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Sanskar enter inside to get the biggest shock of his life.
Swara;( smirk) hello Mr maheshwari........, it's me SG , swara gadodia.
Sanskar look at her shocked. He was just standing at his place without any movement.
Swara; what happened Mr.maheshwari,why are u so shocked... Ah.. I get that, u never thought na that u will meet me here...
Sanskar come back to his sense nd become angry to see her. He reminds road incident....
Sanskar; yeah, I never expected to see u here( anger can be felt in his words).
Swara; yeah, I know u must have thought that there will be a man SG, who is handling this industry. Cheap mentality of society, nd u also thought like that., Right?

Sanskar; No, I never thought like that because I knew that SS industry is handled by a woman. I don't believe in this cheap mentality of society because i believe in equality of women nd men. but the difference is that I thought the person is mature, sensible nd most importantly have humanity in her... But you have nothing. NO sensibility,NO maturity nd DEFINITELY NO HUMANITY....( Sarcasm)

Swara fumed in anger listening all this , she get up from the chair nd shout at the top her voice.; SANSKAR MAHESHWARI!!!!u are no one to judge me ok, who I am or what I m. Understand( pointing finger at him).
Sanskar; tch tch tch,.. bura laga? ( felt bad) You know what's your problem, u can't digest the truth. That's why whenever anyone say truth, you get out of control in anger.
Swara; ENOUGH!!!, One more word nd u will.....
Sanskar; nd I will thrown out of your office,right?...what else can I can expect from you.? But you don't need to do all that because I am going only. I also don't want to work with a stone heart nd selfish person like u. I will work in any other company but yours,.. never in my life...
Saying this is turns to go but stop in his track listening swara.

Swara got more angry listening whatever Sanskar said but she thought something Nd sees him going Nd say; I hope , your family will not face the consequences of your decision, especially your mother.....

Nd as expected Sanskar stop , swara smirks as her arrow hit at right place.

Sanskar slightly turn shocked nd see her smirking.
Sanskar( confused); what? What did you say?..
Swara ( smirks), she took paperweight from the table and started to play with it.

Sanskar; I asked u something, what did u just said?
Swara; tch tch tch,.. ..... bura laga( felt bad).? You know what's your problem... oops..., Not problem., Actually weakness... So u know what ur weakness is your mother nd your life your sister uttara, nd (act like thinking)....hmm.. am I forgetting someone.., oh yeah, ur love,ur sweet girlfriend priya oberoi,right?( Smiling nd smirking). Ur life revolves around them but what will happen to u when anyone of them have to face my anger nd consequences of ur decision...

Sanskar get really angry this time .
Sanskar; ( angry) shut up!!! I will kill u ,if u do anything to my family.
Swara seems unaffected nd she go and sit on her chair.
Swara; arey, when I said that I will do anything, but you have done a mistake so they have to face na?
Sanskar; firstly, I didn't do anything wrong ,it was u who was wrong nd secondly if your problem is with me, deal with me not my family. Nd I m not afraid of your threat. I can take care of my family. Nd even if you put a small scratch on them ,u will be face my anger. Understand.
Swara; ah.. dialogue to achcha Mar Lete ho( u said dialogue perfectly), let's see if u have another quality of hero or not?( Seeing her phone).

Sanskar; ( confused)what?
Swara; save your girlfriend who is going to mall for shopping with her freind but she don't know it's her last shopping.

Sanskar; what rubbish??
Swara ; call her nd check?
Sanskar didn't believe her still he call priya.
Sanskar; ha hello Priya,. Where are you?
Priya; hi Sanskar, actually I am going to shopping with Neha.
Sanskar got numb listening it. He sees swara who was smirking at him.
Priya; hello hello ..... Hello Sanskar... Are u there?
Sanskar Comes in his sense nd say;
Priya; ok Sanskar, we reached, I will meet u in evening.bye love you.
Sanskar; hello..hello Priya..
But call was already cut.
Sanskar call her again but she was not picking up the call. Priya forget her phone in car only.

