Chapter 122b

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Verma's house backyard...

Aayan was sitting on a swing, which was placed right at the centre of the garden Jai built behind the house when Aayan was a kid, where he spent the happier times of his childhood

This place was abandoned shortly after Priyanka left, so the beautiful garden was gone due to lack of maintenance, but now it was being restored, so that Nitaraa's, Aayan's and Sameer's children can play here

The garden used to have varieties beautiful flowers and creepers all over, Also on the left, there was a small area, where his grandmother would grow vegetables, but now this garden just had a mango tree which his grandmother planted when Nitaara was around 3, Aayan never saw his Grandma, she was gone just a few months before he was born

Yes, Aayan and Jai were back to their old house, which was opposite to the Thapar's, this was the place they shared with Priyanka for a brief period of time, Now Jai and his children can finally let Priyanka stay off from their minds, now that she was gone, those painful memories she gave to them were slowly fading away too

Aayan closed his eyes and remembered those few happier moments from his childhood, he spent here...

Aayan and his dog Jo Jo would play here and on this very swing, Jai and Aayan would sit and do their art work, Aayan right from the start outshone Jai in terms of being an artist...

When things went bad, Aayan would sit on this swing to calm himself down while his parents fought inside the house, and today when Aayan is uncertain about what will happen in his life, this swing is there, like a loyal companion

Aayan softly brushed his hands against the metal chains of the swing and rested his head on it, closing his eyes, slowly pushing the swing with his legs

I wish I stayed 6 year old forever, things were far better then...

'Wow this swing is still the same, it's like the time didn't pass for it...' Ved says

'I so wish to be this swing right now...' Aayan says not opening his eyes and Ved chuckles

'And I wish to be PM of this country, not everyone's absurd wish can be fulfilled right...?'

'Your sense of humor is so bad, that I get confused, whether to pity laugh or hit you for such terrible jokes..' Aayan whines and Ved frowns

'See, in us siblings, Annie is Witty, Vansh is humorous and Me... Well I am me... But you are my best friend, you have bear with me' Ved hits him

'Ofcourse, I'll stick with you, and no matter what happens today... If not as your brother in law, I will always be there for you as your best friend' Aayan says, making him sit beside him on the swing and Ved forced a smile

'Are you sure you'll be okay, if Annie decides otherwise...?'

'I've stopped thinking bro, the more I think, the more I get anxious, and I start cursing my fate more... So Whatever will happen I'll accept it...' Aayan sighs

'I am confident that Annie won't do anything stupid...'

'She married me...' Aayan comments and Ved chuckles at this

'That's probably the best thing happened....' Ved begin, but Aayan cut him off in between

'To me... That's the best thing happened to me, not her...' Aayan says

'How do you know...?'

'Look at her Ved, is she your happy go lucky little sister anymore...?'

'She is my smart, responsible and mature sister now, and I like her new version' Ved smiles

Aayan and Ved don't say anything for a while, when Aayan looks at him with a smirk

'You hated her kiddish behavior too, didn't you ?' Aayan hits Ved playfully on the shoulder and Ved laughs

'She was so annoying back then, I mean yeah, you are loved by everyone, but that doesn't mean you'll sit on my head and get things done...'

'Vansh should hear you right now...' Aayan comments

'He got scolded by Papa most of the time because of Annie, I know he didn't say anything, but I am sure he planned to abandon her on some island  alone...' Ved laughs

'Hey ! That's what I thought when she spoke to me on the phone for the very first time...' Aayan says excitedly and Ved chuckles

'Annie won't leave you Aayan, as I said you are a part of her now...' Ved smiles patting Aayan's shoulder

'I wish this too, but I don't think this will happen...' Aayan sighs


'Because I am getting a Deja vu like feeling right now, this exact thing happened 26 years ago... This was the same swing I was sitting on, thinking about what will happen with me now, while Mom and Paa fought inside and next day I remember Mom was gone, and my life changed forever...' Aayan says, tears filling his eyes

'The scenarios are totally different, Your parents didn't love each other, their marriage was as good as dead...' Ved argues

'And you think my marriage is blossoming currently, It's been more than a month since came back, Ananya doesn't even look at me...' Aayan says sadly

'Do you expect her to welcome you with flowers after what you did...?' Ved raised his brows

'Well no, but Atleast hit me, shout at me, lock me in the room, don't give me food... I'll be fine by any punishment she gives, she doesn't even want to punish me...' Aayan sighs and Ved didn't say anything at this

'Do you think I am toxic for her...?' Aayan asks after a while

'What made you think that...?' Ved raised his brow

'I mean I can be right ? since the time we met, all she did was cry, worry, get anxious and tolerate my atrocities, I mean when a girl marries, she expects happiness not challenges....'

