Chapter 103

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Next Day...
Vansh's Apartment, Mumbai...

Ananya opens her eyes and finds herself wrapped around two strong arms, who held her protectively....

She inhaled the manly cologne and her senses went crazy, she immediately recognised the person and sees Aayan sleeping beside her peacefully, caging her in his arms...

She couldn't believe her eyes that Aayan was here, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that it's a dream, but because the heavenly feel of Aayan being this close to her after so many months, she didn't want this dream to end...

'Hey...' Ananya said caressing his face, she could feel the tingling sensation all over her body...

He slowly opened his eyes blinking it several times, and than looking at her, he smiled...

A shiver ran down Ananya's spine looking at his hazel eyes and she was surprised that why her body was reacting like this...

'Hey....' He said, his voice was hoarse and Ananya was turned on by this...

What is wrong with me... She thought

'I missed you...' Ananya says softly, and he caressed her face...

'I missed you more...' Aayan replies and kissed her forehead

His touch was creating havoc in her body, she was on fire and she could not blame just the pregnancy hormones for that, he was her drug, and she was addicted to him...

'Promise me you won't leave again...' Ananya says snaking her arms around his neck and pulling him towards her, their faces inches apart...

'Never...' Aayan breathed and his grip on her waist tightened

Ananya couldn't contain her feelings anymore, his proximity was making it difficult for her to control her desires, she just wanted to kiss the hell out of him, and therefore she pulled him towards her, their lips were about to touch each other...


'Annie...!'  She hears Vansh's voice and opens her eyes in haste, to see Aayan was gone...

She was disappointed by this and sighed...

Her queen size bed was empty, and soon she realised that she was dreaming about Aayan...

She sat on her bed pushing her long hair backwards and Vansh kept knocking her door...

'Annie... Wake up ! It's 9:30 already.... Are you alright...?' he asks from the other side...

But Ananya was lost in her husband's thoughts, his scent felt in the dream so real, and the feel of his strong arms around her waist caressing her skin, gave her a tingling sensation and she took a deep breath to contain the desire...

No wonder you are pregnant Ananya, you are horny as hell...

Vansh's knocking increased, as he on the other side was worried whether Ananya fainted or something...

'Annie...! Open the door...! Why aren't you answering...! I am breaking it...' Vansh said and Ananya's reverie was broken by it

Arjun rushed towards Vansh, seeing him banging the door...

'What happened...?' Arjun asked panicked

'Paa, she is not opening the door... And she never sleeps this late...' Vansh said, he was scared and it could be seen easily on his face...

'Let me see...' Arjun pushes Vansh and then knocks the door loudly
'Ananya... Ananya beta are you alright...?' He asks and Ananya quickly gets down her bed and ties her hair

'Paa... You step aside...I'll break the door....' Vansh says taking an attack position

Arjun steps aside and the same time Ananya unlocks the latch, while Vansh already marched towards her door and as soon as she opens the door, she sees Vansh running towards her like a bull and gasps

'Vansh stop...!' Arjun says horrified, but too late, Vansh already collides with Ananya's shoulders and she loses her balance, was about to fall on the ground..

Arjun rushed towards her and caught her mid air, before she was just about to touch the ground, she gasped and her heart started beating frantically...

She held Arjun's sleeves tightly by one hand and other hand was wrapped around her belly protectively, she took a deep breath and Arjun made her sit on the ground softly and then sat beside her caressing her hair, her eyes were tightly shut...

Arjun understood the reason for her terrified face and comforted her by running his hands on her head back and forth...

'Princess... You are safe... See you didn't fall...' He said softly and Ananya slowly opens her eyes and looks around and took a deep breath

She wraps her arms around her stomach to ensure her baby is safe and Arjun notices this, tears filled his eyes seeing his daughter to care about the baby so much, which was according to him, forced upon her...

