Chapter 122c

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Marriage Hall

The men walked towards the marriage set up and Sameer takes his seat in front of the fire altar and Aayan sits behind him, Others too took their seats, while the relatives looked at them curiously..

The Bride's side too started gathering in the marriage hall, Disha's cousins and father gestured the helpers to resume their work of serving snacks to the guests, and avoided any sort of questions from the curious onlookers

'Bro, we can cancel this wedding you know...' Sameer whispers to Aayan, who smacks his head

'I thought you were smarter than this, why you are talking like idiots ! You don't break marriages over these minor glitches...' He scolds him

'She can't insult you guys like that, who knows what she will teach Disha and send to our house...' Sameer exclaims

'You think Disha is like her mother and dislikes us too ?'

'Of course not ! She loves you guys and admires Annie, like anything...' Sameer answers immediately

'Then we have nothing to worry about...' Aayan says patting Sameer's shoulders who sighs

Naina looks at Arjun questioningly who simply smiled at her, indicating nothing was wrong, not  convinced she looks at Jai, who does the same, she narrows her eyes at them and gestures Khushi to go towards Ved and Vansh

Khushi walks towards Vansh and Ved, who were discussing something among themselves

'What happened there Bhai..?' she asks Ved

'Nothing Khushi, not something to worry about....' Ved replies smiling and Khushi looks at him suspiciously

'Maa wants to know...' Khushi points at Naina who were looking at her sons, as if warning them about something 

The twins gulp and then look at each other, and look towards their father, who wasn't paying attention on them, was sitting lost in deep thoughts and sighed

Just then Disha enters the hall, smiling towards Sameer who smiled back at her, though he didn't look pleased, She was followed by her mother and sister, who avoided looking at the men of the groom's side, they were ashamed of what her mother did a while ago...

Aayan looks around to find Ananya but couldn't see her anywhere

'Hey where is Anan...' he turned towards Sameer to ask, but then looks at him, who was staring at Disha admiringly and smiles

'Aaye haaye, koi to rok lo....'  Aayan teases and Sameer looks away, turning red

'Make bride sit beside the Groom...' The priest instructs, and they did as instructed

Naina seemed to be distracted by this and so were the other relatives, hence the curious glances were gone now, Twins tried to divert the topic by cracking some lame jokes, but Khushi raised her brows at them

'You guys are lying...' she says

'It's nothing worth discussing Khushi, go tell Maa that everything is fine...' Vansh replies and Khushi sighs

'Fine don't tell me... I'll ask Deeps or Annie about it...' Khushi huffs and starts walking towards Naina

Ved and Vansh look at each other shocked and Vansh grabs Khushi's arms pulling her backwards

'Oww, easy there...' she hits Vansh

'How will Annie and Deepika know what happened there...?' Ved asks

'Because they followed you guys, I thought they were with you inside...' Khushi replies and Vansh's hands turn cold

'This means....' Ved began

'She heard everything...' Vansh completed his sentence

'Oh no...' They hear Arjun's low voice from behind and turn around to look at him

'What's going on guys ? What did she hear...? Was that not meant for her to listen...? What happened inside...?' Khushi shots questions at them

'Go tell Aayan....' Arjun says to Ved who rushed towards Aayan

'Vansh... You guys are scaring me...' Khushi says worried

'Don't tell anything to your Maa... We'll explain everything later, okay...?' Arjun instructs Khushi who nods

They see Deepika walking towards them, and Vansh runs towards her

'Where is Annie ? What did you guys hear...? Is she okay....?' He asks and Deepika sighs and looks at Vansh, Ved and Aayan join them too

'Deepika where is Ananya...?' Aayan asks worriedly

'She's gone...' Deepika says and the men look at her shocked 

'Gone ? Where ?!' Arjun asks

'I don't know, we heard what Sameer's mother in law said, she was really upset about it, but then she heard you taking her side and calmed down a bit.. I asked her to come with me, but she wanted some time alone...' Deepika says looking at Aayan

