Chapter 23

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Aayan's POV

I looked at the mirror, to glance at my attire for one last time...

Hmm.... Not bad Aayan Varma...

Today I was accompanying Ved in his very first presentation, in front of the new investors

He was always with me, when I decided to start AYSA, also he helped me in getting investors, gave me ideas, helped me in hiring... 

I know, I can trust Ved with my life, it's a big day for him, so I have to be with him today...

I enter Ved's room and he was pacing to and fro, nervously...

'Ready Big Guy...?' I ask

'I haven't been this nervous in my entire life...' he says keeping the file on his bed and checked himself on the mirror

'I think, you have... remember when we were sent to the boarding school...?? We both were scared to death...' I sit on the chair uncomfortably, my stomach is not good because of the stupid stunt I pulled up few hours ago..

'That's different... ' Ved replies

'This is not that worst.... Damn it.... ' I wince as my stomach hurts

Stupid chillies..

'Still hurts..?' Ved chuckled

'Yeah... Thanks to your sister... ' I reply caressing my stomach

'Why do you fight with her...?' he asks wearing his tie

Exactly, why do I waste my time with her....
I have more productive things to do...

'It was fun initially, but now even I am bored... She can fight with me throughout her life.. But I can't... ' I shrug my shoulders

Ved laughs, trying to fix his messed up tie

'How do you tie this damn thing...?' he whines irritated

'Don't look at me, I don't know how to tie that... ' I raise my hands in defense

'I'll ask Maa.. ' he gives up

There is a light knock on his door..

'Come in.. ' Ved says and his door opens and Deepika enters his room carrying a tray

'Sorry to disturb you guys, Aunty sent this for you Aayan... You were not in your room, so I thought you will be here... ' she says glancing at Ved

I like this kid...
How can she be friends with that brat...

I also feel she has a thing for Ved... Does Ved like her...?
Let me check...

'Thank you Deepika... ' I smile and take the glass which has some weird drink

Maybe mom sent this for my stomach ache

'Aunty said this will help for your upset stomach... ' Deepika said

'Okay... ' I say and look at Ved, who is struggling with the tie

'Leave it Man... ' I said and Deepika looks at Ved

'It's my first formal presentation... How can I not wear this... ' Ved whines

'May I...?' Deepika asks in a low voice

Ved looks at her surprised and then looks at me...

He is uncomfortable..?
What should I conclude by this...?

'Uh... You...?  I mean...  It's okay...  I can.... ' Ved stammers

'I will take this to aunty, she will tie this and then you can wear, I could've asked her to come here, but she is kinda busy in forcing Ananya and Vansh have the same drink she sent for Aayan... ' she chuckles and looks at me

'Please drink it Aayan... I can't leave unless you finish that... It's aunty's order... ' she says

Oh man...

I close my eyes and gulp that drink in one go...
I cringe and both of them chuckle..
I hand the glass to Deepika...

After few seconds I actually feel better...
Ved hands the tie to Deepika and she turns to me

'You want more...?' she asks

'No thanks... '

'Feeling better...?' she asks again

'Yeah...! Say thanks to Mom... ' I say and she smiles and leaves the room

I turn to Ved, who is engrossed in file again

'Nice girl...!  Isn't she...?' I comment and Ved looks at me

'Who...?' he asks raising his brow


'Yeah she is... ' He smiles and focuses his attention back on the file

'Do you like her...?' I ask

What the hell Aayan...!
Why are behaving like a school girl...! 
But it's Ved, so it's fine.. I guess..?

'Yeah...!' he says and I smirk at him

He looks up from the file and then at me realizing something and then panics

'No no... Not in that way ofcourse... ' he tries to defend himself

Damage is done...

'Why...? She is nice, pretty, well behaved, mature... Unlike your sister... ' I cringe even mentioning about her

I soooo hate her

'Are you crazy...!  She is Ananya's friend... ' Ved says without looking at me

He is hiding something...

'So...?' I raise my brow

'So what...! It's weird... Leave it, tell me do I look good in Blue...?' he tries to change the topic

'Ved..? Is Deepika the girl, you were going to tell me about...?' I ask and his eyes widens

He opens his mouth to say something, but we were rudely interrupted by opening of the door and the most irritating girl in this planet (after Ananya ofcourse) enters the room

'Vediee booo.... My Babyyyyyy.... ' she screams in her irritating voice

Ved doesn't like her,but being the saint that he is, he smiles at her

'Heyy Shanaya...' he says

She jumps on him to hug, as she is just a inch taller than a minion...

I roll my eyes and Ved gives me a pleading look, to help him get rid of her and I shrug my shoulders at which he sighs

I am not talking to this bimbo...

'I missed you so so so much.. ' she chirps

Ved doesn't reply at this, just tries to push her away, but she was clinging on to him like a monkey...

Shanaya Nanda is daughter of our father's friend and an important stakeholder in E market, Mr. Vikram Nanda...

We don't like her much, but she was with us in the boarding school, and always tried to hit on Ved or me, but I never entertained her in school neither did Ved, but he is so sweet, that even if he doesn't like you he won't tell, so he is bearing the consequence of that..

'You know Ved, you should visit Paris, it's super awesome and not to forget, very romantic... ' she says  running her finger on Ved's arm at which he tries to move away from her and I stifle a laugh..

