Chapter 16

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Aayan's POV

3 more days and I will be out of here....
I strike today's date on the calendar with the marker

'Counting days to get out of here... ' Ved walks inside my room

'Honestly, Yes.... ' I reply and Ved chuckles

'Why ? Don't you like our hospitality sir...?' He says

'Shut up ! You know the reason... ' I glare at him

'I know bro, it must be really hard for you, but why don't you forgive him...? You'll be relieved....' Ved says sitting on the bed

'Did you forgive Big dad...?' I look at him, and he looks away...

'You can't forgive your father for sending you away to the boarding school...! And you expect me to forgive my father for separating me from my mother....!' I exclaim

'It's not the same... ' Ved says

'Exactly, my hostility is justified.... ' I say and Ved didn't say anything..

'My father doesn't even know, that I have issues.... ' Ved chuckles

'Why don't you express....!' I sit beside him

'I don't want to trouble him Aayan, he is already tensed all the time, he needs help.... ' Ved said

'He has helpers okay, you should tell him about.... ' I began

'My interest was way more unrealistic than Vansh's bro, you don't know how disappointed he was when Vansh said he won't join E market... ' Ved cut me off...

'E market will get it's successors eventually, you need not sacrifice your passion for it's sake... ' I say

'I am just helping my father... I can't trouble him like my brother.... ' Ved said

This guy

'Sometimes I feel Vansh is way better than you, atleast he had the courage to stand up for his dreams... ' I said to provoke him

'You don't know how much I wish to be at Vansh's place, Aayan... ' Ved smiled

I sighed, this guy takes some pills I guess, which keeps him cool throughout....

'Ved what are you doing man...! I don't know whether to sympathize with you or get angry on you... ' I sigh

'Don't do either, just be with me...' Ved smiled..

I hugged him and he sighed, I swear I felt tear drops on my shirt, but he wiped them away quickly and I hug him more tightly at this...

'Isn't it Ironic buddy...?' I chuckle


'Our Dads followed their dreams, and now they are not allowing us to do that... ' I said with disgust

'Dad never stopped me from following my dream.... He just doesn't know that I have different interests other than E market... It was my decision to join it, he didn't force me' Ved replied

'And why he doesn't know...?' I raised my brow

'Because I was scared to tell that to him, and now it doesn't matter... ' He admitted truthfully

'I wish you find courage to stand in front of Big dad and tell him...' I say

'And I wish you find someone who fills your life with happiness....' he chuckled

I hit him and he laughs...

'Why don't you have a girlfriend btw, it's a mystery to me... You are Ved Thapar, the man girls drool over... Is everything okay...? ' I smirk at him

Now he'll be pissed for sure...

'You don't have anyone either, should I ask the same... ' He shot back annoyed


'I had a few of them... ' I reply uninterested

'They weren't relationships okay.... You dated most of them to target your rivals, as they were either related to them or their fiances... '  he said

'Yeah, and believe me, That was fun... ' I grin and wink at him

'Ever tried dating singles...?' He said sarcastically

'Naah ! They are boring...' I reply yawning

'God bless your wife.. ' he said

Never ever....

'I am not marrying anyone okay... It's all hoax and stupidity... ' I said

'We'll see... ' He smirks

'Don't divert this on me, tell me why aren't you dating anyone... '

His cheeks and ears turned red, and he looked away...

'Actually, I like someone...  But I don't think it's right to think about her like that so... Never mind... ' he shrugged his shoulders


'It doesn't matter Aayan... ' Ved tried to divert the topic

'Ved... ' I glare at him

'I'll definitely tell you about her one day, I promise... ' He said

'Okay... '

'And you'll tell me yours...?' he raised his brows

'Yeah... ' I roll my eyes

'Let's go somewhere man, I am bored with office - home routine... ' he said

'Oh so you are a human, Thank God... ' I say sarcastically

'Shut up, let's ask Vansh about best clubs in town...' he said excited

'You will drink...? And return back, with Big dad in the house...? From where did you get this bravery...?' I tease

'Maa will save us... Don't worry about it... ' He chuckled

'Yeah mom is our saviour right from start... ' I smile

'Indeed she is, first mom and now Ananya... ' Ved said

'Ananya is nothing like my Naina mom okay... ' I huff

Ved chuckles,  'She is Aayan, you just don't know, you guys always fight, once she gets closer to you, she'll be your favorite, believe me... '

'No thanks...  I don't want her to be my favorite... ' I said irritated

Her mere mention spoils my mood...

'Don't be so judgemental about my baby sister Aayan, she is an angel.. It's quite hard not to love her... Once you start liking her, you'll never think of leaving or hating her...' Ved smiled

'Hmm... '

'I hope her husband is good too... ' Ved says

Poor guy...

'All of you are very protective for her na ? Especially Big Dad...?  Ever wondered that this is turning her into a brat... ' I say

'Yeah, Papa is super protective for her,  I don't know why... But I don't complain, she is our princess, and all princesses are brats... ' He chuckled

'She will suffer once you guys leave her... Teach her how to compromise...'

'I think Papa will make sure, whoever she marries, will treat her like a queen...' Ved said

I feel sorry for that guy man...

'What if he doesn't... ' I raise my brow

'Then God save him from Papa's wrath... ' he laughed

Poor man...

'C'mon man,  let's go to mom, I want to eat pancakes made by her....' I say getting up

'Yeah !  Me too...' he said and we walked towards kitchen, to see Naina Mom...

