

Swara get angry on the lady as she was getting late and now this. She came out of the car and went to that lady.

Swara: Hey you, are you blind? Can't you see the car? If you want to die then go and find another car. Why did you come in front of my car?

Hearing her shoutings, a guy come there and help that lady to get up from road then look at Swara and said: (Angry) Excuse me, It was your mistake. Why are you scolding her? You have car that doesn't mean you will race on main road.

The guy was non other than Sanskar Maheshwari.

Swara (angry): Hey you!! Mind your tongue. You are not anyone to give me lecture on what to do or what not and she was wrong that she came in my way but who are you ? Why are you supporting her?.. wait, Ah, I get it. You cheap people think to do these tricks to get money right? Listen, just tell me your amount and let me go. I will send the money. I m getting late.

Sanskar: I think you have hit your head somewhere. That's why it's not working properly. Here you were going to kill a person and you are saying it's a trick . You know what? You are sick. You think money is everything right? But can you buy someone's life by your money?

Swara: Listen you..

Sanskar (sternly): No, you listen to me. It was your mistake but saying sorry is too far. You don't even realise it!!

That lady interupted in between saying: let it be son, leave her.

Sanskar: No it's not. She has to say sorry.

Swara (shocked): What? Sorry and me? That too from this cheap lady?

Sanskar : Just Shut up !! And say sorry else you can be arrested for rush driving and attempt of murder!!

Swara looked at him shockingly. Then she looked around. Other people started to gather.

Sanskar: You still have time. Say sorry or police will talk to you.

Then only Swara's phone rings. She took the call. It was Tina.

Tina: Mam, where are you? Meeting is going to start...

Swara was about to say something but Sanskar Snatched the phone from her hand.

Swara: What the...??

Sanskar: you can talk later but for now I will talk to police.

Swara: Hey, what do you think. If you will threaten me on police name, I will get scare and will ask forgiveness? Never!! You don't know me...

Sanskar: Exactly!! I don't know you and I don't have any interest in knowing you. You just say sorry to her and go.

Swara sees the watch. It was getting late and other thing was crowd was gathered. She can handle police but if crowd get mad then it will be difficult for her to get out from here. So, she finally decided to say sorry.

Sanskar: Are you saying or...?

Swara (annoyed): fine!! Sorry (Normally)

Sanskar: What did you say? We didn't hear.

Swara (Little loudly): Sorry.(Angry but calmed herself)

Sanskar (sternly): Louder!!

Swara get pissed off and shouted at the top of her voice: SORRY!!! heard that? Now let me go if your drama is over.

Sanskar: You...

Sanskar was about to shout on her but that lady stopped him.

Swara gives him angry look and turned to go but suddenly a car comes and splash the mud water on her. Her face and dress gets spoiled.

Sanskar comes to her: Tch tch tch. What happened Miss billionaire?

Swara looks at him angrily.

Sanskar: Now, you can do your drama. Anyways, your make up is done perfectly and next time, drive slow or don't drive and take this (gives her phone back).

Sanskar Maheshwari: A middle class, serious and mature guy. He loves his mother and sisterm. They are his only family and his girlfriend Priya whom he loves the most. His world revolve around them and he can do anything for their happiness. He was working in a company at good post but the company was sold by the owner and he had to leave the job.

Sanskar left from there. Everyone left from there but Swara was still standing there and sees Sanskar going. She was shivering in anger. She sat inside her car and cleaned her face with tissue and started the car and went to her mansion.

She reached and went inside. The servants looked at her in shock. Her dress was spoilt in mud water and she was looking dangerously angry.

Swara shouted: Maria!!! Get my clothes ready. I m going to take bath.
Saying this she left.

Maria gulped and rushed to do what Swara said.

After getting ready, She come downstairs and sit on dinning table.

Maria comes there and asked in fearful tone:  Mam, shall I get your lunch?

Swara didn't replied. She was lost in thinking whatever happened in the market.

Maria again asked but Swara get violent and threw everything from the table. Servants get afraid and move Little bit back.

Swara shouts: Get lost all of you!! I said leave!!!

Everyone left.

Swara again think about today's incident and gets more angry.