'Vansh...! Are you crazy... Did you forget that she is pregnant...!' Arjun scolds Vansh, who fell on the ground and was now rubbing his arm, which was hurt due to the impact with the floor

Realisation hits him, he looks at her terrified and immediately slides towards her and holds her arms

'Annie, I am so sorry... I didn't do it intentionally.... I was just worried about you...' Vansh apologised

Ananya took a deep breath and holds Vansh's hands...

'It's okay Bhai... I am not mad... I was just scared for the baby...' She says and Vansh's jaw clenched at this, but he did not show his irritation to Ananya, just looked away..

He gets up and then helped Ananya too, she carefully gets up and then sits on the bed, she was already feeling nauseous, so she kept her head down

'You need some water...?' Arjun asked

Ananya turns her head left and right to indicate no...

'Are you in pain Annie...?' Vansh asks worried and Ananya repeats the gesture...

'Why isn't she saying anything Paa....?' Vansh asks Arjun worriedly

'Beta, what's wrong...?' Arjun asks

Ananya doesn't reply, and quickly runs inside the bathroom, leaving Arjun and Vansh flabbergasted..

'What the hell...?' Vansh was about to follow her, but Arjun stopped him

'Morning sickness...' Arjun said and Vansh took a step back...

'Mary.... Come here fast...!' Arjun calls

Mary walks inside Ananya's room
'Yes, Bade Sahab...?' she asks

'Help Ananya, she is puking inside and give her those morning sickness medications that doctor prescribed...' Arjun says and Mary nods and walks towards the bathroom

Vansh huffs angrily and walks out of the room, and Arjun follows him..

'We need to call your mother here as soon as possible, I can't take care of Ananya alone at this condition...' Arjun said

'Maa will bring that Aayan along with her...! Or worst his wingman Ved...!' Vansh huffs and Arjun sighed

'See, the baby is his as well... So he must...' Arjun began, but Vansh cuts him off in between

'That baby is a bad news Paa...!' Vansh exclaims, once they are the hall

Arjun doesn't say anything and sits on the sofa...

'Annie must get rid of it...!' Vansh said without thinking and Arjun looks at him shocked

'Have you lost your mind young man...! You are saying that Ananya should abort the baby who has nothing to do with all this...!' Arjun exclaims getting up from his seat

'That's Aayan's baby Paa... If he or she is born, Annie will be bound to him forever...! It will be a forced relationship...! They don't love each other, and I can't let my sister live a loveless marriage...' Vansh exclaimed

'I am not asking my daughter to kill her child Vansh... After his / her birth, I'll file the custody of the child and will make sure Ananya wins that... Aayan will be thrown out of her life...! Be assured of that...!' Arjun said

'Won't that baby remind her, of the painful memories with Aayan, Paa...? Annie deserves better.....! Annie deserves the best...!' Vansh exclaimed

'Don't be so insensitive towards the Baby Vansh, I hate Aayan too, afterall he made the most precious girl of my life, suffer...! But I won't be insensitive towards my Grand child alright...! Ananya will not abort the baby...' Arjun declared

Both of them where so involved in the argument, that they didn't realise, the bell rang and Mary already opened it, and Ved, Aayan and Naina were already in, listening to their rant...

'That's not even a baby Paa...! It's just a ball of cells...! Don't be so emotionally attached to that good for nothing....' Vansh said angrily, but Arjun cuts him off in between and Aayan fists his hands

'Enough Vansh...!' Arjun growled

'Bhai...! Can you hear yourself....?' Ananya cried

They turned towards her and saw her crying, keeping her hand protectively around her belly...

'Annie... You have to... This baby is forced upon you by that bastard...' Vansh said walking towards her, and Ananya took a step back...

'I am not aborting my baby...! And he is certainly not forced upon me...!' Ananya cried and Arjun sighed and his eyes land on Ved - Aayan - Naina and color drains from his face...

'Vansh stop it...' Arjun warns him, not leaving Naina's angry gaze...

