Chapter 37

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Next day..

Ved and Vansh were working out in the garden, while Aayan was resting in his room

Deepika could walk easily now, but since she developed a hairline fracture in her left arm, Naina did not allow her to do any work, so she was resting in Ananya's room

Ananya on the other hand was gathering her courage to face Aayan..
Because once again, unintentionally of course, he was in trouble because of her... And this time, his career was at stake...

She was in her balcony, looking at the spot from where she used to see Aayan driving past her house everyday when she was young...

I don't know, if he will ever talk to me...
I didn't mean to hurt him...

Why it's only me who puts him in trouble everytime...

Ananya saw a young man around Ved's age entering the mansion..

He greets Ved, and both of them talk for few minutes

'WHATTT...!!!' She hears Ved's voice and sees Vansh rushing towards them in haste...

Ananya tries to hear their conversation, but they were standing far away from her, also her room was at the upper level...

She narrowed her eyes to see who the man is, She never saw him, but Ved seemed to know him...

Both her brothers looked tensed after listening to whatever the stranger said and together looked up at her...

They saw her staring at them and sighed
Ved looked nervously at Vansh and Vansh held his shoulders...

Is that related to me...? Ananya thought

Ved accompanied the man, inside the house while Vansh collected their things in the garden and put them back to the right place

Ananya enters her room in haste, to go to the hall, but Deepika stops her

'Ananya...? Are you alright...? You look pale...!' Deepika looks at her concerned

'Deeps something bad is going to happen, I just saw a man talking to Ved bhai outside, he said something which worried him... I feel its something related to me or Aayan.. I have to ask bhai what's the matter....' she breathes out

And before Deepika could say anything she dashed out of her room, and Deepika followed her

They reach the living room and see the same man talking to Arjun and Jai

'Sir, I work with Aayan in his company... My name is Lalit... ' the man introduced himself

'Is everything alright at AYSA...?' Arjun asked and Lalit nods his head in negative

Ananya, Deepika gasp at this, Ved looked worried and Vansh mirroring his twin brother's reaction

'There is a problem sir, Aayan must know about this... ' Lalit spoke

'What's the matter...?' Jai asked

'Sir, yesterday's news broadcast...' Lalit began

'Lalit....! You here...! Is everything okay....?' They hear Aayan's voice and see him descending down the stairs

'Aayan... ' Lalit smiled uncomfortably and hugged him

'Is everything alright at AYSA...?' Aayan asked

Lalit took a deep breath, which made Aayan more nervous...

'Speak up man... My BP is rising here..' Aayan said

'Aayan, Beat solutions refused to invest in our company and before you could do it, Samar announced the split and filed a legal suite for separation of AYSA...' Lalit said

Everyone gasped at this, and Ved - Vansh shut their eyes in disappointment...

Aayan was shocked to hear this, his throat became dry, words ceased to leave his mouth...
He sat on the sofa with a thud...

Jai rushed towards him and held his hands, which were surprisingly very cold by now

'How... How can they refuse to invest... I... I mean they liked our software, they were ready to pay 50% advance... How....could they.... ' Aayan stammered and seeing him vulnerable, Ananya's eyes filled with tears

'Yesterday's news and Samar's false statement ruined your reputation in the market Aayan... The owner of Beats said, you may be talented like your father, but you lack his temperament, they are scared that if you become impulsive, their reputation will be at stake.... ' Lalit said nervously

Aayan took a deep breath at this and Jai held his hands tightly...

'But the good news is, as you are the major shareholder in AYSA, you get to put forward your conditions for the split, and they will be given preference over Samar's.... ' Lalit said

'And what will I do with that share...! It's not enough to sustain AYSA....! I have to begin everything from scratch...! Everything is finished... ' Aayan growled getting up in rage

Tears rolled down Ananya's eyes, she was blaming herself for Aayan's misery right now...

'Everything will be okay Ananya... ' Deepika consoled her

'Control yourself son... ' Jai held Aayan, who was literally shaking in anger...

'Yeah... Dilip is our friend, son we will talk to him... ' Arjun said

'Please leave me alone for a while... ' Aayan whispered and Jai left him

Aayan walked slowly upstairs, while Ananya watched him helplessly

Why God Why...!! She cried internally

Ananya looked at Ved, who was almost in tears and just stared at her...

His stare was enough to make Ananya remorseful for her action, which was not wrong as a citizen, but it cost Aayan his career...

'When will my son get peace and happiness Arjun...?' Jai's voice cracked

Arjun hugged him tightly and Jai sobbed in his arms

'Everything will be alright buddy... He will be fine... ' Arjun said wiping his tears

'Ved why don't you go and see if he is okay...?' Vansh suggested

'He needs to be left alone Vansh... Nothing can soothe him right now... Nothing... ' Ved said staring at Ananya who gulped

At Ananya's room...

Ananya was sobbing holding Deepika, who was trying to calm her down...

'Ananya you didn't do anything wrong... Stop blaming yourself... ' Deepika said caressing Ananya's hair

'No Deeps, had I not called the police, his company wouldn't be splitting right now... ' Ananya cried

'He anyways wanted to split it Ananya... It's not your fault... ' Deepika wiped her tears

'What about his reputation Deeps, also the investment... ' Ananya gets up

'See, he is mature enough to handle the loss, and everyone is there with him... He will be fine... Trust me....' Deepika tried to console her

But it was impossible for Ananya to calm down, she knew that Aayan's silence is holding something dangerous for her... It was the silence before the storm...
What irked her that Aayan didn't even look at her or blamed her for anything...