Sanskar call her again Nd again but no response.
Swara: what happened Mr Maheshwari,? U can take care of your family right so go nd save her.
Sanskar look at angrily but he have no time to answer her now. He rushed to save priya.
He drive fastly nd reached mall.
After reaching ,he start to search priya. Suddenly he heard huge blast sound. Everyone rushed outside to see what happened.
Sanskar also come outside running, only to get shock, it was priya car which was blast nd burning. Sanskar fall on his knees ,numb nd eyes filled with tears Nd falling continuously,.
Then his phone started ringing.
He pick up the phone still in shock.
O.s; so sad Mr. Maheshwari, you couldn't save ur girlfriend. Poor priya,.. but what can she do. Her Sanskar tried to mess with SG, so she had to pay. Bye Mr Maheshwari.
Sanskar cut the call Nd started crying bitterly nd shouting priya name.
Sanskar; PRIYAA!!!!.........(crying).
He closed his eyes tight nd downs his head. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder nd a soft voice calling his name.

He came in to sense nd look at that person. It was none other than priya.( Yes guys she is alive)
Sanskar hurriedly stand up nd hug priya.
Priya; Sanskar what happened? Why are u crying?
Sanskar; I thought I lost u,..never leave me please I love u.
Priya sees her car burning, she get shock but for now she thought to console Sanskar as he was deeply affected.
Priya; sshh. Sh... Sshh.. Sanskar, look I m fine Nd I m not going to leave u. Calm down please.

After sometime Sanskar calm nd then his phone rings.
He pickup the call.
O.s.: surprise,. See your girlfriend is alive. I didn't want to kill her that's why she is alive, for now I just wanted to see fear in your eyes nd see u hurt. It's just beginning Mr Maheshwari,u have to see so many things. Be prepared.
Nd the call cut.
Sanskar face turned to angry listening her. Priya was confused about all this. she look at Sanskar for answer but he nods no.
Sanskar drop priya to her home, nd hurriedly rushed somewhere.

Ss industry;
SWARA GADODIA!!!!!,.. A shouting voice can be heard in the office. It was Sanskar obviously who was angrily shouting her name because what she just did.... He angrily enter her cabin with a bang.
Swara didn't show any reaction. She was like, she was waiting for him only.
Swara; oh! U came so soon. I knew that u will come here but today only.....not expected.
But next second she was pinned to the wall by Sanskar. He was gripping her arms tightly nd standing so close to her.

Sanskar; ( angry)shut up!! What do u think of urself,.? Haa,how dare u to do something like that.

Swara was feeling the pain because off his grip but didn't show nd present herself as if she is not affected.

Swara laughs Nd say; dare?,. U have Not seen my dare till now?

Sanskar: nd I have no interest in seeing it. Just stay away from my family, I warning u last time.
( Saying this he jerk her slightly nd left her).

Swara; ( not affected)ok ok.. u want ur family safe nd I won't do anything to them right?
Sanskar; yes!!,
Swara: ok, I will ....
Sanskar look at her confused.
Swara; I will but I have two conditions.
Sanskar; and what are those.
Swara; first,. U have to work in this company nd second.. ..
Sanskar: second,...
Swara; ( straight)u have to marry me.
Sanskar; what ?? Are u completely mad? Do u know what are u talking.?
Swara; yes, u have to marry me.
Sanskar; ( Angry)shut up!!I will never do it. I love priya nd u also know that.
Swara; I know that, that's why I m Marrying you.
Sanskar; what do u mean?..

Swara; ( smirk) just sometime before when you thought that you lost her,thinking she is dead, it affected you so deeply, but when you will marry me, you will loose her forever. She will be in front of u , alive but still far away from you. Nd you will feel helpless each nd every moment.
And I will be very happy seeing u getting hurt everyday in front of my eyes.

Sanskar; oh, so u are doing this to see me hurt. U will be happy to snatch someone love.

Swara; yes.,. Now take measure here, you want ur girlfriend or ur family. Marry me or see ur loved ones in danger. Choice is yours. But I think you have no choice but to marry me.

Sanskar; I have nd I will never marry a selfish girl like you.
Swara; do what u want to do but remember your every action will get a reaction from me.
Sanskar look at her angrily nd
he stormed outside the office.

He directly went to police station to complain about swara but the officers were not ready to listen to him. Sanskar understood it was all because of her influence.

He go outside nd sit in a park. He was in his thought what to do but he was getting nothing.t hen he get a call.
On the call;
Swara; what happen Mr maheshwari, they didn't file ur complain. Again u did mistake and for this ur mother has to suffer.
Sanskar,( hell angry); don't u dare to do anything to her.
Swara; I didn't do anything Mr maheshwari, waise I heard ur mom slip from temple stairs nd she is admitted in city hospital.