'And you let her go ?' Aayan asks

'I had no choice, she wasn't ready to listen...' Deepika began

'Come on Deepika, how could you...' Ved scolds her

'See, she left in Vansh's car and I immediately came to you guys to inform... So now instead of scolding me, go behind her....' Deepika says and the men look at each other

'She's right, all three of you go find her right now, I'll take care of the things here and no need to say anything to Naina....' Arjun orders them, the twins and Aayan nod at this

'I'll go check our house....' Ved says

'I'll go check my house...' Aayan says

'I'll go to the airport...' Vansh says and they look at him bewildered

'What ? Last time he ran away, who knows this time she decides to run away....' Vansh says and Aayan - Arjun's heartbeats pace at this

'Don't say things like this Vansh' Arjun says scared

'Yeah, please....' Aayan says

'Send someone at the railway station as well then...' Khushi suggests

'Ananya never travels with trains Khushi, no need to send anyone there....' Deepika says

'What if this time she decides to....' Khushi began

'Ananya didn't run away alright...!' Aayan exclaims and Khushi goes quiet

'Keep us informed, if she comes back here okay....?' Ved says to Khushi and Deepika who nod

'Go now....' Arjun says and the guys walk out of the marriage hall..

Jai and Sameer who see this from distance get worried too, but as the wedding rituals already started, none of them could get up from their spots

Where are you Annie...?

3 hours later..
Aayan and Jai's old house, where Ananya came to live after marriage...

Aayan drives the car towards the entrance door and is surprised to see the lights on, it's been 2 weeks since they shifted back to their old house which faced the Thapar's and almost all of their stuff was shifted there, so there was no reason for anyone to comeback here...

While searching for her in his current house, something came to his mind and he decided to search for her here...

His phone rings and he picks up without seeing the ID, and walked inside the house which was almost empty, with no furnitures

'Hello ?' he answers

'Did you find her...? She's not at my house...' Ved asks

'Mine neither...' Aayan says looking upstairs which was almost dark, but there was light coming from the left hallway

'I hope Vansh finds her at the airport...' Ved says, while Aayan walked upstairs, towards the light

'I think I found her...' Aayan says walking towards the room from where the light came in

'What ? Where...?' Ved asks

'At my old house, i'll call you later...' Aayan says and hangs up before Ved could say anything

He walked towards the source of light and stood in front of the door, debating to go inside or not

It was his studio, his once upon a time happy place, the room which was now full of Ananya's portraits

Why does she have to come here...

He takes a deep breath and pushed the door, to get inside and found her staring at a portrait with tears in her eyes, she didn't seem to notice his arrival

He slowly walks towards her and stands right behind her, seeing the painting he couldn't control his tears as well

It was Ananya's pencil sketch holding an infant, she was looking at him lovingly in it, this is what Aayan imagined how she would look, when she holds their child, but unfortunately when they lost their child Aayan hid this painting in the far corner

Aayan saw that all his paintings were scattered around the room, and he realised that Ananya did this, because after his return from USA, he didn't even visit his art studio, he actually forgot about it

Ananya who was staring at the sketch, realised someone's presence behind her and wiped her tears

'You didn't tell me that you liked to paint me this much....' She says, bringing his attention to her

'I made these when Vansh took you away from me... I missed you so much at those times so.....' he answers truthfully

'I must say they are beautiful, you've portrayed me much prettier than reality...' She says looking around

'I couldn't paint your beauty in these canvases.... You are far more beautiful than these....' Aayan says and she smiles

'But I really love this one...' she turns back to the mother child portrait

Aayan smiles and wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer, and she rested her head on his chest, taking a deep breath

'Mine too...' He says

'Did you have a name in mind ?' Aayan asks and she chuckles

'No, I didn't get that much time with the baby to think about it...' she replies and he nods

'Did you...?'

'Nope, but I knew it was a girl...' he says

'I thought it was a boy...' she replies

'We were really happy back then, right...?'

