Chapter 19

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Aayan's POV

'Don't you cling to my mother, you have your own, go and irritate her... '

'Aayan beta, I am busy right now, how many times do I have to say, don't call me after 10pm... '

'That's really nice that you topped the board exams son, here congratulate your brother, he came 4th in his school's cycle race, isn't it exciting...!'

'Aayan beta, I really don't think we can spend time together now... '

'Aayan! My child, congratulations for your deal my child... Why don't you come to Yash's 18th birthday, I'll introduce you to my friends... '

'Whatever happened between me and your mother Aayan, cannot be changed, it's better that you accept this and start living with it, our lives can never go back to normal and being stubborn won't help... '

Am I so bad, that no body wants to be with me...

Am I so pathetic, that everyone thinks that they can just leave me..

Why does everyone takes me for granted...? 

What did I ever do to anybody...!

I hate everyone !

I hate myself....

I picked up the vase and smashed it on the floor...

Naina mom was continuously calling my name from outside...

What a noble lady she is...

Taking care of an abandoned child...

I know she is tired of me too, she is just very kind to admit that...

That brat is right, I should stop clinging on to her..

Being unwanted is not a new thing for me...

I quickly take out my bag and start packing my stuff...

I cannot stay in this house...

'Aayan beta.. Open the door... ' Naina Mom said

'Aayan bro.. Please... Talk to us... ' Came Ved's voice

I want to ask them to go away, but cannot find my voice...

I take the water, pour it in a glass and drink it

'You know why mom left you and your sister, because you guys are that loser Jai Varma's kids, who will turn out to be losers like him in life... Mom doesn't want that embarrassment in her life, that's why she married my father... '

I smashed the glass in my hand itself..

I am not like Jai Varma..

And my father is not a loser, He is not Arjun Thapar's shadow...!

And I will not have a fate like him..

I throw away the glass pieces, did not bother about the wound, and continued my work...

I hate you Ananya Thapar

I detest you like anything... If I can, I won't hesitate to destroy your life and that big fat princess ego...

'Aayan beta.. Please open the door, listen to your Naina mom child, please... ' Naina Mom's voice was cracking, I made her cry

I wiped my tears and was packing my clothes, when I saw Vansh trying to climb up the balcony to get into my room..

What the hell...

I run to the balcony..

'Vansh bro, what the hell are you doing... ' I say

'Making sure that you don't do anything stupid...' he said catching the boundary wall of the gallery and climbing up

'Vansh, you'll fall down... '

'Give me your hand...' He said

I forward my hand, and he gasps looking at it..

'My god Aayan... ' He said and jumped inside the balcony..

'What the hell did you do...' he caught my hand and I didn't say anything, and looked away, tears were threatning to fall again..

Vansh engulfed me in a tight hug..

'Every thing will be alright bro..' He said and I nodded

Vansh opened the door from inside, and I stood in the balcony, I don't want to talk to anyone..

'How did you get inside... ' Ved said to Vansh and ran towards me

I hear Vansh saying 'Magic... '

'Aayan, bro I apologize on Annie's behalf... Just don't go please...' Ved held my hand and then gasped seeing the blood.

Naina mom rushed inside and panicked seeing my wound...

'My god, Aayan...!!' *Holds my hand* 'Vansh get the first aid box please... '  She says to Vansh

'What the hell were you thinking... ' She cried, 'Didn't you think about your mom once... ' tears roll down her eyes...

I couldn't control my tears either...
I hugged her and began sobbing

She caressed my head and kissed my forhead... 'It's okay my child, I am here... ' she said and I sobbed harder

Sash chachu caressed my hair and Ved held my shoulders...

I felt like a baby, while I was crying, I wanted to relive my childhood happily, with a mother like Naina mom...

Why can't fate grant this small wish of mine...

After what felt like ages, I leave Naina mom, and she wiped away my tears, kissing my forehead...

'It's okay son.. ' she said and pulled me towards the room....

Big Dad and My father were standing near the bed, looking at me anxiously...

My grief turned into anger, by looking at my father and Ananya who standing beside him..

I ignore them and walked towards my bag

'Aayan beta, please don't go... ' Papa said his voice cracking.

I did not say anything...

'Aayan, please calm down son, don't take decisions in haste...' Big dad said

'I've inherited this from my father big dad... Can't help it....' I said with disgust

Papa wiped his tears and Ananya held him

Such a pretentious little brat she is...

'Aayan, come here...' Mom holds my wrist and drags me towards the chair..

She pulls out the pieces of glass from my hands and I look away...

