Chapter 20

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Ananya's POV

'YOU DID WHAT...!!!' Deepika Yells

And her piercing shriek hurts my eardrums, I cover my ears..

'Have mercy on my ears and please keep that screeching pitch low...' I whine

'Sorry.... but really...!! You threw his phone inside the fish tank...!' she asked me shocked

Why is she so dramatic...


'And everyone was there...?'


'And no one said anything to you..?'

'Nope...! Not a single word...' I grin

'Wow Man ! My parents would've hung me upside down the ceiling if I broke something worth even 10,000 by mistake.... And here you intentionally drowned his phone worth rupees one lakh inside the fish tank, and no one even said a word...!' she exclaims

I am Arjun Thapar's daughter...

'Because I am everyone's favorite... and also that was the right thing to do...' I say matter - o - factly..

'But Aayan really hates you Ananya...' Deeps said in a serious tone

Like I care

'I know that Deeps and I really don't care, what he thinks about me... He is no one to me, except Jai Papa's Son...'

'Then why did you stop him...?' Deeps asked

'Because of Bade Papa, he loves his son so much and also I was guilt ridden for being mean to him...'

'You were always mean to him...' Deeps chuckled

'Yeah, but this time I crossed my limits... I said something that would've hurt him very badly...' I sigh

And I am really very sorry for that, I had no idea about Badi mummy...

'Since when you started caring about your behavior's impact on the other person...?? That is so not Ananya Thapar I know...' Deeps said amusingly

'You don't know Deeps, my comment was like, below the belt attack on him...'

'Ooooo.... That bad...?' She asked

'Yup very bad, that's why maa is disappointed with me too...' I said

'Don't worry about Aunty Babe... She is the sweetest woman I know... She'll forgive you...' Deeps smiled

I know...
I am not worried about Mom..
It's Aayan I am worried about...
Will he forgive me...?

Deeps seemed to read my mind

'So how are you planning to seek forgiveness, from Your Aayan...?' she smirks

'He is not My Aayan' *I roll my eyes* But yeah I have to ask for his forgiveness...'

'That will be a Biggg task...' she teases

'Could you make it more worse, I am already clueless how to do it...' I glare at her

Deeps laughs and I hit her

'See if it were any another guy, It would be very easy you know... But it's Aayan... The meanest man I have ever seen...' She said

'I know...!'

'Wow finally I got to see a man who hates you...I mean in the sea of admirers, You finally have a hater !' she says excitedly

How is this exciting...

'You are weird...' I comment

'Thanks....' she grins

'Stop grinning... And give me ideas how to apologise... I have never apologized to anyone, except Maa... So I really don't know how to do it....' I

'Wow you really are a brat...' Deeps smirks

'I know...' I smirk back

We spent rest of our time in brainstorming the ideas about how to apologize to Aayan

'Decorating his room with flowers...? Are you crazy Deeps, I am saying sorry to him, not asking him to marry me...' I said annoyingly

This was her 100th stupid idea...

'Well he is hot you know, you both will make a great pair... Hey !! Great Idea ! Why don't you propose him, you'll get double benefit ! Apology and a hot boyfriend...' she claps her hands excitedly

'Shut Up will you...' I throw a pillow at her..

'Arrey... What if he is your dream man ....' she says

That's my nightmare Deeps... How do I tell you... He is indeed my dream man...

'Deeps you are not helping....' I say irritated

'Okay okay.... Here's what you'll do...' Deeps began

3 hours later...
Arjun's house...

'Hey everyone...' I greet but no one replies

Papa, Ved Bhai, Vansh Bhai, Aayan and Sash Chachu stare at me with serious look on their faces

'What's wrong...?' I ask

No one replies and Papa looks away

This is weird

'Ananya beta... Welcome back...' Maa smiles at me 'Wow beautiful flowers...' she takes the bouquet of white lilies from my hand...

'Maa these are for Aay...' I say but Ved Bhai cut me off in between

'Ananya why don't you come and sit here...' Bhai says

'Beta she just returned, let her freshen up... We can talk about it later...' Mom says

'No Naina.. we will talk about it right now...!' Papa says sternly and the look on his face makes me scared to death..