'Paa...! Why aren't you listening to me...! You guys are being unnecessarily emotional... I mean... I...' Vansh turns towards Arjun and then stops seeing his father's terrified expression, he follows his gaze and sees his mother, brother and brother in law glaring angrily towards them

'You have said enough young man... I strictly warn you, not to say anything further...' Naina warns him

'Maa... But....' Vansh began

'How. Dare. You....' They hear Aayan saying and look at him scared...

Some Random Hotel Room...

Prateek singhal sat on the king size chair, holding a glass filled with expensive Whiskey in one hand and was massaging his temple with the other, he was leaning against the backrest, crossing his legs...

Yash sat on the chair opposite to him, holding a bottle of beer in one hand and cigarette on the other...

'Your mother will not appreciate you having so many intoxicating substance together...' Prateek says, pointing at the cigarette...

'Oo please dad, not again...' Yash rolled his eyes taking a puff from the cigarette..

'Do whatever you want to do, but not in front of me alright...!' Prateek scolds him and forwards him the ashtray

Yash huffs and puts the cigarette down, while takes a sip from his beer...

'I wonder how Sameer turned out to be such a saint in the family, while you and I are almost alcoholics...' Prateek sniggered and Yash joined him

'Mom raised him well...' Yash commented

'What about you...?' Prateek asked

'I never listened to her...! Why should a woman command me what to do...' Yash said arrogantly

Prateek finishes his glass of whiskey and fills it again...

'I have raised you right then...' Prateek said sarcastically, and Yash chuckled

'You can never be like my Sameer, you will turn out to be good for nothing, like Priyanka's other children...' Prateek comments, he was intoxicated now, and had no idea what he was saying, Yash's grip on his bottle tightened and he looks at his father, who took another sip of his whiskey

'Why you always have to compare me and Bhai...? We both have different interests in life...!' Yash countered irritated

'Yeah, Sameer wants to build things for you and you like to destruct them... ' Prateek said and Yash huffed

'But he left you didn't he...?' Yash said sarcastically..

'It's all because of that son of a bitch Arjun Thapar...! He took away my son from me...! I'll destroy him...!' Prateek growled

Yash leans against the sofa, and looks at his father, who was seething in anger with just Arjun's mention...

'What is your and Arjun Thapar's story Dad....? Why do you hate him so much...? When ideally, you should hate Jai Varma...' Yash asked and Prateek chuckled

'I don't hate Jai Varma, I pity that fool...! He is too good as a person, he can be fooled very easily.... But that cunning Arjun Thapar...! He was always a tough nut to crack...! And he ruined all my big plans of acquiring E market....' Prateek gritted the last part

'What sort of plans....?' Yash asked

'Making you the heir of E market, along with that Ved...!' Prateek said and Yash looked at him confused..

'How was that possible Dad...?'

'Your Mom and me were together, for 6 years, before our marriage, that was the time when she was married to Jai Varma, for 10 years ! And Jai had no idea about that...! When Aayan was born we were scared that we will be busted, but thankfully he turned out to be Jai's son and not mine...!' Prateek said and Yash was disgusted, but didn't say anything..

Prateek who was intoxicated had no idea, what he was blabbering in front of his own son..

'But when we were not busted, I came to know that Jai was a gullible man, so made a plan to trick him with his company and become a shareholder, because by conventional ways they were not allowing me to be a shareholder in their company.... I thought maybe I can use Priyanka as a pawn....' Prateek smirked and drank his whiskey

Yash was silent in all this...

'But then your mom got pregnant with you and this time we were sure that you are mine, because she and Jai were not in very good terms, so I made another plan, which was risky, but worth it..! I decided that we will convince Jai that you are his son...! And that fool can be manipulated pretty easily let me tell you... So this way, you that is my son, will be a shareholder in E market...' Prateek laughed evilly and Yash was shocked to hear this...