Ved was holding me by my shoulder, the whole time..

I winced as she applied antiseptic on my wound...

'Careful Naina... ' Dad said

'Sorry son...' Mom apologized

'It doesn't hurt at all mom, nothing hurts me now a days, I'm so much habituated with pain that this is nothing to me... ' I look at my father and say, who looks away...

Ved's grip on my shoulder tightens and Vansh sits beside me
'Don't say like that... ' he says

Mom finishes bandaging my hand and I get up to continue my work

'Aayan you promised to stay with me for 7 days, and you are leaving within 3 days, this is not fair to your mom... ' Naina mom says with tears in her eyes..

'I promise, that I will take you to Bangalore and you will stay with me for whatever time you wish... But right now I have to leave...I am sorry...' I say softly..

'Why are you leaving...?' Vansh asks

'Because my self respect doesn't allow me to stay here... ' I say without looking at anyone..

I hope the culprits get the message...

'Aayan I am sorry for whatever I said... ' Ananya said in a low voice

This brat..

I so hate her voice, her face, her  existence...!

'I refuse to accept your apology Ms. Thapar... ' I close my bag and collect my laptop bag

'Aayan...I just got you back son, don't go... ' Papa cried

'Yes Aayan, I apologize on Ananya's behalf... Please don't go... ' Big dad said

'Please don't embarrass me big dad, I don't want anyone's apologies... Especially yours...' *I hold his hands* 'But please understand, I can't stay here... ' I say and Big dad sighs

'Aayan bro please... ' Ved says

'Out of everyone, atleast you understand why am I doing this bro.. ' I reply walking towards the rooms exit

Ved sighs and holds Naina mom who is in tears...

'Bye everyone... ' I say and walk outside

Just then someone holds my bag and pulls it on the opposite direction

What the hell..

I turn around, and look at Ananya holding my bag, my anger elevates at this..

'You are not going anywhere...' She orders and everyone stares at her shocked..

'Annie... ' Ved warns her

'You are no one to decide this... ' I shot back and she snatches the ticket from my hand and tears it

'Ananya...!' Mom and Big dad say together..

'Like I don't have it's electronic copy... ' I roll my eyes..

'Listen, you won't go anywhere without properly forgiving me... ' she held my bag tightly

'My forgiveness is my discretion, and I am not your father's employee, to obey you... ' I spat with rage..

If she continues this, I really don't know, what will I do to her...!

God please save this girl from my wrath today...

'But you are my mom's favorite child, and you are bound to obey her... ' She countered

I don't say anything, and snatch my bag from her hold..

She quickly walks towards me and takes out my phone from my pocket...

'What the hell...!  Give me my phone back... ' I try to snatch the phone...

'Nope ! not happening... ' she grins

'Annie, it's not a joke...!' Vansh says

'Exactly Ananya, behave yourself... ' Sash chachu scold her

'I am sorry chachu, but I am doing what is right... ' She says

This girl is really getting into my nerves right now...

She better stop this drama...

Or else I really don't know what will I do to her and I Don't care that her father is around...

'Give. Me. My. Phone. Back.... ' I grit

'Ananya, what are you doing... ?' Big dad ask her

Just the she spots the fish tank behind me and runs towards it, swiftly crossing me, before I could catch her..

Oh no no no no no....

And she drops my phone inside the fish tank..

Everyone gasps and my rage was at it's peak now...

What the actual fuck...!!!

Don't hit a girl, don't hit a girl...

I took a deep breath, to control myself from doing something stupid...

'Ananya !!! What was that...!' Naina mom scolds her

'Exactly girl... That was not cool... ' Vansh says

'I am disappointed with this princess, you cannot behave like a child... ' Big dad says

'What do you think of yourself...' I say angrily

'Thank you Ananya... ' My father hugs her..

We all stare at him shocked..

'Now Aayan can't go anywhere... He needs his phone... ' Papa explained

Why !!!  Why me...?!!

'Well done Annie... ' Ved smiled and I glare at him...

Everyone smile at Ananya who just looked at me..

'Shan, please take that phone out of the tank and send it to repair center... Make sure you don't get it back before 7 days... ' She orders the butler

7 days..!!!  I can't wait for such a long time... I really need my phone...

I am too furious to react or say anything...

She smiles at me and leaves

'Let's get this thing inside... ' Vansh grabs my bag

'Please stay Aayan... ' Naina mom says..

I nod and smile at her...

Everyone smiles and then leave the room, my father being the last person, followed by big dad..

You will pay for this Ananya Thapar..


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