He is never annoyed with me

What did I do ??

'Arjun... But...' Maa holds me protectively

What's going on...

'Naina, let her come...' Sash Chachu said

I sit on the chair opposite to them, so that I face everyone...

'What's up ?' I ask

The silence in the room was killing me..

'Ananya... We want you to say the truth... No matter what... Don't worry we won't be harsh on you...' Sash chachu says calmly

'Yes Chachu I will... But what happened...? Wha.. what did I do ?'

Ved Bhai takes a deep breath and asks
'Ananya.. who is Ayush...?'

I stiffen and Papa seemed to notice that and he sighs

How do they know about my ex boyfriend, who was my 'boyfriend' for a week...

I glance at Aayan, who smirks at me and leans against the couch like he won some battle..

He did this...
Here I am dying to apologise for being mean to him... And he is making my life miserable, by turning my people against me !
I don't want his forgiveness...!
Fuck him man...!
He deserved those mean words...

I glare at him and he gives me his victory smile..

'Answer us Annie...!' Vansh bhai said..
He looks annoyed...

I gulp and Maa holds me by my shoulders, and faintly smiles at me and mouths 'Don't worry'

'He was my classmate...' I answer

'Just a classmate...?' Ved bhai asks and Aayan controls his smile

'Umm.. no actually he was my... *Looks at Papa & Chachu* boy... second year...' I stammer

This is so embarrassing, I mean...

We don't discuss dating with our parents, not that because they are strict, but it's awkward man...

My parents are very liberal in this dating stuff..

But they did set a rule of not dating before 25...

Which I broke, Papa would be very angry right now...

I look at him and he sighs, and doesn't look at me..

This never happened...

My father is disappointed because of me...

This was the last thing I ever wished for...
I never wanted him to be sad because of me...
I am horrible daughter

Tears filled my eyes

'Did You forget about 'No dating till 25 rule'...?' Vansh bhai said

'Bhai he was...' I began

'Listen child, we don't want to give an impression of being an orthodox family who is against dating, because we are not, almost all of us had love marriages, but you know you are quite young for these things... I mean you are just 22... You should focus on your career before....' Sash chachu said

Papa and Mumma were awfully silent during all these

'Chachu... He was not a 'real' boyfriend... I was with him only for a week... I mean... He was just...' I began

'Ananya... We don't care, why did you date him.. but we did a background check on the guy... He is the worst guy in your college.. I mean he was expelled twice... He has a terrible record and also arrested for eve teasing... Why would you date such a horrible guy...' Ved bhai asked

'Bhai... I was...' I tried to say but couldn't find my voice.. Papa's silence was killing me...

'Enough.. stop interrogating my daughter both of you...' Maa scolds Ved and Vansh bhai and wipes my tears

'Are you still with him my child...?' Papa asks

Finally... He said something...

'No Papa... absolutely not...!' I say

'Good...' he says and gets up

'You remember the rules...?' he asked

I nod in positive response

'You promise not to break it again...?' he asked forwarding his hand

I grab it immediately and nod yes

'I promise...! I will never break your rules...' I say

'Okay... We won't have this discussion again...! Understand ?' he says strictly looking at my brothers and they nod

'Go to your room Ananya...' Paa said and walked away from there...

Ananya...? He never takes my name... Unless he is very very disappointed...

I turn towards Maa and she smiles caressing my face...

'Don't worry, he will be fine...' she said and I nod

'Now go to your room and freshen up...and come down for dinner....' she says handing me the bouquet

'Why did you get this...?' she asks...

I look at Aayan and then the flowers

'I brought them By mistake mom...' I say looking at Aayan and throwing the flowers on the floor

He rolled his eyes at this and Maa and my brothers look at me confused

I walk over those flowers and go towards Aayan..

'That was not cool...' I gritted

'Tut tut tut tut...Poor You....' he says and walks away leaving me behind fuming in rage...

War is on Aayan Verma...

To be continued....


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