Chapter 102

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'What...!' Aayan says shocked

'Yes Aayan, you heard it right...! You are going to be a father, Ananya is 10 weeks pregnant...' Sameer answered from the other side, he sounded very excited

Oh my god...Pregnant !
A baby...? Oooo god...
But... How did this...

Aayan couldn't process anything in his mind... He couldn't understand what was happening...

He went blank for a moment, his brain couldn't process any combination of words, to reply to Sameer, he just stared at the papers he was about to sign...

'Aayan...? Are you there...?' Sameer says from the other side

Oooo my god....
I m going to be a father...

He did not reply to Sameer for a while, which scared him...

'Aayan...! Did you faint or something...?' Sameer asked panicked

After few seconds, he manages to speak...

'Don't... Don't joke Sameer...' Aayan said, in a very low voice

'Do I look like an idiot to joke about such thing...? I didn't forget our chasing game yesterday....' Sameer chuckled and Aayan couldn't understand what to feel...

He was happy, nervous, excited, overwhelmed, terrified at the same time...

Tears filled his eyes and he gulped inaudibly, to be able to speak...

'I am going to be a father...?' Aayan asked his voice cracking

'Yes bro, your love won, no one can take Ananya and your baby away from you....' Sameer said and tears rolled down Aayan's eyes

'I... I don't know what to say bro, I... was about to sign the divorce papers, to set... Set her free.. And now this...!' Aayan cried over the phone

'Divorce papers ! Are you crazy....? How could you give up on this so easily...? Tear those damn papers right now, you don't need them...' Sameer scolds him and Aayan wipes his tears

'My baby...! Does Ananya...? How is she...?' Aayan asked

'She is still unconscious... She fainted at Vansh's office today, we brought her here and doctor gave us the good news...' Sameer informed and Aayan's heart started beating rapidly at this..

'Fainted ! Don't tell me she got injured because of that...? Did she get hurt...! Is my baby okay...? What did the doctor say....? When will she wake up..?' he shot questions at Sameer, getting up from his seat, still damn nervous..

'Relax brother, she is not hurt, your baby is fine and she will be up any minute...' Sameer says calmly and Aayan sighs in relief

Thank god she is safe...

'Uh... What do I do now Sameer...?' Aayan asked, after some moments of silence...

'What do you mean by, what do I do now sameer...! Come here and get your wife and kid...! They need you after all...' Sameer exclaimed and Aayan nodded

'Thanks brother... I really don't know how to thank you for telling me this...! Had you not been there... No one would have told me...' Aayan said and Sameer laughed

'I know that, that's why I called you first and not Naina Aunty...' Sameer said

'Thank you Sameer....' Aayan said, wiping his tears

'Come here ASAP Aayan...! Now it's time to confront your hostile father in law and brother in law, who have not allowed you and Ananya to talk from months ! Prove your love and get your Queen...' Sameer said and Aayan's morale was boosted by this...

He smiled to himself confidently and then thanking Sameer once again, hung up the call...

Yes...! It's time to prove my innocence, not to Big dad or Vansh, but to my Ananya, who must be thinking that I did all this...

Enough running away now, that's my family and I have to fight for them...

Then he sits on the sofa, keeping the phone on the table...

Tears rolled down his eyes as he was very happy and scared...

Scared that he was just about to leave Ananya forever and Happy that he didn't do it..

He and Ananya didn't have any plans to become parents anytime soon, Afterall how can they ! They had to sort their differences out first...

In these two months he tried to call her, to meet her and talk to her, but he wasn't allowed, Arjun and Vansh didn't leave her alone anywhere and even she looked so unsure whether to believe him or not...

One month ago...

Ananya was walking towards Vansh's building, carrying the groceries bag in her hand, she was recovering from her injury and was out today to get some fresh air, as the house was suffocating her...

She was about to enter the building, when someone grabbed her hands and pulled her to the secluded aisle between the two buildings...