'You gave her what you were capable of giving, When life gave you challenges and struggles, how can you give her happiness ? We give what we have, remember ?' Ved says and Aayan goes speechless at this

'That doesn't mean, I support what you did to her, you left when you wanted, you came back when you wished, this wasn't right, but one thing I know for sure, this hurt you more than it hurt her....'

'I don't deserve her Ved...' Aayan sighs

'Then who does....? Do you think anyone can love her the way you do ?' Ved asks

'But he can keep her happy...' Aayan argued

'How do you know ? What if Ananya has given this right only to you ? What if the only man who can hurt her AND heal her is you...? Think about it...' Ved argued back, Aayan thought for a while and then sighed

'Things can be opposite of this too bro'

'Maybe.. But that doesn't mean you give up... You promised that you will do everything in your might to win her back...' Ved says

'She is not a trophy Ved, she's a woman, A woman with a voice of her own, I cannot win her, she has to accept me in her life by her own will and not by force...' Aayan replied calmly and Ved had no answer time

'True...' was all Ved could say and there was silence between them

'Why can't things be simple in life man, Where two people meet, fall in love, get married, have children and live happily forever... Why did I get these complications....' Aayan whines

'You think the kind of man you were 7 years ago, would've fallen in love with any woman, married her and had kids with her....?' Ved asks amused

'No...' Aayan chuckles

'Annie was in your fate, her arrival stirred your reserved self, it brought storm in your self controlled life, you retaliated in your way, in this process you fell in love with her, things were fine for a while, but then my father and brother jumped in as Villains in your story, not to forget your brother was there too... What happened next was really painful, but now you are back, to finish your story, now fate won't work, you and Annie will...' Ved explains

'This time Ananya will decide, and don't you worry about me, I am used to people leaving me since childhood, I don't think this will break me or something, but I don't want this to happen...' Aayan smiled weakly and rested his head on Ved's shoulders 

'You guys can't just drift apart after coming this long, have faith...' Ved says and Aayan nods

'Aayan, Ved... Come inside, we are starting with Sameer's Haldi function...' Jai calls them and they get up

'Ek aur bakra halaal hone jaa raha hai (Another man is getting ready for sacrifice)'  Ved joked and Aayan laughs

'Come lets get him prepared properly' Aayan says as they walked inside 

Living room

Sameer was made to sit at the centre of the room on a short stool, wearing a half sleeve t shirt and shorts, he was surrounded by ladies, and this embarassed him

Vansh sat on the sofa, holding his son, who was trying to catch the shiny button on Vansh's kurta, but couldn't reach it..

Deepika was adjusting Amayraa and Vedika's clothes, because they kept on playing with their stoles, which ruined the look, while Khushi and Ananya was near Sameer teasing him

'So Devarji soon your life will be ruled by someone else, are you ready for it...?' Ananya teases

'If she transforms my life, like you did Aayan's, I will be more than happy...' Sameer smiles and Khushi does the same

'Why you have to bring Aayan in everything...' Ananya sighs

'Isn't he your husband...? Don't you rule his life in any manner...?' Sameer raises his brows and Ananya rolls her eyes

'I know you are going to make a decision tonight... But before that may I make a request...?' Sameer asks holding her hand

'Go ahead...' Ananya smiles

'Just think about this once, if you leave him, what will happen to YOU... Not him, but YOU... And I am sure answering this question will help you make your decision faster...' Sameer says and Khushi too gives her a knowing look

'Sure, but now lets make you pretty for tonight...' Ananya pulls Sameer's cheeks and gestures Khushi to mix the ingredients

'I wish Naina aunty could come...' Sameer sighs

'She will come at the wedding Sameer, right now she needs rest...' Khushi says and Sameer's eyes lit up

