Chapter 38

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New Delhi Airport...
6 pm...

'Are you sure, you will be fine...?' Ved asks Aayan, who was taking his bags out of the car

'Yeah Ved... I can handle this...' Aayan said

'See... I can come with you to Bangalore and help you out if you want... ' Ved said

'I'll be fine Ved... And if I need your help, I will call you there... I promise...' Aayan said keeping his hand on Ved's shoulder

'I didn't expect you to leave like this... ' Ved said sadly and Aayan hugs him

'I had to leave one day man, don't be sad...' Aayan said

'Please promise me that you will take care of yourself and won't get impulsive, you have to maintain your calm all the time... ' Ved said

'I'll make sure of that... ' Lalit pats Aayan's shoulder and they smile 

'Please take care of Dad... As soon as things go well there... I'll take him there with me...' Aayan said

'Yeah right, like I will let you take him away from us... ' Ved chuckled and Aayan narrowed his eyes at him

'Take care of yourself buddy, E market needs you... Also, find someone for yourself... Main kab tak sambhalun tujhe... ' Aayan laughed

'I won't get anyone better than you.. ' Ved hits him

'Just look around man... Trust me she is already here.... ' Aayan smiled and Ved didn't say anything

'Will you come back after everything gets back to normal...?' Ved asked hopefully

Aayan's smile vanishes and he looks away
'Of course I will come back... Afterall I promised someone that I will be back... ' He said looking nowhere

'Who...?' Ved asked

'Not important... ' Aayan said putting the bag on the trolley...

'OK...' Ved looks suspiciously at him and then turns to Lalit

'I never got the chance to congratulate you for the wedding buddy... ' Ved smiled at him

'Well you are late for that, but don't worry, you can congratulate him few months later... ' Aayan said hitting Lalit playfully

'Why so...?' Ved asked

'I am going to become a father, my wife is 4 months pregnant... ' Lalit smiled

'That's awesome... ' Ved hugged Lalit

'Chalo, it's time to leave... Or else we will miss our flight...' Aayan said

'Take care man... We'll miss you... ' Ved said hugging Aayan

'I'll miss you guys too... Tell mom that I'll call her everyday... ' Aayan said

'You won't... ' Ved laughed and Aayan glared at him

'I Will, You'll see....' he said

'Haha... Let's see... ' Ved said and Aayan pushed his trolley inside the airport entrance and turns around to wave at Ved

While waving at Ved, he sees someone and his expression changes...
Ved looks at Aayan's face and then follows his gaze and then even gasps

It was Aayan's mother, who came to see him off...
She smiles at Aayan, but he doesn't reciprocate, His fists his hand and angrily turns back, at which Ved sighs

Priyanka looks sad, and then sameer holds her hands and escorts her to their car

Great... Just Great....!  Aayan muttered and Lalit worriedly looks at Ved and Ved assures him to stay calm

They enter inside the airport and Ved sighs
When will he find peace in his life...

Thapar's residence...

'Ananya will you tell me what happened between you two...?' Deepika said shaking Ananya who was sitting on her bed holding her teddy bear...

'It doesn't matter Deeps... ' Ananya replied slowly

'You are behaving weirdly since then, something surely happened Ananya... Please tell me...' Deepika held her hands

'No it's nothing Deeps, really... ' Ananya smiled at her, but was crying inside

'You think you can lie... ' Deepika begin but Ananya interrupted in between

'I am not lying Deeps, just know this that Aayan's chapter is over now... We both won't bother each other from now on... ' Ananya said

'What...!  what are you saying...?' Deepika got confused

'It's decided by mutual consent, from now on he won't bother whether I am alive or not, and same goes with me...' Ananya said tears filling her eyes

'What about your feelings for him Ananya, you think I don't understand but I know, that guy is more than just an old crush for you... ' Deepika caressed Ananya's hair

Ananya couldn't control any longer..
She broke down,and sobbed holding Deepika...

'I have fallen in love with him Deeps ! *Sob* I tried so hard not to, but it happened.... *Sob* He was my dream man Deeps... *Sob* He hates me *Sob* he promised that he won't ever see my face Deeps...' She cried

Deepika's eyes filled with tears, she kissed Ananya's head and held her tightly

'Did he do something with you...?' They hear a male voice and get scared

Ananya leaves Deepika and they look at the door, to see Vansh, who looked annoyed

'Bhai... I.... ' Ananya wiped her tears and sat straight

Vansh walked towards them and Deepika gets down from Ananya's bed and walks towards him..

'Vansh... We were.... ' Deepika began but Vansh silenced her showing his index finger, looking towards Ananya...

He sat in front of her and looked at her, with a serious expression on his face...
No one has seen this side of him till now, he was always joking, fun brother for Ananya, but today looking at him like this, she got scared

'Annie, did Aayan do something with you, out of rage...?' Vansh asked not breaking the eye contact

Ananya's throat went dry, if she tells Vansh about that forceful kiss, Aayan will again land in trouble, in which he was already maxed out that right now.. 

Tears rolled down her eyes and she looked away...

'What did he do...?' Vansh growled angrily and Deepika also got scared

I can't put him in trouble again, if Papa and Bhai come to know about this, this may ruin our relations with Bade Papa as well...  She thought

She held Vansh's hand
'No Bhai... He didn't do anything... Trust me... ' She smiled wiping her tears

Vansh calmed down, but still looked at her suspiciously...