Ananya was about to shout, but then the stranger covered her mouth with his hands and pulled her closer, sliding his another hand around her waist, holding her tightly....

She immediately recognised who was he and looks at him, and gasps audibly..

He looked terrible, he had dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were tired and had tears in them, his face looked dull and he seemed to have lost weight as well...

He removes his hands and then caressed her face...

'Aayan...' Ananya's voice cracked seeing him

'Shhh... Don't say anything, let me see you properly, I haven't seen this beautiful face from months....' Aayan sushed her and then hugged her tightly

She didn't hug him back, she was terrified seeing him here...

'Aayan... You can't be here... Please leave...' She says getting out of his hold

'Why are you doing this to me..! Please don't stay away from me like this, I'll die...' Aayan cried and tears filled Ananya's eyes too

'Please leave Aayan, If Vansh Bhai or Papa see you, you'll be in trouble...' Ananya said trying to get out of his hold

'I don't care about them, you tell me, why are you avoiding me..? Do you also think, I did that...?' Aayan asks and Ananya stares at him not saying anything, trying to read his expressions maybe

He looked helpless, tired and broken... Ananya's heart clenched seeing him like this, her handsome, arrogant, witty and strong Aayan, looked so vulnerable right now...

'Aayan...I... I heard your voice... When they were about to throw me out of the van....' Ananya says her voice cracking and Aayan's grip on her tightened

'I promise you that once I lay my hands on those bastards, they will curse their existence...!' Aayan growled and Ananya got scared at this

'But they said they work for you...' Ananya said and Aayan looks at her shocked

'No Ananya... No.. They were not my people, I have no connection in this... I swear to god, I was in Hyderabad and had no idea that this was going on ! Or else I wouldn't have left you alone.... Please trust me Ananya, I didn't do anything...' Aayan said holding her face

Ananya wanted to believe him, but she heard his voice... And it was also a known fact that Aayan doesn't spare the person who messes with him...

'Aayan I heard you clearly...' Ananya sighed, looking away

'What... What did I say...! What were my exact words... Someone has made this up...' Aayan said and Ananya looks at him bewildered

'You said...' She began, but then everything happened in fraction of seconds, She was pulled away from Aayan's hold, and he was lying on the ground, blood coming out of his nose

'Aayan...' she rushed towards him, but was pulled back by someone, she turned around to see Arjun gripping her hand and glaring at Aayan at the same time

Then she saw Vansh marching angrily towards Aayan who was trying to get up...

'How dare you come near my sister...!' Vansh kicked him and Aayan fell on the ground again, groaning in pain

'Bhai....' Ananya tried to stop him

'Vansh, I...' Aayan tried to say, but Vansh was in no mood to listen

He punched him again and Aayan cried in pain, Ananya gasped at this, while Arjun held her tightly....

'Paa... What are you guys doing...! Please stop him...' Ananya pleads to Arjun

'He dared to plan your murder, and you say that I should leave him just like that...? No princess... He must pay for his deeds...' Arjun said angrily, not leaving her and Vansh continued to hit Aayan, who did not fight back

'Paa... Bhai is hurting him, please ask him to stop...' Ananya cried

'Vansh bro...! What the hell...!' Vikrant runs towards them and holds Vansh from back, dragging him away from Aayan...

'Are you crazy Arjun...!' Sid said and rushed towards Aayan who was struggling to get up...

His hands, face were bruised and blood was coming out of his nose, he took Sid's help to stand...

Everyone knew Vansh turns into a beast, when he loses his calm and Aayan's condition clearly showed that...

'He is your brother in law...! Ananya's husband...! Is this how you treat him...?' Sid scolds Vansh, who was struggling to get out of Vikrant's hold

'And you...! What's wrong with you...! He is your son in law...! Vansh goes crazy in anger, I know...! But you should've stopped him atleast....' Sid scolds Arjun, who doesn't reply and Didn't leave Ananya as well...