'I could've killed Aayan in a car accident and Jai would make you his heir... This way my son would've acquired the E market...!' Prateek said finishing the liquor in his glass

'And you think, this stupid plan would've worked...? And how come mom agreed to all this...!' Yash asked

'Well, there was 50% chance of failing, depending upon, whom you look like... Also, that Jai was so engrossed in his  work and children, that he had no idea what his wife was upto...! and your mom would do anything I said, she is a emotional fool afterall...' Prateek laughed and Yash glared at his father

'Anyway, you look like me, so the plan failed, but Priyanka was an enchantress you see, she would've convinced Jai very easily to accept you...'  Prateek smirked and Yash couldn't understand what to say...

'But that Arjun Thapar...! Jai's best friend ! He became suspicious about me and Priyanka... He sowed seeds of suspicion in Jai's mind against us, he ruined all my hardwork of fooling Jai from last 6 years...!' Prateek growled

'He exposed us in front of Jai, and his wife Naina, didn't let Priyanka manipulate Jai, at any cost ! I was forced to marry your mother, because my wife couldn't bear the infidelity, these emotional people I tell you....' Prateek said shaking his head

'Arjun Thapar has always ruined all my plans for you son, see... When I thought Sameer would take care of you, his daughter took him away... And looking at your potential, I can say you will end up as a failure in life and Arjun took away your only means of survival from you....!' Prateek chuckled darkly...

'I am not a failure !' Yash exclaimed

'Oo really...? What are your achievements then...?' Prateek asked

'I'll prove that I am worthy enough like Sameer bhai...' Yash said angrily

'You have zero business aptitude ! You didn't even finish your graduation...! You cannot match my Sameer.... And that's why you are useless...!' Prateek Singhal said, stroking his head

'What if I ruin Arjun Thapar...!' Yash challenged

'You can't...!' Prateek said

'You only said if you hurt his daughter, he will be affected...' Yash said

'You can't hurt her, she is surrounded by so many protective walls ! Your step brother being the strongest one...!' Prateek spat angrily...

'Leave that to me, I'll hurt her and take revenge from Arjun Thapar on your behalf...! Will you consider me worthy then...?' Yash asked

'If you do that, Singhal's advertising is yours, instead of Sameer's...' Prateek smirked and Yash's eyes lit up at this...

'I won't disappoint you Dad...' Yash said confidently getting up and then left the room

'You have disappointed me right from your birth, you are useless and stupid... Just like your mother...' Prateek sighed and finished his drink..

Vansh's apartment...

'How. Dare. You....' Aayan spat angrily and everyone looked at him scared, except Vansh, who glared at him

'Aayan...' Ved tried to stop him, but Aayan walked towards Vansh dangerously, maintaining the eye contact and Vansh too got defensive at this...

'You are saying that you will kill my baby....?' Aayan growled and Arjun looked at Vansh, who was equally angry..

'I will do anything to free my sister from your claws...! And that baby is a burden on her... She has to get rid of that...' Vansh matched his tone

'He is not a burden...!' Ananya cried again

'You heard her...?' Aayan asked giving Vansh a challenging look

'She was fooled by you once, and it's not easy for her, afterall she is the mother...' Vansh glared at Aayan

'Exactly Vansh, she is the mother... How can you ask her to do something like that...' Ved intervened in between

'You stay out of this... You will anyway take your best friend's side...!' Vansh said angrily

'And you have become so blind in your sister's love that you don't understand what is right and what is wrong...!' Naina scolds him

Ananya sees her mother and runs towards her, hugging her tightly, Naina hugs her back and Ananya starts sobbing...

'Don't cry sweety, it's not good for the baby...' Naina kisses her forhead and she nods, not leaving her

'I won't abort my baby Maa...' Ananya cries

'You won't sweetheart, let me see who forces you to do that...' Naina glares at Vansh and Arjun

'Maa... Listen to me...' Vansh walks towards Naina, but Aayan stops him by keeping an arm over his shoulder...