'Really Bhabhi ? That's amazing, see I am the happiest man today...' Sameer grins, and the ladies chuckle

'Papa, let's begin the ceremony, why don't you start this by applying haldi to him...' Ananya says and Jai smiled

'Gladly...' Jai comes forward and applied turmeric on Sameer's cheeks shoulders and tapped his nose

'Now you are my third child kiddo, and I am happy that you'll never go away from me...' Jai says messing Sameer's hai, who got teary eyed hearing this

'Never...' Sameer says wiping his tears and Aayan hugs both of them at this

'Aww my boys...' he teases and others laugh at this

Now turn by turn, everyone applied turmeric to Sameer and blessed him, when it was Aayan's turn, he came forward and took something out of his pocket, and gave it to Sameer

'What is this ?' Sameer opens the packet, which revealed a ring box inside

'Open it...' Jai says enthusiastically

Sameer opened the box and it revealed a gold ring with a big yellow sapphire gemstone embedded on it, which looked exactly like the one Aayan and Jai wore on their right index fingers all the time...

'Aayan are you proposing Sameer...?' Vansh asks confused

'Shut up Vansh...' Ved and Arjun say together

'No Vansh bro, it's a tradition, all men in our family were yellow sapphire rings on their right index fingers, just like you and Ved wear ruby on your ring fingers...?' Aayan explained

'So this marks Sameer bhai's official entry into the family...' Rudra says and Jai - Aayan nod

Sameer was overwhelmed by this gesture, tears filled his eyes, Aayan saw this and hugged him tightly

'Don't cry on your wedding day bro...' He says caressing his hair

'I can't thank you guys enough for this...' Sameer cries, and Jai hugs his sons too

'This is nothing in front of what you did for me son, thank you for saving my Aayan's life back then, this is the least I can do....' Jai says and Sameer looks at Vansh shocked who was mirroring his reaction

'I swear I didn't tell them...' Vansh says to Sameer, while others stare at Sameer shocked too, especially Ananya 

'We have our sources too Vansh baba...' Jai grins and Aayan chuckles, leaving Sameer 

'I was just... I...' Sameer stammers

'You don't have to explain son, we are indebted to you for life...' Jai pats Sameer's shoulders, while Sameer sniffs, trying to control his tears, though he missed his family today, but his new family didn't make him feel alone anymore

'Stop crying and wear this right now, and don't worry we consulted the astrologer before making this for you... Looks like your stars are similar to us... You were destined to be my brother right from the start...' Aayan jokes taking out the ring and giving it to Sameer

Ananya smiled remembering the old times, when this very Sameer was disliked by Aayan and today things were totally opposite

Sameer looks at the ring and then at Jai who encouraged him to wear it

'Thank you so much...' Sameer wears the ring on his index finger and wanted to say something further, but stopped seeing what Aayan was doing now

Aayan took handful of the turmeric paste, he gestured Ved and Viraj to do the same, they grin at him, Sameer got up and tried to run, but the boys caught him

'No no... Guys... Noooooo.....' Sameer whines as the boys smeared paste all over him and others started laughing seeing Sameer struggling to get out of Aayan - Ved and Viraj's hold

Vansh hands his son Shaurya to his cousin Saanjh, who cooes him and runs towards the boys, who were holding Sameer

'How could you trouble him without me...' Vansh says applying the paste on Sameer's face who was all yellow now

'Not fair guys ! I can't even say that i'll take revenge on your weddings, since you guys are already married...' Sameer whines, while the boys laugh

Now again, everyone started applying the turmeric paste to each other, the elders and Shaurya who was now with Arjun stepped back to witness their turmeric holi, while rest of them were busy playing

'Why do they wear new clothes in such functions, when they ruin them everytime...' Sash comments shaking his head

'I know right...' Arjun laughs and then kisses Shaurya's cheeks who tried to hold his specs now

There was a point where Ananya and Aayan collide with each other and held each other to prevent themselves from falling

Aayan stared at her mesmerised, while Ananya too couldn't take her eyes off him, their eye contact was witnessed by Arjun and Jai, who looked at them and then to each other

Aayan leaves her and shows his hands to her, which had turmeric paste on it, as if asking permission, to apply it to her, Ananya smiles and nods, Aayan smiles and applies the paste to her, while Ananya looks at him mesmerised, he came closer to her to say something

'I love you...' he says and Ananya's heart started hammering at this, she took a deep breath, his proximity was affecting her

She didn't reply but turned red hearing his words, Aayan moved back and taps her nose, and smiled

'I know your answer... No need to say it out loud...' He says and turns around, walking towards Ved, leaving Ananya all flushed

How can I leave him...?