'Yeah...' she smiles

'Until I ruined....' he began, when she holds his hands tightly

'Please don't, I don't want to recall those miserable days...' she says and Aayan pursed his lips, caging her in his hold

None of them say anything for a while, Ananya sighs and frees herself from his hold

'So you were never going to show me these paintings ?' she asks

'I... Uh... I don't... Um... I Have no idea....'

'Classic you...' she taunts and Aayan sighs internally

'They are really good you see, I would like to keep some of them with me... Especially this one...' she looks at the mother infant painting

Negative thoughts filled Aayan listening to this statement, he takes a deep breath and gathers courage to ask this to her

'Um... Why did you leave the wedding.....?'

'I think Sameer can get married without me...' she says casually

'Of course he can, but why aren't you there...? I mean I know that you heard...' He began

'Disha's mother calling me a home wrecker ? Yeah I did....' she completes his sentence

'Ananya, you don't have to pay attention to all the stupid accusations of the society....'

'I've been listening to a lot worse than what Disha's mom said today Aayan, I am immune to them... Don't worry....' she says and Aayan's feels guilty again

After a while, he finally looks up to her
'What can I do to compensate all that...? Please tell me...'

'Compensate ? You think you can compensate for my emotions Aayan ?' she looks at him in disbelief

'I want you to be Happy Ananya, and I'll do anything for that....'

'I am no more the dreamy girl, who needs a prince to make her happy... You are not responsible for my happiness....'

'But I am responsible for your misery... Punish me for my mistakes, please I beg you...' he pleads

'Why do you damage things at the first place, and then behave like this....!' she exclaims

'I swear on you, this is the last time I am doing this... You have no idea how sorry I am....'

'I know you are sorry.... Otherwise you wouldn't have returned...' she says in a low voice

'I know that I was a coward to run away back then, That stupid Aayan had to go away, for this Aayan to come back to you.... And I promise you that if I commit any mistake this time, I'll own it like a man, and not run away....' he says

Ananya doesn't say anything, she turns her back at him and takes a deep breath

'Why did you pack your bags ?' she asks after a while

'I thought, if you decide to end our marriage, I'll move out...' he says in a low voice

'So you already predicted my judgement...?' she raised her brows

'I prepared for the worst...' he replies

'You think you'll be fine if this ends ?'


'But you want this to end...?'

'Only if you want....'

'What do you want ?' she asks

'I doesn't matter Ananya... All I know, that I'll do whatever makes you happy and finally get you out of the misery....' he states firmly

'So you are saying you'll be fine to see me with some other man...?' she asks, he takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes

'I can see you with my sworn enemy, if he keeps you happy....' he states

'Sacrificing is not something Aayan will do...'

'Old Aayan wouldn't do that, but this one will... You know why ?'

'Why ?'

'Because this Aayan loves you more than his life...' he takes her palm and places it over his chest, so that she can feel his heartbeat

'What I was in the past, was because of my parents, what I have become today, is because of you... It's like a new life you've given to me, you own it... Do whatever you want to... I won't say a word...' he says looking straight into her eyes and she was speechless

'Why do you think i will leave...?' she asks after a while

'Because once in our fights you stated out of rage, 'I will never be yours' to me, it's haunting me for years now....'

'And you think that's coming true...?'

'You have no Idea how badly i want it to reverse' he says, tears glistening in his eyes

She sighs removing her hand from his chest and walks towards her bag placed on the chair and takes out a paper from it, Aayan's hands turns cold at this, his heart hammering inside his chest

This is it... She's divorcing me...

'Before I decide what to tell you, I want you to know something....' she hands him the paper

He looks at the paper, which looked like some medical report from a hospital

'What is this...?' he looks at her, somewhere he was relieved that this wasn't a divorce paper

'These are my reports that came yesterday...' she informs

'Why do you need to see a doctor ? Are you okay ?' he looks at the paper

'I have medical condition, and you should know about it....'

'Alright, What is it....?'