'He was clearly instructed not to come near my daughter... He breaks the rule, he suffers...' Arjun said, looking at Aayan who didn't reply

'She is his wife Uncle....' Vikrant tried to reason

'WAS HIS WIFE...' Vansh growled 'Though he is legally wedded to her, thanks to that stupid marriage registration certificate which arrived a  week ago, but soon... Soon he'll receive a divorce notice... My sister won't be his wife anymore...' Vansh said angrily

Aayan and Ananya looked at each other helplessly..

'You both have lost your brain...' Sid exclaimed, holding Aayan who was breathing heavily

'Stay away from my sister...! Or else next time I won't leave you Alive...' Vansh threatened Aayan, who did not reply..

Ananya was helplessly looking at Aayan, as in normal circumstances Aayan would lose his calm, but not today, he was not saying anything....

'Come Ananya...' Arjun dragged her away from him, and she looks at him, he looked devastated...

'Vikrant Bhai...' Ananya pleads to Vikrant

'Don't worry, Annie... I'll take him to the hospital...' Vikrant said holding Aayan, while Vansh glared at him

'You come with me....' Sid dragged Vansh away from there and Ananya was forcefully taken away from Aayan

This time the family stood in between them...

Aayan remembered the day, he was beaten up by Vansh, for which he was scolded by Naina too, but then Vansh didn't apologise to him, Aayan didn't care about the apology, he just wanted to see Ananya, which he was not allowed...

But now, he will definitely see her... He didn't care about Vansh or Arjun, no problem if Vansh breaks his hands or legs or even kills him, he will meet his wife and their unborn baby, at any cost...

He sat on the sofa thinking about all the moments with Ananya and, tears were rolling down from his eyes continuously...

Jai entered the house along with Amayraa after a walk in the nearby park, he saw Aayan crying and panicked

'Aayan...! What happened beta...? Why are you crying...!' Jai rushed towards him

Aayan looks at him and more tears rolled down his eyes...

'Son you are scaring me... Why are you crying... What's the matter...?' Jai asked wiping Aayan's tears

Aayan managed to smile, which confused Jai...

'Papa...' Aayan began, and Amayraa too stared at him intently...

'What, son...?' Jai ask

'Papa... I...I am going to be a Dad...' Aayan cried and Jai looks at him shocked


'Yes Papa... Sameer called... Ananya is pregnant...' Aayan cried and Jai's happiness knew no bounds

'Are you serious...! You mean I'll be a Grand Pa again...!' Jai exclaimed happily

Aayan nodded, Jai hugged him happily, while he hugs him back, wiping his tears and Amayraa stared at them confused

'That's the best news I have heard in months, son...! Finally a ray of hope to unite you two...' Jai said happily and Aayan nodded... Still hugging Jai...

'This calls for celebration kid... Let me call Arjun here....' Jai said but then he realised that he and Arjun are not talking to each other and sighed

Aayan looks at his father's sad face and holds his hands

'Everything will be okay Dad.... The bad phase is finally going away...' Aayan smiled and Jai nodded and kissed his son's head

'Aaya.. No Cry...' Amayraa wipes Aayan's tears and he smiles looking at her

'Amayraa baby, you are going to be a big sister...' Jai says to Amayraa and she looks at him confused

'Bi... Sis....?' Amayraa asks Aayan and he chuckles and kisses her cheeks

'Yes baby... Annie will get you a small baby.... A baby brother or sister to play with....' Aayan says to her, but she still doesn't get it...

'Aaya... Anniieeyyy....' Amayraa whines holding his hands, she missed Ananya so much and would always cry in front of Aayan to take her to Ananya...

'Yes Baby... We'll go and see Annie.... Very soon....' Aayan said and Amayraa grinned at this...

'Yeeeaaahhhhh.....' she cheered and Jai and Aayan chuckled at this...

