Chapter 21

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Arjun's Study

Arjun was flipping pages of the file on his hand

He was staring blankly at the page, not really reading anything

Naina enters the room and sees him worried, she keeps his medicines and milk on the table and hugs him from behind

He was startled a little, but then he relaxed and sighed holding Naina's hands

'Are you angry on Ananya for dating that guy...?' Naina asked

He takes a deep breath, and turns around, and makes Naina sit in the chair adjacent to him

'You know I don't mind this dating thing for any of our children... I am just.....worried for her...' he said with hint of sadness in his voice

'What is worrying you ?' Naina asks

'What if she...' he begins but then stops, and looks at his wife

'What if ?' Naina encourages him

He sighs again and continues
'What if she gets a guy like me...?'

Naina looks at him confused

'Then she will be the luckiest girl... You are the best husband and father anyone can have...' she smiles

'But, I was the stupidest guy to date and worst man to fall for...' he says

'That's not true...' Naina counters

'You suffered the most because of me, and you are saying this...?' Arjun looks down with guilt

Naina smiles and makes him look up

'You were worth the struggle, Arjun...' she says looking straight into his eyes

He smiles and kisses her forehead
'And I am the luckiest man in this world to get the privilege of being your husband...' he said caressing her face

'Yeah, That's true...' she teases him and he chuckles

'But I don't want my daughter to have that fate Naina, I want the best for her...' Arjun sighs

'Arjun, she will get the best guy... And don't worry, she is strong enough to deal with any situation...' Naina assures him

'I won't let her face any hardship or difficulty....' Arjun says

'Arjun, That's not....' Naina tries to counter

'Please Naina, you and my kids are my life... I can't bear to see anyone of you in pain, especially my princess....' He says

'Fine...' Naina sighs 'But remember, life has it's own ways to teach everyone their lessons, so no matter how hard you try, if Ananya is meant to face some struggle, it will happen for sure...'

'Not until I am alive...' Arjun counters

'No one can argue with you, in Ananya's case...' Naina gives up

'My daughter is my pride, Any distress to her, is a trauma for me...' Arjun says

'Don't worry about her...' Naina says

'You know I go crazy, if anything happens to Ananya....' he replies

'She is not a baby Arjun...'

'She will always be a baby for me...'

Naina doesn't reply as she knows, it's waste of time to argue with Arjun when it comes to their children's well being....

She gives him his medicine and milk

'Yeah I know, now drink this and come sleep, it's already 11, you need to rest...'

'Yeah I'll arrange this and come...' Arjun says closing his files

'Come soon Mr. Thapar...' Naina kisses his forehead

'Yes Mrs. Thapar...' Arjun smiles and Naina leaves the room

Next morning....

Ved, Vansh and Aayan were doing their workout in the garden...

Vansh and Aayan were competing with each other in push ups

While Ved was doing pull ups on the monkey bars...

The front gate opens and Deepika enters the mansion, carrying a big box in her hands and wearing her backpack

She doesn't notice the boys working out in the garden and walked straight towards the house

Vansh sees her and stops his workout

'Let's take a break Aayan...' he says and Aayan nods

'Hey Deepika...!' Vansh calls

Deepika identfies his voice and turns around

'Hey Vansh...' but stops mid way as her eyes widen seeing Ved doing pull ups without any shirt and also Aayan and Vansh who were wearing thin vests

She immediately turns to the other side, breathing heavily...

'Shitt....! I...I am so sorry... I didn't know...' she stammers at which the boys chuckle

Ved wears his vest and Aayan smirks at him

'You can turn around...' Ved says

Deepika is startled by his voice, but then she slowly turns around and faces them

'Good morning Deepika...' Aayan wishes

'Good Morning...' Deepika smiles faintly at him

'Did you bring my package...?' Vansh asks her

Deepika couldn't find her voice, she was not habituated to see Ved this scantly dressed...

'Huh...? What package...?' She asks

'The one in your hand...' Ved says

'This...? Ooooo This ! Yeah... Yeah... Vikrant Bhai sent this for you and said it has EF 24 - 75 mm, 105 mm *Thinks a bit* E...ED IF 200 mm, Umm...and 5 more lenses I.. I forgot their names... Sorry....' Deepika replied avoiding Ved

Vansh takes the box from her hands and looks inside...

'And... He said that he will see you tomorrow in the studio at... *Tries to remember*... At...? I don't remember...' she looks guilty at Vansh and he chuckles

'Don't worry... I will ask him on the call...' he ruffles her hair

'Sorry...' Deepika looks down, turning red with embarrassment

'It's Okay...' Vansh smiles

'You came early today ! Anything special...?' Ved asked

'Uh.. no... Actually....Ananya called and said she wanted to say something important, I couldn't wait for her to meet me at the clu.... *Bites her lips to prevent herself from saying 'club'...* No ! Library today... So I came to see her...'  she says

But unfortunately, Aayan figured it out

'You guys are going to a club today...?' He asked

Deepika's eyes widen and she shook her head in a no

' absolutely not...! Ananya hates clubbing...' she said

Which was a plain white lie, because Ananya loved parties and clubbing...

'Yeah Right...' Vansh rolled his eyes

'I'll go and see if Ananya is awake....' Deepika tried to run away from there but she was stopped by Ved

'Deepika Wait...! We want to ask something...' he said

Deepika had no other option but to turn around and look at them nervously, and be ready for the interrogation..