The Verma's reached the wedding venue where they were welcomed by Disha's family..

Sameer was wearing a golden sherwani and held a traditional sword as per his family tradition, Aayan and Ved stood behind him, while the other members from Thapar and Verma clan surrounded them

Naina was there too, but since she wasn't allowed to walk by herself, she was made to sit on the wheelchair and Arjun accompanied her all the time...

Disha's cousins looked at Aayan mesmerised, also there were many curious glances towards Aayan's direction, because it was the first time they saw him and had no idea who he was...

The girls shot flirty looks towards Aayan which he didn't notice, but they made Ananya uncomfortable, well not uncomfortable, angry, because he was her husband afterall

Why do I care, she mutters 'come on Ananya, don't lie to yourself, you get jealous when someone else sees him '  her inner self mocked her 

Disha's dad welcomed Jai, Sameer and others, it was the first time when Aayan was meeting the bride's relatives

'Sagar ji, this is my older son Aayan...' Jai introduces Aayan to Disha's father who looks at him surprised and then rushed to welcome him

'Welcome Beta ji... It's nice to finally meet you...' Disha's dad greets Aayan who took his blessings

'Jeeju's brother is so hot na...' Ananya hears some girl say and she huffs

'Let's talk to him...' She hears another girl

'By the end of the wedding, I'll get his number...' she hears another girl and looks at their direction shocked

Disha's relatives were welcoming the guests, where the married couple were welcomed together, Aayan looks at this and gets confused because this didn't happen with Ananya and him

Disha's family was unaware that Aayan and Ananya were married, they were under the impression that Ananya is Sameer's sister who was separated from her husband, while Aayan was Sameer's brother who stayed abroad...

'Ananya beta come forward, let me welcome you and Nitaara beta together...' Disha's dad says when Aayan looks at him confused

'Why are Ananya and Nitaara welcomed together....?' Aayan asks

'Grooms sisters should be welcomed together beta ji... Since both of their husbands couldn't come I am welcoming them together...' Mr. Sagar explains

The grooms side looked shocked, while the bride's side was confused

'Uncle ji, I am Ananya's Husband, she is Sameer's sister in law..' Aayan clarifies and Bride's side was shocked now

Aayan looks at Sameer who looked confused
'Didn't you tell them..?' He asks

'I did... There must be some confusion...' Sameer says looking at his Father in law who looks at his family members

'I thought she is Verma ji's daughter, I didn't know she was his daughter in law...' Disha's father says

'She's no less than a daughter to me Sagar ji, but she is married to my older son... Didn't Disha tell you this...?' Jai asks

'I think there was a confusion from our side, we apologise for this...' Disha's father folds hands

'No issues Sagar ji, such glitches happen...' Jai smiles, holding his hands

The girls who were planning to talk Aayan were not happy with this, and they glared at Ananya, who rolled her eyes, right on their faces

'Let's welcome the couple together...' Mr. Sagar turns to his wife, who had a frown on her face

'This means you guys are separated...?' Disha's mom asks, looking accusingly at Ananya and she gets confused

Aayan didn't like the way she glared at his wife, so he steps in front of Ananya, and answers on her behalf

'That's our personal affair Aunty ji...' he says sternly, still maintaining his calm, and Disha's mother gets the message that she cannot misbehave with Aayan's wife or him

Tension was visible from both the sides, but none of them said anything

Ved and Vansh didn't like the way Disha's mother and sister looked at Ananya, whereas Naina who was wheeled by Vansh, gestures them to be quiet

The guests were welcomed and Sameer was made to sit near the fire altar, surrounded by his family members, his childhood caretaker Mr. Yadav was there too

Sameer sat there waiting for Disha to come, and Ananya and Aayan sat behind him, Aayan was adjusting Sameer's stole