'After you left, I started having troubles with my cycles because of the miscarriage of course, and then after few months they turned painful... So... I had to see a doctor....' she says not looking at him

'Okay.... So.... What did he say....?' he says fiddling with the paper in his hands

She takes a deep breath and wipes the tears brimming in her eyes and turns to look at him

'It turns out, I got some infection during the incident, which was neglected initially by the doctors and then by me, because I didn't really pay attention to what was happening inside my body, I had no idea what was going on, so I didn't notice that something was wrong with my monthly cycles....' she says looking at him, who looked worried now

'Are you okay now though ? I hope it didn't turn out to be something serious....' he says, opening the envelope

'No it didn't, but something bad did happen because of it....' she says, her voice getting heavy now, Aayan looks up at her and gets scared seeing her almost in tears

'Why ? What's wrong.... Please tell me you don't have any terminal illness....' he says catching her by her shoulders and she couldn't control her tears now, and starts crying

'God Ananya, you are scaring me... Please tell me,  I'll find the best doctor, nothing will happen to you....'  he says panicked

'No, I am not terminally ill, but...' she chokes on her words

'But....?' he encourages her

'But the doctor says I may never be able to be a mother again.... *sob* because some form of tumor was formed because of the prolonged infection *sob* and....and they had to remove it surgically around a year ago, but the problem still persisted, and now they say that the linings in my womb are so thin that they won't be able to.... To... hold a child...'  she starts crying, covering her face and Aayan is stunned

'I'll never be a mom Aayan.... Our life will always be incomplete....' she cries

Aayan didn't know what to say, with much difficulty he managed to live with the grief of losing his child, this was always going to stay with him, but now the grief of not being able to be a dad ever again, felt like someone punched a hole in his heart

He was numb, he always wanted a mini version of him or Ananya, he wanted to be a better father for his children, he wanted to provide the best to them, but now, if there won't be any child, how will he fulfil all his desires...

But then he remembers he has Amayraa, and it doesn't matter she's not his own, he loved her, Ananya loved her, they don't need any child to complete them, Right now he and Ananya were the broken pieces, which were held together by Amyraa, and these broken pieces fit just perfectly

Anyway Ananya was the woman that matters to him, not the child produced by her, yes the kid would be an additional blessing, but she was the angel sent to him by god, to mend his broken existence, there was no way he was going to leave her because of this, it's okay if they can't have a kid, if she stays with him, he'll be the happiest and content man alive

He quickly wiped off his tears and engulfed Ananya in a tight hug, and she didn't protest either, she hugged him back and sobs on his chest, they held each other like this after a long time, and both of them felt solace after what felt like eternities to them

After a while, Ananya leaves him and wipes her tears, he kissed her head and wipes his own tears

'Now tell me Aayan, do you want to live with a woman like me ? Who cannot give you the happiness of being a father....? You don't have to get emotional, I'll give you time to think....' she began but he cut her off in between

'I don't care, I don't need a child from you, I need you.... I am more than happy with you and Amayraa with me...' he says immediately without thinking

'You are being emotional here... After a while you may want to have a kid of your own... What will you do then, I don't want you to hate me because of this....Take your time I am saying...' she says wiping her tears

'I don't want any time, you think I fell in love with you because of your child bearing capacity ?' he exclaims

'You will be stuck with a woman who cannot provide you with a child, the basic happiness that every man is entitled to...' she began

'Why are you associating all our happiness with a child Ananya...? You are a 21st century, educated, independent woman, why are you talking like some lady in 1960s....! I will be happy with YOU... Understand ? Not with the child you give me, but YOU... And I am not saying this because I am high on emotions right now, if you intoxicate me with  alcohol and ask me this, I bet you, my answer will be the same....' he says gripping her in his arms

'What if in future, we want....' she began

'I am sure there will be 100s of option to deal with it, but there is only one you... I don't want to trade you for anything....' he says calmly

Ananya who expected him to run away from this as well was shook internally, she didn't think that he will readily accept her with this major flaw, she thought he will ask for sometime and then leave her, but he didn't

