Chapter 17

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Ananya's POV

'Wake up beautiful... ' came his soothing voice

I groan lazily and turn on the other side, and he chuckles

'Time to wake up sweetheart... We have a lot of places to see... ' he whispered in my ears, and kissed my head and I shivered

'5 more minutes....' I said and snuggled under the quilt

I could feel the mattress beside me sinking, this means he is lying on my bed with me, my heart started beating frantically at this...

'What are you doing...?' I whispered as I was super nervous

Two strong arms snaked around my waist, pulling me backwards and my back collide with a rock hard chest...

My breathing got hitched, when he brought his lips near my ear and said 'You do what you love, I'll do what I love... ' and with this he hugged me tighter...

'Where did you vanish last time...?  I couldn't even see you... ' I manage to speak

He chuckled and kissed my cheeks, that made me turn crimson red...

'You can see me now, turn around, even I want to see your beautiful eyes.... ' he said

Oh my....

'You'll turn your head away or run away like everytime....' I complained

'I swear on you, I won't do that.... ' he said, and loosened his grip on me so that I can turn

Finally !!!  I will see my dream man !
No more suspense....

I slowly turned around, but shut my eyes instantly...

'What happened Ananya...?' he asked

'I am scared... ' I say quivering

'You think I have an inverted or upside down face...?' he asked in a teasing way.. 
Or alteast I think he was teasing..

'No ! I didn't mean that.. I am just scared... ' I reply

'Don't be scared Ananya, please look at me....' he said

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at his face...


I woke up startled, my heart beating frantically...

No ! He can't be my dream man ! 
He just cannot be him...!!

'Why are you spoiling my dream...!' I yell and throw the alarm clock on the  floor out of rage...

Wow he has officially ruined my morning...!

I throw away the quilt and pillow and climb down the bed...

Maa rushed inside my room

'Ananya, Are you okay...? What happened...' she asked looking at the clock

Oh god ! Not now...

'Yeah Maa, it's nothing...' I said controlling my rage

Why am I getting irritated by her...

'Why are you standing beta, you should not... Doctor said.... ' she began, but I cut her off....

'Oo please Maa, I am fine alright.... Don't annoy me...' I shout

Maa was shocked
'Beta... I just.... ' she began

'I can take care of myself okay...!  I don't need your assistance in everything...! Please leave me alone... '

I say and walk inside the bathroom closing it with a thud and leaned against the door, trying to calm myself down...

Shit !  What did I do...

Why did I yell at Maa...  She didn't do anything.....

Damn!  I should apologize...

What did I do  !


I immediately got out of the bathroom and Maa was not there, but Shashank Chachu and Vansh Bhai stood near the door, both looking very annoyed..

I gulp, I am so dead now...

'I am very disappointed with you young lady... This is not the way you talk to your mother... ' Chachu said

'I know chachu, I was just annoyed on something and took it out on Maa...  I didn't mean to...I ' I began but Vansh bhai cut me off

'No one talks to Maa like that Annie ! She walked out of here, crying ! I didn't expect you to do this....' Bhai scolded me..

Tears filled my eyes...
I made Maa cry...

'Bhai I.... '

'Arjun Bhai will be very disappointed, when he will hear about this.... ' Chachu said and walked out

'Go and apologize to her right now...' Bhai ordered and walked out of my room

Oh noo....

Wow... Look what you made me do !

Aayan's POV

Me and Ved were walking towards Vansh's room, when we saw Mom coming out of Ananya's room, wiping her tears and walked past us without even looking

What happened ? Why is Mom crying...?

Me and Ved both look at each other alarmed, we were about to follow her, when Vansh came out of Ananya's room, looking pissed

'What happened Vansh...?' Ved asked

'Annie is really spoiled man ! She sometimes forgets her limits... Today was the height... ' Vansh raged

'What happened...? What are you talking about...!' Ved asked anxiously

'She yelled at Maa, for no reason...! I mean how dare she...! She was annoyed, Okay !!!  But she can't talk to Maa like that....' Vansh gritted

What the hell... How dare she !!

'What !! That can't be true Vansh,  Annie won't do this...!' Ved defended her

I gave him a disgusted look and Vansh was mirroring my expression..

'I heard it myself, and why would I lie.. Chachu was there too... Didn't you see ?? Maa walked out crying.... ' Vansh countered

She made my mom cry... This brat...
God I so want to teach her a lesson right now...

Ved looked angry too...

'Let me talk to her... ' He said advancing towards Ananya's room

'No need, I have already scolded her, she will apologize to Maa...' Vansh said

'Okay... ' Ved sighed and stepped back

'I think we should go and see Mom,  she might need us... ' I say

'Yeah... ' Vansh said and we walked towards her room

We reached Maa's room and She was standing near the window, her back facing us...