'I didn't like the way Disha's mom looked at you Annie...' Sameer says to Ananya

'Let it be Sameer, she is your mother in law, don't think ill about her...' Ananya says

'That doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants... Even I didn't like her behaviour with you...' Aayan states

'You guys are overthinking, it's nothing...' Ananya tries to calm both of them down

Disha's father walks towards Jai and Arjun, he looked worried, he said something to them and Jai looks pissed at this and so does Arjun

'Aayan, Sameer come with me...' Jai orders them, and others get worried looking at his angry expression

Sameer and Aayan look at each other and get up, Ananya too got up, but Arjun gestured her to stay there

'Ananya beta, you stay here, it's something us men need to discuss...' Jai says, and gestured his sons to follow him, Arjun did the same..

So Aayan, Sameer, Jai, Arjun, Ved, Vansh along with Disha's father walked out of the hall, and the relatives shot them curious glances

Ananya had a intuition that this was related to her and Aayan, so she anyway decided to follow them, even when Naina tried to stop her

'I'll be fine Maa...' She assures Naina and walks out of the hall

In the adjoining room

'What happened Papa...?' Aayan asks and Jai looks at Disha's father, who gulped

'Is everything okay...?' Ved asks, but no one answers

'Why are we here...?' Sameer asks losing his patience

'Your mother in law has some objections with this marriage...' Arjun says, he had a irritated expression on his face

'What objections ?' Vansh asks holding Sameer's shoulder

'This is absurd, my brother is the best man any girl can get... Why is she....' Aayan began, but he was cut off by Disha's mother

'I don't have objections with Sameer, I have problem with my Son In Law and daughter living with you and your wife after wedding...' Disha's mom sneers

'Are you serious Aunty ji ! What did they do...?' Vansh remarks angrily

'I was under the impression that Ananya is Jai Bhai sahab's daughter, and will go back to her house after the wedding... I am not comfortable with my daughter living with a woman who wrecked her own house...!'

Ananya who heard this from outside gasps, while the men fist their hands, except Disha's dad who looked down in embarrassment

'With all due respect I have for you Aunty ji, you cannot accuse my wife for something like that...!' Aayan comes forward, before anyone could say anything

'If you don't know the whole story, you shouldn't comment on it Sunita ji..' Arjun backs Aayan

'What's there to know Arjun Bhai sahab, The girl who couldn't save her own marriage, will try to wreck my daughter's life as well, and no offence I have heard about her dominating nature in the workplace, I don't want my Disha to become her servant after marriage...'  Mrs. Sunita sneers

Sameer took a deep breath at this, he wanted to answer, but Jai gestured him not to...

'Aunty ji, my sister is not a home wrecker, I would warn you to watch your words from here, one more cooked up accusation against her, and I will forget where I am and how should I behave...' Vansh warns

'Vansh' Ved and Arjun stop him

'Aunty ji, have you ever talked to her ? How can you think something like that...' Ved says, he was the only one who was calm there

'If a girl can leave a husband like Aayan, she cannot value relations...' Disha's mom argued

Ananya was in tears hearing all the accusations against her, she covers her mouth to prevent a sob from escaping

Aayan seemed to lose his patience at this point, he looks at Sameer and mutters a quick sorry

'What do know about Aayan, Aunty ji ? Do you think he's a very good man, Who fell into the traps of a vile woman like Ananya and ultimately suffered his fate ?' Aayan says angrily and the men were alerted

Ananya too was scared now, she was sure that the anger which Aayan held for so many days would be out today, which will ultimately affect Sameer's wedding 

'I'll tell you the truth, first of all my marriage with her is not over, we are legally married, AND it's also not as good as dead, because we still love each other and the reason for our separation was not Ananya, but me... I ran away, not because she was not good, but I was a coward !' Aayan exclaims, he was angry but he didn't raise his voice

Everyone looked at him shocked, and Ananya too was startled

'Ananya is one such strong woman, who after losing her own baby, raised my adopted child, took care of my family as her own and built her career, supported Sameer in his worst times, she did all this when she could've easily left my house and started a new life ! But she didn't, You know why ? Because she understands the value of relations, and no offense I think better than you...' Aayan says to Disha's mom who looked ashamed now