Ved came running inside Aayan's house and Naina - Deepika followed him, he reached Aayan and held his hands tightly

'Aayan... Vansh called... He said...' Ved said, trying to catch his breath

'I know...' Aayan smiled his eyes were still teary...

'Don't sign the papers....' Ved asked

'No way....' Aayan replied and then picked the papers tearing them into pieces and Deepika sighed at this..

'Congratulations bro...' Ved hugged Aayan and he hugged him back

'You too bro...' Aayan said

'See I told you, you'll have kids first...' Ved grinned leaving him and Aayan chuckled

'I knew god cannot be this unfair with my daughter...' Naina wiped her tears

'Mom...' Aayan hugged her and she smiled

'Congratulations beta....' Naina wished him

'Mom, please let's go there... Please....' Aayan pleaded and Naina chuckled

'Yes... Ved arrange our tickets, we are going to meet Ananya...' Naina said and Ved nodded

I am coming Ananya....

Same time...

Ananya opens her eyes and tries to get up, but then her head feels heavy, so she lays back and groans...

Vansh who was sitting near the bed rushed towards her and caressed her head..

'Don't sit Annie... You must rest...' Vansh says softly and Ananya takes a deep breath and lies down

'I won't skip meals now.... This is so stupid that I just faint and land in hospital...' Ananya says massaging her temples and Vansh sighed

'It's not because of skipping meals though....' Vansh muttered under his breath

'What...?' Ananya askes confused

'Nothing...' Vansh replied quickly

'How long did I pass out...?' She asked

'About an hour...' He replied

'What did the doctor say...? Why did I faint...?' Ananya asked

'Uh... Why don't you ask this to her, yourself...?' Vansh said adjusting his jacket, not looking at her...

'Why are you nervous Bhai ? Is everything alright....?' Ananya asks him and he sighs

'Annie, Doctor said that you...' he began, but then doctor enters inside the room and Vansh gets up from his seat

'Ms. Ananya, how do you feel...?' she asked

'I feel okay, but I think I have stomach infection, I puke a lot now a days and today I skipped my meal, and fainted, it never happened before... Please give me some medications for that as well...' Ananya said sitting on the bed and Doctor smiled

'It's not because of some stomach infection Ananya, you are expecting a baby... That's why you are facing these symptoms...' Doctor smiled and Vansh closed his eyes in frustration...

He and Arjun didn't like the idea of Ananya being pregnant with Aayan's child and bring that kid in this world, this will only bring suffering to her, according to them...

'What...!' Ananya exclaimed shocked

'Yes Ananya, you are pregnant, we even did ultrasound to confirm it, and you are approximately 10 weeks pregnant... Here is the sonogram photocopy, we thought you would like to see...' Doctor says handing her the copy and Ananya took it...

She was unable to say anything, her mind went numb, the thought of a new life inside her, terrified her to the core, but she was very happy that it was Aayan's child... The only man she ever loved....

Tears rolled down her eyes and Vansh thought that she regretted being pregnant with Aayan's child...

Tears filled his eyes too, seeing his sister in pain and he hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back in excitement...

'Bhai...' she said her voice cracking

Vansh sushed her, 'I know...' he muttered and kissed her head

'A baby...?' Ananya says still not believing and Vansh just held her, didn't say anything...

'Would you like to listen to the baby's heartbeat...?' Doctor offered and Vansh - Ananya left each other

'Yes...!' Ananya answered immediately

'No...!' Vansh said at the same time

Doctor and Ananya looked at him bewildered

'Bhai what are you saying...?' Ananya asked him shocked

'Are you crazy, why would you want to listen to it's heartbeat...' Vansh spat angrily

'It ? That's my Baby Bhai...! Your niece/nephew... How can you call him or her as it !' Ananya argued

'You want this baby...? You've got to be kidding me...!' Vansh exclaimed angrily

'I don't believe you Bhai...! What made you think that I would want to get rid of this baby...? It's mine and Aayan's..! It's our love....' Ananya matched his tone angrily

Doctor was about to leave the cabin, when Ananya stopped her...

