Chapter 15

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Thapar's Residence...
7:30 p.m.

Naina, Arjun, Radhika, Rehaan, Jai and Sash are sitting in the living room chatting about random things..

'I am thinking to retire from office now... Even you should do that Naina, it's high time to live for ourselves...' Radhika said

'That's what I suggested, but like always she never listens to me... ' Arjun said and Naina chuckled

'I love working there Rads, and if I quit, i'll be bored like hell in the house....' Naina said

'You hardly sit in the house woman, I've always seen you doing some or the other work... ' Jai laughs

'Exactly, you are 55 ! And work like a 25 year old, you are stressing yourself a lot Naina, even you need rest...' Sash said

'Why aren't anyone asking them to quit E market... ' Naina complains pointing at Arjun and Jai..

'Woahh..  I retired last year... Don't point at me... ' Jai said raising his hands in defense

'I'll leave E market, as soon as Ved learns how to run it, it would've be nice if Vansh joined him too... But someone here didn't let me force him... ' Arjun said looking at Sash, who chuckled

'The boy is living his dream Bhai, let him do whatever he is doing... ' Sash replied patiently

'Ved is smart Arjun, he will handle E market efficiently, afterall he is your junior version *Jai chuckles at this* and after few years Rudra and Viraj will join him... ' Rehaan says and Arjun nods approvingly

'I am very much impressed by Aayan's achievements, that boy surely is special... ' Sash said

'Speaking of which, Naina why don't you.... ' Rads began but Rehaan cut her off in between

'Radhika we have had this conversation before okay, you are not doing anything like that again... ' He warned

'But, I was just giving suggestion...' Rads said defensively

'What is it...?' Naina asks

'Nothing, it's stupid...' Rehaan huffs

'It's not stupid okay, I was saying why don't you get Ved and Aayan married..' Rads countered

'Marriage ! I... I don't know Rads, they are still very young....' Naina said and Jai nods approvingly

'But, It's the right age....Even we... ' Rads said..

'Radhika !  Why don't you ever listen to me, there is nothing called as right age, it happens when it's meant to be... ' Rehaan whined

'Adhiraj was married at this age okay..' Radhika says angrily

'And he is a widower at 29 with a kid ! Tell me, how this 'early marriage' benefitted my son ?' Rehaan countered angrily

'Calm down both of you.... ' Arjun said, Rads eyes filled with tears

'Radhika, I Think Naina is right, both of them are quite young... And I won't force Ved and Vansh to get married, because I think it's time... They'll do that whenever they feel like....' he continued 

'Okay, whatever you say... ' Radhika says wiping her tears and Naina holds her hands

'Sooo...  When is Ayesha's wedding...?' Sash said changing the topic

Radhika was excited immediately at this, she wiped her tears and clapped her hands excitedly

'Yeah...! I was about to say, I've just finished designing her lehenga, my princess will look like a queen in it... ' she exclaimed and they all chuckled

'When is the wedding...?' Arjun asked

'3 months later... ' Rehaan sighed

'Aww don't be a cry baby...!' Naina teased him

'Yeah? Let Ananya get married, then I'll see who is the bigger crybaby... ' Rehaan countered

Arjun stiffened at this...

'I won't cry like you okay, I can't say anything about her father... ' Naina said

Arjun didn't say anything...

'Naah, my man here won't cry, he is strong, just like me... ' Jai said hugging Arjun from side

'Oo please...!  I still have your photographs from Nitaara's wedding okay...!  You both cried like a baby... ' Sash laughed

'Girls are their father's princesses...' Radhika smiled

'True... ' Jai and Rehaan agreed

'Anyway, Did you think about Ananya's.... ' Rads began

'Radhika !' Rehaan warned

'Are I was asking about graduation...  Not wedding...  It has time... I understand okay...!' Rads glared at him and others chuckled 

Arjun was silent during all these...

Rads showed Naina pictures of Ayesha's wedding outfit...

'Oh My God Rads... It's so beautiful...
Ayesha will look gorgeous in this...' Naina said in awe...

'I know... ' Rads grinned

'I'm definitely gonna order you  to design my Ananya's wedding dress.. ' Naina exclaimed

'I'll design a better one for my precious girl... ' Rads said

'No need for that... ' Arjun said

All of them looked at him bewildered

'Arjun what are you saying...?' Jai asked

'Ananya will not get married ! I won't give her to anyone okay... '  Arjun said angrily

'You are being unreasonable... One day he has to get....' Naina began

'No she doesn't ! She won't leave this house as far as I am alive, and even after I am gone, I'll make sure she stays protected...' Arjun cut her off

'Arjun... You can't... ' Naina began

'I already lost my elder daughter okay...!  I am not losing Ananya at any cost....! I don't care what world thinks... My girl will stay with me, forever !' Arjun shouts and walked out of the room

Everyone was shocked at his outrage, Naina was in tears and Radhika hugged her tightly

'It's okay... Don't cry... ' Rads consoled her

'He'll never get over that... ' Naina sobbed

'Sash give me a hand please... ' Jai said asking Sash to help him get up

Sash helped him stand and gave him his support stick and He walked towards Arjun's direction

At Arjun's Study...

Arjun was standing at the corner of the study, facing the window, tears filled in his eyes

He was looking at Ananya, Ved and Aayan talking outside in the garden

Seeing Ananya's injured leg his heart pained, he cringed at the thought that what pain his girl must've gone through while doctor was treating her

He was always over protective for Ananya, he would almost get a panic attack seeing his princess cry...

He always wanted her in front of his eyes, and would go restless if didn't see her for a day...

He took a deep breath, when Jai put his hand on Arjun's shoulder and wiped his tears away...

