Chapter 8

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Jax woke up in the Ghost. "What happened?"

"You're in the Ghost," Hera replied. "How are you feeling?"

"Where's Kanan?" Jax asked. "Maul threw him out the airlock! Is he okay?"

"I'm fine," Kanan said. "How are you?"

Jax sighed. "I'm fine."

"We're almost at Atollon," Hera said. "I have a medic waiting for you when we arrive. They have a new hand for you."

"That's probably the weirdest sentence I've heard." Jax joked. "But thanks."

Hera smiled. "No problem."

"How's Ezra?" Jax asked.

"He's shaken, but he's fine physically," Hera said.

"I need to call Alema!" Jax realized. "I told her I'd call her when we were heading back to Attolon."

Hera nodded. "Chopper, can you call Alema?"

Chopper chirped, and then Alema projected in front of Jax.

Jax tucked his forearm in his shirt. "Alema!" he exclaimed.

"Jax!" Alema said. "I'm so glad you're alive! How did it go?"

Jax sighed. "We have a slight problem with a hand of mine."

"What do you mean?" Alema asked, crossing her arms.

"I don't have a right hand anymore," Jax said. "I'm getting a new one when we get back."

Alema's gaze softened. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jax replied. "But I'm sorry. I told you I would be careful."

"You're alive, and that's all that matters to me," Alema said. She turned around for a second and then nodded. "I've got to go. Rex is here, do you want to talk to him?"

"Sure," Jax said. "See you soon."

Alema nodded, and she left the transmission, and Rex appeared.

"Jax!" Rex said. "What happened?"

"Not much," Jax replied. "You know, just lost my arm, the usual."

Rex's eyes widened. "You what?"

"I'm getting a super-cool new robotic arm," Jax said. "Because I lost my normal, boring, human one."

Rex sighed. "At least you haven't lost your sense of humor."

"Who said I was joking?" Jax said with a grin. "Human arms are boring."

Rex's eyes widened and he shook his head, rubbing his temples.

"Dad?" Jax asked. "Dad!"

Rex shook his head, and then closed his eyes. "Sorry, Jax. I was just remembering something."

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Jax said. His dad dealt with a lot of PTSD moments, and Jax hated how it broke his dad at times. His mom had the same thing. War does things to people. And very few are good.

"It's okay, Jax," Rex replied. "I'm glad you're safe. Alema wouldn't sit down once while you were gone. She was worrying like crazy."

"That's Alema for you," Jax said.

Rex looked at Jax worriedly. "I've got to go. Comm me when you land."

Jax nodded. "I will."

Chopper shut off the transmission.

Ezra walked into the room "Jax! You're awake!"

Jax gave Ezra a weak smile. "Yep."

"I'm so sorry about what happened back there," Ezra said hurriedly.

Jax shrugged. "There's nothing for you to apologize for. You did what needed to be done. Anyway, what did you see in the holocrons?"

Ezra's eyebrows furrowed. "I don't really know. I don't know if it was what Maul was seeing, or if it was what I wanted to see."

Jax nodded. "Holocrons are weird like that."

Sabine walked into the room. "We're here. Oh, hey, Jax. Glad to see you up."

Jax nodded. "Thanks."

"Jax, we've got a medic outside," Hera said. "And Alema and Rex are waiting for you. Can you walk?"

"I got my arm chopped off, not my leg," Jax said. He stood up, but he went dizzy, and Hera steadied him. The medic took Jax from Hera, and Alema walked up to Jax but was ushered away by the droid.

Jax went to the medbay, and the droid gave him a shot, and Jax passed out again.


When Jax woke up, he was blinded by the whiteness of the medbay.

"Jax!" It was Alema. "Rex, he's awake!"

Jax groaned and sat up. "What time is it?"

"You've been out for a few hours," Alema said. "It's past midnight."

"You stayed up?" Jax asked.

"Of course," Alema replied. "Hera's been up, too. She's been worried sick."

"Where is she?" Jax asked.

"She's on the Ghost," Rex said.

"Dad!" Jax said.

"Hey, kid," Rex said. "You should see your new arm."

Jax looked down at his robotic arm. It looked like the same arm used by a protocol droid.

"It's cool," Jax said.

"Try and move it," Rex suggested.

Jax looked down at his arm and tried moving it, but it took a lot of effort. "It's hard," he said. "But I'll get used to it."

