Chapter 24

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Narrator's POV

Aayan is confused to see the Thapar's glaring at the two men who just entered the room

He couldn't make out who were they, as their back was facing him

Arjun, Adi and Sash compose their expressions and are back to their professional auras, but Ved couldn't do it, he glanced at Aayan's direction, who was clueless, like others in the meeting room..

The men follow Ved's gaze and look back at whom he is staring at

As soon as they turn around, they turn out to be Aayan's worst people, whom he hates more than anyone else, even more than his parents

He balls his hands into fist, and scowl could be easily seen on his face

As it's a reflector glass, Mr. Singhal and his son couldn't really see who is behind the glass, but knew that someone was there...

'Is there a problem young man...?' Prateek Singhal, Aayan's step father asks in his classic arrogant tone

Ved glares at him, and was about to give him a witty reply, but he was stopped by his father, who gestured him to continue with the presentation

'No Sir... ' Ved replies controlling his anger

Prateek and Sameer Singhal take their seats and the presentation starts

After a few minutes Ved shuts down the slides and looks pissed off

'I am sorry gentlemen, I can't.... ' He says

Prateek Singhal smirks at this, while Aayan on the other side of glass wall, was fighting his urge not to lose his patience or worst cry

Arjun rises from his seat and grabs Ved's Arms

'Please Excuse us Gentlemen... '
Arjun said and dragged Ved out of the meeting room, Sash takes Ved's place and Adi follows the father - son duo

Arjun drags Ved inside the cabin, and Aayan rises up from his seat, controlling his emotions, keeping an even face

'What are you doing Ved, do you realise what kind of first impression you are making in front of the investors !  You are the heir of E market, you have to maintain the goodwill....' Arjun scolds him

'I don't need any investment from Singhals in our company Dad... ' Ved says angrily

'Singhals are just the part of the panel, son, like your father is... They hardly have any stake...' Adi tries to calm Ved down

Ved's anger is like an Volcano, which hardly bursts... But when it does, it's disastrous... 

Arjun was well aware of this, Ved's anger was like Naina, while Vansh was short tempered like him...

He was thinking of a way to calm Ved down, as his anger can bring huge loss to the company...

'Really, then Why are they here...?' Ved counters

'You need to calm down son, you worked really hard for this project.. You need this investment for convincing the stakeholders that you are fit to run this company, so that you can take E market to the next level, like we always wanted... ' Adi says

Aayan was very quiet during all this

'Aayan beta, please ask him to calm down, your best friend is compromising his dreams for this petty thing... ' Arjun requests Aayan

Aayan takes a deep breath and walks towards Ved

'Bro, you hate them because of Me... ' Aayan begins but the door opens and Prateek and Sameer Singhal walk in

'Hello gentlemen... We may like to inform you that we don't have much time for your family politics... So can you please hurry up... ' Prateek singhal comments and Ved glares at him

Aayan looks at him and then turns to the other side, trying to control his anger

'Yes Mr. Singhal, we will be right there...' Adi intervenes before Ved says something

'Wow this one still has anger management issues Arjun, I see sending him to boarding school didn't help much... ' Prateek taunts Arjun and Arjun doesn't reply

'Sir I would request you to stay out of this, and please get yourself comfortable in the meeting room, My nephew will be there in 5 mins... ' Adi says calmly, trying to control his own anger

'Hello Aayan... ' Sameer smiles at Aayan

Aayan gives him a cold stare, but Sameer ignores this and walks towards him smiling

'I am seeing you after 2 years, brother... How are you...?' he asks

Aayan doesn't reply at this, just looks away..

'Congratulations for the deal by the way, Mom was very happy... She even threw a party for it... ' Sameer smiles at him and the mention of his Mother, makes Aayan glare at him

'I see you are ignoring my son, young man.. Why do you forget, that we are a family... ' Prateek Singhal looks annoyed

'None of you are related to me...' Aayan grits

'I shouldn't have left him with Jai, see what he has become...! For which partly you are responsible Arjun, you are making him a brat, just like your son...' Prateek says eyeing Ved

Arjun glares at him and then at Ved

'How does it feel to get double disappointment Arjun, One son didn't join E market, and other one is bringing down it's glory... ' Prateek taunts further

'Enough... ' Ved growls losing his patience

'For god's sake don't do anything stupid... ' Arjun warns Ved

'You should learn from My sons young man, both Sameer and Yash are working hard to bring Singhals Co. At the global level, and you on the other hand are ruining your father's hardwork...' Prateek taunts further

'My friend here is way more talented than both of your sons could ever be sir, so don't compare them... ' Aayan finally speaks angrily

'Is this the Way you speak to your Dad...!' Prateek says angrily

'Dad Please... ' Sameer tries to stop his father from aggravating the situation

'I am Jai Varma's son, not yours.... And like I said, I have no connection with you two... ' Aayan counters

Prateek frowns at this, and then gives a challenging look to Ved

'If you are so talented as your friend claims, then prove it.... Get that investment from the panel sitting there... Or else, Sameer will get it for our company... ' He challenges Ved and Sameer sighs at this

'Yes he will...' Aayan accepts the challenge on Ved's behalf

'Let's get out of here Sameer... ' Prateek orders his son and leaves the room

Sameer silently follows his father,  but before leaving turns to Arjun

'I am really sorry for his behavior Mr. Thapar...  I guess you know him better, than me... ' he apologizes and then looks at Ved