'Are you sure...?' he asked again

'Yes Bhai... Believe me... ' Ananya said

Vansh sighed and engulfed her in a tight hug, and Ananya hugged him back, Deepika sighed at this...

'So my baby sister has finally fallen in love... ' He said caressing her hair and Ananya's tears started falling again

'I am sorry Bhai... I didn't mean to... ' Ananya began

Vansh leaves her and then wipes her tears...
'Annie...!  You don't have to apologize to me for falling in love with someone, do I look like some villainous brother who doesn't want his sister to look at any guy... ' Vansh said faking hurt...

Ananya chuckled at this, and Deepika smiles

'Both of you are best friends in real sense, one falls for sadu Ved and other falls for super sadu Aayan... ' he said and both Ananya - Deepika get embarrassed...

'Wow ! Script for a perfect movie,  Besties falling for Besties... Patthardil Sanam... 2.0' he said dramatically keeping his hand over his heart and all of them laugh

Vansh gets serious after sometime..
'See Annie, as far as I am supportive to you for falling in love with anyone, but I am sorry I can't support your feelings for Aayan... Like I am doing for Deepika... ' He said

Ananya nodded in understanding, looking down...

'See.. I am not saying Aayan is a bad guy, no he is not... He is my childhood friend, a great buddy... But his life is messed up, he can be a hard person to deal with, he is impulsive, can't control his anger, we have seen what he becomes when angry, I don't want you to become victim of his rage...' he said and Ananya sighed at this

'Don't get me wrong, I love and respect Bade Papa very much, I have a great rapport with Aayan as well, but I can't trust him with my baby sister... ' He said caressing Ananya's face and she smiled

'I know it's not easy, but try to forget Aayan, Annie... He is not the right man for you, and I think it's just a crush, that you are misunderstanding as love... It will go away...' he continued

Ananya nodded at him and smiled

'Good... And don't worry, I didn't hear anything...  We did not had this conversation, Ved and Papa will know nothing... ' He said getting up and Ananya chuckled

He turns to Deepika...
'What's wrong with you, why aren't you playing along to make Ved jealous...?' he asked her

Deepika's smile faded at this...
'I don't think we should continue that jealousy drama thing... ' She said and Ananya - Vansh looked at her shocked 

'Deeps, what are you saying...?' Ananya gets up from her bed

'Ananya, if it's meant to be, it will happen by itself...  I don't want to end up heartbroken in this... ' She said

'You won't, Ved likes you, I have seen it, he just needs a tug, to realise that... And seeing you moving away from him, will make him get into his senses... ' Vansh said

'Vansh, you don't understand... Ved and I don't match, I mean I am not good enough for him... ' Deepika said

'It's Shanaya di's words not hers...' Ananya sighed

'Don't listen to that bitch... If you are not good for Ved, Shanaya is a disaster for him...  Do you want him to end up with a disaster...?' Vansh asked her

'I don't know Vansh, I really don't feel like trying for something impossible...' Deepika said and walked out of the room and Ananya - Vansh sighed

Next Day..
10 a.m.

Aayan angrily entered his office floor, ignoring his staff's greeting and walked towards Samar's cabin

Lalit tried to stop him, but he pushed him away and entered Samar's cabin

Samar who was sitting on his chair, with his fiance Ritika on his lap, was shocked and scared to see Aayan there...
He got up, pushing Ritika to other side

'Aayan... What a pleasant surprise... ' he said nervously..

Aayan grabbed his collar and pushed him down on the floor, Ritika and Lalit gasped at this...

'You are the victim of my wrath right... Brats like me feel like they own everything...?' Aayan shouted angrily and Samar got scared

'Aayan... It's not like that.... ' He said trying to get up

Aayan pushed him out of the cabin, and punched him...
His staff gasped at this...

'Now you'll see my real wrath... The employee who will actually get admitted because of my beating, will be you... ' He said angrily and pushed him near the pillar..

'Leave my fiance, you beast... ' Ritika came in between

'Stay out of this you gold digging's the matter between a rich father's son and a poor father's son... Whores should stay away from this...' Aayan growled and Ritika got scared

Lalit held Aayan from behind and tried to pull him away from Samar..

'Aayan are you crazy... Don't ruin your already spoiled reputation... ' he warned and Aayan let go of him

Samar gasped for breath and Ritika helped him stand

'Get the hell out of here, I'll see you in the court... ' Aayan warned

'This is my office too... ' Samar argued

'I am the major shareholder here... I can kick you out, you and your sales team can leave...' Aayan said

'Aayan, before separation we can't ask him to leave... ' Lalit said

Aayan took a deep breath, and gave a last glare to him and walked inside his cabin

Lalit follows him, and gives him a glass of water

'He was paid by your step dad, to give that statement...' Lalit informed him

'Very much expected from him... ' Aayan said

'I don't think he will split the company... ' Lalit said

'I don't care, I don't want to be his partner... ' Aayan said angrily

'If he and his team leaves, we may have to relocate our office and staff may face difficulty because of this... ' Lalit said

Aayan sighed, and took out his laptop from his bag
'Yesterday night, I searched for the nearby sites, we need to visit them and finalise the new location... ' he said opening his laptop

As he entered his password, his  desktop screen appeared, which had Ananya's smiling face as the wallpaper...

Aayan clenched his hands into a fist looking at the homescreen

'Who is this pretty lady...?' Lalit asked

'My destruction....' he gritted and shut it down


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