'You can cry in front of me, you know that...?' Jai said hugging him

Arjun broke down in Jai's arms and was began crying badly holding his shirt

'It's okay Arjun, you have to let it go...' Jai said consoling him

'I can't.... *sob* I just cannot.... *sob* It was all my fault Jai... If I.... *sob*.....'  Arjun cried

'There is nothing you could've done to prevent that Arjun, Stop blaming yourself... You should be happy that Naina is alive.... ' Jai said

'My girl Jai...*sob* I lost my daughter and was going to lose my life that day... *sob* I can't forget that unfateful day Jai... *sob* I just can't.... ' Arjun cried

'Shhh... It's over okay... ' Jai said


23 years ago...
E market HQs,  New Delhi

'I don't understand Mrs. Singh,  how can our sales go this down...' Arjun exclaimed

Sonia looks down,  'I don't know sir... ' she said in a low voice

'We are so screwed bhai... Our shares are awfully down today....' Adi said

'Why aren't audit reports properly made....' Sash scolds his secretary who looks down

'Why did that sales executive resign...?  And where did he go...?' Jai asked

'We don't know sir, rumors say he joined the Singhals...' one employee said

'Are our investors investing in Singhals shares....?' Arjun asked

'I don't know Sir... ' The employee replied terrified

'Did I hire all of you to give me such ignorant answers !' Arjun roared and all of them were scared

'Who is leading today's shares...?' Jai asked annoyed

'Singhals... ' Sonia replied scared

'Why do I feel something fishy here... ' Adi exclaimed

'Is someone double crossing here... ' Arjun gritted glaring at his employees

His employees stare at him shocked, some of them opened their mouth to say but then his phone rang

He picked it up, seeing the ID
'Naina, I'll call later...I... ' he said but stiffened hearing the voice on the other side, his hands and legs turned cold.....

He heard Naina crying in pain in the background and one of his kid crying on the phone..

'Naina...? Are you...?  Who am I talking to ?  Ved....?' Arjun said standing up and his brothers stiffen

'Vansh..!' came the reply from other side

'Vansh what happened baby...? Why are you crying... And what happened to mumma... '  Arjun asked terrified

'Papa... Mumma fell.... *sob* She is crying.... *sob* Papa...  Mumma hurt... ' Vansh sobbed and Arjun couldn't feel his legs

'What....!' he shouted

Adi immediately dialled Ria's number..

'Where is chachi champ...?' Arjun asked,  Naina's cry in pain was still audible and Ved's crying can be heard too

'I don't know.... ' Vansh cried 

'Hold on beta, take care of Mumma, I am coming.... ' Arjun cuts the call and runs out of the cabin, followed by Jai

They drive like maniacs and reach home within 15 minutes, they also see panicked Riya entering inside the building along with them

'Bhai... Adi called, I wasn't home.... I had to buy... ' she said gasping

'It's okay... Let's go... ' Jai said as Arjun already dashed inside

They reached Ved and Vansh's room and were horrified to see the scene in front of them

'Oh my god !  Di...! 'Riya cried horrified and ran towards them...

Ved was crying holding Naina's right hand and Vansh was trying to make her drink water, Naina was wriggling in pain, holding her protruding belly, lying in the pool of blood...

She sees Arjun and cries
'Arjun...!  The baby.... Do something... Please.... ' she managed to say while gasping

Riya held Ved and Vansh, as they were crying very badly

Arjun hurriedly picked her up and she clutched his shirt panting and wincing in pain

Jai opened the door and they ran outside the house

'Take care of the boys Riya...' Jai said before leaving

'Arjun... ' Naina cried in pain

'You'll be fine okay... Just hold on... We'll reach the hospital.... ' Arjun said breathing heavily..

Jai started the car and they drove towards the hospital...

'The... Baby.... He's dy.... ' Naina whispered before getting unconscious

'Naina...!!!  Jai...  She.... ' Arjun panicked

'Don't worry were are almost there... ' Jai said seeing through rear view mirror

At the hospital...
Arjun and Jai were outside the OT, when Sash came running...

'How is Naina... How did this happen...!  And the baby...?' he asked.

Arjun didn't reply, he couldn't find his voice

'We don't know Sash, doctors didn't say anything... ' Jai said

'If... if anything happens to Naina, I'll... I'll die Sash.... ' Arjun cried

'Nothing will happen to her bhai, and the baby as well...  Please have faith...' Sash hugged him tightly

'Mr. Thapar...?' The doctor called them

Panicked they rushed towards him..

'How is Naina doctor ? And the baby ? Are they okay...!' Arjun asked

'Mrs. Thapar lost lot of blood, her pulse is low, but we are very certain she will survive sir.... ' Doctor said and Arjun sighed in relief

'However, The baby girl didn't survive... ' Doctor said

'What...!?!!?!!!!' Jai and Sash exclaimed  panicked

And Arjun couldn't feel his legs... He held Sash for support who was in tears

'Apparently, Mrs. Thapar fell flat on her belly, the baby suffered from head injury and succumbed to it, we had to remove her or else, Mrs. Thapar wouldn't have survived....  I am sorry...' Doctor explained

'Naina will be okay...! Right...?' Jai managed to say his voice cracked

'We are certain about that sir....' Doctor said

Tears rolled down Arjun's eyes, and he cried holding Sash, and Jai wiped his tears trying to support his friend...

********* End of Flashback **********

After this unfortunate event, when Ananya was born,  Arjun vowed to protect her from everything and everyone

Yes he can be dangerous when you do anything to His daughter...

He wanted to protect her from all the odds,  unaware of the fact,  that his princess was destined to become the strongest by herself


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