'But you badly want to be a dad...' she argues

'Only if the mother of that child is you...' he says wiping her tears

'What if people taunt...' she began

'To hell with them, it's you who matters to me, not others, I will fight the entire world for you, trust me on this....' he says looking straight into her eyes

She went speechless at this and her heart started beating at an uneven pace, looking at him

His hazel brown orbs never failed to mesmerize her, and today, was no different, she wanted to get out of his hold, but her body reacted differently

If this is not love for you Ananya, I don't know what definition you have for it

Yes he was a crazy man, but he changed himself to be the most sorted one

Yes he was impulsive, but today the way he dealt with Sameer's in laws was really mature

Yes he was a coward to run away, but he came back to own his mistakes, knowing very well that you may never forgive him

Yes he was selfish, but now he's ready to trade his fatherhood to be with you

He is changed Annie, he is not the arrogant man you met in your garden 5 years ago, he is not the broken man you married... He is Aayan, your Aayan... The man who changed himself for you...

'Say something Ananya....' he says softly shaking her

She looks at him, he looked hopeful, concerned, yet determined to face the consequence at the same time

'Do you think Sameer will be married by this time ?' she asks

He looks at her confused, and then at his watch

'Yeah, I mean it's been 3 hours so maybe he will be.... Why ?'

'As I said, after his marriage, I'll tell you what I want....' she looks at him

'Uh... Yeah.... I know...'

'One last time Aayan... What do you want....?' she asks

'Again Ananya, no matter how much I want to be with you, I want you to decide what your heart says without thinking about the consequences...' he states firmly

'You deserve a punishment for running away, you know....' she says standing up and he gets up too

His hands turn cold, he wanted to cry, but he didn't... Somewhere deep down he knew he deserved it

'I know, and I ready for it....'

This is it, this is the end of my story...

She looks at him and he looked nervous as hell, like some kid waiting for his results, he was fiddling with his fingers, trying to act cool, but it was obvious that he was scared, really scared

Can I trust him ?

What more proofs do you need !

'You know what Aayan, after you left. I decided, I will never ever take you back in my life... Never ever trust you....' she says angrily and he looks down, closing his eyes

'I know and I deserve it....' he says

'But you clawed your way back into my life... I thought, I throw you out again by showing everyone that you are still immature, but you are not...
Then I thought i'll prove that you are insecure, stubborn and have no control over your temper, but you prove me wrong again... You know how to love your family and do sacrifices for them... This was quite unexpected from you... How did you do it...? How do I know that you aren't pretending again....' she exclaims and he looks at her confused

'I am not pretending Ananya, I really changed myself, I did it for you.... For us...' he holds her hands

'And you think this will be enough for you to get my forgiveness ?' she asks and he leaves her hand

'No... I mean.... Yeah.... No not like 'Yes' yeah, but.... I don't know whether this was enough or not.... And I also don't know what should I do to... Deep down I want you to forgive me, but also know that I don't deserve one... But... I also....' he began blabbering

Don't lose him Annie, because deep down you know, no matter how a perfect man comes in front of you, you are always going to choose him... You have loved the most imperfect man in this world, and you will never ever love anyone like this... A voice inside her said

Aayan was hell nervous right now, he didn't know what to say, he was trying to utilize the last chance he has to convince her to get back to him, but he realized that he was failing miserably as he couldn't find the right words to express it

'Look at you Aayan...! You are a mess.... You don't even know what to say....' she exclaims

'Yeah I know, I am a mess.... But....' he began, but she silences him by placing her palm over his mouth and he looks at her bewildered

'You are the most stupid man in this world, no matter what you try to do, you mess up things...' she says looking into his eyes and he nods like a innocent child

Forget I will never be yours Annie, you can't be anyone's but his... The voice said again

'Yes you are a mess Aayan Verma, but you are my mess.... And only I can deal with you, no one else....' she says with tears in her eyes and Aayan's eyes widen at this, he wanted to open his mouth to express his shock, but Ananya's hand was covering it