Same time...
Ananya's room...
Narrator's POV

Deepika enters Ananya's room who was trying to walk in baby steps

'Ananya !  What the hell...' Deepika panics

'Shhh...  Don't shout, Papa is at home, he'll come.... ' Ananya shushes her

'Why are you walking...!  Didn't doctor advised for bed rest...' Deeps whisper yelled

'It's not that serious okay... See it's not paining... ' Ananya hops a little..

'Ananya !' Deepika yells horrified

'Shhhh... ' Ananya panics and rushes towards her

Just then her door opens and Ved enters inside, followed by Aayan

'What happened Annie !  Are you okay ? why is Deepika yelling..?' he asked panicked looking at Deepika...

Deepika couldn't find her voice now, she was already panicked, and seeing Ved, her heart beat accelerated like anything...

She looked away and Ved got confused..

Ananya quickly jumped on her bed, careful enough not to hurt her leg, which Ved didn't notice, but Aayan did and glared at her, at which she rolled her eyes...

'Deepika ? What happened....?' Ved asked again

'Umm.. Wo... Actually.... ' Deepika stammered and looked at Ananya who gave her a warning look...

'I think your sister did something... ' Aayan smirked

'Shut up you...!' Ananya glares at him and turns to Ved

'Nothing Bhai, you know how timid she is... She got scared of Bruno, and shouted...  That's it... ' She said and Aayan gave her a surprised look

Deepika glares at her, but didn't protest, just wiped away the sweat on her forehead...

'It's okay Deepika, Bruno is a very friendly dog, he doesn't harm anyone.... I trained him myself...' Ved smiled and Deepika was mesmerized, but she composed herself

'I... I... It was just... Uh... ' She couldn't find her voice

'Relax Deepika, have faith on my training....' Ved patted her shoulder and a chill ran down her spine

'Yea... Yeah... ' She replied meekly

Aayan looked around and then smirked...

'Where is Bruno, Deepika...?' He asked smirking at Ananya...

Both Ananya and Deepika panic and look at each other, Ved looks around too...

'Where is he...?' Ved asks

'Wo Bhai... He was here, I don't know where he went... ' Ananya said panicking

'She is lying Ved... ' Aayan evilly smiled at her

'Annie...?' Ved asked

'No !  Bhai... Don't listen to... ' Ananya said and just then Bruno comes out from her balcony and wags his tail seeing Ved...

Ananya sighs in relief,  while Deepika takes a step away from Ved, as she was really scared of Bruno

'Stupid dog... ' Aayan mutters

'There you are my boy ! Why were you hiding huh...?? See you scared Deepika... ' Ved pats Bruno lovingly and Bruno snuggles himself more into Ved's arms

Ved grabs Deepika's hands who was slowly movie away from him and pulls her closer to Bruno...

Deepika's heart began doing somersaults at this, her cheeks turned red, and Ananya chuckled at this...

'Come Deepika, let's introduce both of you... it's high time, you both should become friends now...' Ved smiled

'Ved.. I... ' Deepika managed to say

'Relax, he won't do anything... ' Ved holds her hands firmly

'Yeah Deeps, Chill... My Bruno is very friendly dog...  He likes to meet good people....' Ananya grinned

'Yeah Right... ' Aayan rolled his eyes

Ananya glared at him and continued
'And that's why he never liked Aayan... Right baby...?' she cooes to Bruno and he wags his tail happily

'Shut up you... ' Aayan glares at her

'Ananya... ' Ved warns her and she frowns

Ved slowly puts Deepika's hand on Bruno's head and Bruno sniffs her hand, She panics and holds Ved's other hand tightly at which chuckles and holds it assuringly...

'Relax... ' he said, but Deepika was all shaking inside...

He slowly pats Bruno's back with Deepika's hand and Bruno was happily wagging his tail looking at Deepika...

Ved slowly lifts his hands up and Deepika continues to caress Bruno..

He smiles seeing Deepika's other hand holding his hand tightly...

'Wow Bhai, you finally made Bruno and Deeps friends... I couldn't do that in years... ' Ananya smiled, Deepika let go of Ved's hand and he got up

'It needs talent.... ' Aayan smirks and Ananya gives him an uninterested look

'Let's go Aayan... Take care girls... ' Ved smiled and they both walked out of Ananya's room

Deepika stood there staring dreamily at the door from where Ved left..

Ananya slowly walked towards her and whispered in her ears
'Well Mrs. Ved Thapar, you can dream about your future husband later...'

Deepika turned red at this and hit her

'You really like my brother, don't you...?' Ananya teased her...

'Uh... I... ' Deepika stammered again

'Don't worry, I'll convince your parents for the marriage, my parents toh, already like you... ' Ananya grinned

'Shut up... ' Deepika blushed

'Aaye Haaye... Someone is all red... ' Ananya teased her

'I am not blushing okay... And I don't like your brother.... ' she lied

'Really...!  Ved Bhai see what she is saying about you... '  Ananya said looking behind Deepika

Deepika panicked and turned around to see no one, she sighed heavily and Ananya started laughing...

'Come here you... ' Deepika threateningly advanced towards her and Ananya ran away...

'Your leg Ananya...' Deepika said scared

'Oo come on Bhabhiji... I am not that weak okay.... ' Ananya teased further, throwing a cushion at her...

Deepika caught it and walked towards Ananya and their pillow fight session began...


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