Big dad walked out of the bathroom and looked at us...

'Wow all three of you here... Either you want something or someone did something... ' He laughed, eyeing Vansh specifically

'No it's nothing like that Papa... ' Ved said

'Maa..! Listen don't cry please.... ' Vansh walked towards her and held Maa's shoulders

'What ! Naina !! What happened ?? Why are you crying....!' Big Dad panicked

'Please leave me alone all of you... ' Maa said wiping her tears

'But why are you crying...? What did he do....?' Big dad asked holding her and glaring at Vansh

Vansh took a deep breath and said
'I am not the only troublemaker Dad, you have other kids too... '

'Oh no... ' Ved mutters

'What do you mean...?' Big dad asked confused

'Annie did this... ' Vansh replied

'What....!' Big dad almost yelled

'Shut up both of you...!  Just go out of the room...  Leave me alone... ' Maa cried

Oh no...

'But Naina... ' Big dad said

'Arjun please...!  Nothing happened... No one did nothing, just leave me alone for a while...' Mom said and Big dad sighed and all of us left the room

We all were waiting outside and Big dad was walking back and forth anxiously

'What do you mean Ananya did this...?' he asked us

Vansh huffed and I looked away, I don't want him to see the disgust I hold for his daughter through my expression

'Dad actually... ' Ved began

'Bhai can I talk to you for a second... ' Sash chachu came in between

'Yeah sure... ' Big dad walked away with him

I took a deep breath, And walked inside the room, Maa was sitting on the edge of the sofa, curled up like a ball, sobbing badly...

Poor mom

'Ved I said Go, please don't bother me for a while... '  she said and then looked at me and wiped her tears

I sat beside her and hugged her tightly

'Aayan... I am okay beta... ' She smiled hugging me back

'No You are not... ' I say and she sighed and rested her head on my shoulders

'I did nothing today...I don't know why she was so annoyed of me....Yes I agree,  that I scold her a lot, but that's because I love her... Not because I like it.... ' She cried wiping her tears

She is damn lucky to have a mom who cares for her...  Unlike me...

'I wish, I was your son instead of her...I would never do that to you...' I caressed her hair

'Both of you are my kids beta, you have equal right on me as my any other kid... Just be mean to me at a mild extent, your Mom is very sensitive and a cry baby... ' She chuckled...

'I will never even dream of doing that Mom... ' I said

Just then room's door burst opened and that drama queen entered inside

Her eyes and nose were red and she was sobbing too...

Such a drama...

'Maa I am sorry... I didn't mean too say that.... I was just.... ' she sobbed holding Naina mom's hand

I rolled my eyes and let mom go...

Mom didn't say anything, just wiped her tears..

'Maa please talk to me... I am so sorry, I was just upset over a stupid dream and vented it out on you... I am so so sorry....' she cried and glared at me

What did I do... ??

Wow...  She is truly very stupid...

'Thank god it was a dream, if it were a reality,  you would've killed my mom... ' I said with disgust

'Shut up you... This is between me and my mother, your mother lives three blocks away... Go and be with her, just stop clinging to my mother and leave her alone... ' she countered

'Ananya...!' Mom scold her angrily

This was too much...

But this is actually true...

Yes it is true that Naina mom is not my mother...!

Yes, I am so detestful that my own mother abandoned me !

Naina mom is not my real mother, she is just pitying me...

Yeah, My Maa abandoned me and I am unnecessarily becoming a burden over Naina mom

I did not reply anything, I just got up and Naina mom held my hand

'Aayan.. Beta don't.... ' Mom said

'She is right mom... And don't worry I am okay... ' I smile at her and walked out of her room

I could hear Mom calling me from behind...

Ved stopped me mid way and Big dad looked at me anxiously, my dad was there too...

'Aayan...? What happened....??' he asked

'Just leave me alone Ved, I am out of here....I'll leave tonight.... ' I say controlling my tears, threatening to fall

'What... No ! You won't go anywhere..' My dad said panicking

'Yes Aayan, you won't go....What happened suddenly son...?  Why are you leaving...! ' Big dad asked

'I don't want to cling on Naina mom as her additional burden, Big dad... I will go, so that she can take care of her own kids... ' I said trying to get out of Ved's hold

'What nonsense... You are my son too...What made you think like that.. ' Big dad said

'Did Annie say something to you...?' Ved asked

'Just leave me Ved...!' I gritted

My anger was escalating...
He better leave me right now or else I don't know, What I may do to him and later regret...! 

Ved understood my rage and left me..

'Aayan...  Don't go son...!' My dad sobbed

I look at him with disgust

'It's all because of you... I hate you...!' I say and walk inside my room closing the door behind me with a thud...


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