'No ordinary girl could have a patience like my sister Aunty Ji... And you think she will trouble your daughter...?' Ved backs up Aayan

'She's a blessing to my house Sunita ji, please don't say anything against her, because you hardly know her...' Jai says

'I must have done some really pious deeds in my previous life aunty ji, that I am blessed with a wife like her, I didn't cherish her when she was with me, so this is what I get... What's Ananya's fault in this...?' Aayan asks, while Ananya wipes her tears 

'When the fault lies in both of them, I don't understand why only the woman is blamed...!' Arjun states angrily, Now Disha's parents were embarrassed

'Our sister was not at fault, you cannot judge her like this...' Vansh says

Arjun wipes his tears at this, his daughter had been subjected to such insults multiple times, and being a father it would always break his heart, for being helpless at such times

'I will throw my own son out of the house Sagar ji, but Ananya stays, she is way too precious for me...' Jai declares

'If you have issues with Me living with my brother and sister in law, I am sorry Aunty Ji, I will not marry Disha' Sameer finally speaks up and Disha's parents gasp

'Don't say like this beta ji... Disha will be heartbroken...' Disha's dad pleads

'I can't live happily with her uncle ji, if she costs me my family... I am sorry...'  Sameer joins his hands in front of him

Ananya couldn't see this anymore, she wanted to go inside and take charge of the situation, but Deepika held her arms, stopping her from moving forward

'Deeps, Sameer will break the alliance, let me stop him..' Ananya whines

'Have faith on your husband, he won't let that happen...' Deepika says

'Sameer, we'll leave the house you don't have to...' Aayan began

'No bro, I am not leaving you and Annie at any cost, after a very long time, I finally got a real family, I won't lose you guys for anyone...' Sameer says looking at Disha's mom

'I second Sameer on this...' Vansh says standing beside Sameer

Sameer looked absolutely determined on his words, there was no way anyone could change his decision, Disha's mom gulped at this, she got scared for her daughter's future, her stupid deed can cost her daughter a guy like Sameer 

'But...' She begin

'Enough Sunita ji, you've already embarrassed me, I shouldn't have let you speak at the first place ! Now keep your mouth shut, otherwise our daughter will face the consequences...'  Disha's Dad scolds his wife

'Verma ji, please forgive us, I am really ashamed for what my wife said, Please, we don't want to break this alliance, *turns to Aayan* Betaji, I am really sorry for whatever your Aunty said, she misunderstood you guys, please don't hold grudge against us...' Disha's dad pleads and Aayan looks at Jai, who in turn looks at Arjun

They nod in affirmation and Aayan hold's Disha's father's hands which were folded in front of him

'Please don't embarrass me Uncle ji, I apologise for losing my patience, it's just that I cannot bear any badmouthing against my wife, believe me she has suffered more than any normal girl could, and when people make judgemental comments about her character, I couldn't control my rage...' Aayan says, maintaining his calm and Ananya on the other side was in tears listening to this

Ved and Vansh look at each other, while Arjun to smiled faintly listening Aayan take his daughter's side

'Let's forget something like this happened here, and go to the hall, the relatives must be intrigued by our sudden departure...' Jai suggests

'Bring Disha to the venue Sunita Ji, and I want you to be at your best behaviour with Ananya... Am I clear on that...?' Sagar says sternly to his wife and she nods looking down

'Come Sameer...' Aayan pats Sameer's shoulders, who smiles at him

'I am so proud of you Big Bro... You stood up for your wife, I wish she could see this...' Sameer grinned

'This is the least I can do Sameer, she has done way more, If I become her slave for this life, even then I won't be able to repay her for what she has gone through...' Aayan sighs

'I agree with you on this Jeejaji...' Vansh teases

'Let's go...' Arjun says and the men walk out of the room, Ananya and Deepika quickly hide themselves behind the doors so that no one looks at them

Ananya wipes her tears and smiles, Deepika hugs her tightly at this...

'I know how you feel, being protected by our loved ones is the best feeling ever...' She smiles

'No Deeps, being protected by someone with whom you never had any hopes is the best feeling ever...' Ananya corrects her

'Aayan would kill for you, you know that right.....?'

'Now I know...' Ananya smiles

He can do much more than this for you Annie


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