'Where are you going...! I want to listen to my baby's heartbeat...! Comeback....' she said and doctor looks at Vansh, who looked pissed

'You are crazy Annie...!' Vansh said and angrily left the room

Ananya wiped her tears and doctor asks her to lie down properly...

She applied gel on her abdomen and pelvic area and then moved the device along it, simultaneously staring at the screen 

After a while, they spot a tiny blob on the screen, similar to the photo Ananya was holding, and then faint sound of the heart beating was heard, Ananya's heart fluttered at this...

'That's your baby... Healthy and growing...' Doctor smiled and tears rolled down Ananya's eyes

'Thank you...' She said her voice cracking

Doctor cleaned up the gel and after giving her some basic instructions, left the room

Ananya looked at the picture of the sonogram, and caressed her belly...

'Hey sweetheart...! I am your mom... And I want to tell you, that I love you.... I love you more than anyone baby....' she says to her belly and then wiped her tears

'Yes, circumstances are not good right now, you may hear mean things about yourself and your Papa... But don't worry... We will make through it.... Can't wait to see you...' she says and rests her arm on her belly and then closes her eyes...


'Sir, please... On your orders, I purposely made her work on that case, which ideally and legally she shouldn't fight.... It's not my fault that she won it, I made sure that she loses, but her husband... He saved her... What can I do in this....' Ananya's ex boss Deepak said

The man sitting in front of him clenched his jaw and fisted his hand...

'You are useless Mishra....!' he growled and Deepak sighed

'Sir, the plan was full proof... But, Aayan ruined it all... Now that she doesn't work for us, I can't do anything to make her lose the practice license... ' Deepak said

'I never liked that boy....! He always ruined my plans... Useless brat...!' the man said

'Do as you are instructed now...' He orders to Deepak

'Sir, I don't have Aayan's signature... How can I send a divorce notice to her on Aayan's name... Their marriage is just registered, they can't apply for divorce for a year..!' Deepak explains

'I want to see her crying Mishra...! Because if she is devastated, her arrogant father will suffer too....' The man said and Deepak sighed

'Sir, you didn't do right by making your goons throw her out of that van ! She could've died...!' Deepak exclaimed

'She is Arjun's life, Hurting her means killing Arjun...! He won't mind if anything happens to him, but if Ananya is hurt, he will die...! I want to see him suffer, so I will target his daughter...' the man laughed evilly

'It's wrong to punish the child for their father's deed...' Deepak tried to reason

'Don't use your brain here...! Do as you are said...' The old man growled

'Sir, I have no stake in this, please keep me out of this... I already worked for money, and regret it... I won't help you anymore...'  Deepak said getting up, but a bulky man behind him made her sit

'You already know too much Mishra... Now I can't let you go...! And if you try to act smart, I know in which school your daughter studies and where your wife works... I just have to make one phone call and they will be kidnapped by my men...' The man threatened and Deepak gulped

'Do as I say, or say good bye to your beautiful family....' he smirked and Deepak wiped the sweat on his forehead

'I'll send the papers by tomorrow, and arrange his signature as well...!' Deepak said gulping and the man smiled

'Good...' The man smiled

Just than another man, about 22-23 years old enters the cabin and walks towards this older man...

'Dad...! Our plan failed...! We can't separate them now...' he said pissed

'Why, what happened son...?' the older man asked

'She is pregnant dad...! That bitch is pregnant with Aayan Bhai's child...! We are doomed....' Yash singhal said angrily punching the wall

'This can't happen...!' Pratik Singhal growled and threw away his phone angrily...

Ha ha...
On your face old man !

Happy Lohri guys

(And seriously guys... Keeping some patience won't harm you...)

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