'You know who is Ayush...?' Ved asks

And Deepika stiffens at this..

'Uh... Ayush...? Yeah...! He was in our class...' she replies avoiding their scrutinising gazes

'We know about Him and Ananya...' Vansh says

She stares at them shocked

'You do...? How...?'

'Doesn't matter, you tell me, why didn't you stop Ananya from dating the college bully...' Ved asks

'Dating...? She never dated Ayush...!' Deepika counters

'Don't lie...' Vansh says

'No...! Trust me ! Ananya never went out with him... He was her fake boyfriend...' Deepika says

'What do you mean...?' Ved asks

'There was this new guy Rohan, who was bothering Ananya a lot, so Ananya made a deal with the college bully Ayush, to act as her fake boyfriend, to get rid of Rohan, in return of helping him with his project...' Deepika explained

'Really...?' Aayan raised his brows

'Yes ! And after dealing with Rohan and the project, Ananya and Ayush, didn't bother each other... And after that I remember... Ayush was expelled for beating up somebody...' she replied

'Is this the truth...?' Vansh asked

'Yes ! I am not lying...' Deepika counters

'She is your sister's bestie Ved, how do you expect her to say anything against....' *SPLASH*

Aayan was cut off in between as someone threw cold water on him...

Shocked to the core, everyone turned to see the culprit and saw Ananya glaring at Aayan holding a bucket in her hands

To say Aayan was angry would be an understatement...

'How Dare....' he growled but was cut off by Ananya in between

'How dare you doubt my bestie... Who the hell are you raise questions on her...!' Ananya says angrily

'Ananya... Is this the way to behave !' Ved scolds her

'You stay out of this Bhai...' Ananya says to Ved

'Annie... This is not cool...' Vansh says

'I don't care.... No one has the authority to ask questions to my bestie... Especially this stranger...' Ananya glares at Aayan angrily

Aayan takes a deep breath and fists his hands to control his rage

'Enough Ananya...! From Day one I am tolerating your ill behavior towards Aayan...! Did you forget that he is also part of our family...!' Ved says angrily

'Exactly Annie... You are behaving weirdly since Aayan came to the house... What's wrong with you...!' Vansh says

'Ved, Vansh.. please... Ananya is...' Deepika tries to defend her

'Wow, your sister already has a lawyer, without even beginning with her atrocious activities....' Aayan says smirking at Ananya...

Ananya's eyes widens, but then she smirks at him back

'Like you have two...' She says eyeing at her brothers, who glare at her

'I don't need Ved and Vansh to defend me all the time, and certainly I am not a crybaby who goes running to her father for every little thing, because she can't deal with it herself...' Aayan says coming forward and directly facing Ananya

He takes off his vest which was drenched in water and throws it at her face, Ved, Vansh and Deepika gasp at this...

Now Ananya was shocked and angry beyond her capacity..
She takes the vest off her face and throws it on the ground 

'Ved please stop them..!' Deepika pleads to Ved holding his arms

'Too late Deepika...' Ved holds her hands


'Feelings are mutual sweetheart...' Aayan smirks elevating her rage

'I wanted to apologise, but after what you did yesterday, I will never ever say sorry to you...!' Ananya said angrily

'Ooo... Trust me lady...! You will apologise to me, that too within a week...!' Aayan smirks

'In your dreams...' Ananya countered

'My dreams will turn into nightmare if I see you there...' Aayan replied

'Who is interested to be your dream girl anyway...' Ananya said angrily

'You can't be anyone's dream girl, because you are a pain in the head..!' Aayan said calmly

'You...!' Ananya marches towards him but Vansh holds her back and Ved holds Aayan who was mirroring Ananya's action

'Enough both of you...' Ved scolds them

'Let's go inside Deeps.. we don't have time for such useless people...!' Ananya says

Both of them start walking towards the house

'Deepika Beware....!' Aayan shouts and both Deeps and Ananya turn back

Deepika dodges and Aayan sprays the water on Ananya, with the garden pipe, drenching her from Head to toe...

'Shitt...!' Deepika and Vansh say together

'YOU...!' Ananya growls

Arjun and Jai come out for a walk and see Aayan and Ananya soaked in water, and others staring at them shocked

'Aayan ! what is this...?' Jai asks Aayan

'Why only you two are soaked in water...?' Arjun asks

'Papa he...' Ananya was about to complain but then she remembers Aayan's words

A crybaby who goes running to her father for every little thing

She looks at Aayan who smirks at her

'Go ahead.. tell him Ananya...' he teases

She huffs at him

'What's going on...?' Jai asks

'Nothing Papa, we were playing...' Aayan says innocently

'Playing...!' Arjun exclaims

'Yes Big Dad... It was a challenge, who throws water on the other first...' Aayan says

Jai and Arjun stare at them shocked and others hold their smiles...

'And also there is another challenge, "who will apologise first"...' Ananya smirks at Aayan at which he gives her a challenging look

'Apology for what...?' Arjun asks

'You'll see...' Vansh replies eyeing Aayan and Ananya

'Go inside and change both of you, or else you'll fall sick...!' Jai said

'Exactly, who plays such stupid games in chilling month of November...' Arjun scolds them

Although it was chilling month of November, when it's freezing cold in Delhi...
Neither Ananya, nor Aayan who were fully drenched, felt the cold, as they were burning inside with hatred for each other...

Neither of them had any idea that their fates were intertwined and they had to bear each other like this for rest of their lives

To be continued...


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