'We'll go there together...' She grins and I roll my eyes

'Yeah..  We all will go together... ' Ved smiles looking at me..

I'll leave Ved, if he ends up with you..

'Aayan...!' She almost yells excitedly and I so resisted my urge to punch her

She comes towards me for a hug, but I forward my hand for a handshake keeping her at an arm's length

'Hello Shanaya....!' I say in my professional tone

'It's been years, since we met...  I guess last time we met at Nihaarika di's wedding... ' she says shaking my hand

'It's Nitaara... ' I correct her

'Oh.. Yes..  Nitaara Di... ' she tries to act cute

'So Ved, I hear you have your first presentation today....! I came to wish you... Coz I know I am your lucky charm... ' She says cheerfully, trying to get close to him, at which he was getting uncomfortable...

'Thanks Shanaya... ' Ved says

Deepika knocks the door and I answer on Ved's behalf

'Please come in Deepika... ' I say and Ved tries to push Shanaya away

She has Ved's tie, which was knotted properly, he just had to put it around his neck..

She looks at Ved, and then at Shanaya who was clinging to him and then looks away...

I could tell that she is hurt...

Shanaya stares at Deepika and takes her bag off her shoulders and forwards it to her direction

'Keep this bag in the hall, and get me a glass of water... ' she orders her rudely

Both me and Ved stare at her shocked and Deepika looks at her confused..

'Excuse me...?' Deepika asks politely

'What...? Didn't you hear what I said...! Get me a glass of water... ' Shanaya now glares at her

'I am sorry...?' Deepika looks hurt rather than angry, she looks at Ved who tries to stop Shanaya

'Shanaya...! ' Ved says

'This new maid is weird Ved, where is Mary...?' Shanaya looks at Deepika from head to toe 

'She is not a maid.. She is Ananya's best friend... ' I say irritated and Deepika looks pissed off now

'Really...! Ananya has weird friends I must say... ' Shanaya comments staring at Deepika, more like scanning her

Deepika gasps and Ved looks angry

'Stop this nonsense Shanaya, you can't... ' Ved begins but is cut off in between

'Well yeah... Like Ved has you...! But I must say that she is way better than you... ' Vansh taunts her, entering the room

'Vansh...!' Shanaya tries to hug him as well

'Back off weirdo... You are not my friend... ' Vansh says pushing her out of his way and Shanaya looks angry

Well done bro

I smirk at him, and Ved chuckles, while Deepika doesn't react at all

'Ved, why is your brother always rude to me... ' She whines irritatingly

'Well, he is allergic to weirdos so... Ved can't really help you in this... ' I say and Vansh laughs

'Both of you are very mean... I'll tell Naina Aunty about this... ' she stomps out of the room 

'What a pain... ' Vansh comments

Deepika gives the tie to Vansh and points towards Ved and without uttering a single word walks out of the room 

'Damn it... ' Ved mutters under his breath

'Your weirdo always spoils someone's mood... ' Vansh says putting the tie around Ved's neck

'She is not my weirdo... And It's not like I enjoy her company... ' Ved sighs

'You better apologize to Deepika on her behalf... ' I say

'Yes I will... ' Ved says

'All the best bro... I know you will rock it... ' Vansh fixes Ved's tie and pats him on his shoulder

'All the best to you too... I am expecting to hear the good news by evening... ' Ved hugs him

'What good news...?' I ask

'I am expecting a promotion, My boss has called me for discussing something important today... I think it's about that... ' Vansh says crossing his fingers

'Aww look at my boys... All grown up... ' I say dramatically and both of them hit me playfully and then we group hug

'All the very best both of you... ' I say and they smile at me

**********The presentation **********

E market HQs
New Delhi...

'Ready Ved...?' Adi chachu comes inside

Ved looks at me nervously

'Go buddy...!  Go get them.. ' I pat him on the shoulder

'Please come with me... ' He says

'I'll be watching you through this glass wall... And hearing you through this...' I point at the headset

'Don't be nervous child... We all are with you... See your best friend will be watching you from here.. ' Chachu encouraged him

'Okay... Let's do this... ' Ved takes a deep breath and they walk out of the cabin and enter the room just adjacent to the cabin I am sitting in, I can see everything through this reflective glass

This is Big Dad's cabin, in which he oftenly attends meeting without the staff even knowing, to keep an eye on them

Ved wears his jacket and fixes the mike on his shirt, he goes through the slides one last time

Soon the room fills with people and Everyone takes their seats, but the main investor is yet to come

'Sir will be here any moment Mr. Thapar... You may begin with the presentation... ' One of the associates of the investor says

Ved rises from his seat and starts the projector..
The door opens and 2 men walk inside and as Ved looks at them, he is astonished...

Who are they....?

Even Adi Chachu and Sash chachu rise from their seats and glare at the man...
I look at Big dad, who looks angry and worried at the same time...

They all glance at my direction and Ved particularly looks nervous

The two men turn around and now I understand, why were the Thapar's anxious...

It was my Step Father and Step Brother
Prateek and Sameer Singhal...

Hey guys...
Two new characters..!
Do you think Shanaya and Sameer are bad news for Aayan and the gang...
Hope you liked the update..
Do let me know your views in comments

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