'You are not going anywhere, neither am I.... We stay, we stay like this forever, and this is your punishment, that you are stuck with me for life, whether you like it or not...' she says softly and tears roll down his eyes

He removes her palm from his mouth and wipes his tears 'This is the best punishment ever' he smiles and pulls her in his arms, hugging her tightly

'I love you....' he says smiling, not leaving her

'I love you more....' she smiles, hugging him even more tighter

Ved and Vansh who saw this from outside, wipe their tears smiling and look at each other

'Shall we go in....?' Vansh asks

'Why do you have wrong timings for everything, stay here...' Ved smacks him

'Fine. I'll call Papa....' Vansh says and dials Arjun's number

On the other side, Arjun after attending Vansh's call was in tears, he was elated that his princess was finally going to be happy, tears of happiness rolled down his eyes

Jai who was talking to Naina, saw this and gets concerned, Naina too looks at him and worriedly looks at Jai, he wheels Naina towards him and holds Arjun's shoulder

'What's wrong Bud...?'

'Everything has just become right bud ! Our kids lives are sorted now, they've decided to be together Jai.... My princess, and your Pride....' Arjun exclaims in tears and Jai - Naina were in tears too

'Now I can die in peace...' Jai exclaims happily and Arjun chuckles and hugs him tightly

Naina too wipes her tears and holds Arjun's hands which were outstretched towards her while he hugged Jai

'I love you...' Arjun mouths to her

'I love you more...' she replies

Inside the art room, Aayan let go of her and holds her face in his palms

'You have no idea how happy I am right now....' he says

'But you have to promise that you won't....' she began, but he cuts her off

'Cross my heart Ananya Thapar, you'll never regret this....' he says

'I hope so...' she smiles and he kisses her forehead

'You are mine...' he says looking into her eyes

'Yes I am all yours....' she smiles, looking lovingly at him

He smiles and presses his lips on hers, kissing her with all the love he held for her, and she kissed him back with equal passion

'Damn it, I was avoiding to encounter this all these years...' Vansh closes his eyes and turns his face to another direction

'My buddy and my sister are finally happy....' Ved wipes his tears

'Look away you creep...' Vansh turns Ved's face to another direction

Ved chuckles and looks away
'Let's wait for them downstairs....' he says and they walk away from there

Ananya and Aayan leave for air and look at each other, their foreheads touching

'I love you so much Ananya Thapar, thank you for coming in my life and changing me forever....' he smiles

'It's Ananya Verma now and I am glad that I got to be with you, the one and only crazy man I fell in love with....' she smiles back

He hugs her once again, and she hugs him back
They were meant to be, no matter how wrong they were for each other, they just fit right together...

Neither of their's existence was possible without another, it's true, two wrongs never make right, but it's also correct, that two minuses make a plus...

You can't deny what's in your fate, all the sufferings, pains, tears meant for you, do come, but it's also true where there is pain, there is happiness...

Not everyone gets their prince charmings, some have to make theirs, Ananya's prince charming did come, but he was broken, when she came to his life, he mend himself...

A marriage started with hate and tears, will go on with love and smiles...

And together they were going to live Happily Ever After....

'Shall we go back to the wedding hall...?' she asks, lightly pushing him away

'I think they can wait for sometimes....' he smiles pulling her closer, capturing her lips again, and closed the art room's door

Ananya's angry declaration to Aayan of 'her being never be his', brought multiple twists and turns in their lives, but finally they crossed all the hurdles to live happily ever after...

Not all endings are fairy tale perfect, but they are perfect in their own way....


Ladies and Gentlemen, Well mostly Ladies...

The most awaited end of this super long book called 'I Will Never Be Yours' is here

I really really hope you liked it...

Your wait for 3 years is finally over, no more frustrations on slow or no updates, you won't have to send more 'update' messages and get angry on your stupid writer, so please don't hate me now 😁😁 *pouts*

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