Chapter 7

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A/N: I apologize for spam updating today, but I'm really excited to post this and want to get caught up with what I'm posting on AO3.

"What?" Alema asked. "Wait, Maul is the one that your mom fought on Mandalore and Malachor, right?"

Jax nodded. "That's him."

Sato's comm beeped. "The command ship with Ezra and Kanan are landing on Atollon."

Jax nodded. "We need to talk to them."

Alema looked at Jax, and then she ran to the landing area, where a command ship was landing. Ezra and Kanan stepped off the ship.

"Jax!" Ezra said.

"Where is Maul?" Jax demanded, crossing his arms.

Ezra sighed. "He's on the Ghost. We need the Sith Holocron."

"Why?" Jax asked.

"Because he's going to kill them if we don't give it to him," Kanan said.

Jax's eyes widened. "Let me come with you. I can help."

Ezra glanced at Kanan, who sighed. "Alright. You can come."

Jax nodded. "Thanks."

"I'm coming too," Alema said.

Jax glanced at Alema. "No." He said. "This is a personal matter. I can't have your help."

Alema sighed. "Alright. But I want you to call me as soon as you are coming back to Attolon."

Jax nodded. "I'll be back. I promise."

Alema nodded. "Be careful."

Jax grinned. "I'll try, but you know me."

Alema gave Jax a weak smile. "Good luck."

Jax nodded. He looked at Alema one last time.

"So, are you two together yet?" Ezra asked.

Jax rolled his eyes. "No. Are you and Sabine together yet?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ezra said. "I don't like Sabine--not like that."

Jax smirked. "Keep telling yourself that."

"We're going to go and get the Holocron." Ezra huffed. "Stay here. Alema, could you go

back to base and tell Sato what's happening?"

Alema nodded, and she started to run back to the base.

"We'll be back," Ezra said.

The two of them climbed onto a speeder and raced off.

They came back about a half-hour later, and with the Sith Holocron.

"Let's go," Ezra said.

They hopped into an A-Wing and then went to the coordinates that Maul had given them.

"You wanted it, now you got it," Kanan said as Ezra studied the Holocron. "If you really think it will help us against Maul, open it up."

"I'd rather hear what you have to say," Ezra replied, looking back at Kanan. "What's our plan?" He handed the Holocron to Kanan.

"I think we ought to play it by ear," Kanan replied.

"You can never know what Maul's up to," Jax said. "He's smart."

"How can you take this lightly?" Ezra asked.

"The greatest power Maul has is our fear that he'll hurt our friends," Kanan replied. "We have to control that fear. Stay relaxed."

"Okay," Ezra replied.

"My mother used to say that fear can be our enemy's greatest weapon," Jax said. "We can't let Maul use it against us."

Ezra nodded. "Relaxed it is."

"You don't sound relaxed," Kanan said.

"Yeah, well, I look relaxed," Ezra said, sitting back in his seat.

The ship lurched out of hyperspace, and they landed in a base in an asteroid field. Ezra landed the ship next to the Ghost, and Maul walked out.

They jumped out of the ship, Ezra helping Kanan ou, and Maul put his hands behind his back.

"Over here!" Maul called. "Master Jedi. Just follow the sound of my voice."

Ezra stepped forward, but Kanan put a hand on his shoulder. "Easy." He said quietly.

"Welcome, my apprentice," Maul said. "I trust you found the Sith Holocron... illuminated?"

"I don't see our friends," Ezra said angrily.

"They will remain my guests until we conclude our business," Maul said.

A few droids came out of a room, and Maul looked at Ezra.

"I will take you to them now." He said. He turned to the droids. "Escort my apprentice to the command center. Eh--if you attempt to escape, or all of my droids are deactivated, your friends will die."

Ezra glared at Maul, and then the droids escorted him to the room they had come from.

"Good to know," Jax said cooly.

"This way, Master Jedi," Maul said. "And the part-timer."

Maul led them down a hall. "Truthfully, I was never trying to blind you."

"Oh, no, you were just trying to kill me," Kanan responded.

"Well," Maul said, opening up a hatch. "If first, you don't succeed." He shoved Kanan in the room and opened up the airlock. "Try, try again!"

"Hey!" Kanan called as he flew out the airlock. Maul closed it, a satisfied look on his face.

Jax raised his blaster. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I am doing what needs to be done," Maul replied.

Jax turned on his comm. "Kanan!" He yelled. No response.

"Now, where were we?" Maul said. "Oh, yes. Jackson Tano. I need you to do something for me."

"What do you want?" Jax replied, putting his blaster back into the holster.

"I need you to leave," Maul replied.

Jax laughed. "Absolutely not."

Maul ignited his lightsaber. "I see you don't have your weapon," he said. "This should be easy."

He quickly spun around and cut off Jax's hand.

Jax gasped in pain, and he fell on his knees.

"Also, I'm quite sorry about your mother," he added. "She was quite powerful. Lived through so much, just to be killed by her master. Such a shame. You're quite lucky I don't feel like killing you as well. But I could use you, and I don't want to upset my apprentice too much."

"You don't have any right to talk about my mother," Jax growled. Maul left the room, and Jax stood up and went back to the landing area.

He blacked out from the effort.

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