Chapter 18

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Naina comes running out of the room..

'Aayan...!  Beta, listen to me...  Ananya didn't mean to..... ' she calls Aayan, but he already locked himself inside the room

Jai looks terrified, and turns to Arjun almost shaking, who is equally shocked...

'Arjun... He.... ' Jai stammers, tears filling his eyes

'Relax Jai... He won't go anywhere... I won't let him go... ' Arjun holds his hands tightly..

Ananya comes out of the room, Naina turns around and lookes angrily at her

'Maa... Why are.... ' Ananya begins

'Just don't say anything Ananya, you have really disappointed me.... ' Naina says angrily

Arjun and his sons look worriedly at them, while Jai takes the seat beside Sash who is hold his hands assuringly..

'But Maa... ' Ananya quivers, she never saw her mother this angry

'Didn't you hear...? Go to your room, get out of my sight... I didn't expect my daughter to behave like this... ' Naina scolds her

'Maa... ' Ananya cries and Arjun was about to hold her

'YOU will not take her side this time... She has crossed her limits today... She is impolite to everyone, all thanks to you.... ' Naina glares at him and Arjun steps back

Vansh hides his smile, seeing his father obeying his mom like a kid,  while Ved was tensed for Aayan...

'But... ' Ananya says tears rolling down her eyes

'For the last time Ananya... Go. To. Your. Room...!' Naina grits angrily

'Annie come with me... ' Ved grabs her hand and takes her away from Naina's sight...

'What happened....?' Vansh asks

'She misbehaved with Aayan.... ' Naina grits

'What ! No ! My daughter is a mature...' Arjun began but then shut his mouth, seeing Naina glare at him

'I got him back after 3 years... He can't leave already.... ' Jai said in a low voice

'He won't, Jai... He will stay and Ananya will apologize too...' Naina says and Arjun nods

Naina walks past them and knocks Aayan's door...

'Aayan beta...! Open the door please.... Please listen to your mom...' She says

Ved's Room...

Ved drags Ananya to his room and makes her sit on the recliner chair and takes a seat opposite her...

'What did you do....?' He asks

Ananya sniffs... 'Nothing... ' she replies

Ved raises his brows and looks at her with serious expression...

'Have you ever seen Maa this angry, before..? No right...!  If she is annoyed this much, it certainly means you did something, really very stupid... Now spill it.... ' Ved says

Ananya wipes her tears, 'Are you sure she is our real mother...?' she asks

Veds anger elevates at this, but he controls...

'What kind of absurd question is that Ananya...?' he says calmly

'I mean she always takes that jerk Aayan's side... He is not even her son ! And always scolds me... This is not fair... ' she pouts

Ved takes a deep breath..
'Maa and Aayan's relation is beyond your understanding Ananya... And I am not in a mood to explain it to you right now, because you won't understand... ' Ved says with irritation clear in his voice

'Why are you annoyed at me...?' Ananya asks

'I am not annoyed... Just tell me what did you say to Aayan...? ' Ved asked

'I just said, don't interfere between me and my mother, he has his own mother, he should go to her and stop clinging to my mom...' Ananya said

'WHAT !' Ved yells getting up

Ananya gets scared seeing her brother annoyed..

'Bhai... I.... ' she begans

'This is too much Ananya ! You are really immature...! When will you grow up... ' Ved massages his temples

'What... What did I do...?' Ananya asks

'Don't you know, Aayan hates his mother...' Ved said

'Aayan hates everyone Bhai, that is not something new... He hates Bade papa too... Such a weirdo... ' Ananya huffs

'Ever wondered why...?'

'Because he is Self conceited ! Not my fault... ' Ananya replied casually

'He Is Not Self Conceited... ' Ved grits

'Bhai, I understand he is your Best Friend...but... You should not take his side always... ' Ananya said


'What kind of person hates their own parents Bhai, especially his own mother...! There is something wrong with him, let me tell you... ' Ananya says

'Aayan's Mother cheated on his Father and abandoned him and Nitaara di...!' Ved bursts out

To say Ananya was shocked would be an understatement...
She stood frozen at her position...
It took sometime for those words to sink in...

'What...?' she spoke in a mere whisper after some time...

'Yes ! And you asked him to go to his mother, who deliberately left him... ' Ved said angrily

'Bhai... I... ' She stammered

'How many times have I told you Annie, don't mess with Aayan unnecessarily...  He is already very tensed all the time... But you never listen to me... ' Ved says

'Why...?' Ananya asked


'Why would Badi Mummy cheat on Bade Papa... I mean he is the best... ' Ananya said looking down

'Sometimes people don't value what they have and run after superficial things.... ' Ved huffs

'But... She was nice... ' Ananya said

'Yes she was, she just fell 'Out of love' in their marriage....' Ved said disgusted

'What...!' Ananya stares at him shocked

18 years ago...
Jai's House...
10 p.m.

'Are you sure Nitaara, your mom would like this present...?' Jai asks his daughter who was combing his hair

'Yes Paa... Mummy loves Solitaires... She'll come back from her party in a while... You give it to her... She will forget all her anger... ' Nitaara grins

'You are very smart, just like me... ' Jai pinches her nose

'Why do girls like this shiny irritating stone Papa...?' 7 year old Aayan asks looking at the ring

'They are very complicated my boy, you will understand as you grow up, and this shiny irritating stone will become your saviour most of the time....' Jai chuckles messing with Aayan's hair...