'You listen to me, if you take a step near my wife or my baby, with a intention of hurting them, I will break your leg...!' Aayan warned and Vansh jerks his hands away...

'Says the one who tried to kill his baby and wife...' Vansh glared at him

'He didn't do that...!' Ved countered angrily

'Are you serious...! Annie defeated him in his case... He is bankrupt because of her...! And if he can marry Annie to ruin her life for a pointless revenge, so here he can definitely plan to kill her...!' Vansh counters back

'Police hasn't found any evidence against him...' Naina said calmly

'But there are 100% possibilities, that is behind that....' Arjun countered

'You don't declare someone as a culprit, based on the assumptions Arjun...' Naina countered

'Aayan has been given clean chit by Bangalore police, he is not even a suspect now... Are we above the law dad...? Aayan did not try to kill Annie guys... Please trust him on this...' Ved said

Arjun and Vansh has no counter to this, they didn't say anything, Ananya looked at Aayan and he looked at her... They shared a brief eye contact... And Arjun noticed this...

'What about the cheating...?' Vansh asked

'I have proof that I didn't do it...' Aayan said confidently, not leaving Ananya's gaze

'And we have seen it...' Ved says backing Aayan

'Arjun please, trust your son in law, he was your choice afterall... He did not do anything to hurt Ananya physically...! And as far as the revenge thing is concerned, everyone deserves a second chance...! Why can't you give it to him, when Ananya is ready....?' Naina asks Arjun

'He made my daughter suffer emotionally...' Arjun countered angrily

Naina took a deep breath and walks towards him, she holds his hands and drags him to the guest room, away from the children and locks it from inside...

'Naina what are you...' Arjun tried to counter

'So did you Arjun ! You too, once hurted someone's daughter emotionally....! You shattered her because of your confusion and lack of firm stand in life... Aayan had misunderstanding about Ananya... I don't support his way of retaliation, Ananya is my daughter too afterall...! But if you can get another chance...? Why can't Aayan get one...?' Naina asked and Arjun was speechless...

'I am not bringing our bitter past here Arjun, but you are being unreasonable right now, and your blind love for your daughter will take her happiness away from her... Think about it please...' Naina said caressing Arjun's face and he nodded

She left the room and Arjun sat on the bed, thinking about what Naina just said...

Ofcourse...! If I can get a chance to win back Naina, even if I didn't deserve one... I think that boy must be given a chance if he genuinely wants it...

After sometime, Arjun walks out of the room to see Vansh, and Ananya watching something on Aayan's laptop...

Ananya had tears in her eyes, and Vansh expressions were unreadable, they see Arjun and get up from their seat...

'That's the recording, Aayan wanted to show, to prove that he didn't cheat on her...' Ved said

'We can replay it for you Big Dad...' Aayan said, but Arjun stopped him and turned to Vansh

'Did he cheat...?' Arjun asks Vansh

Vansh nods his head in negative and Arjun sighed

'Paa... He didn't do anything...' Ananya said teary eyed and Arjun looked at her briefly..

Your blind love for your daughter will take away her happiness...
Naina's words rang in his ears and he turned to Aayan who was staring at him in anticipation

'How desperate are you to get Ananya back...?' Arjun asked in a serious tone

'I'll give up my everything, just to get her back, Big Dad...' Aayan said truthfully

'Good... But, you have to prove yourself again... And your tests starts from tomorrow...' Arjun declared and Naina smiled at this

'Thank you Paa...' Ananya hugged Arjun and he kissed her head...

Aayan was elated at this, Ved encouragingly patted Aayan's shoulders, while Vansh just sighed

'Thank you, Thank you so much big dad... I'll definitely prove that no one can love Ananya, as much as I do...' Aayan said happily and Arjun - Vansh glared at him and Aayan gulped

'After you two ofcourse...' He completes his sentence

'Let's see...' Vansh smirked and Ved chuckled...

Ananya - Aayan look at each other and smiled

The final test of their love was here....


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