Sanskar: what? No this can't be possible?
Swara: hurry up Mr. Maheshwari, doctors are denying to treat her.
Sanskar rushed to hospital. He talked to doctors but they were not ready to treat her.
Sanskar; why u all doing this? Pls treat my mom.
Doctor; sorry sir, but SG is trusty of this hospital,she only stopped us to treat your mother. She threatened us that she will close this hospital if we did ur mom operation still we did ur mom first aid .I don't know what's SG mam problem with u but whatever it is,please short out it soon, your mother needed to operate soon.

Sanskar was numb listening it. Everything was revolving in his my mind. Priya, her mother, swara words. His moments with priya, his childhood nd understanding between him nd his mother. Only one thing was coming in his mind that he was TRAPPED,.He closed his eyes nd take deep breath nd open his eyes.
He took his phone nd call.
Sanskar; I m ready...
Swara;(smirk) that's good. I told you na ur every action will get a reaction from me. But it's good that you understood and took decision. Bye.

After sometime

a doctor come to Sanskar nd say; Mr maheshwari ur mother is fine now. U can meet her when she will be shifted to her ward.
Sanskar;( happy) thanks doctor, thanku so much.
Doctor; ur welcome... Nd left from there.
After sometime Sujatha was shifted to her ward. Sanskar meet her.
Priya nd uttara also come to hospital to meet Sujatha. They were also sad to see her. They went home in nyt. Sanskar stay with her. He was reminding everything happened today. It was the worst day of his life.
One day before his life was simple nd normal but only one meeting with swara gadodia made his world upside down.

Ss mansion;
Swara was in her room talking on the phone.
Swara; yes Doctor, how is she now?
Doctor; she is much better, but still unconscious.
Swara;( angry) what? What u are doing then? I told you, I won't tolerate any mistake regarding it. I will fire u.
Doc; relax mam, she will get consciousness tomorrow morning. She is under effect of medicine nd injection. She need rest now.
Swara; hmm okay, take care of her.nd tell me if anything needed.
Doc; ok mam,...mam can I ask something?
Swara; yes ask?
Doc; mam, why did you said us to hide from Mr. Maheshwari that her mother was operated before only he came.
( Sanskar didn't meet Sujatha when he came to hospital, she was in emergency ward. He just saw her from glass window on the door.)
Swara;( sternly) that's none of ur business dr. Singh. Just do what I said.

Dr; yes mam.
Nd swara cut the call.

She think whatever happened after Sanskar went out of office angrily.
Sanskar left the office in anger. Swara smirks seeing him. After that she get busy in work. She was going through some files then her phone rings.
swara take the call.
It was from police station.
Officer; hello SG mam...
Swara; yes officer dixit. Say... How did u call me.
Off; mam , actually Sanskar Maheshwari has come . He was saying to file complain against u for attempt of murder his girlfriend priya.
Swara smirk s listening it.
Swara; nd what u did?
Offi; we didn't file it mam.
Swara; that's good.
She cut the call.
Swara( herself) again a mistake Mr. Maheshwari. U did what u wanted nd now my turn.
She call someone.
After sometime she again get a call.
Swara; yes..
O.s.; mam, woh.. that lady , she slipped from stairs.
Swara got shock.
Swara( shocked); what??? How ? I strictly told u , u just have to follow her, other thing I will tell u afterward but now ....,
O.s.; I know mam nd we were following her only, nd we didn't do anything,she just slipped because she get hit due to crowd.

Swara; and what were u doing, couldn't u help her.
O.s.; sorry mam.
Swara;( hell angry) shut up!!useless , now just take her and rush city hospital,i will see other things.......

She cut the call Nd make another call.
Swara( attitude); hello city hospital, I m sending a patient,just make arrangement for her treatment. Nd I won't tolerate any carelessness regarding it.

She was continuously checking about operation. Sujatha health condition.
After operation was done she told doctor to hide this from Sanskar nd act like her operation is not done. Doctor were helpless because she was trusty. They agreed.
Nd then she called Sanskar. She knew that Sanskar will do anything to save her mother that's why she used this situation in her favour nd it actually worked.

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