Swara (herself): How dare he? How dare he to mess with SWARA GADODIA?  HOW DARE HIM TO SHOUT ON ME? HOW DARE HIM TO SAY THOSE THINGS TO ME? JUST BECAUSE OF HIM, ME, SWARA GADODIA, SAID SORRY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!! Because of him, I get insulated in front of whole market. Because of him, I lost the tender. You messed with wrong person. I m not going to leave you.

Then only her phone rings.

Swara picked up the phone.

Swara: Say Atul, did you find out?

(Swara took the photo of Sanskar when she was in car qnd ask Atul to find out about him)

Atul: Yes mam, his name is Sanskar Maheshwari. He is from middle class family. Don't have big family. Just his sister, his mother and him and yes his girlfriend, Priya Oberoi. She is also from middle class family. He was working in Surya industry but the owner sold it and  it was closed last week. So, currently he is finding a good job.

Swara listen everything carefully and said: Hmm, so he is jobless right now?(Thinks something)

Atul: Yes mam.

Swara: Hmm, okay Offer him job from our company.

Atul: Mam but...

Swara:(sternly) Mr.atul, just do what I said. You are no one to question me. understood??

Atul: Yes mam.

Swara disconnected the call.

Swara (monologue): You did wrong Sanskar Maheshwari. You could have done anything except messing with me. Now you will know, you have messed up with wrong person.  I don't leave the person who do small mistake but you didn't do mistake. What you did was crime in my world. Get ready Mr maheshwari. Your happy days are over. Now only problems will be there in your life. Let the game begins Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari.

She grabbed the broken glass pieces from the table and hold it tightly. Her hand was bleeding but she didn't care. She was just thinking about her revenge.

Sanskar side,
Sanskar came to his home.

Uttara, his sister opened the door for him.
Sujatha: Sanskar, you came? Good come now. We will eat lunch together.

Sanskar nodded with smile. They sit for lunch.

Sujatha: Sanskar? Anything happened about your job?

Sanskar: No mom, actually I got late because of that stupid arrogant girl.

Uttara: Who?

Sanskar: Leave that I don't even want to talk about her. Already she spoilt my mood and then because of her I missed that job interview.

Sujatha: It's oK beta, may be something better written in your destiny.

Sanskar nods. Then only his phone rings. Uttara gives him his phone.

Sanskar takes it.

Sanskar: Yes, Sanskar Maheshwari speaking.

Sanskar (happy): What? Really? Ok, ok.. Thanku. Yeah, I will be there on time. Once again thank you so much.

Sujatha:What happened Sanskar?

Sanskar: Mom, you said right. Destiny has stored not better but best for me. You know SS industries, No. 1 industry in India. That offered me job in their company. I m so happy mom. Now my dreams will be fulfilled. I will open my own company soon. As it's India's no. 1company, they will pay much better and I will get enough money to start my own company soon.

Sujatha (happily): God bless you son.

Uttara: I m so happy Bhai. Now go and tell this to Priya bhabhi too. She will be happy too.

Sanskar nods with smile and tell everything to Priya. She was equally happy for him.

Everything was good for him, but time will only decide it will be best or worst.

Next day,
Swara get ready early as it was very important day for her. She went to office and went straight inside her cabin.

Once she take seat, she called Atul.
Atul came inside and wished her morning.

Atul: Good morning ma'am.

Swara nods and say: morning, did you do what I said?

Atul: Yes ma'am, it's done. He is coming.

Swara smirked and says: Good and you may go.

Atul left.

Swara (smirk): Welcome, Mr Maheshwari, welcome to hell. Your first step towards your destruction.

Sanskar reached office. He stand outside and sees the building and smiled.

Sanskar: Finally, I m just few steps away from my dream. I just hope to get this job.
He sees toward sky and prayed and went inside. He goes to reception.

Swara was signing some documents when she got the call from reception.

Recep: ma'am, Mr Maheshwari has come to meet you.
Swara smile with smirk nd say: Yeah, I was expecting him. Send him in.

Recep: Ok ma'am.

Recep: Yes sir, you may go. SG mam is waiting for you. This way.

Sanskar: Thanks.

Sanskar went to Swara's cabin and knocked: May I come in?

Swara got that he has come. She leaned back on her chair and said with smirk: Yes, come in.

Sanskar entered inside only to get biggest shock of his life.

Swara (smirk): Hello Mr Maheshwari.

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