Alema glanced at Rex. "I'll go get Hera."

Rex nodded, and Alema left the medbay.

"How are you feeling?" Rex asked. "Mentally, I mean."

"Honestly?" Jax said, raising an eyebrow. "Pretty bad. Maul talked about mom."

"What about her?" Rex asked softly.

"He said it was a shame that she died," Jax replied, looking at his hands. "And that she lived through so much just to be killed by her former master."

"I'm sorry you had to hear that," Rex said. "I know how much you miss her."

"Yeah," Jax said. He reached for the necklace on his neck, and yanked it off his neck, and put it in his hand. "I wish you two could have spent more time together. And that the three of us could have spent more time together."

"Me too," Rex replied.

Suddenly, Hera and Alema walked into the medbay. Jax quickly put the necklace back around his neck.

"You're awake!" Hera exclaimed. She ran over to Jax and hugged him. She stepped back. "I was so worried about you."

"Hey, I'm fine now," Jax said. "When can I leave this place?"

Hera smiled. "I'll go ask the medic."

"No, I will," Alema said. "You stay and talk to Jax. You haven't seen him."

Hera nodded gratefully. Alema smiled and went to another room in the medbay.

"How are Ezra and Kanan?" Jax asked.

"They're fine," Hera replied. "We've all been worrying about you. Ezra feels so guilty about it."

"I'll talk to him," Jax said. "Hera, when was the last time you slept? You look dead on your feet."

"I'm fine." Hera insisted.

"When did you sleep last?" Jax demanded.

"Yesterday," Hera said.

"How long?" Jax asked.

"Maul took us at about eight in the morning, and I had been up since four," Hera said, rubbing her temples.

"And when did you fall asleep?" Jax asked.

"Yesterday? Midnight." Hera said. "I've been busy."

Jax carefully stood up. He wobbled for a second and then regained his balance. "We're going back to the Ghost."

"Are you sure?" Hera asked. "I don't think you're allowed to leave the medbay yet."

"I'm fine now," Jax said. "And you're not. So I'm going to take you back to the Ghost, and you're going to go to sleep. Alright?'

Hera sighed. "Fine."

"Good," Jax said. "Now let's go before I get caught by Alema."

Hera let out a small laugh. Jax grabbed Hera's hand and crept out of the medbay, and he looked outside, and there was no one around.

He let go of Hera's hand and then ran to the Ghost, Hera right behind him.

He walked inside and was greeted by Kanan, who was pacing around the ship.

"Hera?" He asked. "And Jax?"

"It's me, Kanan," Hera replied, grabbing his hand. "And Jax is with me."

"How are you doing, Jax?" Kanan asked.

Jax sighed. "I'm getting pretty tired of answering this, but I'm fine."

"Sorry," Kanan said. "You got your new arm yet?"

"Yeah," Jax replied. "It's still hard to use, though."

Kanan smiled. "I'm glad to see you're alright."

"Thanks," Jax replied. "But, honestly, the real reason I came here was that Hera needs to go to sleep. She's ready to collapse."

"I'm fine." Hera insisted.

"Hera, you're not," Kanan said. "Let's get you to your room."

"Kanan Jarrus, I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own," Hera said threateningly.

Jax laughed. "I'm going to go. Alema is going to kill me for leaving the medbay without permission."

"Good luck," Kanan said.

Jax nodded. "Thanks. I'll need it."

Jax ran out of the Ghost and went back to the medbay and carefully stepped inside.

"Uh..." He said nervously. "Hey?"

Alema glared at Jax. "Where were you?"

"Hera was tired, so I took her back to the Ghost," Jax replied. "And I wanted some fresh air. It's the best medicine, right?"

Alema glanced at a person, who Jax assumed was the medic.

"Is he okay to leave the medbay?" Alema asked. "He's going to go stir crazy."

The medic smiled. "Yes," she said. "But if there are any problems with it, come right back here. Also, blasters and other weapons are going to be harder to use. Be careful." she looked at Jax with interest, and Jax felt as though he knew her as well.

Jax nodded. But, just as he opened his mouth to speak, the medic cut him off.

"You're good to go."

Jax grinned. "Great. Thanks, doc."

Rex gave Jax a stern look. "You're going to bed when we get back to your room."

Jax groaned. "I've slept for most of the day!"

"No, you were unconscious," Rex replied. "Now let's go."

"Fine," Jax grumbled.

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