'I won't give this to any girl, they are stupid and crybabies....' Aayan says pouting

'Yes they are... ' Jai says and then looks at Nitaara who pouts

'Except you my princess... You are the best.... ' he kissed her cheeks and she smiles

'Why is Mummy angry all the time, Papa ..?' Aayan asks

Jai takes a deep breath...

'Come here Aayan... ' he calls him, Aayan walks towards him and sits on his lap, holding his arms

'Tell me beta, what is the most precious gift that you can give to someone...?' he asked

'Cricket kit...!' Aayan squealed in joy and Jai chuckled

'Yeah, that is the best gift son, but that's not the most precious gift....!' Jai says hugging him

'Then what is the most Precious gift Papa...?'  Aayan asked Jai, staring him curiously with his Big Hazel eyes

'It's your time, son... ' Jai smiled

'Time...? Do you gift them a watch Papa....?' Aayan asked innocently and Jai chuckles

'No son, you give them your time by you know, having dinner with them, or watching a movie together or playing cricket with them, this is what your loved ones want from you, and that is what I am not able to give to your Mummy... That is why she is angry on me... ' Jai said

'Really...? So you will give her time and she will be happy again...?' Aayan asks

'Yes Son...' Jai smiles

'Yeaaahhhh.... Then she should give some of her time to me and Nitaara as well... ' Aayan says and Jai stares at him confused

'What do you mean, Aayan....? She is always with you, how can she not give you her time... ' Jai asked

'No... She always goes out with Prateek Uncle, and doesn't have dinner with us many times, we eat with Mary... Or sometimes with Ved and Naina mom...' Aayan says

Jai gets furious hearing this...

'Are you sure son...? You sure this isn't a joke or something...?'  Jai asked

'No Papa...  I am not lying... Ask Nitaara if you don't believe me... ' Aayan says

'Nitaara.... ' Jai calls his daughter, but then his bell rings...

Nitaara opens the door...

'Bade Papa...!' She exclaims hugging Arjun

'Adi Chachu !' Aayan runs towards Aditya

'Hey Princess !  Is Papa at home ?' he asks and Jai gets up from the sofa, Aayan goes to Arjun and hugs him too, Arjun bends down and kisses him on his cheeks

'Yeah..!  See I choose his outfit..  He is taking mom out for the dinner today...' Nitaara says excited and Arjun tenses at this, which doesn't go unnoticed by Jai

'What is the matter Arjun ?' Jai asks him

He looks at Jai, tears filling his eyes and Adi holds his hands, his expression was weary too...

'Bhai can we talk to you...*looks at the kids* in Private... ' Adi said

'Yeah sure... ' Jai says while Arjun drinks a glass of water, it seems like he is gathering some courage to speak..

'Kids..  Can you go to our house...? Naina has made Pasta for you guys...!' Adi says to the kids, Aayan gets excited, but Nitaara looks at Arjun intently and turns to Adi

'What's happened to Bade Papa...?' She asks and Arjun takes a deep breath..

'Nothing beta... He is not feeling well... He'll be fine... ' Adi smiles at her

'Arjun, what's the matter...?' Jai asks holding him

'Jai... Bhabhi... I mean... Priyanka...I... She... ' Arjun stammers

Jai panics at this...
'What...! What happened to her..! Is she okay...?'

Aayan looks at everyone confused, While Nitaara goes and holds Adi's hands who squeezes it lightly

'She is alright bhai... It's Just... There is something you need to know... ' Adi says..

'What...!  What's going on guys... ' Jai asks getting impatient

'Adi.. Take the kids home... I will tell this to him myself... ' Arjun says finally

'Are you sure bhai...?' Adi asks

'Yes... ' Arjun says

'Come kids... ' Adi holds their hands..

Jai who had already had faint idea about it, looks at Arjun, who is avoiding to look at him and then turns to Adi...

'Adi Wait ! *looks at Arjun* Is this about Her and Singhal ?' he asks him

Arjun and Adi look tensed, Nitaara is shocked and Aayan innocently looks at them...

Arjun nods..

'Then they definitely deserve to know about their mother... ' Jai says angrily,  taking off the tie and throwing it on the floor

'Jai.... They are kids...' Arjun says and Aayan hides behind Adi, looking at his angry father

'Just tell me Arjun... Is this true that she is having an affair with that bastard...!' Jai grits..

'Jai...' Arjun tries to calm him down

'Tell me !' Jai grits angrily

'Yes.. ' Arjun says looking down, Nitaara gasps and Adi holds her by shoulders

'Do you have an evidence for that...?' Jai asks

Arjun nods and hands him an envelope...

Jai takes out the photographs from the envelope and looks at the pictures, clutching them tightly..

'May be our investigator made a mistake...  Maybe it's not what we think it is... ' Arjun says

'I know what exactly this is...!' Jai says angrily, 'That is why I am the worst husband any girl can get... ' he continues

'Jai...' Arjun tries to calm him down

'Nitaara and Aayan... Go with Adi chachu... I'll see you guys tomorrow... ' Jai says

Nitaara immediately holds Aayan's hands and takes him out of the room..

'Arjun you...' Jai says controlling his tears...

'I am not leaving you alone... Especially at this time... ' Arjun declares..

Adi takes kids out of the house, and as they entered into Thapar's mansion,  they saw Priyanka entering the house, with Prateek...

'Chachu... Will everything be okay...?' Nitaara asks Adi

'I really don't know my child... ' Adi sighs and kisses her forhead and they go inside..

Poor Aayan had no idea what was going on..

And this was the very night, he lost his super cool dad, his happy and loving family...

This night changed his life forever...


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