'I am going to apologize to him... ' Ananya said

'Don't do that Ananya.... I don't think it's the right time, he is not in his best mood right now...' Deepika tried to stop her

'He needs to vent out his anger, and I don't care if he says means things to me... Atleast he will be fine... ' Ananya said

'Ananya....' Deepika tried to stop her, but she already left...

Aayan's Room

Aayan was already dressed in a white shirt and black trousers and was packing his bags

Ananya entered his room and gasped seeing him, planning to move out

'What are you doing...?' she asked scared

Aayan did not look at her and continued his work...

'Aayan please don't leave like this...!' Ananya said on verge of tears

'Go away Ananya, I don't have time for your drama... ' Aayan said closing his laptop

'Don't do this please, I know you are angry on me... Unknowingly I am responsible for whatever happened to your company.... Please take out your anger on me.. I won't say anything I promise... ' She cried

'I am not angry on you... ' Aayan said closing his bag

Ananya was shocked, she expected him to be furious on her, but he was very calm... Even his face didn't show any anger or disappointment, which confused her more...

'What..! Why... Don't lie, I know you are angry on me... And I am the last person you want to see... ' Ananya trailed off

'If you know this, then why are you here....?' Aayan asked

Ananya couldn't answer this...
'I.. I came to say....' she began

'Say sorry...?' Aayan completed her sentence

'Yes... ' Ananya answered

'For how many mistakes you will apologize Ananya....?' Aayan raised his brow crossing his hands over his chest

'What do you mean...?' Ananya asked confused

'You think I don't know anything...?' Aayan walked towards her

'I... I.... don't understand... ' Ananya moved backwards, scared

'I know it was you, who complained to Dad about me being in my room with a girl... ' he said staring straight into her eyes

Ananya's eyes widened, sweat beads formed on her forehead...

'I know it was you who complained to Arun sir, about me and Ved hitting that boy Viraj... ' he came dangerously close

Ananya gasped at this...

'And yesterday, it was you who got me arrested.... ' He gritted

'Aayan... You are misunderstanding everything... I... I can explain.... ' Ananya cried

'I know what you are going to say... Had you not did that, my life would be destroyed...? I would've become a barbarian.... You know what, I am no less than a criminal now as well... ' he threatened her

'You are associated with very freaking difficulties in my life, except my mother leaving me of course... You were little back then, what damage you could've done... ' He chuckled darkly

'No Aayan... Please listen to me.... I know you hate me... ' Ananya tried to pacify him, though he was dangerously calm

'I don't feel anything for you Ananya Thapar... You are not even worth of my hatred....' Aayan laughed

His words pierced Ananya's heart like needles....
She indeed had developed feelings for him, or else his words wouldn't have affected her so much...

'Thank you for ruining my life again...' Aayan said picking his bag

'Aayan... Please don't say like this... It hurts.... ' Ananya whispered the last part

'My indifference... Hurts you... Why...! Have you fallen in love with me....?' Aayan smirked and Ananya looked at him scared, tears rolling down her eyes

'What.. No...! I mean.... ' Ananya stammered looking away

Aayan kept his bag on the table and caught Ananya by her arms, and forcefully made her face him and smashed his lips on hers, kissing her roughly

Ananya was beyond startled, she became totally numb at that very moment... This was not how she expected her first kiss to be...
It was like Aayan was punishing her, but she didn't kiss him back...

He pulled her more close to him, and she gained her senses back, and began struggling to get out of his hold, but he was not letting her go and continued his torture...

Ananya gained all her strength, and pushed him so hard that he fell on the bed, and started laughing
She looked at him with disgust, breathing heavily, she felt disgusted with his touch..

'If you have fallen in love with me, I would love to see you suffer in my love... ' he said

Ananya did not say anything, she just looked away, her face was flushed

'That kiss meant nothing to me... See I felt nothing, but you on the other hand, look at your self... ' he mocked her and Ananya closed her eyes, and tears rolled down...

'If you want, we can have sex right now, and you'll see even that won't affect me at all...' Aayan said grabbing her by her waist

Ananya was scared, very very scared at this moment...
She slapped him hard on his face, and got herself out from his hold...

Aayan fisted his hands, but then chuckled at Ananya...

'See I am not even angry on you for slapping me... ' he said

'I have wasted enough of my time fighting with you, disliking you, hating you... From now on, I won't even care whether you are alive or dead... ' He said looking straight in her eyes

Ananya was really hurt by his words
She could bear his hatred but not indifference...

Aayan picked his bag and slung his side bag on his shoulder

'Don't worry, I will be back... You destroyed me... I will come back to return the favour.... ' Aayan said opening the door..

'I won't let you forget me Ananya, I will be the one, haunting you in your dreams from now on....' He said and closed the door behind him

Ananya could not take the pain anymore, she collapsed on the floor and began sobbing holding her knees near her chest...

'It would've been better if you just slapped or punished me Aayan... But you gave me a lifetime guilt.... It will kill me slowly like a poison... ' She cried

'But don't you worry, when you will come back... I will be ready... ' she said wiping her tears

Though Aayan said that he felt nothing for her, but he was wrong, her tears still had affect on him, but his hatred was so strong that he ignored that feeling...

He wanted to take revenge from Ananya, and he will do that certainly in the times to come...

Arjun and Jai were unaware that, a war has begun between their kids, which can have a grave affect on their friendship...


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