'I really look forward for your presentation sir... ' He smiles at Ved and leaves the cabin

'Is he really Singhal's son...?' Adi comments as soon as Sameer leaves the room

'Singhal's first wife was a noble lady, he is just like his mother...' Arjun replies,  'Whereas the other one Yash, who is also Aayan's half brother... He is the worst... ' He frowns

Ved calms down a bit..
'I am sorry Papa, Chachu... I shouldn't have behaved like that... ' he apologized

'It's Okay son... Now come and show them, what Aayan said is true... ' Arjun pats his back

'Big Dad, Can I accompany you guys to the meeting... ' Aayan asks

'Sure son.. Come... ' Arjun holds Aayan's hands and takes him to the meeting room

As Adi, Arjun and Aayan enter the room, the whisperings among the investors begun...

'Is he Jai Varma's son...?' someone said

'This means he is Prateek Singhal's step son....!' other said

Aayan took a seat beside Arjun, and he holds his hands assuring him everything is fine at which Aayan smiles

Ved enters the room, buttoning up his blazer and fixing the lapel on his shirt

'Sorry for the delay gentlemen... Let's begin... ' He says confidently and Aayan, Arjun and E Market staff smile at this

Ved begins with the presentation and soon everyone is impressed by him, he politely yet confidently answered every investor's question

Prateek singhal tried his best to aggravate Ved or taunt him or bring him down, but Ved was unfazed by his futile attempts

Arjun smiled proudly at Ved and So did Aayan

'We would invest in this idea of yours Ved Thapar, but since you are new in this field, we like you and the other new comer Sameer Singhal to work jointly in this project, as he came up with a similar idea, Also by doing this we will get the confidence that you both can be trusted for future individual investments...!' Mr. Khanna the head panelist said

Ved and Sameer look at their fathers, Mr. Singhal frowns at this, while Arjun smiles and encourages Ved to go ahead with it...

'Sure sir... ' Ved and Sameer say together

Aayan frowns at this, but didn't say anything as he was not authorized to interfere in E market's affairs

'Congratulations young man, you got this project, see you with it's progress after 3 months... ' Mr. Khanna said rising from his seat

'Thank you Sir... ' Ved smiles

'Mr. Varma, we have high hopes from your firm too, congratulations on the latest success....' Mr. Khanna smiles at Aayan

'Thank you sir... ' Aayan smiles

'Well all your son's are very talented Mr. Prateek...' One of the Singhal's associate said

Prateek singhal smiles proudly, while Aayan frowns at this

'You see I am his step son, Mr. Pandey... So you can not really give him the credit for my success, my real and Only father, Mr. Jai Varma deserves this...' Aayan replies arrogantly

The associate frown and Singhal glares at Aayan

Soon all the investors and staff leave the room, Prateek Singhal glares at the Thapars for one last time and leaves

Sameer walks towards Ved and shakes his hands

'I am really looking forward to work with you Mr. Ved, I am sure I will learn a lot from you... ' he smiles

'Same here Mr. Sameer...  See you... ' Ved smiles back

Sameer turns to Aayan 'It was nice to see you bro, please come home to visit mom if you have time, she misses you... ' he smiles

Aayan takes a deep breath and looks away and Sameer sighs

'Bye.. ' he says and leaves the room

'Nice boy... ' Sash comments

'Yeah.. But unfortunately, Son of a....' Adi begins

'Adi..!' Arjun warns and Adi shuts his mouth 

'Thanks for being here with me bro... ' Ved hugs Aayan

'Congratulations...! I am so proud of you... ' Aayan hugs him back

'Let's celebrate... ' Adi cheers

'Absolutely...!' Sash smiles

'Are you okay Aayan...?' Arjun asks Aayan

Aayan sighs and slowly embraces Arjun, and Arjun hugs him back

'I am learning to live with it Big Dad...' Aayan says

Arjun hugs him tightly at this..
'You will learn it Son, just don't lose your calm...' he says kissing Aayan's head and Aayan nods

'We should call for double celebration Chachu... ' Ved smiles looking at his phone

'Why so...?' Arjun asks leaving Aayan

'Because Vansh got the promotion he was expecting... He became the head cinematographer of his production house...!' Ved informs

'That's Great...! Congratulations Bhai... Both your son's are doing phenomenally well in their fields...!' Sash hugs Arjun and he smiles

'Yippee... Double celebration..' Adi cheered

'Calm down old man... ' Sash laughs

'Huh.. Don't call me old, you are old.. ' Adi counters

'Both of you are old...! Now let's go home... Everyone must be waiting for us... ' Arjun intervenes in between

They all leave the room, but Aayan who was lost in the deep thoughts plumps on the chair..

He cursed his fate for being this unlucky, to live a messed up life like this...

All he wanted was a happy family like Ved, but instead he got two fathers, a step brother, a half brother and an ignorant mother

He hated his family...

Atleast my mother didn't abandon me..

Your father is a failed husband, Aayan..

No one likes you Aayan Bhai...

I wonder whether Aayan is mine or that bastards...!

Mummy please don't leave..

All the memories came flashing back to him...
In rage he threw away the glass,  which smashed on the floor...

I hate my life...
I hate everyone...

Hope You liked the update..
Do you think sameer is nice or he is just pretending..
How will Aayan find solace in his messed up life..?.
Most importantly.. How Ananya will become his saviour...?
Stay tuned

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